blob: fedbbee03ab54fef5bdf06951f897998b5966cd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Utility functions for files.
use {
crate::node::{CloseError, OpenError},
fidl::{persist, unpersist, Persistable},
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fuchsia_zircon_status as zx_status,
mod async_reader;
pub use async_reader::AsyncReader;
mod async_read_at;
pub use async_read_at::{Adapter, AsyncFile, AsyncGetSize, AsyncGetSizeExt, AsyncReadAt};
mod async_read_at_ext;
pub use async_read_at_ext::AsyncReadAtExt;
mod buffered_async_read_at;
pub use buffered_async_read_at::BufferedAsyncReadAt;
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
use {
crate::node::{take_on_open_event, Kind},
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx},
/// An error encountered while reading a file
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum ReadError {
#[error("while opening the file: {0}")]
Open(#[from] OpenError),
#[error("read call failed: {0}")]
Fidl(#[from] fidl::Error),
#[error("read failed with status: {0}")]
ReadError(#[source] zx_status::Status),
#[error("file was not a utf-8 encoded string: {0}")]
InvalidUtf8(#[from] std::string::FromUtf8Error),
impl ReadError {
/// Returns true if the read failed because the file was no found.
pub fn is_not_found_error(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, ReadError::Open(e) if e.is_not_found_error())
/// An error encountered while reading a named file
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
#[error("error reading '{path}': {source}")]
pub struct ReadNamedError {
path: String,
source: ReadError,
impl ReadNamedError {
/// Returns the path associated with this error.
pub fn path(&self) -> &str {
/// Unwraps the inner read error, discarding the associated path.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> ReadError {
/// Returns true if the read failed because the file was no found.
pub fn is_not_found_error(&self) -> bool {
/// An error encountered while writing a file
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum WriteError {
#[error("while creating the file: {0}")]
Create(#[from] OpenError),
#[error("write call failed: {0}")]
Fidl(#[from] fidl::Error),
#[error("write failed with status: {0}")]
WriteError(#[source] zx_status::Status),
#[error("file endpoint reported more bytes written than were provided")]
/// An error encountered while writing a named file
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
#[error("error writing '{path}': {source}")]
pub struct WriteNamedError {
path: String,
source: WriteError,
impl WriteNamedError {
/// Returns the path associated with this error.
pub fn path(&self) -> &str {
/// Unwraps the inner write error, discarding the associated path.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> WriteError {
/// Opens the given `path` from the current namespace as a [`FileProxy`].
/// The target is assumed to implement but this isn't verified. To connect to a
/// filesystem node which doesn't implement, use the functions in
/// [`fuchsia_component::client`] instead.
/// If the namespace path doesn't exist, or we fail to make the channel pair, this returns an
/// error. However, if incorrect flags are sent, or if the rest of the path sent to the filesystem
/// server doesn't exist, this will still return success. Instead, the returned FileProxy channel
/// pair will be closed with an epitaph.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub fn open_in_namespace(path: &str, flags: fio::OpenFlags) -> Result<fio::FileProxy, OpenError> {
let (node, request) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().map_err(OpenError::CreateProxy)?;
open_channel_in_namespace(path, flags, request)?;
/// Asynchronously opens the given [`path`] in the current namespace, serving the connection over
/// [`request`]. Once the channel is connected, any calls made prior are serviced.
/// The target is assumed to implement but this isn't verified. To connect to a
/// filesystem node which doesn't implement, use the functions in
/// [`fuchsia_component::client`] instead.
/// If the namespace path doesn't exist, this returns an error. However, if incorrect flags are
/// sent, or if the rest of the path sent to the filesystem server doesn't exist, this will still
/// return success. Instead, the [`request`] channel will be closed with an epitaph.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub fn open_channel_in_namespace(
path: &str,
flags: fio::OpenFlags,
request: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<fio::FileMarker>,
) -> Result<(), OpenError> {
let namespace = fdio::Namespace::installed().map_err(OpenError::Namespace)?;, flags, request.into_channel()).map_err(OpenError::Namespace)
/// Gracefully closes the file proxy from the remote end.
pub async fn close(file: fio::FileProxy) -> Result<(), CloseError> {
let result = file.close().await.map_err(CloseError::SendCloseRequest)?;
result.map_err(|s| CloseError::CloseError(zx_status::Status::from_raw(s)))
/// Write the given data into a file at `path` in the current namespace. The path must be an
/// absolute path.
