blob: 373fdec36f2e1b93bb43fb5c5899465f86363f62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "load-tests.h"
#include <lib/elfldltl/container.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/diagnostics.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/load.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/memory.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/phdr.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/static-vector.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/testing/diagnostics.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/testing/typed-test.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/source_location.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <lib/symbolizer-markup/writer.h>
namespace {
using elfldltl::testing::ConstantPhdr;
using elfldltl::testing::DataPhdr;
using elfldltl::testing::DataWithZeroFillPhdr;
using elfldltl::testing::ExpectedSingleError;
using elfldltl::testing::ExpectOkDiagnostics;
using elfldltl::testing::ZeroFillPhdr;
constexpr size_t kPageSize = 0x1000;
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, FailToAdd) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
ExpectedSingleError error("too many PT_LOAD segments", ": maximum 0 < requested ", 1);
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<0>::Container> load_info;
Phdr phdr{.memsz = 1};
EXPECT_FALSE(load_info.AddSegment(error, kPageSize, phdr));
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, AddEmptyPhdr) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<0>::Container> load_info;
Phdr phdr{};
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.AddSegment(diag, kPageSize, phdr));
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, CreateConstantSegment) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<1>::Container> load_info;
using ConstantSegment = typename decltype(load_info)::ConstantSegment;
Phdr phdr{.memsz = kPageSize * 10};
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.AddSegment(diag, kPageSize, phdr));
const auto& segments = load_info.segments();
ASSERT_EQ(segments.size(), 1u);
const auto& variant = segments[0];
EXPECT_EQ(std::get<ConstantSegment>(variant).memsz(), phdr.memsz);
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, CreateZeroFillSegment) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<1>::Container> load_info;
using ZeroFillSegment = typename decltype(load_info)::ZeroFillSegment;
Phdr phdr{.memsz = kPageSize * 5};
phdr.flags = Phdr::kRead | Phdr::kWrite;
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.AddSegment(diag, kPageSize, phdr));
const auto& segments = load_info.segments();
ASSERT_EQ(segments.size(), 1u);
const auto& variant = segments[0];
EXPECT_EQ(std::get<ZeroFillSegment>(variant).memsz(), phdr.memsz);
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, CreateDataWithZeroFillSegment) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<1>::Container> load_info;
using DataWithZeroFillSegment = typename decltype(load_info)::DataWithZeroFillSegment;
Phdr phdr{.filesz = kPageSize, .memsz = kPageSize * 5};
phdr.flags = Phdr::kRead | Phdr::kWrite;
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.AddSegment(diag, kPageSize, phdr));
const auto& segments = load_info.segments();
ASSERT_EQ(segments.size(), 1u);
const auto& variant = segments[0];
EXPECT_EQ(std::get<DataWithZeroFillSegment>(variant).memsz(), phdr.memsz());
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, CreateDataSegment) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<1>::Container> load_info;
using DataSegment = typename decltype(load_info)::DataSegment;
Phdr phdr{.filesz = kPageSize, .memsz = kPageSize};
phdr.flags = Phdr::kRead | Phdr::kWrite;
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.AddSegment(diag, kPageSize, phdr));
const auto& segments = load_info.segments();
ASSERT_EQ(segments.size(), 1u);
const auto& variant = segments[0];
