blob: 6b4f309016af7372064f865c82c392ce25b65eb2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Tools for providing Fuchsia services.
use anyhow::Error;
use fidl::endpoints::{
DiscoverableProtocolMarker, Proxy as _, RequestStream, ServerEnd, ServiceMarker, ServiceRequest,
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use futures::{FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt};
use pin_project::pin_project;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use thiserror::Error;
use tracing::warn;
use vfs::directory::entry::DirectoryEntry;
use vfs::directory::entry_container::Directory;
use vfs::directory::helper::DirectlyMutable;
use vfs::directory::immutable::Simple as PseudoDir;
use vfs::execution_scope::ExecutionScope;
use vfs::file::vmo::VmoFile;
use vfs::name::Name;
use vfs::path::Path;
use vfs::remote::remote_dir;
use vfs::service::endpoint;
use zx::Duration;
use {fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_zircon as zx};
mod service;
pub use service::{
FidlService, FidlServiceMember, FidlServiceServerConnector, Service, ServiceObj,
ServiceObjLocal, ServiceObjTrait,
mod until_stalled;
pub use until_stalled::{Item, StallableServiceFs};
/// A filesystem which connects clients to services.
/// This type implements the `Stream` trait and will yield the values
/// returned from calling `Service::connect` on the services it hosts.
/// This can be used to, for example, yield streams of channels, request
/// streams, futures to run, or any other value that should be processed
/// as the result of a request.
pub struct ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> {
// The execution scope for the backing VFS.
scope: ExecutionScope,
// The root directory.
dir: Arc<PseudoDir>,
// New connections are sent via an mpsc. The tuple is (index, channel) where index is the index
// into the `services` member.
new_connection_sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<(usize, zx::Channel)>,
new_connection_receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(usize, zx::Channel)>,
// A collection of objects that are able to handle new connections and convert them into a
// stream of ServiceObjTy::Output requests. There will be one for each service in the
// filesystem (irrespective of its place in the hierarchy).
services: Vec<ServiceObjTy>,
// A future that completes when the VFS no longer has any connections. These connections are
// distinct from connections that might be to services or remotes within this filesystem.
shutdown: BoxFuture<'static, ()>,
// The filesystem does not start servicing any requests until ServiceFs is first polled. This
// preserves behaviour of ServiceFs from when it didn't use the Rust VFS, and is relied upon in
// some cases. The queue is used until first polled. After that, `channel_queue` will be None
// and requests to service channels will be actioned immediately (potentially on different
// threads depending on the executor).
channel_queue: Option<Vec<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<fio::DirectoryMarker>>>,
impl<'a, Output: 'a> ServiceFs<ServiceObjLocal<'a, Output>> {
/// Create a new `ServiceFs` that is singlethreaded-only and does not
/// require services to implement `Send`.
pub fn new_local() -> Self {
impl<'a, Output: 'a> ServiceFs<ServiceObj<'a, Output>> {
/// Create a new `ServiceFs` that is multithreaded-capable and requires
/// services to implement `Send`.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// A directory within a `ServiceFs`.
/// Services and subdirectories can be added to it.
pub struct ServiceFsDir<'a, ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> {
fs: &'a mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy>,
dir: Arc<PseudoDir>,
/// A `Service` implementation that proxies requests
/// to the outside environment.
/// Not intended for direct use. Use the `add_proxy_service`
/// function instead.
pub struct Proxy<P, O>(PhantomData<(P, fn() -> O)>);
impl<P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker, O> Service for Proxy<P, O> {
type Output = O;
fn connect(&mut self, channel: zx::Channel) -> Option<O> {
if let Err(e) = crate::client::connect_channel_to_protocol::<P>(channel) {
eprintln!("failed to proxy request to {}: {:?}", P::PROTOCOL_NAME, e);
/// A `Service` implementation that proxies requests to the given component.
