blob: ced637cc2eaa710d2530110532caccb3d05abd6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::synthesizer::*;
use anyhow::{format_err, Error};
use fidl_fuchsia_io as fio;
use fidl_fuchsia_ui_input::{KeyboardReport, Touch};
use fuchsia_component::client::{new_protocol_connector, new_protocol_connector_in_dir};
use keymaps::inverse_keymap::{InverseKeymap, Shift};
use keymaps::usages::{self, Usages};
use std::time::Duration;
pub mod modern_backend;
pub mod synthesizer;
/// Simulates a media button event.
pub async fn media_button_event_command(
volume_up: bool,
volume_down: bool,
mic_mute: bool,
reset: bool,
pause: bool,
camera_disable: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut pressed_buttons = vec![];
if volume_up {
if volume_down {
if mic_mute {
if reset {
if pause {
if camera_disable {
media_button_event(pressed_buttons, get_backend().await?.as_mut()).await
/// Simulates a key press of specified `usage`.
/// `key_event_duration` is the time spent between key-press and key-release events.
/// # Resolves to
/// * `Ok(())` if the events were successfully injected.
/// * `Err(Error)` otherwise.
/// # Corner case handling
/// * `key_event_duration` of zero is permitted, and will result in events being generated as
/// quickly as possible.
/// # Future directions
/// Per, this method will be replaced with a method that deals in
/// `fuchsia.input.Key`s, instead of HID Usage IDs.
pub async fn keyboard_event_command(usage: u32, key_event_duration: Duration) -> Result<(), Error> {
keyboard_event(usage, key_event_duration, get_backend().await?.as_mut()).await
/// Simulates `input` being typed on a keyboard, with `key_event_duration` between key events.
/// # Requirements
/// * `input` must be non-empty
/// * `input` must only contain characters representable using the current keyboard layout
/// and locale. (At present, it is assumed that the current layout and locale are
/// `US-QWERTY` and `en-US`, respectively.)
/// # Resolves to
/// * `Ok(())` if the arguments met the requirements above, and the events were successfully
/// injected.
/// * `Err(Error)` otherwise.
/// # Corner case handling
/// * `key_event_duration` of zero is permitted, and will result in events being generated as
/// quickly as possible.
pub async fn text_command(input: String, key_event_duration: Duration) -> Result<(), Error> {
text(input, key_event_duration, get_backend().await?.as_mut()).await
/// Simulates a sequence of key events (presses and releases) on a keyboard.
/// Dispatches the supplied `events` into a keyboard device, honoring the timing sequence that is
/// requested in them, to the extent possible using the current scheduling system.
/// Since each individual key press is broken down into constituent pieces (presses, releases,
/// pauses), it is possible to dispatch a key event sequence corresponding to multiple keys being
/// pressed and released in an arbitrary sequence. This sequence is usually understood as a timing
/// diagram like this:
/// ```ignore
/// v--- key press v--- key release
/// A: _______/^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\__________
/// |<----->| <-- duration from start for key press.
/// |<--------------------->| <-- duration from start for key release.
/// B: ____________/^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\_____
/// ^--- key press ^--- key release
/// |<--------->| <-- duration from start for key press.
/// |<-------------------------->| <-- duration for key release.
/// ```
/// You would from there convert the desired timing diagram into a sequence of [TimedKeyEvent]s
/// that you would pass into this function. Note that all durations are specified as durations
/// from the start of the key event sequence.
/// Note that due to the way event timing works, it is in practice impossible to have two key
/// events happen at exactly the same time even if you so specify. Do not rely on simultaneous
/// asynchronous event processing: it does not work in this code, and it is not how reality works
/// either. Instead, design your key event processing so that it is robust against the inherent
/// non-determinism in key event delivery.
pub async fn dispatch_key_events(events: &[TimedKeyEvent]) -> Result<(), Error> {
dispatch_key_events_async(events, get_backend().await?.as_mut()).await
/// Simulates `tap_event_count` taps at coordinates `(x, y)` for a touchscreen with horizontal
/// resolution `width` and vertical resolution `height`. `(x, y)` _should_ be specified in absolute
/// coordinations, with `x` normally in the range (0, `width`), `y` normally in the range
/// (0, `height`).