EXPECT_EQ(std::get<DataSegment>(variant).memsz(), phdr.memsz());
template <class Elf, bool Merged, template <class ElfLayout> typename Segment1,
template <class ElfLayout> typename Segment2,
template <class ElfLayout> typename GetPhdr1,
template <class ElfLayout> typename GetPhdr2>
void DoMergeTest() {
using Segment1T = Segment1<Elf>;
using Segment2T = Segment2<Elf>;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
constexpr unsigned totalSegments = Merged ? 1 : 2;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<2>::Container> load_info;
const auto& segments = load_info.segments();
size_type offset = 0;
auto phdr1 = GetPhdr1<Elf>{}(offset);
auto phdr2 = GetPhdr2<Elf>{}(offset);
auto expectedSize = Merged ? phdr1.memsz() + phdr2.memsz() : phdr2.memsz();
load_info.AddSegment(diag, kPageSize, phdr1);
ASSERT_EQ(segments.size(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(std::get<Segment1T>(segments.back()).memsz(), phdr1.memsz());
load_info.AddSegment(diag, kPageSize, phdr2);
ASSERT_EQ(segments.size(), totalSegments);
EXPECT_EQ(std::get<Segment2T>(segments.back()).memsz(), expectedSize);
template <class Elf, template <class ElfLayout> typename Segment1,
template <class ElfLayout> typename Segment2,
template <class ElfLayout> typename GetPhdr1,
template <class ElfLayout> typename GetPhdr2>
void MergeTest() {
DoMergeTest<Elf, true, Segment1, Segment2, GetPhdr1, GetPhdr2>();
template <class Elf, template <class ElfLayout> typename Segment1,
template <class ElfLayout> typename Segment2,
template <class ElfLayout> typename GetPhdr1,
template <class ElfLayout> typename GetPhdr2>
void NotMergedTest() {
DoMergeTest<Elf, false, Segment1, Segment2, GetPhdr1, GetPhdr2>();
template <class Elf, template <class ElfLayout> typename Segment,
template <class ElfLayout> typename GetPhdr>
void MergeSameTest() {
MergeTest<Elf, Segment, Segment, GetPhdr, GetPhdr>();
template <typename Elf>
using ConstantSegment =
typename elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<0>::Container>::ConstantSegment;
template <typename Elf>
using ZeroFillSegment =
typename elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<0>::Container>::ZeroFillSegment;
template <typename Elf>
using DataWithZeroFillSegment =
typename elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<0>::Container>::DataWithZeroFillSegment;
template <typename Elf>
using DataSegment =
typename elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<0>::Container>::DataSegment;
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, MergeSameConstantSegment) {
MergeSameTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, ConstantSegment, ConstantPhdr>();
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, MergeSameDataSegment) {
MergeSameTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, DataSegment, DataPhdr>();
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, MergeDataAndZeroFill) {
MergeTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, DataSegment, DataWithZeroFillSegment, DataPhdr,
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, MergeDataAndDataWithZeroFill) {
MergeTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, DataSegment, DataWithZeroFillSegment, DataPhdr,
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, CantMergeConstant) {
NotMergedTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, ConstantSegment, ZeroFillSegment, ConstantPhdr,
NotMergedTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, ConstantSegment, DataWithZeroFillSegment, ConstantPhdr,
NotMergedTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, ConstantSegment, DataSegment, ConstantPhdr, DataPhdr>();
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, CantMergeZeroFill) {
NotMergedTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, ZeroFillSegment, ConstantSegment, ZeroFillPhdr,
// Logically two ZeroFillSegment's could be merged but we don't currently do
// this because these are unlikely to exist in the wild.
NotMergedTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, ZeroFillSegment, ZeroFillSegment, ZeroFillPhdr,
NotMergedTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, ZeroFillSegment, DataWithZeroFillSegment, ZeroFillPhdr,
NotMergedTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, ZeroFillSegment, DataSegment, ZeroFillPhdr, DataPhdr>();
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, CantMergeDataAndZeroFill) {
NotMergedTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, DataWithZeroFillSegment, ConstantSegment,
DataWithZeroFillPhdr, ConstantPhdr>();
NotMergedTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, DataWithZeroFillSegment, DataWithZeroFillSegment,
DataWithZeroFillPhdr, DataWithZeroFillPhdr>();
NotMergedTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, DataWithZeroFillSegment, DataSegment,
DataWithZeroFillPhdr, DataPhdr>();
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, CantMergeData) {
NotMergedTest<typename TestFixture::Elf, DataSegment, ConstantSegment, DataPhdr, ConstantPhdr>();
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, GetPhdrObserver) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container> load_info;
using ConstantSegment = typename decltype(load_info)::ConstantSegment;
using DataWithZeroFillSegment = typename decltype(load_info)::DataWithZeroFillSegment;
size_type offset = 0;
const Phdr kPhdrs[] = {
ConstantPhdr<Elf>{}(offset), ConstantPhdr<Elf>{}(offset), DataPhdr<Elf>{}(offset),
DataPhdr<Elf>{}(offset), ZeroFillPhdr<Elf>{}(offset),
elfldltl::DecodePhdrs(diag, cpp20::span(kPhdrs), load_info.GetPhdrObserver(kPageSize)));
const auto& segments = load_info.segments();
EXPECT_EQ(segments.size(), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(std::get<ConstantSegment>(segments[0]).memsz(), kPhdrs[0].memsz + kPhdrs[1].memsz);
kPhdrs[2].memsz + kPhdrs[3].memsz + kPhdrs[4].memsz);
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, VisitSegments) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container> load_info;
ASSERT_EQ(load_info.segments().size(), 0u);
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.VisitSegments([](auto&& segment) {
return true;
size_type offset = 0;
const Phdr kPhdrs[] = {
elfldltl::DecodePhdrs(diag, cpp20::span(kPhdrs), load_info.GetPhdrObserver(kPageSize)));
ASSERT_EQ(load_info.segments().size(), 2u);
int currentIndex = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.VisitSegments([&](auto&& segment) {
EXPECT_EQ(segment.offset(), kPhdrs[currentIndex++].offset);
return true;
currentIndex = 0;
EXPECT_FALSE(load_info.VisitSegments([&](auto&& segment) {
EXPECT_EQ(currentIndex++, 0);
return false;
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, RemoveLastSegment) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
using LoadInfo = elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container>;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
LoadInfo load_info;
size_type offset = 0;
const Phdr kPhdrs[] = {
elfldltl::DecodePhdrs(diag, cpp20::span(kPhdrs), load_info.GetPhdrObserver(kPageSize)));
ASSERT_EQ(load_info.segments().size(), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(load_info.vaddr_size(), 2 * kPageSize);
auto segment = load_info.RemoveLastSegment();
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(segment), typename LoadInfo::Segment>);
EXPECT_EQ(load_info.segments().size(), 1u);
std::holds_alternative<typename LoadInfo::ConstantSegment>(load_info.segments().front()));
EXPECT_EQ(load_info.vaddr_size(), kPageSize);
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, AddSegmentUpdatesVaddrSize) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using LoadInfo = elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container>;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
LoadInfo load_info;
EXPECT_EQ(load_info.vaddr_size(), 0u);
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.AddSegment(diag, typename LoadInfo::ZeroFillSegment(0, kPageSize)));
ASSERT_EQ(load_info.segments().size(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(load_info.vaddr_size(), kPageSize);
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, RelroBounds) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container> load_info;
using Region = typename decltype(load_info)::Region;
Region r = load_info.RelroBounds({}, kPageSize);
EXPECT_EQ(r.start, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(r.end, 0u);
