blob: 4f2dd35365ca9ede8332290d84c8d7e9648ac3c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include "constants.h"
#include "internal/load-segment-types.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "phdr.h"
namespace elfldltl {
// Read the ELF file header (Ehdr) from an ELF file using the File API (see
// memory.h), and validate it for loading on this machine.
// The first template parameter gives the elfldltl::Elf<...> layout to use,
// i.e. usually elfldltl::Elf<> for native loading. The rest are deduced. If
// the optional final argument is passed, it can be std::nullopt to accept any
// machine or another ElfMachine value to match rather than the native machine.
// This returns the return value of calling file.ReadFromFile<Ehdr>,
// i.e. some type std::optional<E> where `const Ehdr& ehdr = <E object>;`
// works and the E object owns the storage ehdr points into.
template <class Elf, class Diagnostics, class File>
constexpr auto LoadEhdrFromFile(Diagnostics& diagnostics, File& file,
std::optional<ElfMachine> machine = ElfMachine::kNative)
-> decltype(file.template ReadFromFile<typename Elf::Ehdr>(0)) {
using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;
using Ehdr = typename Elf::Ehdr;
if (auto read_ehdr = file.template ReadFromFile<Ehdr>(0)) [[likely]] {
const Ehdr& ehdr = *read_ehdr;
if (ehdr.Loadable(diagnostics, machine)) [[likely]] {
return read_ehdr;
} else {
diagnostics.FormatError("cannot read ELF file header"sv);
return {};
// Read the ELF file header (Ehdr) and program headers (Phdr) from an ELF file
// using the File API (see memory.h), and validate for loading on this machine.
// This just combines LoadEhdrFromFile and ReadPhdrsFromFile (see phdr.h).
// It returns std::optional<std::pair<E, P>> where LoadEhdrFromFile returns
// std::optional<E> and ReadPhdrsFromFile returns std::optional<P>. e.g.,
// ```
// auto headers = elfldltl::LoadHeadersFromFile<elfldltl::Elf<>>(...);
// if (headers) {
// auto [ehdr_owner, phdrs_owner] = *headers;
// const Ehdr& ehdr = ehdr_owner;
// const cpp20::span<const Phdr> phdrs = phdrs_owner;
// ...
// }
// ```
template <class Elf, class Diagnostics, class File, typename PhdrAllocator>
constexpr auto LoadHeadersFromFile(Diagnostics& diagnostics, File& file,
PhdrAllocator&& phdr_allocator,
std::optional<ElfMachine> machine = ElfMachine::kNative)
-> decltype(std::make_optional(std::make_pair(
*file.template ReadFromFile<typename Elf::Ehdr>(0),
*file.template ReadArrayFromFile<typename Elf::Phdr>(0, phdr_allocator, 0)))) {
if (auto read_ehdr = LoadEhdrFromFile<Elf>(diagnostics, file, machine)) [[likely]] {
const typename Elf::Ehdr& ehdr = *read_ehdr;
if (auto read_phdrs = ReadPhdrsFromFile(diagnostics, file,
std::forward<PhdrAllocator>(phdr_allocator), ehdr)) {
return std::make_pair(*std::move(read_ehdr), *std::move(read_phdrs));
return std::nullopt;
// This does the same work as LoadHeadersFromFile, but handles different
// ELFCLASS (and optionally, ELFDATA) formats in the ELF file. It returns
// false if the file is invalid, or else returns the result of invoking the
// callback as `bool(const Ehdr&, cpp20::span<const Phdr>)` for the particular
// Elf64<...> or Elf32<...> instantiation chosen.
