blob: 67ad549bdf1b0857ceeff3f4e1093d43c8fdb0d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
pub use fuchsia_hash::{Hash, HASH_SIZE};
mod absolute_component_url;
mod absolute_package_url;
pub mod boot_url;
pub mod builtin_url;
mod component_url;
pub mod errors;
mod host;
mod package_url;
mod parse;
mod pinned_absolute_package_url;
mod relative_component_url;
mod relative_package_url;
mod repository_url;
pub mod test;
mod unpinned_absolute_package_url;
pub use crate::absolute_component_url::AbsoluteComponentUrl;
pub use crate::absolute_package_url::AbsolutePackageUrl;
pub use crate::component_url::ComponentUrl;
pub use crate::errors::ParseError;
pub use crate::package_url::PackageUrl;
pub use crate::parse::{
validate_resource_path, PackageName, PackageVariant, MAX_PACKAGE_PATH_SEGMENT_BYTES,
pub use crate::pinned_absolute_package_url::PinnedAbsolutePackageUrl;
pub use crate::relative_component_url::RelativeComponentUrl;
pub use crate::relative_package_url::RelativePackageUrl;
pub use crate::repository_url::RepositoryUrl;
pub use crate::unpinned_absolute_package_url::UnpinnedAbsolutePackageUrl;
use crate::host::Host;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use percent_encoding::{AsciiSet, CONTROLS};
const FRAGMENT: &AsciiSet = &CONTROLS.add(b' ').add(b'"').add(b'<').add(b'>').add(b'`');
const RELATIVE_SCHEME: &'static str = "relative";
lazy_static! {
/// A default base URL from which to parse relative component URL
/// components.
static ref RELATIVE_BASE: url::Url = url::Url::parse(&format!("{RELATIVE_SCHEME}:///")).unwrap();
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
enum Scheme {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct UrlParts {
scheme: Option<Scheme>,
host: Option<Host>,
// a forward slash followed by zero or more validated path segments separated by forward slashes
path: String,
hash: Option<Hash>,
// if present, String is a validated resource path
resource: Option<String>,
impl UrlParts {
fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
let (scheme, url) = match url::Url::parse(input) {
Ok(url) => (
Some(match url.scheme() {
builtin_url::SCHEME => Scheme::Builtin,
repository_url::SCHEME => Scheme::FuchsiaPkg,
boot_url::SCHEME => Scheme::FuchsiaBoot,
_ => return Err(ParseError::InvalidScheme),
Err(url::ParseError::RelativeUrlWithoutBase) => (None, RELATIVE_BASE.join(input)?),
Err(e) => Err(e)?,
if url.port().is_some() {
return Err(ParseError::CannotContainPort);
if !url.username().is_empty() {
return Err(ParseError::CannotContainUsername);
if url.password().is_some() {
return Err(ParseError::CannotContainPassword);
let host = url
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
.map(|s| Host::parse(s.to_string()))
let path = String::from(if url.path().is_empty() { "/" } else { url.path() });
let () = validate_path(&path)?;
let hash = parse_query_pairs(url.query_pairs())?;
let resource = if let Some(resource) = url.fragment() {
let resource = percent_encoding::percent_decode(resource.as_bytes())
if resource.is_empty() {
} else {
let () =
} else {
Ok(Self { scheme, host, path, hash, resource })
/// After all other checks, ensure the input string does not change when joined
/// with the `RELATIVE_BASE` URL, and then removing the base (inverse-join()).
fn validate_inverse_relative_url(input: &str) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
let relative_url = RELATIVE_BASE.join(input)?;
let unbased = RELATIVE_BASE.make_relative(&relative_url);
if Some(input) == unbased.as_deref() {
} else {
Err(ParseError::InvalidRelativePath(input.to_string(), unbased))?
fn parse_query_pairs(pairs: url::form_urlencoded::Parse<'_>) -> Result<Option<Hash>, ParseError> {
let mut query_hash = None;
for (key, value) in pairs {
if key == "hash" {
if query_hash.is_some() {
return Err(ParseError::MultipleHashes);
query_hash = Some(value.parse().map_err(ParseError::InvalidHash)?);
// fuchsia-pkg URLs require lowercase hex characters, but fuchsia_hash::Hash::parse
// accepts uppercase A-F.