/// `duration` is divided equally between touch-down and touch-up event pairs, while the
/// transition between these pairs is immediate.
pub async fn tap_event_command(
x: u32,
y: u32,
width: u32,
height: u32,
tap_event_count: usize,
duration: Duration,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
tap_event(x, y, width, height, tap_event_count, duration, get_backend().await?.as_mut()).await
/// Simulates `tap_event_count` times to repeat the multi-finger-taps, for touchscreen with
/// horizontal resolution `width` and vertical resolution `height`. Finger positions _should_
/// be specified in absolute coordinations, with `x` values normally in the range (0, `width`),
/// and `y` values normally in the range (0, `height`).
/// `duration` is divided equally between multi-touch-down and multi-touch-up
/// pairs, while the transition between these is immediate.
pub async fn multi_finger_tap_event_command(
fingers: Vec<Touch>,
width: u32,
height: u32,
tap_event_count: usize,
duration: Duration,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Simulates swipe from coordinates `(x0, y0)` to `(x1, y1)` for a touchscreen with
/// horizontal resolution `width` and vertical resolution `height`, with `move_event_count`
/// touch-move events in between. Positions for move events are linearly interpolated.
/// Finger positions _should_ be specified in absolute coordinations, with `x` values normally in the
/// range (0, `width`), and `y` values normally in the range (0, `height`).
/// `duration` is the total time from the touch-down event to the touch-up event, inclusive
/// of all move events in between.
pub async fn swipe_command(
x0: u32,
y0: u32,
x1: u32,
y1: u32,
width: u32,
height: u32,
move_event_count: usize,
duration: Duration,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
swipe(x0, y0, x1, y1, width, height, move_event_count, duration, get_backend().await?.as_mut())
/// Simulates swipe with fingers starting at `start_fingers`, and moving to `end_fingers`,
/// for a touchscreen for a touchscreen with horizontal resolution `width` and vertical resolution
/// `height`. Finger positions _should_ be specified in absolute coordinations, with `x` values
/// normally in the range (0, `width`), and `y` values normally in the range (0, `height`).
/// Linearly interpolates `move_event_count` touch-move events between the start positions
/// and end positions, over `duration` time. (`duration` is the total time from the touch-down
/// event to the touch-up event, inclusive of all move events in between.)
/// # Requirements
/// * `start_fingers` and `end_fingers` must have the same length
/// * `start_fingers.len()` and `end_finger.len()` must be representable within a `u32`
/// # Resolves to
/// * `Ok(())` if the arguments met the requirements above, and the events were successfully
/// injected.
/// * `Err(Error)` otherwise.
/// # Corner case handling
/// * `move_event_count` of zero is permitted, and will result in just the DOWN and UP events
/// being generated.
/// * `duration.as_nanos() < move_event_count` is allowed, and will result in all events having
/// the same timestamp.
/// * `width` and `height` are permitted to be zero; such values are left to the interpretation
/// of the system under test.
/// * finger positions _may_ exceed the expected bounds; such values are left to the interpretation
/// of the sytem under test.
pub async fn multi_finger_swipe_command(
start_fingers: Vec<(u32, u32)>,
end_fingers: Vec<(u32, u32)>,
width: u32,
height: u32,
move_event_count: usize,
duration: Duration,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Add a synthesis mouse device.
pub async fn add_mouse_device_command(
width: u32,
height: u32,
) -> Result<Box<dyn InputDevice>, Error> {
add_mouse_device(width, height, get_backend().await?.as_mut()).await
/// Selects an injection protocol, and returns the corresponding implementation
/// of `synthesizer::InputDeviceRegistry`.
/// # Returns
/// * Ok(`modern_backend::InputDeviceRegistry`) if
/// `fuchsia.input.injection.InputDeviceRegistry` is available.
/// * Err otherwise. E.g.,
/// * Protocol was not available.
/// * Access to `/svc` was denied.
async fn get_backend() -> Result<Box<dyn InputDeviceRegistry>, Error> {
let registry =
if registry.exists().await? {
return Ok(Box::new(modern_backend::InputDeviceRegistry::new(registry.connect()?)));
Err(format_err!("fuchsia.input.injection.InputDeviceRegistry not available"))
/// Similar to [get_backend] but looks for the input injection backend inside the directory `dir`.
/// Useful for tests that prefer to connect to FIDL inside a specific test realm, rather than
/// the default `/svc`.