/// * If the file already exists, replaces existing contents.
/// * If the file does not exist, creates the file.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub async fn write_in_namespace<D>(path: &str, data: D) -> Result<(), WriteNamedError>
D: AsRef<[u8]>,
async {
let flags =
fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE | fio::OpenFlags::CREATE | fio::OpenFlags::TRUNCATE;
let file = open_in_namespace(path, flags)?;
write(&file, data).await?;
let _ = close(file).await;
.map_err(|source| WriteNamedError { path: path.to_owned(), source })
/// Writes the given data into the given file.
pub async fn write<D>(file: &fio::FileProxy, data: D) -> Result<(), WriteError>
D: AsRef<[u8]>,
let mut data = data.as_ref();
while !data.is_empty() {
let bytes_written = file
.write(&data[..std::cmp::min(fio::MAX_BUF as usize, data.len())])
.map_err(|s| WriteError::WriteError(zx_status::Status::from_raw(s)))?;
if bytes_written > data.len() as u64 {
return Err(WriteError::Overwrite);
data = &data[bytes_written as usize..];
/// Write the given FIDL message in a binary form into a file open for writing.
pub async fn write_fidl<T: Persistable>(
file: &fio::FileProxy,
data: &mut T,
) -> Result<(), WriteError> {
write(file, persist(data)?).await?;
/// Write the given FIDL encoded message into a file at `path`. The path must be an absolute path.
/// * If the file already exists, replaces existing contents.
/// * If the file does not exist, creates the file.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub async fn write_fidl_in_namespace<T: Persistable>(
path: &str,
data: &mut T,
) -> Result<(), WriteNamedError> {
let data = persist(data)
.map_err(|source| WriteNamedError { path: path.to_owned(), source: source.into() })?;
write_in_namespace(path, data).await?;
/// Reads all data from the given file's current offset to the end of the file.
pub async fn read(file: &fio::FileProxy) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ReadError> {
let mut out = Vec::new();
loop {
let mut bytes = file
.map_err(|s| ReadError::ReadError(zx_status::Status::from_raw(s)))?;
if bytes.is_empty() {
out.append(&mut bytes);
/// Attempts to read a number of bytes from the given file's current offset.
/// This function may return less data than expected.
pub async fn read_num_bytes(file: &fio::FileProxy, num_bytes: u64) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ReadError> {
let mut data = vec![];
// Read in chunks of |MAX_BUF| bytes.
// This is the maximum buffer size supported over FIDL.
let mut bytes_left = num_bytes;
while bytes_left > 0 {
let bytes_to_read = std::cmp::min(bytes_left, fio::MAX_BUF);
let mut bytes = file
.map_err(|s| ReadError::ReadError(zx_status::Status::from_raw(s)))?;
if bytes.is_empty() {
bytes_left -= bytes.len() as u64;
data.append(&mut bytes);
// Remove excess data read in, if any.
let num_bytes = num_bytes as usize;
if data.len() > num_bytes {
/// Reads all data from the file at `path` in the current namespace. The path must be an absolute
/// path.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub async fn read_in_namespace(path: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ReadNamedError> {
async {
let file = open_in_namespace(
| fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE
| fio::OpenFlags::NOT_DIRECTORY,
.map_err(|source| ReadNamedError { path: path.to_owned(), source })
/// Reads a utf-8 encoded string from the given file's current offset to the end of the file.
pub async fn read_to_string(file: &fio::FileProxy) -> Result<String, ReadError> {
let bytes = read(file).await?;
let string = String::from_utf8(bytes)?;
/// Reads a utf-8 encoded string from the file at `path` in the current namespace. The path must be
/// an absolute path.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub async fn read_in_namespace_to_string(path: &str) -> Result<String, ReadNamedError> {
let bytes = read_in_namespace(path).await?;
let string = String::from_utf8(bytes)
.map_err(|source| ReadNamedError { path: path.to_owned(), source: source.into() })?;
/// Read the given FIDL message from binary form from a file open for reading.
/// FIDL structure should be provided at a read time.
