blob: 5a572549ad00cb5237676bcdd742a074b1ce0197 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/lib/unwinder/plt_unwinder.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/lib/unwinder/cfi_module.h"
namespace unwinder {
Error PltUnwinder::Step(Memory* stack, const Registers& current, Registers& next) {
switch (current.arch()) {
case Registers::Arch::kX64:
return StepX64(stack, current, next);
case Registers::Arch::kArm64:
return StepArm64(stack, current, next);
case Registers::Arch::kRiscv64:
return StepRiscv64(stack, current, next);
Error PltUnwinder::StepX64(Memory* stack, const Registers& current, Registers& next) {
// The PLT stub looks like
// 0000000001477870 <printf@plt>:
// 1477870: ff 25 42 26 1b 00 jmpq *1779266(%rip)
// 1477876: 68 06 00 00 00 pushq $6
// 147787b: e9 80 ff ff ff jmp 0x1477800 <.plt>
uint64_t sp;
if (auto err = current.GetSP(sp); err.has_err()) {
return err;
uint64_t sp_val[2];
if (auto err = stack->Read(sp, sp_val); err.has_err()) {
return err;
uint64_t ra;
if (cfi_unwinder_->IsValidPC(sp_val[0])) {
ra = sp_val[0];
sp += 8;
} else if (cfi_unwinder_->IsValidPC(sp_val[1])) {
ra = sp_val[1];
sp += 16;
} else {
return Error("It doesn't look like a PLT trampoline");
// Simulate a return.
next = current;
return Success();
Error PltUnwinder::StepArm64(Memory* stack, const Registers& current, Registers& next) {
// The PLT stub looks like
// 00000000002d4580 <__stack_chk_fail@plt>:
// 2d4580: 90000070 adrp x16, 0x2e0000
// 2d4584: f9456a11 ldr x17, [x16, #2768]
// 2d4588: 912b4210 add x16, x16, #2768
// 2d458c: d61f0220 br x17
uint64_t lr;
if (auto err = current.Get(RegisterID::kArm64_lr, lr); err.has_err()) {
return err;
uint64_t pc;
if (auto err = current.GetPC(pc); err.has_err()) {
return err;
// Check whether the machine instruction is a PLT entry to avoid false positives.
// We use "br x17" as a signature, which is d61f0220 represented in little endian.
CfiModule* cfi_module;
if (auto err = cfi_unwinder_->GetCfiModuleFor(lr, &cfi_module); err.has_err()) {
return err;
uint32_t br_instruction;
if (auto err = cfi_module->memory()->Read((pc & ~0xf) | 0xc, br_instruction); err.has_err()) {
return err;
if (br_instruction != 0xd61f0220) {
return Error("It doesn't look like a PLT trampoline");
next = current;
return Success();
Error PltUnwinder::StepRiscv64(Memory* stack, const Registers& current, Registers& next) {
return Error("not implemented");
} // namespace unwinder