blob: 6ec01b60e6026b762ddccec1bebec72fb6ee666f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Automatically launch the browser and retrieve the refresh token. This is in
//! contrast to the OOB auth where the user opens the browser and copies the
//! refresh token by hand.
//! For this to function, the user must have an available GUI, thus the name.
use {
anyhow::{bail, Context, Result},
base64::engine::{general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD as BASE64_URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, Engine as _},
hyper::{Body, Method, Request},
serde::{Deserialize, Serialize},
sha2::{Digest, Sha256},
io::{Read, Write},
net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, TcpListener, TcpStream},
const PKCE_BYTE_LENGTH: usize = 32;
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO(
struct ExchangeAuthCodeRequest<'a> {
/// A value provided by GCS for fetching tokens.
client_id: &'a str,
/// A (normally secret) value provided by GCS for fetching tokens.
client_secret: &'a str,
/// A short lived authorization code used to attain an initial
/// `refresh_token` and `access_token`.
code: &'a str,
/// Will be "authorization_code" for a authorization code.
grant_type: &'a str,
/// A local loopback uri to receive the response (with the auth code).
redirect_uri: &'a str,
/// Response body from [`OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT`].
/// 'expires_in' is intentionally omitted.
struct ExchangeAuthCodeResponse {
/// A limited time (see `expires_in`) token used in an Authorization header.
access_token: Option<String>,
/// A long lasting secret token. This value is a user secret and must not be
/// misused (such as by logging). Suitable for storing in a local file and
/// reusing later.
refresh_token: String,
/// Performs steps to get a refresh token from scratch.
/// This may involve user interaction such as opening a browser window..
pub async fn new_refresh_token<I>(_ui: &I) -> Result<String>
I: structured_ui::Interface,
let (auth_code, code_verifier, redirect_uri) =
get_auth_code().await.context("getting auth code")?;
let (refresh_token, _) = auth_code_to_refresh(&auth_code, &code_verifier, &redirect_uri)
.context("getting new refresh token")?;
pub(crate) struct AuthCode(pub String);
pub(crate) struct CodeVerifier(pub String);
pub(crate) struct RedirectUrl(pub String);
/// Ask the user to approve auth.
/// Returns (auth_code, code_verifier).
async fn get_auth_code() -> Result<(AuthCode, CodeVerifier, RedirectUrl)> {
let addr = SocketAddr::new(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST.into(), 0);
let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr).context("TcpListener::bind")?;
// Generate state and PKCE values.
let state = random_base64_url_encoded(PKCE_BYTE_LENGTH);
let code_verifier = random_base64_url_encoded(PKCE_BYTE_LENGTH);
let code_challenge = base64_url(&Sha256::digest(&code_verifier.as_bytes()));
// Local loopback URL.
let local_addr = listener.local_addr().context("getting local address")?;
let redirect_uri = format!("http://{}/", local_addr);
tracing::info!("redirect URI: {:?}", redirect_uri);
// OAuth2 URL.
let mut authorization_request = url::Url::parse(AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT)?;
.append_pair("response_type", "code")
.append_pair("scope", AUTH_SCOPE)
.append_pair("redirect_uri", &redirect_uri)
.append_pair("client_id", CLIENT_ID)
.append_pair("state", &state)
.append_pair("code_challenge", &code_challenge)
.append_pair("code_challenge_method", "S256");
// Simple background listener.
let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || {
tracing::debug!("OAuth2: listening for local connection.");
let mut incoming = listener.incoming();
match {
Some(Ok(stream)) => {
return Ok(handle_connection(stream, &state).context("handling connection")?);
Some(Err(e)) => {
bail!("Connection failed {:?}", e);
None => {
bail!("no incoming stream");
tracing::debug!("Joining background thread");
let auth_code = handle.join().expect("handling thread join")?;
tracing::info!("HTTP server stopped.");
assert!(!auth_code.is_empty(), "auth_code must not be empty");
assert!(!code_verifier.is_empty(), "code_verifier must not be empty");
tracing::debug!("get_auth_code success");
Ok((AuthCode(auth_code), CodeVerifier(code_verifier), RedirectUrl(redirect_uri)))
fn handle_connection(mut stream: TcpStream, state: &str) -> Result<String> {
// More than enough for the expected message.
const BUF_LEN: usize = 8 * 1024;
let mut data = [0; BUF_LEN];
let length = data).context("OAuth2 read from stream.")?;
if length >= BUF_LEN {
// There's only one expected client and they're only expected
// to send one message. If a different message is received then
// something may be trying to get in the middle.