/// Not intended for direct use. Use the `add_proxy_service_to` function instead.
pub struct ProxyTo<P, O> {
directory_request: Arc<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<fio::DirectoryMarker>>,
_phantom: PhantomData<(P, fn() -> O)>,
impl<P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker, O> Service for ProxyTo<P, O> {
type Output = O;
fn connect(&mut self, channel: zx::Channel) -> Option<O> {
if let Err(e) =
fdio::service_connect_at(, P::PROTOCOL_NAME, channel)
eprintln!("failed to proxy request to {}: {:?}", P::PROTOCOL_NAME, e);
// Not part of a trait so that clients won't have to import a trait
// in order to call these functions.
macro_rules! add_functions {
() => {
/// Adds a service connector to the directory.
/// ```rust
/// let mut fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
/// fs
/// .add_service_connector(|server_end: ServerEnd<EchoMarker>| {
/// connect_channel_to_protocol::<EchoMarker>(
/// server_end.into_channel(),
/// )
/// })
/// .add_service_connector(|server_end: ServerEnd<CustomMarker>| {
/// connect_channel_to_protocol::<CustomMarker>(
/// server_end.into_channel(),
/// )
/// })
/// .take_and_serve_directory_handle()?;
/// ```
/// The FIDL service will be hosted at the name provided by the
/// `[Discoverable]` annotation in the FIDL source.
pub fn add_service_connector<F, P>(&mut self, service: F) -> &mut Self
F: FnMut(ServerEnd<P>) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker,
FidlServiceServerConnector<F, P, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
self.add_service_at(P::PROTOCOL_NAME, FidlServiceServerConnector::from(service))
/// Adds a service to the directory at the given path.
/// The path must be a single component containing no `/` characters.
/// Panics if any node has already been added at the given path.
pub fn add_service_at(
&mut self,
path: impl Into<String>,
service: impl Into<ServiceObjTy>,
) -> &mut Self {
let index = self.fs().services.len();
let sender = self.fs().new_connection_sender.clone();
endpoint(move |_, channel| {
// It's possible for this send to fail in the case where ServiceFs has been
// dropped. When that happens, ServiceFs will drop ExecutionScope which
// contains the RemoteHandle for this task which will then cause this task to be
// dropped but not necessarily immediately. This will only occur when ServiceFs
// has been dropped, so it's safe to ignore the error here.
let _ = sender.unbounded_send((index, channel.into()));
/// Adds a FIDL service to the directory.
/// `service` is a closure that accepts a `RequestStream`.
/// Each service being served must return an instance of the same type
/// (`ServiceObjTy::Output`). This is necessary in order to multiplex
/// multiple services over the same dispatcher code. The typical way
/// to do this is to create an `enum` with variants for each service
/// you want to serve.
/// ```rust
/// enum MyServices {
/// EchoServer(EchoRequestStream),
/// CustomServer(CustomRequestStream),
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// The constructor for a variant of the `MyServices` enum can be passed
/// as the `service` parameter.
/// ```rust
/// let mut fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
/// fs
/// .add_fidl_service(MyServices::EchoServer)
/// .add_fidl_service(MyServices::CustomServer)
/// .take_and_serve_directory_handle()?;
/// ```
/// `ServiceFs` can now be treated as a `Stream` of type `MyServices`.
/// ```rust
/// const MAX_CONCURRENT: usize = 10_000;
/// fs.for_each_concurrent(MAX_CONCURRENT, |request: MyServices| {
/// match request {
/// MyServices::EchoServer(request) => handle_echo(request),
/// MyServices::CustomServer(request) => handle_custom(request),
/// }
/// }).await;
/// ```
/// The FIDL service will be hosted at the name provided by the
/// `[Discoverable]` annotation in the FIDL source.
pub fn add_fidl_service<F, RS>(&mut self, service: F) -> &mut Self
F: FnMut(RS) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
RS: RequestStream,
RS::Protocol: DiscoverableProtocolMarker,
FidlService<F, RS, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
self.add_fidl_service_at(RS::Protocol::PROTOCOL_NAME, service)
/// Adds a FIDL service to the directory at the given path.