Phdr phdr{.memsz = kPageSize - 1};
Region r = load_info.RelroBounds(phdr, kPageSize);
EXPECT_EQ(r.start, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(r.end, 0u);
Phdr phdr{.memsz = kPageSize};
Region r = load_info.RelroBounds(phdr, kPageSize);
EXPECT_EQ(r.start, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(r.end, kPageSize);
Phdr phdr{.memsz = kPageSize + 1};
Region r = load_info.RelroBounds(phdr, kPageSize);
EXPECT_EQ(r.start, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(r.end, kPageSize);
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, ApplyRelroMissing) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container> load_info;
size_type offset = kPageSize;
Phdr phdrs[] = {
{.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kRelro, .memsz = kPageSize},
ASSERT_FALSE(load_info.RelroBounds(phdrs[1], kPageSize).empty());
ASSERT_EQ(load_info.segments().size(), 0u);
ExpectedSingleError expected("PT_GNU_RELRO not in any data segment");
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.ApplyRelro(expected, phdrs[1], kPageSize, false));
EXPECT_TRUE(elfldltl::DecodePhdrs(diag, cpp20::span<const Phdr>(phdrs),
ASSERT_EQ(load_info.segments().size(), 1u);
ExpectedSingleError expected("PT_GNU_RELRO not in any data segment");
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.ApplyRelro(expected, phdrs[1], kPageSize, false));
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, ApplyRelroBadStart) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container> load_info;
Phdr phdrs[] = {
{.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kLoad, .filesz = 2 * kPageSize, .memsz = 2 * kPageSize},
{.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kRelro, .vaddr = kPageSize, .memsz = kPageSize},
phdrs[0].flags = elfldltl::PhdrBase::kRead | elfldltl::PhdrBase::kWrite;
ASSERT_EQ(load_info.RelroBounds(phdrs[1], kPageSize).start, kPageSize);
ASSERT_EQ(load_info.RelroBounds(phdrs[1], kPageSize).end, kPageSize * 2);
EXPECT_TRUE(elfldltl::DecodePhdrs(diag, cpp20::span<const Phdr>(phdrs),
ExpectedSingleError expected("PT_GNU_RELRO not at segment start");
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.ApplyRelro(expected, phdrs[1], kPageSize, false));
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, ApplyRelroTooManyLoads) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StaticVector<1>::Container> load_info;
Phdr phdrs[] = {
{.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kLoad, .filesz = 2 * kPageSize, .memsz = 2 * kPageSize},
{.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kRelro, .memsz = kPageSize},
phdrs[0].flags = elfldltl::PhdrBase::kRead | elfldltl::PhdrBase::kWrite;
EXPECT_TRUE(elfldltl::DecodePhdrs(diag, cpp20::span<const Phdr>(phdrs),
ASSERT_EQ(load_info.segments().size(), 1u);
auto expected = ExpectedSingleError("too many PT_LOAD segments", ": maximum 1 < requested ", 2);
load_info.ApplyRelro(expected, phdrs[1], kPageSize, false);
using SomeLI = elfldltl::LoadInfo<elfldltl::Elf<>, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container>;
enum SegmentType {
C = SomeLI::Segment(SomeLI::ConstantSegment(0, 0, 0, 0)).index(),
D = SomeLI::Segment(SomeLI::DataSegment(0, 0, 0, 0)).index(),
DWZF = SomeLI::Segment(SomeLI::DataWithZeroFillSegment(0, 0, 0, 0)).index(),
ZF = SomeLI::Segment(SomeLI::ZeroFillSegment(0, 0)).index(),
RO, // DataSegment that should overlaps with the relro region
// Can't be {RO} or {C}
using SplitStrategy = std::optional<SegmentType>;
// This class creates adjacent segments based on segment type.
// All segments except for 'RO' will have a memsz of `kPageSize`, the flags and filesz are changed
// depending on the `SegmentType`. The SplitStrategy defines how a 'RO' segment should be created
// such that it will be split into a ConstSegment and a segment defined by the strategy.
// For example:
// {C, RO, D} with a ZF split strategy will create the following Phdrs
// | Type | | C || RO(ZF) || D |
// | flags | | R || RW || RW |
// | offset | | 0 || kPagesize || kPagesize*3 |
// | {mem,file}sz | | kPagesize || kPagesize*2,kPagesize || kPagesize |
// get_relro_phdr will return a phdr that overlaps with the RO segment like:
// | RO |
// | ~RWX |
// | kPagesize |
// | kPagesize |
// Such that after ApplyRelro is called the 'RO(ZF)' segment will be split into a ConstantSegment
// and a ZeroFillSegment. The expected result then would be {C, C, ZF, D} with merge_ro false or
// {C, ZF, D} with merge_ro true.