if !value.bytes().all(|b| (b >= b'0' && b <= b'9') || (b >= b'a' && b <= b'f')) {
return Err(ParseError::UpperCaseHash);
} else {
return Err(ParseError::ExtraQueryParameters);
// Validates path is a forward slash followed by zero or more valid path segments separated by slash
fn validate_path(path: &str) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
if let Some(suffix) = path.strip_prefix('/') {
if !suffix.is_empty() {
for s in suffix.split('/') {
let () = crate::parse::validate_package_path_segment(s)
} else {
// Validates that `path` is "/name[/variant]" and returns the name and optional variant if so.
fn parse_path_to_name_and_variant(
path: &str,
) -> Result<(PackageName, Option<PackageVariant>), ParseError> {
let path = path.strip_prefix('/').ok_or(ParseError::PathMustHaveLeadingSlash)?;
if path.is_empty() {
return Err(ParseError::MissingName);
let mut iter = path.split('/').fuse();
let name = if let Some(s) = {
} else {
return Err(ParseError::MissingName);
let variant = if let Some(s) = {
} else {
if let Some(_) = {
return Err(ParseError::ExtraPathSegments);
Ok((name, variant))
mod test_validate_path {
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
macro_rules! test_err {
$test_name:ident => {
path = $path:expr,
err = $err:pat,
) => {
fn $test_name() {
test_err! {
err_no_leading_slash => {
path = "just-name",
err = ParseError::PathMustHaveLeadingSlash,
err_trailing_slash => {
path = "/name/",
err = ParseError::InvalidPathSegment(_),
err_empty_segment => {
path = "/name//trailing",
err = ParseError::InvalidPathSegment(_),
err_invalid_segment => {
path = "/name/#/trailing",
err = ParseError::InvalidPathSegment(_),
fn success() {
for path in ["/", "/name", "/name/other", "/name/other/more"] {
let () = validate_path(path).unwrap();
mod test_validate_inverse_relative_url {
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
macro_rules! test_err {
$test_name:ident => {
path = $path:expr,
some_unbased = $some_unbased:expr,
) => {
fn $test_name() {
let err = ParseError::InvalidRelativePath(
$|s: &str| s.to_string()),
Err(e) if e == err,
"the url {:?}; expected = {:?}",
$path, err
test_err! {
err_slash_prefix => {
path = "/name",
some_unbased = Some("name"),
err_three_slashes_prefix => {
path = "///name",
some_unbased = Some("name"),
err_slash_prefix_with_resource => {
path = "/name#resource",
some_unbased = Some("name#resource"),
err_three_slashes_prefix_and_resource => {
path = "///name#resource",
some_unbased = Some("name#resource"),
err_masks_host_must_be_empty_err => {
path = "//",
some_unbased = None,
err_dot_masks_missing_name_err => {
path = ".",
some_unbased = Some(""),
err_dot_dot_masks_missing_name_err => {
path = "..",
some_unbased = Some(""),
fn success() {
for path in ["name", "other3-name", "name#resource", "name#reso%09urce"] {
let () = validate_inverse_relative_url(path).unwrap();
mod test_parse_path_to_name_and_variant {
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
macro_rules! test_err {
$test_name:ident => {
path = $path:expr,
err = $err:pat,
) => {
fn $test_name() {
test_err! {
err_no_leading_slash => {
path = "just-name",
err = ParseError::PathMustHaveLeadingSlash,
err_no_name => {
path = "/",
err = ParseError::MissingName,
err_empty_variant => {
path = "/name/",
err = ParseError::InvalidVariant(_),
err_trailing_slash => {
path = "/name/variant/",
err = ParseError::ExtraPathSegments,
err_extra_segment => {
path = "/name/variant/extra",
err = ParseError::ExtraPathSegments,
err_invalid_segment => {
path = "/name/#",
err = ParseError::InvalidVariant(_),
fn success() {
("name".parse().unwrap(), None),
("name".parse().unwrap(), Some("variant".parse().unwrap())),
mod test_url_parts {
use super::*;
use crate::errors::ResourcePathError;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
macro_rules! test_parse_err {
$test_name:ident => {
url = $url:expr,
err = $err:pat,
) => {
fn $test_name() {
test_parse_err! {
err_invalid_scheme => {
url = "bad-scheme://",
err = ParseError::InvalidScheme,
err_port => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::CannotContainPort,
err_username => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::CannotContainUsername,
err_password => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::CannotContainPassword,
err_invalid_host => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://exa$",
err = ParseError::InvalidHost,
// Path validation covered by test_validate_path, this just checks that the path is
// validated at all.