/// The path must be a single component containing no `/` characters.
/// See [`add_fidl_service`](#method.add_fidl_service) for details.
pub fn add_fidl_service_at<F, RS>(
&mut self,
path: impl Into<String>,
service: F,
) -> &mut Self
F: FnMut(RS) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
RS: RequestStream,
RS::Protocol: DiscoverableProtocolMarker,
FidlService<F, RS, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
self.add_service_at(path, FidlService::from(service))
/// Adds a FIDL service to the directory as the default instance.
/// The name of the default instance is
/// The FIDL service will be hosted at `[SERVICE_NAME]/[default]/` where `SERVICE_NAME` is
/// constructed from the FIDL library path and the name of the FIDL service.
/// # Example
/// For the following FIDL definition,
/// ```fidl
/// library;
/// service Bar {
/// ...
/// }
/// ```
/// The `SERVICE_NAME` of FIDL Service `Bar` would be ``.
pub fn add_unified_service<F, SR>(&mut self, service: F) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(SR) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
F: Clone,
SR: ServiceRequest,
FidlServiceMember<F, SR, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
self.add_unified_service_at(SR::Service::SERVICE_NAME, service)
/// Adds a FIDL service to the directory as the default instance at the given path.
/// The path must be a single component containing no `/` characters.
/// The name of the default instance is
/// The FIDL service will be hosted at `[path]/default/`.
pub fn add_unified_service_at<F, SR>(
&mut self,
path: impl Into<String>,
service: F,
) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(SR) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
F: Clone,
SR: ServiceRequest,
FidlServiceMember<F, SR, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
self.add_unified_service_instance_at(path, DEFAULT_SERVICE_INSTANCE, service)
/// Adds a named instance of a FIDL service to the directory.
/// The FIDL service will be hosted at `[SERVICE_NAME]/[instance]/` where `SERVICE_NAME` is
/// constructed from the FIDL library path and the name of the FIDL service.
/// The `instance` must be a single component containing no `/` characters.
/// # Example
/// For the following FIDL definition,
/// ```fidl
/// library;
/// service Bar {
/// ...
/// }
/// ```
/// The `SERVICE_NAME` of FIDL Service `Bar` would be ``.
pub fn add_unified_service_instance<F, SR>(
&mut self,
instance: impl Into<String>,
service: F,
) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(SR) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
F: Clone,
SR: ServiceRequest,
FidlServiceMember<F, SR, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
self.add_unified_service_instance_at(SR::Service::SERVICE_NAME, instance, service)
/// Adds a named instance of a FIDL service to the directory at the given path.
/// The FIDL service will be hosted at `[path]/[instance]/`.
/// The `path` and `instance` must be single components containing no `/` characters.
pub fn add_unified_service_instance_at<F, SR>(
&mut self,
path: impl Into<String>,
instance: impl Into<String>,
service: F,
) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(SR) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
F: Clone,
SR: ServiceRequest,
FidlServiceMember<F, SR, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
// Create the service directory, with an instance subdirectory.
let mut dir = self.dir(path);
let mut dir = dir.dir(instance);
// Attach member protocols under the instance directory.
for member in SR::member_names() {
dir.add_service_at(*member, FidlServiceMember::new(service.clone(), member));
/// Adds a service that proxies requests to the current environment.
// NOTE: we'd like to be able to remove the type parameter `O` here,
// but unfortunately the bound `ServiceObjTy: From<Proxy<P, ServiceObjTy::Output>>`
// makes type checking angry.
pub fn add_proxy_service<P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker, O>(&mut self) -> &mut Self
ServiceObjTy: From<Proxy<P, O>>,
ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait<Output = O>,
self.add_service_at(P::PROTOCOL_NAME, Proxy::<P, ServiceObjTy::Output>(PhantomData))
/// Adds a service that proxies requests to the given component.