template <typename Elf>
struct PhdrCreator {
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
SplitStrategy strategy;
size_type offset = 0;
size_type relro_offset = 0;
Phdr operator()(SegmentType type) {
Phdr phdr{.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kLoad, .offset = offset, .vaddr = offset};
auto w = {D, DWZF, ZF, RO};
if (std::any_of(w.begin(), w.end(), [type](auto t) { return type == t; })) {
phdr.flags = elfldltl::PhdrBase::kRead | elfldltl::PhdrBase::kWrite;
} else {
phdr.flags = elfldltl::PhdrBase::kRead;
size_type memsz = kPageSize;
size_type filesz = kPageSize;
if (type == DWZF || (type == RO && strategy && *strategy == DWZF)) {
filesz /= 2;
} else if (type == ZF || (type == RO && strategy && *strategy == ZF)) {
filesz = 0;
if (type == RO) {
relro_offset = offset;
if (strategy) {
memsz += kPageSize;
filesz += kPageSize;
offset += memsz;
phdr.memsz = memsz;
phdr.filesz = filesz;
return phdr;
Phdr get_relro_phdr() {
return {.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kRelro, .vaddr = relro_offset, .memsz = kPageSize};
using PhdrsPattern = std::initializer_list<SegmentType>;
template <class Elf, template <class> class SegmentWrapper = elfldltl::NoSegmentWrapper>
using RelroTestLoadInfo = elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container,
elfldltl::PhdrLoadPolicy::kBasic, SegmentWrapper>;
template <typename Elf, template <class> class SegmentWrapper = elfldltl::NoSegmentWrapper>
void RelroTest(PhdrsPattern input, PhdrsPattern expected, SplitStrategy strategy, bool merge_ro,
cpp20::source_location loc = cpp20::source_location::current()) {
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
std::vector<Phdr> input_phdrs;
PhdrCreator<Elf> creator{strategy};
std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), std::back_inserter(input_phdrs), std::ref(creator));
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
RelroTestLoadInfo<Elf, SegmentWrapper> load_info;
cpp20::span<const Phdr>(, input_phdrs.size()),
ASSERT_TRUE(load_info.ApplyRelro(diag, creator.get_relro_phdr(), kPageSize, merge_ro))
<< "line " << loc.line();
auto& segments = load_info.segments();
ASSERT_EQ(segments.size(), expected.size()) << "line " << loc.line();
for (size_t i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(segments[i].index(), std::data(expected)[i]) << "line " << loc.line();
template <typename Elf, template <class> class SegmentWrapper = elfldltl::NoSegmentWrapper>
void RelroTest(PhdrsPattern input, PhdrsPattern expected, SplitStrategy strategy,
cpp20::source_location loc = cpp20::source_location::current()) {
RelroTest<Elf, SegmentWrapper>(input, expected, strategy, true, loc);
RelroTest<Elf, SegmentWrapper>(input, expected, strategy, false, loc);
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, ApplyRelroBasic) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
RelroTest<Elf>({RO}, {C}, {});
RelroTest<Elf>({RO}, {C, D}, D);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO}, {C, DWZF}, DWZF);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO}, {C, ZF}, ZF);
template <class Segment>
class MoveOnlySegmentWrapper : public Segment {
using Segment::Segment;
MoveOnlySegmentWrapper(const MoveOnlySegmentWrapper&) = delete;
constexpr MoveOnlySegmentWrapper(MoveOnlySegmentWrapper&&) = default;
constexpr MoveOnlySegmentWrapper& operator=(MoveOnlySegmentWrapper&&) = default;
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, ApplyRelroMoveOnly) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using DefaultSegment = typename RelroTestLoadInfo<Elf>::LoadInfo::Segment;
using MoveOnlySegment =
typename RelroTestLoadInfo<Elf, MoveOnlySegmentWrapper>::LoadInfo::Segment;
RelroTest<Elf, MoveOnlySegmentWrapper>({RO}, {C}, {});
RelroTest<Elf, MoveOnlySegmentWrapper>({RO}, {C, D}, D);
RelroTest<Elf, MoveOnlySegmentWrapper>({RO}, {C, DWZF}, DWZF);
RelroTest<Elf, MoveOnlySegmentWrapper>({RO}, {C, ZF}, ZF);
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, ApplyRelroMergeRight) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, C}, {C, C}, {}, false);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, C}, {C}, {}, true);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, C}, {C, D, C}, D);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, C}, {C, DWZF, C}, DWZF);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, C}, {C, ZF, C}, ZF);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, D}, {C, D}, {});
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, D}, {C, D}, D);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, D}, {C, DWZF, D}, DWZF);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, D}, {C, ZF, D}, ZF);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, DWZF}, {C, DWZF}, {});
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, DWZF}, {C, DWZF}, D);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, DWZF}, {C, DWZF, DWZF}, DWZF);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, DWZF}, {C, ZF, DWZF}, ZF);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, ZF}, {C, ZF}, {});
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, ZF}, {C, DWZF}, D);
// The following could be:
// RelroTest<Elf>({RO, ZF}, {C, DWZF}, DWZF);
// RelroTest<Elf>({RO, ZF}, {C, ZF}, ZF);
// but we don't have Merge overloads for (*, ZF) because these are unlikely to exist in the wild.