// If the optional expected_data argument is provided, it can be std::nullopt
// to permit callbacks with either data format (byte order) as well as either
// class. The final optional argument gives the machine architecture to match,
// and likewise can be std::nullopt to accept any machine.
template <template <typename> class PhdrAllocator, class Diagnostics, class File, typename Callback>
constexpr bool WithLoadHeadersFromFile(Diagnostics& diagnostics, File& file, Callback&& callback,
std::optional<ElfData> expected_data = ElfData::kNative,
std::optional<ElfMachine> machine = ElfMachine::kNative) {
using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;
using Ehdr64Lsb = typename Elf64<ElfData::k2Lsb>::Ehdr;
using Ehdr64Msb = typename Elf64<ElfData::k2Msb>::Ehdr;
// Below we'll call this with Elf<...>::Ehdr depending on the format.
auto load_headers = [&](const auto& ehdr) -> bool {
using Ehdr = std::decay_t<decltype(ehdr)>;
using Elf = typename Ehdr::ElfLayout;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
if (!ehdr.Loadable(diagnostics, machine)) [[unlikely]] {
return false;
PhdrAllocator<Phdr> phdr_allocator;
auto read_phdrs = ReadPhdrsFromFile(diagnostics, file, phdr_allocator, ehdr);
if (!read_phdrs) [[unlikely]] {
return false;
cpp20::span<const Phdr> phdrs = *read_phdrs;
return std::invoke(std::forward<Callback>(callback), ehdr, phdrs);
// Below we'll call this with Elf64<...>::Ehdr depending on the byte order.
auto check_class = [&](const auto& probe_ehdr) -> bool {
using ProbeEhdr = std::decay_t<decltype(probe_ehdr)>;
using ProbeElf = typename ProbeEhdr::ElfLayout;
using Ehdr32 = typename Elf32<ProbeElf::kData>::Ehdr;
// If the EI_CLASS field is invalid, it doesn't matter which one we use
// because it won't get past Valid() either way.
return probe_ehdr.elfclass == ElfClass::k64
? load_headers(probe_ehdr)
: load_headers(reinterpret_cast<const Ehdr32&>(probe_ehdr));
// Read an ELFCLASS64 header, which is larger. We'll only examine the
// e_ident fields that are common to all the header layouts until we've
// determined the right Ehdr type to use.
auto read_probe_ehdr = file.template ReadFromFile<Elf64<>::Ehdr>(0);
if (!read_probe_ehdr) [[unlikely]] {
diagnostics.FormatError("cannot read ELF file header"sv);
return false;
const Elf64<>::Ehdr& probe_ehdr = *read_probe_ehdr;
if (!expected_data) {
// If the EI_DATA field is invalid, it doesn't matter which one we use
// because won't get past Valid() either way.
return probe_ehdr.elfdata == ElfData::k2Lsb
? check_class(reinterpret_cast<const Ehdr64Lsb&>(probe_ehdr))
: check_class(reinterpret_cast<const Ehdr64Msb&>(probe_ehdr));
// The caller accepts only one byte order, so only use that instantiation.
switch (*expected_data) {
case ElfData::k2Lsb:
return check_class(reinterpret_cast<const Ehdr64Lsb&>(probe_ehdr));
case ElfData::k2Msb:
return check_class(reinterpret_cast<const Ehdr64Msb&>(probe_ehdr));
// The default template parameter for LoadInfo; see below.
template <class SegmentType>
using NoSegmentWrapper = SegmentType;
// elfldltl::LoadInfo<Elf, Container, ...> holds all the information an ELF
// loader needs to know. It holds representations of the PT_LOAD segments
// in terms that matter to loading, using Container<Segment, ...>. The
// number of PT_LOAD segments and segments().size() do not necessarily
// match exactly. Rather, each Segment is a normalized loading step.
// Container is a vector-like template, such as from an adapter like
// elfldltl::StdContainer<std::vector>::Container (container.h) or a special
// implementation like elfldltl::StaticVector<N>::Container (static-vector.h).
// It must support emplace_back, emplace, and erase methods.
// Segment is just an alias for std::variant<...> of the several specific
// types. All segment types have vaddr() and memsz(); most have offset() and
// filesz(). All these are normalized to whole pages. Segments with memsz == 0
// will always be elided.
// * ConstantSegment is loaded directly from the file (or was relocated);
// * It also has `bool readable()` and `bool executable()`.