/// Incompatible data is populated as per FIDL ABI compatibility guide:
pub async fn read_fidl<T: Persistable>(file: &fio::FileProxy) -> Result<T, ReadError> {
let bytes = read(file).await?;
/// Read the given FIDL message from binary file at `path` in the current namespace. The path
/// must be an absolute path.
/// FIDL structure should be provided at a read time.
/// Incompatible data is populated as per FIDL ABI compatibility guide:
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub async fn read_in_namespace_to_fidl<T: Persistable>(path: &str) -> Result<T, ReadNamedError> {
let bytes = read_in_namespace(path).await?;
.map_err(|source| ReadNamedError { path: path.to_owned(), source: source.into() })
/// Extracts the stream from an OnOpen or OnRepresentation FileEvent.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
fn extract_stream_from_on_open_event(
event: fio::FileEvent,
) -> Result<Option<zx::Stream>, OpenError> {
match event {
fio::FileEvent::OnOpen_ { s: status, info } => {
let node_info = info.ok_or(OpenError::MissingOnOpenInfo)?;
match *node_info {
fio::NodeInfoDeprecated::File(file_info) => Ok(,
node_info @ _ => Err(OpenError::UnexpectedNodeKind {
expected: Kind::File,
actual: Kind::kind_of(&node_info),
fio::FileEvent::OnRepresentation { payload } => match payload {
fio::Representation::File(file_info) => Ok(,
representation @ _ => Err(OpenError::UnexpectedNodeKind {
expected: Kind::File,
actual: Kind::kind_of2(&representation),
/// Reads the contents of a stream into a Vec.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
fn read_contents_of_stream(stream: zx::Stream) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ReadError> {
// TODO( Get the file size from the OnRepresentation event.
let file_size = as usize;
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(file_size);
let mut remaining = file_size;
while remaining > 0 {
// read_at is used instead of read because the seek offset was moved to the end of the file
// to determine the file size. Moving the seek offset back to the start of the file would
// require another syscall.
let actual = stream
data.len() as u64,
&mut data.spare_capacity_mut()[0..remaining],
// A read of 0 bytes indicates the end of the file was reached. The file may have changed
// size since the seek.
if actual == 0 {
// SAFETY: read_at_uninit returns the number of bytes that were read and initialized.
unsafe { data.set_len(data.len() + actual) };
remaining -= actual;
/// Reads the contents of `file` into a Vec. `file` must have been opened with either `DESCRIBE` or
/// `GET_REPRESENTATION` and the event must not have been read yet.
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
pub(crate) async fn read_file_with_on_open_event(
file: fio::FileProxy,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ReadError> {
let event = take_on_open_event(&file).await.map_err(ReadError::Open)?;
let stream = extract_stream_from_on_open_event(event).map_err(ReadError::Open)?;
if let Some(stream) = stream {
} else {
// Fall back to FIDL reads if the file doesn't support streams.
mod tests {
use {
crate::{directory, OpenFlags},
fidl_fidl_test_schema::{DataTable1, DataTable2},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, HandleBased as _},
std::{path::Path, sync::Arc},
file::vmo::{read_only, VmoFile},
const DATA_FILE_CONTENTS: &str = "Hello World!\n";
// open_in_namespace
async fn open_in_namespace_opens_real_file() {
let exists = open_in_namespace("/pkg/data/file", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).unwrap();
assert_matches!(close(exists).await, Ok(()));
async fn open_in_namespace_opens_fake_file_under_of_root_namespace_entry() {
let notfound = open_in_namespace("/pkg/fake", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).unwrap();
// The open error is not detected until the proxy is interacted with.
assert_matches!(close(notfound).await, Err(_));
async fn open_in_namespace_rejects_fake_root_namespace_entry() {
open_in_namespace("/fake", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE),
// write_in_namespace
async fn write_in_namespace_creates_file() {
let tempdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let path = tempdir.path().join(Path::new("new-file")).to_str().unwrap().to_owned();
// Write contents.
let data = b"\x80"; // Non UTF-8 data: a continuation byte as the first byte.
write_in_namespace(&path, data).await.unwrap();
// Verify contents.
let contents = std::fs::read(&path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents, &data);
async fn write_in_namespace_overwrites_existing_file() {
let tempdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let path = tempdir.path().join(Path::new("existing-file")).to_str().unwrap().to_owned();
// Write contents.
