blob: 09c050b691444e435a728652c9a72a3f90718cd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! A flexible set of errors which give actionable results.
use thiserror::Error;
/// Errors specific to this lib, some may be addressed by the caller.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum GcsError {
/// Check the RefreshAccessType and try the command again..
#[error("GCS auth is required, but the token store was instructed to use no auth.")]
/// The refresh token is no longer valid (e.g. expired or revoked).
/// Do something similar to `gsutil config` or new_refresh_token() to
/// generate a new refresh token and try again.
#[error("GCS refresh token is invalid. Please generate a new GCS OAUTH2 refresh token.")]
/// The access token is no longer valid (e.g. expired or revoked). Access
/// tokens are short lived and don't require user interaction to renew.
/// Refresh the access token and try the action again.
#[error("GCS access token is invalid. This should be handled. Report as a bug.")]
/// GCS returned an empty response for the request.
#[error("The requested GCS bucket + path contains no data (not found): {0}, {1}.")]
NotFound(String, String),
/// The authorization code is empty string (or None). Likely a mistake in
/// the calling application (e.g. calling new_with_code() with an empty
/// string).
#[error("Empty authorization code passed to GCS. Report as a bug.")]
/// Likely a mistake in the calling application.
"A GCS refresh token is required to gain a new access token. \
Report as a bug."
/// The auth tool encountered a runtime error.
#[error("Executing {0:?} failed ({1}) with output: {2:?}")]
ExecForAccessFailed(std::path::PathBuf, std::process::ExitStatus, String),
/// The user should check that the path passed in is a file that can be
/// executed.
"The executable passed in with the --auth exec: arg is invalid. \
Please check the file and try again."
/// May be a network issue. Consider informing the user and offer to retry.
"Unable to refresh GCS access token: HTTP {0}. Check network connection and try again."
/// May be a network issue. Consider informing the user and offer to retry.
#[error("GCS HttpTransientError: {0}. Too many transient network errors; check network connection and try again.")]
/// May be a network issue. Consider informing the user and offer to retry.
#[error("GCS HttpResponseError: {0}. Check network connection and try again.")]
/// May be a network issue. Consider informing the user and offer to retry.
#[error("GCS HttpError: {0}. Check network connection and try again.")]
HttpError(#[from] http::Error),
/// May be a network issue. Consider informing the user and offer to retry.
#[error("GCS HyperError: {0}. Check network connection and try again.")]
HyperError(#[from] hyper::Error),
/// Possible in-transit corruption, but more likely the GCS protocol
/// changed. May need to update GCS lib.
#[error("GCS SerdeError: {0}. Report as a bug.")]
SerdeError(#[from] serde_json::Error),
/// Problem executing a subprocess command, file IO, etc.
#[error("GCS IoError: {0}. Report as a bug.")]
IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),