// * It has `bool relro()` that only arises after ApplyRelro(..., true).
// * DataSegment is loaded from the file but writable (usually copy-on-write).
// * DataWithZeroFillSegment is the same but has memsz() > filesz().
// * The bytes past filesz() are zero-fill, not from the file.
// * ZeroFillSegment has only vaddr() and memsz().
// The optional SegmentWrapper template template parameter can be provided to
// modify the segment types above. Each of the named segment types will be the
// instantiation of that template with the original built-in segment type.
// This can override the methods and/or add additional ones. The segments will
// be constructed only as the built-in types are constructed, so subclasses
// should just delegate to the base class constructors (`using Base::Base;`)
// with any new members default-constructed. elfldltl::NoSegmentWrapper is a
// do-nothing template alias that's the default for SegmentWrapper.
// In addition to the standard members, a segment subclass should override the
// (templated) `bool CanMerge(const auto&) const` method to return false if
// the segment cannot be merged with an adjacent semantic of compatible flags.
// Such merging may reconstruct a new segment object and remove the old two,
// default-constructing any subclass members and losing such state.
// The default segment types are copyable, but the SegmentWrapper types can be
// move-only. Each *Segment type also has a method:
// ```
// static fit::result<bool, Type> Copy(Diagnostics& diag, const OtherSegment& other_segment);
// ```
// This constructs *Segment by copying from a segment of the corresponding
// *Segment type possibly from some different LoadInfo<...> instantiation. In
// the default case, this is no different from copy construction. But a
// segment subclass must override this with its own Copy method that also
// copies its additional state. Copying can fail, using the Diagnostics object
// and returning the fit::error<bool> of whatever its *Error calls return.
// The CopyFrom method copies each segment that way to initialize the object
// from any other LoadInfo<...> instantiation whose segments are accepted by
// copied-to the SegmentWrapper types' Copy methods. That could be just its
// own types that are move-only but can be copied with costlier work that might
// fail, or it could be a different compatible SegmentWrapper. The default
// *Segment::Copy functions will accept any corresponding segment type but will
// just ignore any extra state added by the other SegmentWrapper.
// The GetPhdrObserver method is used with elfldltl::DecodePhdrs (see phdr.h)
// to call AddSegment, which can also be called directly with a valid sequence
// of PT_LOAD segments.
// The RelroBounds function returns the normalized [start, end) of RELRO so
// protection can be applied there. The returned LoadInfo::Region object also
// has size() and empty() for convenience.
// The ApplyRelro method uses this to adjust the segments for uses where
// relocation precedes loading, after all segments have been added.
// After adjustment, VisitSegments can be used to iterate over segments()
// using std::visit.
template <class Elf, template <typename> class Container,
PhdrLoadPolicy Policy = PhdrLoadPolicy::kBasic,
template <class SegmentType> class SegmentWrapper = NoSegmentWrapper>
class LoadInfo {
using Types = internal::LoadSegmentTypes<typename Elf::size_type>;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
using Region = typename Types::Region;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
using ConstantSegment = SegmentWrapper<typename Types::template ConstantSegment<Policy>>;
using DataSegment = SegmentWrapper<typename Types::template DataSegment<Policy>>;
using DataWithZeroFillSegment =
SegmentWrapper<typename Types::template DataWithZeroFillSegment<Policy>>;
using ZeroFillSegment = SegmentWrapper<typename Types::ZeroFillSegment>;
using Segment =
std::variant<ConstantSegment, DataSegment, DataWithZeroFillSegment, ZeroFillSegment>;
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible_v<Segment> || std::is_copy_constructible_v<Segment>);
// LoadInfo is default-constructible. Whether it's movable depends on the
// Container type. Whether it's copyable depends both on the Container type
// and on the SegmentWrapper types.