let original_data = b"\x80\x81"; // Non UTF-8 data: a continuation byte as the first byte.
write_in_namespace(&path, original_data).await.unwrap();
// Over-write contents.
let new_data = b"\x82"; // Non UTF-8 data: a continuation byte as the first byte.
write_in_namespace(&path, new_data).await.unwrap();
// Verify contents.
let contents = std::fs::read(&path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents, &new_data);
async fn write_in_namespace_fails_on_invalid_namespace_entry() {
write_in_namespace("/fake", b"").await,
Err(WriteNamedError { path, source: WriteError::Create(_) }) if path == "/fake"
let err = write_in_namespace("/fake", b"").await.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err.path(), "/fake");
assert_matches!(err.into_inner(), WriteError::Create(_));
// write
async fn write_writes_to_file() {
let tempdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let dir = directory::open_in_namespace(
// Write contents.
let flags = fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE | fio::OpenFlags::CREATE;
let file = directory::open_file(&dir, "file", flags).await.unwrap();
let data = b"\x80"; // Non UTF-8 data: a continuation byte as the first byte.
write(&file, data).await.unwrap();
// Verify contents.
let contents = std::fs::read(tempdir.path().join(Path::new("file"))).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents, &data);
async fn write_writes_to_file_in_chunks_if_needed() {
let tempdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let dir = directory::open_in_namespace(
// Write contents.
let flags = fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE | fio::OpenFlags::CREATE;
let file = directory::open_file(&dir, "file", flags).await.unwrap();
let data = "abc".repeat(10000);
write(&file, &data).await.unwrap();
// Verify contents.
let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(tempdir.path().join(Path::new("file"))).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents, &data);
async fn write_appends_to_file() {
let tempdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let dir = directory::open_in_namespace(
// Create and write to the file.
let flags = fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE | fio::OpenFlags::CREATE;
let file = directory::open_file(&dir, "file", flags).await.unwrap();
write(&file, "Hello ").await.unwrap();
write(&file, "World!\n").await.unwrap();
// Verify contents.
let contents = std::fs::read(tempdir.path().join(Path::new("file"))).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents[..], DATA_FILE_CONTENTS.as_bytes());
// read
async fn read_reads_to_end_of_file() {
let file = open_in_namespace("/pkg/data/file", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).unwrap();
let contents = read(&file).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents[..], DATA_FILE_CONTENTS.as_bytes());
async fn read_reads_from_current_position() {
let file = open_in_namespace("/pkg/data/file", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).unwrap();
// Advance past the first byte.
let _: Vec<u8> =;
// Verify the rest of the file is read.
let contents = read(&file).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents[..], "ello World!\n".as_bytes());
// read_in_namespace
async fn read_in_namespace_reads_contents() {
let contents = read_in_namespace("/pkg/data/file").await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents[..], DATA_FILE_CONTENTS.as_bytes());
async fn read_in_namespace_fails_on_invalid_namespace_entry() {
Err(ReadNamedError { path, source: ReadError::Open(_) }) if path == "/fake"
let err = read_in_namespace("/fake").await.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err.path(), "/fake");
assert_matches!(err.into_inner(), ReadError::Open(_));
// read_to_string
async fn read_to_string_reads_data_file() {
let file = open_in_namespace("/pkg/data/file", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_to_string(&file).await.unwrap(), DATA_FILE_CONTENTS);
// read_in_namespace_to_string
async fn read_in_namespace_to_string_reads_data_file() {
// write_fidl
async fn write_fidl_writes_to_file() {
let tempdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let dir = directory::open_in_namespace(
// Write contents.
let flags = fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE | fio::OpenFlags::CREATE;
let file = directory::open_file(&dir, "file", flags).await.unwrap();
let mut data = DataTable1 {
num: Some(42),
string: Some(DATA_FILE_CONTENTS.to_string()),
// Binary encoded FIDL message, with header and padding.
let fidl_bytes = persist(&data).unwrap();
write_fidl(&file, &mut data).await.unwrap();
// Verify contents.