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, ZF}, {C, DWZF, ZF}, DWZF);
RelroTest<Elf>({RO, ZF}, {C, ZF, ZF}, ZF);
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, ApplyRelroMergeLeft) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
RelroTest<Elf>({C, RO}, {C, C}, {}, false);
RelroTest<Elf>({C, RO}, {C}, {}, true);
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, ApplyRelroMergeBoth) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
RelroTest<Elf>({C, RO, C}, {C, C, C}, {}, false);
RelroTest<Elf>({C, RO, C}, {C}, {}, true);
template <class Segment>
class CantMergeSegmentWrapper : public Segment {
using Segment::Segment;
template <class Other>
constexpr std::false_type CanMergeWith(const Other& other) const {
return {};
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, ApplyRelroCantMergeSegmentWrapper) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
RelroTest<Elf, CantMergeSegmentWrapper>({RO, C}, {C, C}, {});
RelroTest<Elf, CantMergeSegmentWrapper>({C, RO, C}, {C, C, C}, {});
RelroTest<Elf, CantMergeSegmentWrapper>({C, RO}, {C, C}, {});
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, ApplyRelroCantMerge) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
Phdr phdrs[] = {
{.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kLoad, .filesz = kPageSize, .memsz = kPageSize},
{.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kLoad,
.offset = kPageSize,
.vaddr = kPageSize,
.filesz = kPageSize,
.memsz = kPageSize},
phdrs[0].flags = elfldltl::PhdrBase::kRead | elfldltl::PhdrBase::kExecute;
phdrs[1].flags = elfldltl::PhdrBase::kRead | elfldltl::PhdrBase::kWrite;
Phdr relro = {.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kRelro, .vaddr = kPageSize, .memsz = kPageSize};
for (bool merge_ro : {true, false}) {
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container> load_info;
using ConstantSegment = typename decltype(load_info)::ConstantSegment;
EXPECT_TRUE(elfldltl::DecodePhdrs(diag, cpp20::span<const Phdr>(phdrs),
auto& segments = load_info.segments();
ASSERT_EQ(segments.size(), 2u);
EXPECT_TRUE(load_info.ApplyRelro(diag, relro, kPageSize, merge_ro));
ASSERT_EQ(segments.size(), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(std::get<ConstantSegment>(segments[0]).flags(), phdrs[0].flags);
auto expected_flags = elfldltl::PhdrBase::kRead | (!merge_ro ? elfldltl::PhdrBase::kWrite : 0);
EXPECT_EQ(std::get<ConstantSegment>(segments[1]).flags(), expected_flags);
template <class Segment>
class CantReplaceSegmentWrapper : public Segment {
using Segment::Segment;
constexpr std::false_type CanReplace() const { return {}; }
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, ApplyRelroCantReplaceSegmentWrapper) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
Phdr phdrs[] = {
{.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kLoad, .filesz = kPageSize, .memsz = kPageSize},
{.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kLoad,
.offset = kPageSize,
.vaddr = kPageSize,
.filesz = kPageSize,
.memsz = kPageSize},
phdrs[0].flags = elfldltl::PhdrBase::kRead | elfldltl::PhdrBase::kExecute;
phdrs[1].flags = elfldltl::PhdrBase::kRead | elfldltl::PhdrBase::kWrite;
Phdr relro = {.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kRelro, .vaddr = kPageSize, .memsz = kPageSize};
