blob: 0888dca069ec2d3c7b4c431ea20d85322e99be15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "container.h"
#include "diagnostics.h"
namespace elfldltl {
// elfldltl::LoadInfoMutableMemory is an adapter providing mutation methods of
// the Memory API (see Store and StoreAdd <lib/elfldltl/memory.h>) representing
// a module image described by elfldltl::LoadInfo (see <lib/elfldltl/load.h>).
// This Memory API object can be used to apply relocations via the interfaces
// in <lib/elfldltl/link.h>.
// The constructor requires Diagnostics and LoadInfo objects by reference, and
// some callable object by value. The callable object is used as
// `fit::result<bool, T>(Diagnostics&,LoadInfo::Segment&)`. In the error case,
// the `bool` value is as would be returned by `Diagnostics::FormatError`. In
// the success case, the T is any movable object that provides the mutation
// methods of the Memory API. This Memory object represents just the segment
// and should accept addresses from `segment.vaddr()` for `segment.filesz()`
// bytes, but need not accept any other addresses. Each segment's object is
// only requested once and then is used for the lifetime of the adapter.
// The callback takes the `LoadInfo::Segment` object by mutable reference so it
// can update it to store mutation state when using a segment wrapper subclass.
// That state stored in the LoadInfo segments can be used to map the mutated
// data into a process later.
// The final optional template parameter provides a container template to be
// used for the internal storage. To specify that, the Diagnostics, LoadInfo,
// and GetMutableMemory callable types must be specified explicitly too. With
// the default container (std::vector) a deduction guide allows construction
// with no template parameters.
template <class Diagnostics, class LoadInfo, typename GetMutableMemory,
template <class> class Container = StdContainer<std::vector>::Container>
class LoadInfoMutableMemory {
using size_type = typename LoadInfo::size_type;
// Cannot be default-constructed, copied, or moved.
LoadInfoMutableMemory() = delete;
LoadInfoMutableMemory(const LoadInfoMutableMemory&) = delete;
LoadInfoMutableMemory(LoadInfoMutableMemory&&) = default;
// Construction just stores the references and the callable object.
LoadInfoMutableMemory(Diagnostics& diag, LoadInfo& load_info, GetMutableMemory get_mutable_memory)
: diag_(diag), load_info_{load_info}, get_mutable_memory_{std::move(get_mutable_memory)} {}
// The Init() call prepares the mappings from the LoadInfo segments; it must
// be called before using the Memory API methods. It's separate from the
// constructor only so that it can fail if Container operations fail when
// building up the internal table.
bool Init() {
using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;
constexpr auto is_mutable = [](const auto& segment) -> bool {
return (segment.writable() || segment.relro()) && segment.filesz() > 0;
for (auto& segment : load_info_.segments()) {
if (LoadInfo::VisitSegment(is_mutable, segment) &&
!segments_.emplace_back(diag_, "too many mutable segments"sv, segment)) {
return false;
// This must be initilaized after loading up the container, since a
// previous end() iterator may have been invalidated.
hint_ = segments_.end();
return true;
// These are the Memory API methods for mutable memory.
// See <lib/elfldltl/memory.h> for the API specification.
template <typename T, typename U>
bool Store(size_type ptr, U value) {
auto store = [ptr, value](auto& memory) -> bool {
return memory.template Store<T>(ptr, value);
return OnMemory<T>(ptr, store);
template <typename T, typename U>
bool StoreAdd(size_type ptr, U value) {
auto store = [ptr, value](auto& memory) -> bool {
return memory.template StoreAdd<T>(ptr, value);
return OnMemory<T>(ptr, store);
// The ReadArray methods are provided here as well, and not only for Memory
// API completeness. The primary expected use of the adapter is for applying
// relocations. Some (DT_REL) relocation cases need to fetch the in-place
// addend and examine its value, rather than just using StoreAdd. These
// "read-only" methods have the same copy-on-first-reference behavior as the
// mutation methods, since in the expected use a ReadArray call will always
// be followed shortly by a Store call anyway.
