blob: ed0493eb3c35b343d47e1db5f2137214e2c9d5aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/elfldltl/load.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/loadinfo-mutable-memory.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/testing/diagnostics.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/testing/typed-test.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "load-tests.h"
namespace {
using ::testing::AllOf;
using ::testing::Eq;
using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::Optional;
using ::testing::Property;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::SizeIs;
using ::testing::StrictMock;
// This provides the underlying Memory object that the GetMutableMemory
// function returns. The Memory object is a potentially-owning object that is
// returned by value. But gmock classes can't be moved, so the Memory API
// object is a copyable proxy object that calls the mocked methods.
class MockMemory {
MOCK_METHOD(bool, Store, (size_t size, uintptr_t ptr, uintmax_t value));
MOCK_METHOD(bool, StoreAdd, (size_t size, uintptr_t ptr, uintmax_t value));
MOCK_METHOD(std::optional<cpp20::span<const std::byte>>, ReadArray,
(size_t size, uintptr_t ptr, std::optional<size_t> count));
class Memory;
using StrictMockMemory = StrictMock<MockMemory>;
template <typename T, bool Ok>
void ExpectStore(StrictMockMemory& mock, uintptr_t ptr, uintmax_t value) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock, Store(sizeof(T), ptr, value)).WillOnce(Return(Ok));
template <typename T, bool Ok>
void ExpectStoreAdd(StrictMockMemory& mock, uintptr_t ptr, uintmax_t value) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock, StoreAdd(sizeof(T), ptr, value)).WillOnce(Return(Ok));
template <typename T>
void ExpectReadArray(StrictMockMemory& mock, uintptr_t ptr, std::optional<size_t> count,
std::optional<cpp20::span<const T>> result) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock, ReadArray(sizeof(T), ptr, count))
.WillOnce(Return(result ? std::make_optional(cpp20::as_bytes(*result)) : std::nullopt));
class MockMemory::Memory {
explicit Memory(StrictMockMemory& mock) : mock_(mock) {}
template <typename T, typename U>
bool Store(uintptr_t ptr, U value) {
return mock_.Store(sizeof(T), ptr, value);
template <typename T, typename U>
bool StoreAdd(uintptr_t ptr, U value) {
return mock_.StoreAdd(sizeof(T), ptr, value);
template <typename T>
std::optional<cpp20::span<const T>> ReadArray(uintptr_t ptr,
std::optional<size_t> count = std::nullopt) {
if (auto bytes = mock_.ReadArray(sizeof(T), ptr, count)) {
return cpp20::span{
reinterpret_cast<const T*>(bytes->data()),
bytes->size() / sizeof(T),
return std::nullopt;
StrictMockMemory& mock_;
// This holds the expectations set with ExpectGet(...) below. MockGet (below)
// produces the GetMutableMemory callable object that uses it.
class MockGetMutableMemory {
using Result = fit::result<bool, MockMemory::Memory>;
MOCK_METHOD(Result, Get, (uintptr_t vaddr, size_t filesz));
using StrictMockGetMutableMemory = StrictMock<MockGetMutableMemory>;
void ExpectGet(StrictMockGetMutableMemory& mock_get, uintptr_t vaddr, size_t filesz,
StrictMockMemory& mock_memory) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_get, Get(vaddr, filesz))
void ExpectGet(StrictMockGetMutableMemory& mock_get, uintptr_t vaddr, size_t filesz,
bool keep_going, int repeat = 1) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_get, Get(vaddr, filesz))
// This provides the GetMutableMemory callable signature and turns it into
// a call to the mockable method.
auto MockGet(StrictMockGetMutableMemory& mock) {
return [&mock](auto& diag, const auto& segment) {
auto get = [&mock](const auto& segment) -> MockGetMutableMemory::Result {
return mock.Get(segment.vaddr(), segment.filesz());
return std::visit(get, segment);
// Populate a LoadInfo with the common LLD layout.