std::string error;
auto diag = elfldltl::OneStringDiagnostics(error);
RelroTestLoadInfo<Elf, CantReplaceSegmentWrapper> load_info;
EXPECT_TRUE(elfldltl::DecodePhdrs(diag, cpp20::span<const Phdr>(phdrs),
for (bool merge_ro : {true, false}) {
EXPECT_FALSE(load_info.ApplyRelro(diag, relro, kPageSize, merge_ro));
EXPECT_EQ(error, "Cannot split segment to apply PT_GNU_RELRO protections");
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, SymbolizerContext) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container> info;
constexpr std::array kBuildId{std::byte{0x12}, std::byte{0x34}, std::byte{0xab}, std::byte{0xcd}};
size_type offset = 0;
for (uint32_t flags : (const uint32_t[]){
Phdr::kRead | Phdr::kWrite,
}) {
Phdr phdr = {
.type = elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kLoad,
.offset = offset,
.vaddr = offset,
.filesz = kPageSize,
.memsz = kPageSize,
phdr.flags = flags;
offset += kPageSize;
ASSERT_TRUE(info.AddSegment(diag, kPageSize, phdr));
constexpr char kExpectedContext[] = R"""(foo: {{{module:17:foo:elf:1234abcd}}}
foo: {{{mmap:0x12340000:0x1000:load:17:r:0x0}}}
foo: {{{mmap:0x12341000:0x1000:load:17:x:0x1000}}}
foo: {{{mmap:0x12342000:0x1000:load:17:rw:0x2000}}}
std::string markup;
symbolizer_markup::Writer writer([&markup](std::string_view str) { markup += str; });
&(info.SymbolizerContext(writer, 17, "foo", cpp20::span(kBuildId), 0x12340000, "foo")));
EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedContext, markup);
TYPED_TEST(ElfldltlLoadTests, FindSegment) {
using Elf = typename TestFixture::Elf;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
auto diag = ExpectOkDiagnostics();
elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container> load_info;
// Expect the first lookup to an empty segment list to return not found.
ASSERT_EQ(load_info.FindSegment(0u), load_info.segments().end());
size_type offset = kPageSize;
const std::array kPhdrs = {ConstantPhdr<Elf>{}(offset), DataPhdr<Elf>{}(offset),
// Load all segments first so we can search the segments container with
// multiple entries.
for (const Phdr& phdr : kPhdrs) {
ASSERT_TRUE(load_info.AddSegment(diag, kPageSize, phdr));
ASSERT_EQ(load_info.segments().size(), 3u);
// Test finding a segment from its starting vaddr.
for (const Phdr& phdr : kPhdrs) {
size_type vaddr = phdr.vaddr;
const auto found = load_info.FindSegment(vaddr);
ASSERT_NE(found, load_info.segments().end());
load_info.VisitSegment([vaddr](const auto& s) { return s.vaddr() == vaddr; }, *found));
// Test finding a segment from a vaddr in its vaddr range.
for (const Phdr& phdr : kPhdrs) {
size_type vaddr = phdr.vaddr + (phdr.memsz / 2);
const auto found = load_info.FindSegment(vaddr);
ASSERT_NE(found, load_info.segments().end());
[vaddr](const auto& s) { return s.vaddr() < vaddr && vaddr < s.vaddr() + s.memsz(); },
// Test finding a segment out of bounds of the first and last segments
size_type under_bounds_vaddr = kPhdrs[0].vaddr / 2;
const auto found = load_info.FindSegment(under_bounds_vaddr);
ASSERT_EQ(found, load_info.segments().end());
size_type over_bounds_vaddr = kPhdrs[2].vaddr * 2;
const auto found = load_info.FindSegment(over_bounds_vaddr);
ASSERT_EQ(found, load_info.segments().end());
} // namespace