blob: 9f4d0b6a814f78855862341a2e15698c20c58d89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
#include "src/lib/unwinder/unwind_local.h"
namespace unwinder {
// Declarations that might be put in a header file in the future.
int CfiOnly(std::function<int()>);
int FpOnly(std::function<int()>);
int ScsOnly(std::function<int()>);
namespace {
// Use global variables to avoid captures in lambdas.
std::vector<Frame> frames;
std::vector<uint64_t> expected_pcs;
uint64_t test_start_pc;
// Call a sequence of functions recursively and record the return addresses in |expected_pcs|
// At the end, unwind the stack using |UnwindLocal()| and save to |frames|. For example,
// `call_sequence(FpOnly, ScsOnly)` expands to `FpOnly([]() { ScsOnly([]() { UnwindLocal() }); });`
template <typename... FN>
int call_sequence() {
frames = UnwindLocal();
return 0;
template <typename F1, typename... FN>
int call_sequence(F1 f1, FN... fn) {
return f1([=]() {
int res = call_sequence(fn...);
return res;
// Check whether |expected_pcs| is a subsequence of |frames|.
void check_stack() {
auto expected_it = expected_pcs.begin();
for (auto& frame : frames) {
if (uint64_t pc; frame.regs.GetPC(pc).ok() && pc == *expected_it) {
if (expected_it == expected_pcs.end()) {
if (expected_it != expected_pcs.end()) {
std::string msg = "Expect to find the following frames:\n";
for (auto& pc : expected_pcs) {
msg += fxl::StringPrintf("%#" PRIx64 "\n", pc);
msg += "But actually get:\n";
for (auto& frame : frames) {
msg += frame.Describe() + "\n";
FAIL() << msg;
template <typename F1, typename... FN>
[[gnu::noinline]] int TestStart(F1 f1, FN... fn) {
test_start_pc = 0;
int res = call_sequence(f1, fn...);
test_start_pc = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(__builtin_return_address(0));
return res;
size_t GetTestStartFrameIndex() {
size_t start_idx = 0;
for (auto& frame : frames) {
if (uint64_t pc; frame.regs.GetPC(pc).ok() && pc == test_start_pc) {
return start_idx;
return -1;
// It should be possible to interoperate between FP unwinder and CFI unwinder.
TEST(Unwinder, HybridUnwinding) {
int res = TestStart(FpOnly, FpOnly, CfiOnly, FpOnly);
ASSERT_EQ(res, 31);
// FpOnly, CfiOnly, FpOnly, FpOnly could be the first four frames before the TestStart().
EXPECT_GE(GetTestStartFrameIndex(), 4ul);
#if __has_feature(shadow_call_stack)
TEST(Unwinder, Scs) {
// SCS unwinder cannot be combined with other unwinders, e.g.
// (CFI -> SCS means unwinding using CFI first, then using SCS.)
// * CFI -> SCS will work, because CFI also recovers x18.
// * FP -> SCS won't work, because FP doesn't recover x18.
// * SCS -> FP and SCS -> CFI won't work, because SCS only recovers PC and x18.
int res = TestStart(ScsOnly, ScsOnly, ScsOnly, CfiOnly);
ASSERT_EQ(res, 301);
// CfiOnly, ScsOnly, ScsOnly, ScsOnly could be the first four frames before the TestStart().
ASSERT_GE(GetTestStartFrameIndex(), 4ul);
} // namespace
} // namespace unwinder