blob: 7fc062432efd261f63b7366f3bcdde9f8442bab0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string_view>
class LlvmProfdata {
struct LiveData {
cpp20::span<std::byte> counters, bitmap;
// The object can be default-constructed and copied into, but cannot be used
// in its default-constructed state.
LlvmProfdata() = default;
LlvmProfdata(const LlvmProfdata&) = default;
LlvmProfdata& operator=(const LlvmProfdata&) = default;
// This initializes the object based on the current module's own
// instrumentation data. This must be called before other methods below.
void Init(cpp20::span<const std::byte> build_id);
// This returns the size of the data blob to be published.
// The return value is zero if there is no data to publish.
size_t size_bytes() const { return size_bytes_; }
// These return the offset and size within the blob of the aligned uint64_t[]
// counters array.
size_t counters_offset() const { return counters_offset_; }
size_t counters_size_bytes() const { return counters_size_bytes_; }
// These return the offset and size within the blob of the char[] bitmap
// bytes array.
size_t bitmap_offset() const { return bitmap_offset_; }
size_t bitmap_size_bytes() const { return bitmap_size_bytes_; }
// If the data appears to be valid llvm-profdata format with a build ID, then
// return the subspan that is just the build ID bytes themselves. Otherwise
// return an empty span. This does only minimal format validation that is
// sufficient to find the build ID safely, and does not guarantee that the
// other sizes in the header are valid.
static cpp20::span<const std::byte> BuildIdFromRawProfile(cpp20::span<const std::byte> data);
// Return true if data appears to be a valid llvm-profdata dump whose build
// ID matches the one passed to Init.
bool Match(cpp20::span<const std::byte> data);
// This must be passed a span of at least size_bytes() whose pointer must be
// aligned to kAlign bytes. Write the fixed metadata into the buffer, but
// leave the live data areas in the buffer untouched. Returns the subspans
// covering the live data.
LiveData WriteFixedData(cpp20::span<std::byte> data) { return DoFixedData(data, false); }
// Verify the contents after Match(data) is true, causing assertion failures
// if the data was corrupted. After this, the data is verified to match what
// WriteFixedData would have written. Returns the subspans covering the
// live data, just as WriteFixedData would have done.
LiveData VerifyMatch(cpp20::span<std::byte> data) { return DoFixedData(data, true); }
// Copy out the current live data values from their link-time locations where
// they have accumulated since startup. The data.counters buffer must be at
// least counters_size_bytes() and must be aligned as uint64, and the
// data.bitmap must be at least bitmap_size_bytes(), usually the return value
// of WriteFixedData or VerifyMatch.
void CopyLiveData(LiveData data);
// This is like CopyLiveData, but instead of overwriting the buffer, it
// merges the data with the existing live data values in the buffer.
void MergeLiveData(LiveData data);
// This merges the from values into the to values.
static void MergeLiveData(LiveData to, LiveData from);
// After CopyLiveData or MergeLiveData has prepared the buffers, start using
// them for live data updates. This can be called again later to switch to
// different buffers.
static void UseLiveData(LiveData data);
// This resets the runtime after UseLiveData so that the original link-time
// counter locations will be updated hereafter. It's only used in tests.
static void UseLinkTimeLiveData();
// The data blob must be aligned to 8 bytes in memory.
static constexpr size_t kAlign = 8;
// This is the name associated with the data in the fuchsia.debugdata FIDL
// protocol.
static constexpr std::string_view kDataSinkName = "llvm-profile";
static constexpr std::string_view kFileSuffix = ".profraw";
// This is a human-readable title used in log messages about the dump.
static constexpr std::string_view kAnnounce = "LLVM Profile";
LiveData DoFixedData(cpp20::span<std::byte> data, bool match);
static void UseCounters(cpp20::span<std::byte> data);
cpp20::span<const std::byte> build_id_;
size_t size_bytes_ = 0;
size_t counters_offset_ = 0;
size_t counters_size_bytes_ = 0;
size_t bitmap_size_bytes_ = 0;
size_t bitmap_offset_ = 0;