// The CopyFrom method initializes a default-constructed LoadInfo by copying
// from another LoadInfo. If this LoadInfo instantiation is copyable, then
// there's probably no need to use it. However, it can be used to copy
// either from this LoadInfo type when it's not copyable, or from a different
// LoadInfo<Elf, ...> instantiation that can use a different container and/or
// different SegmentWrapper types. This object's SegmentWrapper types must
// support Copy calls with the corresponding other Loadinfo::*Segment type.
template <class Diagnostics,
// The remaining template parameters are deduced from the
// LoadInfo<...> instantiation of the argument, which could differ.
template <typename> class OtherContainer, PhdrLoadPolicy OtherPolicy,
template <class> class OtherWrapper>
bool CopyFrom(Diagnostics& diag,
const LoadInfo<Elf, OtherContainer, OtherPolicy, OtherWrapper>& other) {
using Other = LoadInfo<Elf, OtherContainer, OtherPolicy, OtherWrapper>;
vaddr_start_ = other.vaddr_start();
vaddr_size_ = other.vaddr_size();
auto copy_segment = [this, &diag](const auto& other_segment) -> bool {
using OtherSegment = std::decay_t<decltype(other_segment)>;
using NewSegment = SegmentTypeFromOther<Other, OtherSegment>;
auto new_segment = NewSegment::Copy(diag, other_segment);
if (new_segment.is_error()) [[unlikely]] {
return new_segment.error_value();
return this->AddSegment(diag, *std::move(new_segment));
return other.VisitSegments(copy_segment);
constexpr Container<Segment>& segments() { return segments_; }
constexpr const Container<Segment>& segments() const { return segments_; }
constexpr size_type vaddr_start() const { return vaddr_start_; }
constexpr size_type vaddr_size() const { return vaddr_size_; }
// Add a PT_LOAD segment. Merge with the preceding segment if they are
// adjacent and compatible, unless merge=false.
template <class Diagnostics>
constexpr bool AddSegment(Diagnostics& diagnostics, size_type page_size, const Phdr& phdr,
bool merge = true) {
// Normalize the file and memory bounds to whole pages.
auto [offset, filesz] = PageBounds(page_size, phdr.offset, phdr.filesz);
auto [vaddr, memsz] = PageBounds(page_size, phdr.vaddr, phdr.memsz);
// Choose which type of segment this should be.
if (memsz == 0) [[unlikely]] {
return true;
if (!(phdr.flags() & Phdr::kWrite)) {
return AddSegment(diagnostics, ConstantSegment(offset, vaddr, memsz, phdr.flags), merge);
if (phdr.filesz == 0) {
return AddSegment(diagnostics, ZeroFillSegment(vaddr, memsz), merge);
if (phdr.memsz > phdr.filesz) {
return AddSegment(
DataWithZeroFillSegment(offset, vaddr, memsz, phdr.offset + phdr.filesz - offset), merge);
return AddSegment(diagnostics, DataSegment(offset, vaddr, memsz, filesz), merge);
// Add a Segment or *Segment object already constructed.
template <class Diagnostics, class NewSegment>
constexpr bool AddSegment(Diagnostics& diagnostics, NewSegment new_segment, bool merge = true) {
// Merge with the last segment if possible, or else append a new one.
// SegmentMerger::Merge overloads match each specific type as it's created
// below. It only merges when it could copy, it never merges when the new
// segment would have to be moved. So it takes const& even when the
// segment type is move-only.
if ((merge && !segments_.empty() && SegmentMerger::Merge(segments_.back(), new_segment)) ||
segments_.emplace_back(diagnostics, internal::kTooManyLoads, std::move(new_segment))) {
// If this call didn't come from the PhdrObserver then it might be
// extending the original vaddr_size_.
return true;
return false;
// Get an ephemeral object to pass to elfldltl::DecodePhdrs. The returned
// observer object must not outlive this LoadInfo object. The optional
// merge=false argument prevents merging adjacent segments that are
// apparently compatible. This can be avoided if it will be done later after
// possibly changing segments' mergeability, as when ApplyRelro is used.
constexpr auto GetPhdrObserver(size_type page_size, bool merge = true) {
auto add_segment = [this, page_size, merge](auto& diagnostics, const Phdr& phdr) {
return this->AddSegment(diagnostics, page_size, phdr, merge);
return GetPhdrObserver(page_size, add_segment);
constexpr Segment RemoveLastSegment() {
Segment segment = std::move(segments_.back());
return segment;
// Iterate over segments() by calling std::visit(visitor, segment).