"The oauth2 message ({} bytes) received exceeded the \
expected size. This is suspicious.",
let uri = url_from_buf(&data[..length])?;
let mut incoming_state = "".to_string();
let mut auth_code = "".to_string();
tracing::debug!("Scanning for code and state");
for (key, value) in uri.query_pairs() {
match &key {
std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("code") => auth_code = value.to_string(),
std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("state") => incoming_state = value.to_string(),
_ => (),
if incoming_state != state {
tracing::debug!("Incoming state mismatch");
let response_string = "\
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\
Received request with invalid state. Please try running the \
command again.\
stream.write_all(&response_string.as_bytes()).context("writing response to auth")?;
stream.flush().context("flushing response stream")?;
"OAuth2: Received request with invalid state {:?}. \
Please try running the command again.",
tracing::debug!("Sending response page");
let response_string = "\
HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
Permission granted, please return to the terminal where ffx is \
<p>(It's okay to close this web page now.)
stream.write_all(&response_string.as_bytes()).context("writing response to auth")?;
stream.flush().context("flushing response stream")?;
tracing::debug!("Got auth code");
/// Convert a byte array to a URL.
fn url_from_buf(data: &[u8]) -> Result<url::Url> {
let message = std::str::from_utf8(data).context("OAuth2 convert to utf8")?;
let uri_start = message.find(" ").context("OAuth2 find first space")? + 1;
let uri_end = message[uri_start..].find(" ").context("OAuth2 find second space")?;
// An unused scheme and domain are added to satisfy the parser.
url::Url::parse(&format!("http://unused/{}", &message[uri_start..uri_start + uri_end]))
.context("OAuth2 pars url")
/// Open the given 'url' in the default browser.
fn browser_open(url: &str) -> Result<()> {
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "macos")))]
"This target_os is not supported for opening a browser \
automatically. Please file a bug to request support."
"A browser window will open to request access to GCS. \
Please grant access.\n\n(If you decide not to grant access, press \
ctrl+c to exit.)\n"
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
tracing::debug!("opened browser");
/// Convert an oauth2 authorization code to a refresh token.
/// The `auth_code` must not be an empty string (this will generate an Err
/// Result.
pub(crate) async fn auth_code_to_refresh(
auth_code: &AuthCode,
code_verifier: &CodeVerifier,
redirect_url: &RedirectUrl,
) -> Result<(String, Option<String>), GcsError> {
assert!(!auth_code.0.is_empty(), "The auth code must not be empty");
// Add POST parameters to exchange the auth_code for a refresh_token
// and possibly an access_token.
let body = form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new())
.append_pair("code", &auth_code.0)
.append_pair("code_verifier", &code_verifier.0)
.append_pair("redirect_uri", &redirect_url.0)
.append_pair("client_id", CLIENT_ID)
.append_pair("client_secret", CLIENT_SECRET)
.append_pair("scope", "")
.append_pair("grant_type", "authorization_code")
// Build the request and send it.
let req = Request::builder()
.header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
let https_client = fuchsia_hyper::new_https_client();
let res = https_client.request(req).await?;
if !res.status().is_success() {
return Err(GcsError::RefreshAccessError(res.status()));
// Extract the new tokens.
let bytes = hyper::body::to_bytes(res.into_body()).await?;
let info: ExchangeAuthCodeResponse = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
let refresh_token = info.refresh_token;
let access_token = info.access_token;
Ok((refresh_token.to_string(), access_token))
/// Create a random number expressed as a url safe string of base64.
/// Similar to a private key of 'count' bytes long.
fn random_base64_url_encoded(count: usize) -> String {
use rand::rngs::StdRng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
let mut rng = StdRng::from_entropy();
let mut value = vec![0u8; count];
rng.fill(&mut *value);
/// Encode 'buf' in base64 with no padding characters.
/// See also
fn base64_url(buf: &[u8]) -> String {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_random_base64_url_encoded() {
// While it is possible to get the same number twice in a row, it's a
// reasonable assertion to make. Unless something is wrong, it should
// happen less than a cosmic ray bit-flip.
!= random_base64_url_encoded(PKCE_BYTE_LENGTH)
fn test_base64_url() {
// No modifications.
assert_eq!(base64_url(b"abc"), "YWJj".to_string());
// Normally includes trailing "==".
assert_eq!(base64_url(b"abcd"), "YWJjZA".to_string());