// NOTE: we'd like to be able to remove the type parameter `O` here,
// but unfortunately the bound `ServiceObjTy: From<Proxy<P, ServiceObjTy::Output>>`
// makes type checking angry.
pub fn add_proxy_service_to<P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker, O>(
&mut self,
directory_request: Arc<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<fio::DirectoryMarker>>,
) -> &mut Self
ServiceObjTy: From<ProxyTo<P, O>>,
ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait<Output = O>,
ProxyTo::<P, ServiceObjTy::Output> { directory_request, _phantom: PhantomData },
/// Adds a VMO file to the directory at the given path.
/// The path must be a single component containing no `/` characters. The vmo should have
/// content size set as required.
/// Panics if any node has already been added at the given path.
pub fn add_vmo_file_at(&mut self, path: impl Into<String>, vmo: zx::Vmo) -> &mut Self {
vmo, /*readable*/ true, /*writable*/ false, /*executable*/ false,
/// Adds an entry to the directory at the given path.
/// The path must be a single component.
/// The path must be a valid `` [`Name`].
/// Panics if any node has already been added at the given path.
pub fn add_entry_at(
&mut self,
path: impl Into<String>,
entry: Arc<dyn DirectoryEntry>,
) -> &mut Self {
let path: String = path.into();
let name: Name = path.try_into().expect("Invalid path");
// This will fail if the name is invalid or already exists.
self.dir.add_entry_impl(name, entry, false).expect("Unable to add entry");
/// Returns a reference to the subdirectory at the given path,
/// creating one if none exists.
/// The path must be a single component.
/// The path must be a valid `` [`Name`].
/// Panics if a service has already been added at the given path.
pub fn dir(&mut self, path: impl Into<String>) -> ServiceFsDir<'_, ServiceObjTy> {
let path: String = path.into();
let name: Name = path.try_into().expect("Invalid path");
let dir = Arc::downcast(self.dir.get_or_insert(name, new_simple_dir).into_any())
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Not a directory"));
ServiceFsDir { fs: self.fs(), dir }
/// Adds a new remote directory served over the given DirectoryProxy.
/// The name must be a valid `` [`Name`].
pub fn add_remote(
&mut self,
name: impl Into<String>,
proxy: fio::DirectoryProxy,
) -> &mut Self {
let name: String = name.into();
let name: Name = name.try_into().expect("Invalid path");
self.dir.add_entry_impl(name, remote_dir(proxy), false).expect("Unable to add entry");
impl<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> ServiceFsDir<'_, ServiceObjTy> {
fn fs(&mut self) -> &mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy> {
impl<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy> {
fn new_impl() -> Self {
let (new_connection_sender, new_connection_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded();
let scope = ExecutionScope::new();
let dir = new_simple_dir();
Self {
scope: scope.clone(),
services: Vec::new(),
shutdown: async move { scope.wait().await }.boxed(),
channel_queue: Some(Vec::new()),
fn fs(&mut self) -> &mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy> {
/// Get a reference to the root directory as a `ServiceFsDir`.
/// This can be useful when writing code which hosts some set of services on
/// a directory and wants to be agnostic to whether that directory
/// is the root `ServiceFs` or a subdirectory.
/// Such a function can take an `&mut ServiceFsDir<...>` as an argument,
/// allowing callers to provide either a subdirectory or `fs.root_dir()`.
pub fn root_dir(&mut self) -> ServiceFsDir<'_, ServiceObjTy> {
let dir = self.dir.clone();
ServiceFsDir { fs: self, dir }
/// When a connection is first made to the `ServiceFs` in the absence of a parent connection,
/// it will be granted these rights.
fn base_connection_flags() -> fio::OpenFlags {
return fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE
| fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE
| fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_EXECUTABLE;
fn serve_connection_impl(&self, chan: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<fio::DirectoryMarker>) {
/// Creates a protocol connector that can access the capabilities exposed by this ServiceFs.