// Return false the first time the visitor returns false.
template <typename T>
constexpr bool VisitSegments(T&& visitor) {
return VisitAllOf(std::forward<T>(visitor), segments_);
template <typename T>
constexpr bool VisitSegments(T&& visitor) const {
return VisitAllOf(std::forward<T>(visitor), segments_);
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool VisitSegment(T&& visitor, const Segment& segment) {
return internal::Visit(visitor, segment);
constexpr typename Container<Segment>::const_iterator FindSegment(size_type vaddr) const {
auto within_bounds = [vaddr](const auto& segment) {
return segment.vaddr() <= vaddr && vaddr < segment.vaddr() + segment.memsz();
auto it = std::lower_bound(
segments_.begin(), segments_.end(), vaddr, [&](const auto& segment, size_type vaddr) {
// Pass over segments where its entire vaddr range is less than vaddr,
// subtracting 1 from vaddr + memsz to exclude the vaddr of the next segment.
// This relies on the guarantee from LoadInfo::AddSegment that all segments' memsz > 0.
return internal::Visit(
[vaddr](const auto& s) { return s.vaddr() + s.memsz() - 1 < vaddr; }, segment);
if (it != segments_.end() && !internal::Visit(within_bounds, *it)) {
it = segments_.end();
return it;
// When loading before relocation, the RelroBounds() region can just be made
// read-only in memory after relocation. Partial pages in the RELRO region are
// excluded from RelroBounds, as protections can only be applied per-page.
// TODO( Address the discrepancy between our round-up behavior and
// glibc's round-down behavior for RELRO start.
static constexpr Region RelroBounds(const std::optional<Phdr>& relro, size_type page_size) {
Region region;
if (relro) {
region.start = relro->vaddr;
if (region.start & (page_size - 1)) {
region.start = (region.start + page_size - 1) & -page_size;
region.end = (relro->vaddr + relro->memsz) & -page_size;
return region;
// Apply RELRO for loading after relocation, adjusting the segments to
// promote RELRO to read-only. If the merge_ro flag is true, then the RELRO
// segment can be merged with an adjacent true read-only segment. This is
// appropriate if relocations have been applied in place to the same image;
// whether merged or not, the RELRO segment will be part of a ConstantSegment
// with relro() false. If already-relocated segments are stored separately
// from true read-only segments (such as in a COW mirror of the original
// portion of the file), the RELRO segment instead becomes a ConstantSegment
// with relro() true.
template <class Diagnostics>
constexpr bool ApplyRelro(Diagnostics& diagnostics, const std::optional<Phdr>& relro,
size_type page_size, bool merge_ro) {
using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;
constexpr std::string_view kMissing = "PT_GNU_RELRO not in any data segment";
const Region region = RelroBounds(relro, page_size);
if (region.empty()) {
return true;
auto is_relro = [region](const auto& segment) {
return region.start >= segment.vaddr() && region.end <= segment.vaddr() + segment.memsz();
for (auto it = segments().begin(); it != segments().end(); ++it) {
Segment& segment = *it;
// This does the same work in two different instantiations for
// DataSegment and DataWithZeroFillSegment.
auto check_relro = [&](auto& data) -> std::optional<bool> {
// There is only one RELRO region and segments are in ascending order.