template <class Elf>
auto MakeLoadInfo() {
return elfldltl::testing::TestLoadInfo< //
elfldltl::testing::ConstantPhdr, // page 0: RODATA
elfldltl::testing::ConstantPhdr, // page 1: CODE
elfldltl::testing::DataPhdr, // page 2: RELRO
elfldltl::testing::DataWithZeroFillPhdr> // page 3: DATA (+ bss)
// Don't merge RELRO into DATA.
constexpr uintptr_t kRodataAddr = elfldltl::testing::kPageSize / 2;
constexpr uintptr_t kCodeAddr = elfldltl::testing::kPageSize + (elfldltl::testing::kPageSize / 2);
constexpr uintptr_t kRelroStart = elfldltl::testing::kPageSize * 2;
constexpr uintptr_t kRelroMiddle = kRelroStart + (elfldltl::testing::kPageSize / 2);
constexpr uintptr_t kDataStart = elfldltl::testing::kPageSize * 3;
constexpr uintptr_t kDataMiddle = kDataStart + (elfldltl::testing::kPageSize / 2);
// Test cases where the get_mutable_memory callback should never be made.
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadInfoMutableMemoryTests, NoGet) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
auto load_info = MakeLoadInfo<Elf>();
InSequence seq;
StrictMockGetMutableMemory mock_get;
auto get_mutable_memory = MockGet(mock_get);
auto bad_addr_diag = [](uintptr_t addr) {
return elfldltl::testing::ExpectedSingleError{
"invalid relocation for ", static_cast<size_type>(sizeof(size_type)), " bytes",
// A non-writable segment should fail with no callbacks at all. Note that
// the ExpectedSingleError diagnostics object always returns true to see more
// errors, so that's the result we'll see from the adapter's methods.
auto bad_addr = bad_addr_diag(kRodataAddr);
elfldltl::LoadInfoMutableMemory memory{bad_addr, load_info, get_mutable_memory};
EXPECT_TRUE(memory.template Store<size_type>(kRodataAddr, 0x1234));
auto bad_addr = bad_addr_diag(kCodeAddr);
elfldltl::LoadInfoMutableMemory memory{bad_addr, load_info, get_mutable_memory};
EXPECT_TRUE(memory.template Store<size_type>(kCodeAddr, 0x5678));
// Same for an address straddling the writable segment boundaries.
constexpr uintptr_t kBoundary = kRelroStart - (sizeof(size_type) / 2);
auto bad_addr = bad_addr_diag(kBoundary);
elfldltl::LoadInfoMutableMemory memory{bad_addr, load_info, get_mutable_memory};
EXPECT_TRUE(memory.template Store<size_type>(kBoundary, 0x1234));
constexpr uintptr_t kBoundary = kDataStart - (sizeof(size_type) / 2);
auto bad_addr = bad_addr_diag(kBoundary);
elfldltl::LoadInfoMutableMemory memory{bad_addr, load_info, get_mutable_memory};
EXPECT_TRUE(memory.template Store<size_type>(kBoundary, 0x1234));
// Test cases where the get_mutable_memory callback returns failure.
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadInfoMutableMemoryTests, GetFail) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
auto load_info = MakeLoadInfo<Elf>();
InSequence seq;
StrictMockGetMutableMemory mock_get;
auto get_mutable_memory = MockGet(mock_get);
// Note that the diag object always returns false when it's called, but also
// registers failure if it's ever called. The adapter should never report a
// diagnostic for the get_mutable_memory call failing, it just returns its
// bool value on the expectation that it has done its own diagnostics. The
// callback created by MockGet just ignores the diagnostics object and
// returns the bool error value in the expectation.
auto diag = elfldltl::testing::ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfoMutableMemory memory{diag, load_info, get_mutable_memory};
// The Boolean error value from a failing get_mutable_memory callback should
// propagate back to the caller of Store / StoreAdd.