err_invalid_path => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::InvalidPathSegment(_),
err_empty_hash => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::InvalidHash(_),
err_invalid_hash => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::InvalidHash(_),
err_uppercase_hash => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::UpperCaseHash,
err_hash_too_long => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::InvalidHash(_),
err_hash_too_short => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::InvalidHash(_),
err_multiple_hashes => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://\
err = ParseError::MultipleHashes,
err_non_hash_query_parameter => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::ExtraQueryParameters,
err_resource_slash => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::PathStartsWithSlash),
err_resource_leading_slash => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::PathStartsWithSlash),
err_resource_trailing_slash => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::PathEndsWithSlash),
err_resource_empty_segment => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::NameEmpty),
err_resource_bad_segment => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::NameIsDot),
err_resource_percent_encoded_null => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::NameContainsNull),
err_resource_unencoded_null => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://\x00urce",
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::NameContainsNull),
macro_rules! test_parse_ok {
$test_name:ident => {
url = $url:expr,
scheme = $scheme:expr,
host = $host:expr,
path = $path:expr,
hash = $hash:expr,
resource = $resource:expr,
) => {
fn $test_name() {
UrlParts {
scheme: $scheme,
host: $host,
path: $path.into(),
hash: $hash,
resource: $resource,
test_parse_ok! {
ok_fuchsia_pkg_scheme => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
scheme = Some(Scheme::FuchsiaPkg),
host = None,
path = "/",
hash = None,
resource = None,
ok_fuchsia_boot_scheme => {
url = "fuchsia-boot://",
scheme = Some(Scheme::FuchsiaBoot),
host = None,
path = "/",
hash = None,
resource = None,
ok_host => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
scheme = Some(Scheme::FuchsiaPkg),
host = Some(Host::parse("".into()).unwrap()),
path = "/",
hash = None,
resource = None,
ok_path_single_segment => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg:///name",
scheme = Some(Scheme::FuchsiaPkg),
host = None,
path = "/name",
hash = None,
resource = None,
ok_path_multiple_segment => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg:///name/variant/other",
scheme = Some(Scheme::FuchsiaPkg),
host = None,
path = "/name/variant/other",
hash = None,
resource = None,
ok_hash => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://?hash=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
scheme = Some(Scheme::FuchsiaPkg),
host = None,
path = "/",
hash = Some(
resource = None,
ok_resource_single_segment => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://#resource",
scheme = Some(Scheme::FuchsiaPkg),
host = None,
path = "/",
hash = None,
resource = Some("resource".into()),
ok_resource_multiple_segment => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://#resource/again/third",
scheme = Some(Scheme::FuchsiaPkg),
host = None,
path = "/",
hash = None,
resource = Some("resource/again/third".into()),
ok_resource_encoded_control_character => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://#reso%09urce",
scheme = Some(Scheme::FuchsiaPkg),
host = None,
path = "/",
hash = None,
resource = Some("reso\turce".into()),
ok_all_fields => {
url = "fuchsia-pkg://\
scheme = Some(Scheme::FuchsiaPkg),
host = Some(Host::parse("".into()).unwrap()),
path = "/name",
hash = Some(
resource = Some("resource".into()),
ok_relative_path_single_segment => {
url = "name",
scheme = None,
host = None,
path = "/name",
hash = None,
resource = None,
ok_relative_path_single_segment_leading_slash => {
url = "/name",
scheme = None,
host = None,
path = "/name",
hash = None,
resource = None,
ok_relative_path_multiple_segment => {
url = "name/variant/other",
scheme = None,
host = None,
path = "/name/variant/other",
hash = None,
resource = None,
ok_relative_path_multiple_segment_leading_slash => {
url = "/name/variant/other",
scheme = None,
host = None,
path = "/name/variant/other",
hash = None,
resource = None,
ok_relative_hash => {
url = "?hash=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
scheme = None,
host = None,
path = "/",
hash = Some(
resource = None,
ok_relative_resource_single_segment => {
url = "#resource",
scheme = None,
host = None,
path = "/",
hash = None,
resource = Some("resource".into()),
ok_relative_resource_multiple_segment => {
url = "#resource/again/third",
scheme = None,
host = None,
path = "/",
hash = None,
resource = Some("resource/again/third".into()),
ok_relative_all_fields => {
url = "name\
scheme = None,
host = None,
path = "/name",
hash = Some(
resource = Some("resource".into()),