pub fn create_protocol_connector<O>(&mut self) -> Result<ProtocolConnector, Error>
ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait<Output = O>,
let (directory_request, directory_server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_endpoints();
Ok(ProtocolConnector { directory_request })
fn new_simple_dir() -> Arc<PseudoDir> {
let dir = PseudoDir::new();
dir.clone().set_not_found_handler(Box::new(move |path| {
"ServiceFs received request to `{}` but has not been configured to serve this path.",
/// `ProtocolConnector` allows connecting to capabilities exposed by ServiceFs
pub struct ProtocolConnector {
directory_request: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<fio::DirectoryMarker>,
impl ProtocolConnector {
/// Connect to a protocol provided by this environment.
pub fn connect_to_service<P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker>(&self) -> Result<P::Proxy, Error> {
/// Connect to a protocol provided by this environment.
pub fn connect_to_protocol<P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker>(&self) -> Result<P::Proxy, Error> {
let (client_channel, server_channel) = zx::Channel::create();
/// Connect to a protocol by passing a channel for the server.
pub fn pass_to_protocol<P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker>(
server_channel: zx::Channel,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.pass_to_named_protocol(P::PROTOCOL_NAME, server_channel)
/// Connect to a protocol by name.
pub fn pass_to_named_protocol(
protocol_name: &str,
server_channel: zx::Channel,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
fdio::service_connect_at(, protocol_name, server_channel)?;
/// An error indicating the startup handle on which the FIDL server
/// attempted to start was missing.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
#[error("The startup handle on which the FIDL server attempted to start was missing.")]
pub struct MissingStartupHandle;
impl<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy> {
/// Removes the `DirectoryRequest` startup handle for the current
/// component and adds connects it to this `ServiceFs` as a client.
/// Multiple calls to this function from the same component will
/// result in `Err(MissingStartupHandle)`.
pub fn take_and_serve_directory_handle(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
let startup_handle = fuchsia_runtime::take_startup_handle(
/// Add a channel to serve this `ServiceFs` filesystem on. The `ServiceFs`
/// will continue to be provided over previously added channels, including
/// the one added if `take_and_serve_directory_handle` was called.
pub fn serve_connection(
&mut self,
chan: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<fio::DirectoryMarker>,
) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
if let Some(channels) = &mut self.channel_queue {
} else {
/// TODO( this is an experimental method to run a FIDL
/// directory connection until stalled, with the purpose to cleanly stop a component.
/// We'll expect to revisit how this works to generalize to all connections later.
/// Try not to use this function for other purposes.
/// Normally the [`ServiceFs`] stream will block until all connections are closed.
/// In order to escrow the outgoing directory server endpoint, you may use this
/// function to get a [`StallableServiceFs`] that detects when no new requests
/// hit the outgoing directory for `debounce_interval`, and all hosted protocols
/// and other VFS connections to finish, then yield back the outgoing directory handle.
/// The [`ServiceFs`] stream yields [`ServiceObjTy::Output`], which could be an enum
/// of FIDL connection requests in a typical component. By contrast, [`StallableServiceFs`]
/// yields an enum of either the request, or the unbound outgoing directory endpoint,
/// allowing you to escrow it back to `component_manager` before exiting the component.
pub fn until_stalled(self, debounce_interval: Duration) -> StallableServiceFs<ServiceObjTy> {
StallableServiceFs::<ServiceObjTy>::new(self, debounce_interval)
impl<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> Stream for ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy> {
type Item = ServiceObjTy::Output;
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
if let Some(channels) = self.channel_queue.take() {
for chan in channels {
while let Poll::Ready(Some((index, channel))) =
if let Some(stream) =[index].service().connect(channel) {
return Poll::Ready(Some(stream));
self.shutdown.poll_unpin(cx).map(|_| None)