/// # Returns
/// See [get_backend] for the discussion of the returned values.
pub async fn get_modern_backend_at(
dir: &fio::DirectoryProxy,
) -> Result<Box<dyn InputDeviceRegistry>, Error> {
let modern_registry = new_protocol_connector_in_dir::<
if modern_registry.exists().await? {
return Ok(Box::new(modern_backend::InputDeviceRegistry::new(modern_registry.connect()?)));
Err(format_err!("no available InputDeviceRegistry in the provided directory"))
/// Converts the `input` string into a key sequence under the `InverseKeymap` derived from `keymap`.
/// This is intended for end-to-end and input testing only; for production use cases and general
/// testing, IME injection should be used instead.
/// A translation from `input` to a sequence of keystrokes is not guaranteed to exist. If a
/// translation does not exist, `None` is returned.
/// The sequence does not contain pauses except between repeated keys or to clear a shift state,
/// though the sequence does terminate with an empty report (no keys pressed). A shift key
/// transition is sent in advance of each series of keys that needs it.
/// Note that there is currently no way to distinguish between particular key releases. As such,
/// only one key release report is generated even in combinations, e.g. Shift + A.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let key_sequence = derive_key_sequence(&keymaps::US_QWERTY, "A").unwrap();
/// // [shift, A, clear]
/// assert_eq!(key_sequence.len(), 3);
/// ```
fn derive_key_sequence(keymap: &keymaps::Keymap<'_>, input: &str) -> Option<Vec<KeyboardReport>> {
let inverse_keymap = InverseKeymap::new(keymap);
let mut reports = vec![];
let mut shift_pressed = false;
let mut last_usage = None;
for ch in input.chars() {
let key_stroke = inverse_keymap.get(&ch)?;
match key_stroke.shift {
Shift::Yes if !shift_pressed => {
shift_pressed = true;
last_usage = Some(0);
Shift::No if shift_pressed => {
shift_pressed = false;
last_usage = Some(0);
_ => {
if last_usage == Some(key_stroke.usage) {
last_usage = Some(0);
if let Some(0) = last_usage {
reports.push(KeyboardReport {
pressed_keys: if shift_pressed {
vec![Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift as u32]
} else {
last_usage = Some(key_stroke.usage);
reports.push(KeyboardReport {
pressed_keys: if shift_pressed {
vec![key_stroke.usage, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift as u32]
} else {
// TODO: In the future, we might want to distinguish between different key releases, instead
// of sending one single release report even in the case of key combinations.
reports.push(KeyboardReport { pressed_keys: vec![] });
mod tests {
// Most of the functions in this file need to bind to FIDL services in
// this component's environment to do their work, but a component can't
// modify its own environment. Hence, we can't validate those functions.
// However, we can (and do) validate derive_key_sequence().
use super::{derive_key_sequence, KeyboardReport, Usages};
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
macro_rules! reports {
( $( [ $( $usages:expr ),* ] ),* $( , )? ) => {
KeyboardReport {
pressed_keys: vec![$($usages as u32),*]
fn lowercase() {
derive_key_sequence(&keymaps::US_QWERTY, "lowercase"),
fn numerics() {
derive_key_sequence(&keymaps::US_QWERTY, "0123456789"),
fn internet_text_entry() {
derive_key_sequence(&keymaps::US_QWERTY, ""),
// ':'
// Shift is actuated first on its own, then together with
// the key.
[Usages::HidUsageKeySemicolon, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
[Usages::HidUsageKeySemicolon, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
fn sentence() {
derive_key_sequence(&keymaps::US_QWERTY, "Hello, world!"),
[Usages::HidUsageKeyH, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
[Usages::HidUsageKey1, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
fn hold_shift() {
derive_key_sequence(&keymaps::US_QWERTY, "ALL'S WELL!"),
[Usages::HidUsageKeyA, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
[Usages::HidUsageKeyL, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
[Usages::HidUsageKeyL, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
[Usages::HidUsageKeyS, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
[Usages::HidUsageKeySpace, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
[Usages::HidUsageKeyW, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
[Usages::HidUsageKeyE, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
[Usages::HidUsageKeyL, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
[Usages::HidUsageKeyL, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
[Usages::HidUsageKey1, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],
fn tab_and_newline() {
derive_key_sequence(&keymaps::US_QWERTY, "\tHello\n"),
[Usages::HidUsageKeyH, Usages::HidUsageKeyLeftShift],