blob: 37e240958e3995b575047cd0f12cf752dae20940 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! This crate contains facilities to interact with netsvc over the
//! network.
pub mod debuglog;
pub mod netboot;
pub mod tftp;
use thiserror::Error;
/// A witness type for a valid string backed by a [`zerocopy::ByteSlice`].
struct ValidStr<B>(B);
/// Helper to convince the compiler we're holding buffer views.
fn as_buffer_view_mut<'a, B: packet::BufferViewMut<&'a mut [u8]>>(
v: B,
) -> impl packet::BufferViewMut<&'a mut [u8]> {
fn find_null_termination<B: zerocopy::ByteSlice>(b: &B) -> Option<usize> {
b.as_ref().iter().enumerate().find_map(|(index, c)| (*c == 0).then(|| index))
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Error)]
pub enum ValidStrError {
#[error("missing null termination")]
#[error("failed to decode: {0}")]
impl<B> ValidStr<B>
B: zerocopy::ByteSlice,
/// Attempts to create a new `ValidStr` that wraps all the contents of
/// `bytes`.
fn new(bytes: B) -> Result<Self, std::str::Utf8Error> {
// NB: map doesn't work here because of lifetimes.
match std::str::from_utf8(bytes.as_ref()) {
Ok(_) => Ok(Self(bytes)),
Err(e) => Err(e),
/// Splits this `ValidStr` into a valid string up to the first null
/// character and the rest of the internal container if there is one.
/// The returned `ValidStr` is guaranteed to not contain a null character,
/// and the returned tail `ByteSlice` may either be a slice starting with a
/// null character or an empty slice.
fn truncate_null(self) -> (Self, B) {
let Self(bytes) = self;
let split = find_null_termination(&bytes).unwrap_or(bytes.as_ref().len());
let (bytes, rest) = bytes.split_at(split);
(Self(bytes), rest)
fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
// safety: ValidStr is a witness type for a valid UTF8 string that
// keeps the byte slice reference
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(self.0.as_ref()) }
/// Attempts to create a new `ValidStr` from the provided `BufferView`,
/// consuming the buffer until the first null termination character.
/// The returned `ValidStr` will not contain the null character, but the
/// null character will be consumed from `buffer`.
/// Note that the bytes might be consumed from the buffer view even in case
/// of errors.
fn new_null_terminated_from_buffer<BV: packet::BufferView<B>>(
buffer: &mut BV,
) -> Result<Self, ValidStrError> {
let v = buffer.as_ref();
let eos = find_null_termination(&v).ok_or(ValidStrError::NoNullTermination)?;
// Unwrap is safe, we just found null termination above.
let bytes = buffer.take_front(eos + 1).unwrap();
let (bytes, null_char) = bytes.split_at(eos);
// TODO( Use
// debug_assert_matches from std when available.
matches!(null_char.as_ref(), [0]),
"bad null character value: {:?}",
let _ = null_char;
impl<B> std::fmt::Debug for ValidStr<B>
B: zerocopy::ByteSlice,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
impl<B> AsRef<str> for ValidStr<B>
B: zerocopy::ByteSlice,
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
fn test_new_valid_str() {
const VALID: &'static str = "some valid string";
const INVALID: [u8; 2] = [0xc3, 0x28];
ValidStr::new(VALID.as_bytes()).expect("can create from valid string").as_str(),
assert_matches!(ValidStr::new(&INVALID[..]), Err(_));
fn test_truncate_null() {
const VALID: &'static str = "some valid string\x00 rest";
let (trunc, rest) =
ValidStr::new(VALID.as_bytes()).expect("can create from valid string").truncate_null();
assert_eq!(trunc.as_str(), "some valid string");
assert_eq!(rest, "\x00 rest".as_bytes());
fn test_get_from_bufer() {
fn make_buffer(contents: &str) -> packet::Buf<&[u8]> {
packet::Buf::new(contents.as_bytes(), ..)
fn get_from_buffer<'a>(
mut bv: impl packet::BufferView<&'a [u8]>,
) -> (Result<ValidStr<&'a [u8]>, ValidStrError>, &'a str) {
let valid_str = ValidStr::new_null_terminated_from_buffer(&mut bv);
(valid_str, std::str::from_utf8(bv.into_rest()).unwrap())
let mut buffer = make_buffer("no null termination");
let (valid_str, rest) = get_from_buffer(buffer.buffer_view());
assert_matches!(valid_str, Err(ValidStrError::NoNullTermination));
assert_eq!(rest, "no null termination");
let mut buffer = make_buffer("null\x00termination");
let (valid_str, rest) = get_from_buffer(buffer.buffer_view());
let valid_str = valid_str.expect("can find termination");
assert_matches!(valid_str.as_str(), "null");
assert_eq!(rest, "termination");
let mut buffer = make_buffer("");
let (valid_str, rest) = get_from_buffer(buffer.buffer_view());
assert_matches!(valid_str, Err(ValidStrError::NoNullTermination));
assert_eq!(rest, "");