blob: 798bb24d80d45f3a3e16f27f188392e8be242711 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file provides template APIs that do the central orchestration of
// dynamic linking: resolving and applying relocations.
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include "diagnostics.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "relocation.h"
namespace elfldltl {
// Apply simple fixups as directed by Elf::RelocationInfo, given the load bias:
// the difference between runtime addresses and addresses that appear in the
// relocation records. This calls memory.Store(reloc_address, runtime_address)
// or memory.StoreAdd(reloc_address, bias) to store the adjusted values.
// Returns false iff any calls into the Memory object returned false.
template <class Diagnostics, class Memory, class RelocInfo>
constexpr bool RelocateRelative(Diagnostics& diag, Memory& memory, const RelocInfo& info,
typename RelocInfo::size_type bias) {
using Addr = typename RelocInfo::Addr;
using size_type = typename RelocInfo::size_type;
struct Visitor {
constexpr bool CheckStore(bool b, size_type addr) {
if (!b) [[unlikely]] {
return diag_.FormatError("invalid address in RELATIVE relocation", FileAddress{addr});
return true;
// RELA entry with separate addend.
constexpr bool operator()(const typename RelocInfo::Rela& reloc) {
auto addr = bias_ + reloc.addend();
return CheckStore(memory_.template Store<Addr>(reloc.offset, addr), reloc.offset);
// REL or RELR entry with addend in place.
constexpr bool operator()(size_type addr) {
return CheckStore(memory_.template StoreAdd<Addr>(addr, bias_), addr);
Memory& memory_;
Diagnostics& diag_;
size_type bias_;
return info.VisitRelative(Visitor{memory, diag, bias});
// Symbolic relocation for STT_TLS symbols requires the symbolic resolution
// engine meet different invariants depending on the specific relocation type.
enum class RelocateTls {
kNone, // Not TLS.
kDynamic, // Dynamic TLS reloc: the defining module will have a TLS segment.
kStatic, // Static TLS reloc: the defining module needs static TLS layout.
kDesc, // TLSDESC reloc: the definition must supply hook and parameter.
// Apply symbolic relocations as directed by Elf::RelocationInfo, referring to
// Elf::SymbolInfo as adjusted by the load bias (as used in RelocateRelative).
// The callback function and methods on its returned Definition here use
// `fit::result<bool, ...>` for cases where failure to deliver a result is an
// option. The error value is like the return value from a Diagnostics object,
// indicating whether to continue applying more relocations or to bail out
// after this failure. The callback function is:
// * fit::result<bool, Definition> resolve(const Sym&, RelocateTls)
// where Definition is some type defined by the caller that supports methods:
// * bool undefined_weak()
// Returns true iff the symbol was resolved as an undefined weak reference.
// * size_type bias()
// Returns the load bias for symbol addresses in the defining module.
// * const Sym& symbol()
// Returns the defining symbol table entry.
// * size_type tls_module_id()
// Returns the TLS module ID number for the defining module.
// * size_type static_tls_bias()
// Returns the static TLS layout bias for the defining module.
// * TlsDescGot tls_desc_undefined_weak()
// This is only called if undefined_weak() returned true first.
// Returns the GOT contents for a TLSDESC resolution that was an
// undefined weak symbol. This overload does not require the addend
// up front. Instead, the TlsDescGot::value field will have the
// addend applied implicitly.
// * TlsDescGot tls_desc_undefined_weak(Addend addend)
// This is only called if undefined_weak() returned true first.
// Returns the GOT contents for a TLSDESC resolution that was an
// undefined weak. This overload can use the relocation addend in
// choosing the TLSDESC implementation, but this requires an extra
// load in the DT_REL case. The return value will be used as is.
// * fit::result<bool, <TlsDescGot> tls_desc(Diagnostics&, Addend addend)
// Returns the GOT contents for a TLSDESC resolution, which can fail.
// If this overload is present, then it is always used and the second
// overload need not be defined. This overload can use the relocation
// addend in choosing the TLSDESC implementation, but this requires an
// extra load in the DT_REL case. The return value will be used as is.
// * fit::result<bool, TlsDescGot> tls_desc(Diagnostics&)
// Returns the GOT contents for a TLSDESC resolution, which can fail.
// This overload does not require the addend up front. Instead, the
// TlsDescGot::value field will have the addend applied implicitly.
template <ElfMachine Machine = ElfMachine::kNative, class Memory, class DiagnosticsType,
class RelocInfo, class SymbolInfo, typename Resolve>
constexpr bool RelocateSymbolic(Memory& memory, DiagnosticsType& diagnostics,
const RelocInfo& reloc_info, const SymbolInfo& symbol_info,
typename RelocInfo::size_type bias, Resolve&& resolve) {
using namespace std::literals;
using Elf = typename RelocInfo::Elf;
using Addr = typename Elf::Addr;
using Addend = typename Elf::Addend;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
using Rel = typename Elf::Rel;
using Rela = typename Elf::Rela;
using TlsDescGot = typename Elf::TlsDescGot;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename SymbolInfo::Addr, Addr>,
"incompatible RelocInfo and SymbolInfo types passed to elfldltl::RelocateSymbolic");
using Sym = typename SymbolInfo::Sym;
static_assert(std::is_invocable_v<Resolve, const Sym&, RelocateTls>,
"elfldltl::RelocateSymbolic requires resolve(const Sym&, RelocateTls) callback");
using Traits = RelocationTraits<Machine>;
using Type = typename Traits::Type;
// Apply either a REL or RELA reloc resolved to a value, ignoring the addend.
auto apply_no_addend = [&](const auto& reloc, size_type value) -> bool {
return memory.template Store<Addr>(reloc.offset, value);
// Apply either a REL or RELA reloc resolved to a value, using the addend.