ExpectGet(mock_get, kRelroStart, elfldltl::testing::kPageSize, true, 2);
EXPECT_TRUE(memory.template Store<size_type>(kRelroMiddle, 0x1234));
EXPECT_TRUE(memory.template StoreAdd<size_type>(kRelroMiddle, 0x5678));
ExpectGet(mock_get, kDataStart, elfldltl::testing::kPageSize, false, 2);
EXPECT_FALSE(memory.template Store<size_type>(kDataStart, 0xabcd));
EXPECT_FALSE(memory.template StoreAdd<size_type>(kDataStart, 0xedf0));
// The ReadArray methods have to return std::nullopt for any failure
// regardless of the Diagnostics object's Boolean return value.
ExpectGet(mock_get, kDataStart, elfldltl::testing::kPageSize, true, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(memory.template ReadArray<size_type>(kDataMiddle, 1), std::nullopt);
EXPECT_EQ(memory.template ReadArray<size_type>(kDataMiddle), std::nullopt);
// Test cases where the a Memory object is returned and used.
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadInfoMutableMemoryTests, Store) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
auto load_info = MakeLoadInfo<Elf>();
InSequence seq;
StrictMockGetMutableMemory mock_get;
auto get_mutable_memory = MockGet(mock_get);
auto diag = elfldltl::testing::ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfoMutableMemory memory{diag, load_info, get_mutable_memory};
StrictMockMemory mock_memory;
// The Boolean value from the underlying Memory method call should propagate
// back to the caller of Store / StoreAdd.
ExpectGet(mock_get, kRelroStart, elfldltl::testing::kPageSize, mock_memory);
ExpectStore<size_type, true>(mock_memory, kRelroStart, 0x1234);
ExpectStoreAdd<size_type, true>(mock_memory, kRelroMiddle, 0x5678);
EXPECT_TRUE(memory.template Store<size_type>(kRelroStart, 0x1234));
EXPECT_TRUE(memory.template StoreAdd<size_type>(kRelroMiddle, 0x5678));
ExpectGet(mock_get, kDataStart, elfldltl::testing::kPageSize, mock_memory);
ExpectStore<size_type, false>(mock_memory, kDataStart, 0xabcd);
ExpectStoreAdd<size_type, false>(mock_memory, kDataMiddle, 0xedf0);
EXPECT_FALSE(memory.template Store<size_type>(kDataStart, 0xabcd));
EXPECT_FALSE(memory.template StoreAdd<size_type>(kDataMiddle, 0xedf0));
// Test the ReadArray methods.
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadInfoMutableMemoryTests, ReadArray) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
auto load_info = MakeLoadInfo<Elf>();
InSequence seq;
StrictMockGetMutableMemory mock_get;
auto get_mutable_memory = MockGet(mock_get);
auto diag = elfldltl::testing::ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfoMutableMemory memory{diag, load_info, get_mutable_memory};
StrictMockMemory mock_memory;
static constexpr size_type kData[] = {0x1234, 0x5678};
constexpr cpp20::span<const size_type> kDataSpan{kData};
ExpectGet(mock_get, kDataStart, elfldltl::testing::kPageSize, mock_memory);
ExpectReadArray<size_type>(mock_memory, kDataStart, 1, kDataSpan.first(1));
ExpectReadArray<size_type>(mock_memory, kDataStart, std::nullopt, kDataSpan);
ExpectReadArray<size_type>(mock_memory, kDataMiddle, 1, std::nullopt);
ExpectReadArray<size_type>(mock_memory, kDataMiddle, std::nullopt, std::nullopt);
EXPECT_THAT(memory.template ReadArray<size_type>(kDataStart, 1),
Property(&cpp20::span<const size_type>::data, Eq(;
EXPECT_THAT(memory.template ReadArray<size_type>(kDataStart),
Property(&cpp20::span<const size_type>::data, Eq(;
EXPECT_EQ(memory.template ReadArray<size_type>(kDataMiddle, 1), std::nullopt);
EXPECT_EQ(memory.template ReadArray<size_type>(kDataMiddle), std::nullopt);
} // namespace