let contents = std::fs::read(tempdir.path().join(Path::new("file"))).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&contents, &fidl_bytes);
async fn read_fidl_reads_from_file() {
let file = open_in_namespace("/pkg/data/fidl_file", OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).unwrap();
let contents = read_fidl::<DataTable2>(&file).await.unwrap();
let data = DataTable2 {
num: Some(42),
string: Some(DATA_FILE_CONTENTS.to_string()),
new_field: None,
assert_eq!(&contents, &data);
fn extract_stream_from_on_open_event_with_stream() {
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(0).unwrap();
let stream = zx::Stream::create(zx::StreamOptions::empty(), &vmo, 0).unwrap();
let event = fio::FileEvent::OnOpen_ {
s: 0,
info: Some(Box::new(fio::NodeInfoDeprecated::File(fio::FileObject {
stream: Some(stream),
event: None,
let stream = extract_stream_from_on_open_event(event)
.expect("Not a file")
.expect("Stream not present");
fn extract_stream_from_on_open_event_without_stream() {
let event = fio::FileEvent::OnOpen_ {
s: 0,
info: Some(Box::new(fio::NodeInfoDeprecated::File(fio::FileObject {
stream: None,
event: None,
let stream = extract_stream_from_on_open_event(event).expect("Not a file");
fn extract_stream_from_on_open_event_with_open_error() {
let event = fio::FileEvent::OnOpen_ { s: zx::Status::NOT_FOUND.into_raw(), info: None };
let result = extract_stream_from_on_open_event(event);
assert_matches!(result, Err(OpenError::OpenError(zx::Status::NOT_FOUND)));
fn extract_stream_from_on_open_event_not_a_file() {
let event = fio::FileEvent::OnOpen_ {
s: 0,
info: Some(Box::new(fio::NodeInfoDeprecated::Service(fio::Service))),
let result = extract_stream_from_on_open_event(event);
Err(OpenError::UnexpectedNodeKind { expected: Kind::File, actual: Kind::Service })
fn extract_stream_from_on_representation_event_with_stream() {
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(0).unwrap();
let stream = zx::Stream::create(zx::StreamOptions::empty(), &vmo, 0).unwrap();
let event = fio::FileEvent::OnRepresentation {
payload: fio::Representation::File(fio::FileInfo {
stream: Some(stream),
let stream = extract_stream_from_on_open_event(event)
.expect("Not a file")
.expect("Stream not present");
fn extract_stream_from_on_representation_event_without_stream() {
let event = fio::FileEvent::OnRepresentation {
payload: fio::Representation::File(fio::FileInfo::default()),
let stream = extract_stream_from_on_open_event(event).expect("Not a file");
fn extract_stream_from_on_representation_event_not_a_file() {
let event = fio::FileEvent::OnRepresentation {
payload: fio::Representation::Connector(fio::ConnectorInfo::default()),
let result = extract_stream_from_on_open_event(event);
Err(OpenError::UnexpectedNodeKind { expected: Kind::File, actual: Kind::Service })
fn read_contents_of_stream_with_contents() {
let data = b"file-contents".repeat(1000);
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(data.len() as u64).unwrap();
vmo.write(&data, 0).unwrap();
let stream = zx::Stream::create(zx::StreamOptions::MODE_READ, &vmo, 0).unwrap();
let contents = read_contents_of_stream(stream).unwrap();
assert_eq!(contents, data);
fn read_contents_of_stream_with_empty_stream() {
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(0).unwrap();
let stream = zx::Stream::create(zx::StreamOptions::MODE_READ, &vmo, 0).unwrap();
let contents = read_contents_of_stream(stream).unwrap();
fn serve_file(file: Arc<VmoFile>, flags: fio::OpenFlags) -> fio::FileProxy {
let (proxy, server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<fio::FileMarker>().unwrap();
flags.to_object_request(server_end).handle(|object_request| {
vfs::file::serve(file, ExecutionScope::new(), &flags, object_request)
async fn read_file_with_on_open_event_with_stream() {
let data = b"file-contents".repeat(1000);
let vmo_file = read_only(&data);
let flags = fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | fio::OpenFlags::DESCRIBE;
// Ensure that the file supports streams.
let file = serve_file(vmo_file.clone(), flags);
let event = take_on_open_event(&file).await.unwrap();
extract_stream_from_on_open_event(event).unwrap().expect("Stream not present");
let file = serve_file(vmo_file.clone(), flags);
let contents = read_file_with_on_open_event(file).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(contents, data);
async fn read_missing_file_in_namespace() {
Err(e) if e.is_not_found_error()