// If we've passed it, there isn't one to find.
if (data.vaddr() >= region.end) [[unlikely]] {
return diagnostics.FormatError(kMissing);
if (data.vaddr() + data.memsz() <= region.start) {
return std::nullopt; // Keep looking.
if (region.start > data.vaddr()) [[unlikely]] {
return diagnostics.FormatError("PT_GNU_RELRO not at segment start"sv);
// This is the segment containing RELRO. Passing both it and data is
// here redundant in that they're the same underlying Segment pointer;
// but this dispatches to the correct FixupRelro instantiation for the
// two data segment types.
return FixupRelro(diagnostics, it, data, region.size(), merge_ro);
std::optional<bool> done;
if (auto* data = std::get_if<DataSegment>(&segment)) {
done = check_relro(*data);
} else if (auto* bss = std::get_if<DataWithZeroFillSegment>(&segment)) {
done = check_relro(*bss);
} else if (diagnostics.extra_checking() && internal::Visit(is_relro, segment)) {
return diagnostics.FormatError("PT_GNU_RELRO applied to non-data segment"sv);
if (done) {
return *done;
return diagnostics.FormatError(kMissing);
// This uses the symbolizer_markup::Writer API to emit the contextual
// elements describing this ELF module. The ID number should be unique among
// modules in the same address space, i.e. since the last Reset() in the same
// markup output stream.
template <class Writer>
Writer& SymbolizerContext(Writer& writer, unsigned int id, std::string_view name,
cpp20::span<const std::byte> build_id, size_type load_address,
std::string_view prefix = {}) const {
writer.Prefix(prefix).ElfModule(id, name, build_id).Newline();
VisitSegments([&](const auto& segment) {
size_type load_vaddr = segment.vaddr() - vaddr_start() + load_address;
.LoadImageMmap(load_vaddr, segment.memsz(), id,
{.read = segment.readable(),
.write = segment.writable(),
.execute = segment.executable()},
return true;
return writer;
using SegmentMerger = internal::SegmentMerger<LoadInfo>;
static constexpr size_t kTypeCount = std::variant_size_v<Segment>;
// This has a Type alias for the *Segment type that corresponds to
// OtherSegment where OtherVariant is the other LoadInfo<...>::Segment type.
template <class OtherVariant, class OtherSegment, size_t I>
struct SegmentTypeFromOtherHelper {
using TryOther = std::variant_alternative_t<I, OtherVariant>;
static constexpr bool kMatch = std::is_same_v<TryOther, OtherSegment>;
using This = std::variant_alternative_t<I, Segment>;
using Next = SegmentTypeFromOtherHelper<OtherVariant, OtherSegment, I + 1>;
using Type = std::conditional_t<kMatch, This, typename Next::Type>;
// This specialization prevents attempting an invalid index. It will only be
// instantiated in the not-chosen argument of the std::conditional_t, but its
// Type alias still has to be a valid type for that.
template <class OtherVariant, class OtherSegment>
struct SegmentTypeFromOtherHelper<OtherVariant, OtherSegment, kTypeCount> {
using Type = void;
// This is used by Copy.
template <class Other, class OtherSegment>
using SegmentTypeFromOther =
typename SegmentTypeFromOtherHelper<typename Other::Segment, OtherSegment, 0>::Type;
// Making this static with a universal reference parameter avoids having to
// repeat the actual body in the const and non-const methods that call it.
