blob: 8c0306141ce7dbfaed18ad10e22567a8b4b2cafa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "linux-static-pie.h"
#include <__verbose_abort>
#include <array>
#include <string_view>
#include "lss.h"
namespace {
using namespace std::literals;
void WriteString(int fd, std::string_view str) { sys_write(fd,, str.size()); }
[[noreturn]] void Exit(int status) {
while (true) {
[[noreturn]] bool Panic(std::string_view str) {
WriteString(2, str);
// This just returns *ptr, but it prevents the compiler from doing dataflow
// analysis and realizing that the return value is just *ptr. This makes sure
// that compiler can't do things like constant-fold the value because it knows
// ptr is the address of a constexpr object.
int* Launder(int* const* ptr) {
__asm__("" : "=r"(ptr) : "0"(ptr));
return *ptr;
// This is big enough to ensure the RELRO segment will span multiple pages.
constexpr size_t kBig = 128 * 1024 / sizeof(int*);
constexpr size_t kMiddle = kBig / 2;
// constexpr ensures this will be linker-initialized in the RELRO segment.
// It's accesseed at runtime via "laundered" address so the reads can't be
// constant-folded.
constexpr std::array<int*, kBig> kMuchRelro = []() {
// This is a zero-initialization, mutation, and copy in constexpr context
// just to achieve the effect of a designated array element initializer.
std::array<int*, kBig> big{};
big[kMiddle] = &gSyscallErrno;
return big;
} // namespace
// The traditional Unix/Linux entry point protocol is not compatible with the
// C/C++ ABI: instead the argc, argv, and envp words are directly on the stack.
.pushsection .text._start
.globl _start
.type _start, %function
#if defined(__aarch64__)
mov x0, sp
bl StaticPieSetup
bl TestMain
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
mov %rsp, %rdi
and $-16, %rsp
call StaticPieSetup
call TestMain
#error "what machine?"
.size _start, . - _start
extern "C" [[noreturn]] void TestMain() {
static int* data_address = &gSyscallErrno;
static int* const relro_address = &gSyscallErrno;
// Since gSyscallErrno has internal linkage, the references here will use
// pure PC-relative address materialization.
int* from_data = Launder(&data_address);
if (from_data != &gSyscallErrno) {
Panic("address in data not relocated properly"sv);
int* from_relro = Launder(&relro_address);
if (from_relro != &gSyscallErrno) {
Panic("address in RELRO not relocated properly"sv);
from_relro = Launder(&kMuchRelro[kMiddle]);
if (from_relro != &gSyscallErrno) {
Panic("second address in RELRO not relocated properly"sv);
WriteString(1, "Hello, world!\n"sv);
// Inline functions in libc++ headers call this.
[[noreturn]] void std::__libcpp_verbose_abort(const char* format, ...) {
Panic("libc++ abort, message lost"sv);