template <typename T>
std::optional<cpp20::span<const T>> ReadArray(size_type address, size_type count) {
std::optional<cpp20::span<const T>> result;
auto read = [address, count, &result](auto& memory) -> bool {
result = memory.template ReadArray<T>(address, count);
return true;
OnMemory<T>(address, read, count);
return result;
template <typename T>
std::optional<cpp20::span<const T>> ReadArray(size_type address) {
std::optional<cpp20::span<const T>> result;
auto read = [address, &result](auto& memory) -> bool {
result = memory.template ReadArray<T>(address);
return true;
OnMemory<T>(address, read);
return result;
using LoadSegment =
std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<LoadInfo>, const typename LoadInfo::Segment,
typename LoadInfo::Segment>;
using MutableMemory = std::decay_t< //
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible_v<MutableMemory> ||
!std::is_const_v<LoadSegment> || std::is_copy_constructible_v<MutableMemory>,
"elfldltl::LoadInfoMutableMemory requires copyable GetMutableMemory return values when LoadInfo template parameter is const");
class MutableSegment {
explicit constexpr MutableSegment(LoadSegment& load_segment) : segment_(load_segment) {
[this](const auto& segment) -> std::true_type {
vaddr_ = segment.vaddr();
filesz_ = segment.filesz();
return {};
constexpr MutableSegment(const MutableSegment&) = default;
constexpr MutableSegment(MutableSegment&&) noexcept = default;
constexpr bool contains(size_type ptr, size_type size) const {
return vaddr_ <= ptr && filesz_ >= size && ptr - vaddr_ < filesz_ - size;
constexpr bool operator<(size_type ptr) const { return vaddr_ + filesz_ <= ptr; }
constexpr bool has_memory() const { return memory_.has_value(); }
constexpr MutableMemory& memory() { return *memory_; }
constexpr void set_memory(MutableMemory result) { memory_.emplace(std::move(result)); }
constexpr LoadSegment& segment() { return segment_; }
LoadSegment& segment_;
size_type vaddr_;
size_type filesz_;
std::optional<MutableMemory> memory_;
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible_v<MutableSegment> ||
using SegmentList = Container<MutableSegment>;
using SegmentListIterator = typename SegmentList::iterator;
fit::result<bool, SegmentListIterator> GetMutableSegment(size_type ptr, size_type size) {
// There will usually be many successive calls for addresses in the same
// segment, and often only one segment actually touched. So cache the last
// segment used as a hint before doing binary search.
if (hint_ == segments_.end() || !hint_->contains(ptr, size)) {
auto it = std::lower_bound(segments_.begin(), segments_.end(), ptr);
if (it == segments_.end() || !it->contains(ptr, size)) {
return fit::error{
diag_.FormatError("invalid relocation for ", size, " bytes", FileAddress{ptr})};
if (!it->has_memory()) {
// This segment hasn't been mutated yet. Get a MutableMemory for it.
auto result = get_mutable_memory_(diag_, it->segment());
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
hint_ = it;
return fit::ok(hint_);
template <typename T, typename Op>
bool OnMemory(size_type ptr, Op&& op, size_type count = 1) {
auto result = GetMutableSegment(ptr, sizeof(T) * count);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.error_value();
return std::forward<Op>(op)(result.value()->memory());
Diagnostics& diag_;
LoadInfo& load_info_;
[[no_unique_address]] GetMutableMemory get_mutable_memory_;
SegmentList segments_;
SegmentListIterator hint_;
// Deduction guide. Explicit template parameters must be used for everything
// to use a different Container template, since deduction guides can't be
// partially specialized.
template <class Diagnostics, class LoadInfo, typename GetMutableMemory>
LoadInfoMutableMemory(Diagnostics&, LoadInfo&, GetMutableMemory&&)
-> LoadInfoMutableMemory<Diagnostics, LoadInfo, std::decay_t<GetMutableMemory>>;
} // namespace elfldltl