template <typename T, class C>
static constexpr bool VisitAllOf(T&& visitor, C&& container) {
for (auto& elt : container) {
if (!internal::Visit(visitor, elt)) {
return false;
return true;
static constexpr std::pair<size_type, size_type> PageBounds(size_type page_size, size_type start,
size_type size) {
size_type end = (start + size + page_size - 1) & -page_size;
start &= -page_size;
return {start, end - start};
template <typename T>
constexpr auto GetPhdrObserver(size_type page_size, T&& add_segment) {
return MakePhdrLoadObserver<Elf, Policy>(page_size, vaddr_start_, vaddr_size_,
constexpr void RecomputeVaddrSize() {
if (!segments_.empty()) {
[this](const auto& segment) -> std::true_type {
vaddr_size_ = segment.vaddr() - vaddr_start_ + segment.memsz();
return {};
template <class SegmentType>
constexpr std::pair<ConstantSegment, std::optional<Segment>> SplitRelro(
const SegmentType& segment, size_type relro_size, bool merge_ro) {
ConstantSegment relro_segment{
Phdr::kRead | (merge_ro ? 0 : static_cast<uint32_t>(Phdr::kWrite)),
assert(relro_size <= segment.memsz());
if (relro_size == segment.memsz()) {
return {std::move(relro_segment), std::nullopt};
auto offset = segment.offset() + relro_size;
auto vaddr = segment.vaddr() + relro_size;
auto memsz = segment.memsz() - relro_size;
auto filesz = segment.filesz() - relro_size;
if (std::is_same_v<SegmentType, DataSegment>) {
return {std::move(relro_segment), DataSegment{offset, vaddr, memsz, filesz}};
assert((std::is_same_v<SegmentType, DataWithZeroFillSegment>));
if (segment.filesz() - relro_size == 0) {
return {std::move(relro_segment), ZeroFillSegment{vaddr, memsz}};
return {std::move(relro_segment), DataWithZeroFillSegment{offset, vaddr, memsz, filesz}};
// Complete ApplyRelro once the specific segment has been found. This is
// instantiated separately for DataSegment and DataWithZeroFillSegment. It
// firsts creates a new ConstantSegment spanning relro_size. If relro_size
// is less than the full segment size a second segment will be inserted after
// the relro segment. Merging is attempted on the two new segments. Note
// that because the two new segments will never be mergeable together we only
// need to try merging the relro segment with the segment behind it, and the
// split segment with the one in front of it. AddSegment will always merge
// if possible, so no new merging opportunities will become available after
// those two attempted merges have taken place. This is useful in cases
// where the segments will be copied after applying relro like in out of
// process dynamic linking. This can reduce the number of segments that need
// to be copied over into that processes address space. It doesn't make sense
// for traditional dynamic linking because all segments have already been
// mapped in before relocation can take place, so there is no efficiency to
// be found using this.
template <class Diagnostics, class SegmentType>
constexpr bool FixupRelro( //
Diagnostics& diagnostics,
// This iterator points to (the std::variant containing) this segment,
// but segment's type provides the deduced template parameter and saves
// repeating the iterator dereference and the std::get from the variant.
typename Container<Segment>::iterator it, const SegmentType& segment, //
size_type relro_size, bool merge_ro) {
if (!segment.CanReplace()) {
return diagnostics.FormatError("Cannot split segment to apply PT_GNU_RELRO protections");
auto [relro_segment, split_segment] = SplitRelro(segment, relro_size, merge_ro);
auto merge = [this](auto it1, auto it2) {
if (!SegmentMerger::Merge(*it1, *it2)) {
return it2;
// Distances are used in place of iterators because they can be
// invalidated by insert/erase.
auto dist = std::distance(segments().begin(), it1);
return segments().begin() + dist;
// Replace the current segment instead of erase + insert.
*it = std::move(relro_segment);
if (it != segments().begin()) {
it = merge(it - 1, it);
if (split_segment) {
it += 1;
auto it_or_err =
segments().emplace(diagnostics, internal::kTooManyLoads, it, *std::move(split_segment));
if (!it_or_err) {
return false;
it = *it_or_err;
if (it + 1 < segments().end()) {
merge(it, it + 1);
return true;
Container<Segment> segments_;
size_type vaddr_start_ = 0, vaddr_size_ = 0;
// Given some `LoadInfo::...Segment` type, this is true if and only if its
// writable() method ever returns true.
template <class SegmentType>
inline constexpr bool kSegmentWritable =
!std::is_same_v<decltype(std::declval<SegmentType>().writable()), std::false_type>;
// Given some `LoadInfo::...Segment` type, this is true if and only if its
// filesz() can ever return nonzero.
template <class SegmentType>
inline constexpr bool kSegmentHasFilesz =
std::is_same_v<decltype(std::declval<SegmentType>().filesz()), typename SegmentType::size_type>;
} // namespace elfldltl