auto apply_with_addend = [&](const auto& reloc, size_type value) -> bool {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<decltype(reloc), const Rel&>) {
return memory.template StoreAdd<Addr>(reloc.offset, value);
} else {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(reloc), const Rela&>);
return memory.template Store<Addr>(reloc.offset, value + reloc.addend());
// Resolve a symbolic relocation and call apply(reloc, defn) to apply it to
// the resolved Definition object (as `const&`), if successful.
auto relocate_symbolic = [&](const auto& reloc, auto&& apply,
RelocateTls tls = RelocateTls::kNone) -> bool {
const uint32_t symndx = reloc.symndx();
decltype(auto) symtab = symbol_info.symtab();
if (symndx >= symtab.size()) [[unlikely]] {
return diagnostics.FormatError("relocation entry symbol table index out of bounds"sv);
const Sym& sym = symtab[symndx];
// Symbol index zero is mostly treated like anything else because the null
// symbol at index zero's all-zero fields map to an STB_LOCAL symbol with
// st_value of zero, which does the right thing. However, it's also an
// STT_NOTYPE symbol but still does the right thing for a TLS relocation.
if (symndx != 0) {
const bool is_tls = tls != RelocateTls::kNone;
if ((sym.type() == ElfSymType::kTls) != is_tls) [[unlikely]] {
return diagnostics.FormatError( //
is_tls ? "TLS relocation entry with non-STT_TLS symbol: "sv
: "non-TLS relocation entry with STT_TLS symbol: "sv,
auto defn = resolve(sym, tls);
return defn.is_error() ? defn.error_value() : apply(reloc, *defn);
// The Definition for a non-TLS reloc is applied by passing the biased symbol
// value to the low-level apply_{no,with}_addend function.
constexpr auto nontls = [](auto&& apply) {
return [apply](const auto& reloc, const auto& defn) {
if (defn.undefined_weak()) {
return apply(reloc, 0);
return apply(reloc, defn.symbol().value() + defn.bias());
// Static TLS relocs resolve to an offset from the thread pointer. Each
// module capable of resolving definitions for static TLS relocs will have
// had a static TLS layout assigned. Consistent with the glibc behavior, an
// undefined weak symbol results in not applying the relocation at all, which
// results in an offset from the thread pointer that's either zero or is the
// reloc's nonzero addend in the DT_REL (vs DT_RELA) case.
auto tls_absolute = [apply_with_addend](const auto& reloc, const auto& defn) {
return defn.undefined_weak() ||
apply_with_addend(reloc, defn.symbol().value() + defn.static_tls_bias());
// TLSMOD relocs resolve to a module ID (index), not an address value. This
// is stored in a GOT slot to be passed to __tls_get_addr. Consistent with
// the glibc behavior, an undefined weak symbol results in not applying the
// relocation at all, leaving the slot to yield module ID zero. The glibc
// __tls_get_addr will not handle that well--it's really not expected to be
// called at all when the symbol is an undefined weak, so nothing should
// really care what's in the GOT slots.
auto tls_module = [apply_no_addend](const auto& reloc, const auto& defn) {
return defn.undefined_weak() || apply_no_addend(reloc, defn.tls_module_id());
// Dynamic TLS relocs resolve to an offset into the defining module's TLS
// segment, stored in a GOT slot to be passed to __tls_get_addr. The
// undefined weak case is as for tls_module (above), see comments there.
auto tls_relative = [apply_with_addend](const auto& reloc, const auto& defn) {
return defn.undefined_weak() || apply_with_addend(reloc, defn.symbol().value());
// Each TLSDESC reloc acts like two relocs to consecutive GOT slots: first
// the hook function, which is passed the address of its own GOT slot; then a
// stored value for the hook to retrieve. The reloc's addend is applied only
// to the value (for REL, stored in place in that second slot). The resolver
// selects an appropriate hook function for the defining module (static or
// dynamic), and the encoding of the value is between the resolver and its
// hook function (except that it must be some sort of byte offset in a TLS
// block such that applying the addend here makes sense).
auto tls_desc = [&](const auto& reloc, const auto& defn) -> bool {
// reloc.offset points to the function slot but indicates filling both
// slots. value_reloc will point to the second slot, which is where
// the addend is used.
auto value_reloc = reloc;
value_reloc.offset = reloc.offset + sizeof(size_type);
// Call either signature of the Definition::tls_desc_undefined_weak method.
// It cannot fail, so wrap it in an OK result. The return type is always
// fit::result<bool, TlsDescGot>, which is what would be deduced. But
// using explicit decltype on the call expression makes calls
// SFINAE-friendly so that std::is_invocable_v can be used below.
// Otherwise the lambda looks like it can be called with any arguments.
auto weak_desc = [&defn](auto&&... args)
-> fit::result< //
bool, decltype(defn.tls_desc_undefined_weak(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...))> {
return fit::ok(defn.tls_desc_undefined_weak(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...));
// Call either signature of the Definition::tls_desc method. It already
// returns the result type, but the SFINAE dance is required here too.
auto defn_desc = [&diagnostics, &defn](auto&&... args)
-> decltype(defn.tls_desc(diagnostics, std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...)) {
return defn.tls_desc(diagnostics, std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);
auto apply = [reloc, value_reloc, apply_no_addend, apply_with_addend,
&memory](auto&& get_desc) -> bool {
using Reloc = std::decay_t<decltype(value_reloc)>;
constexpr bool kAddend = std::is_invocable_v<decltype(get_desc), Addend>;
const auto& apply_value = [&]() -> auto& {
if constexpr (kAddend) {
// The callback gets the addend and includes it in the value.
return apply_no_addend;
} else {
// The callback doesn't see the addend, so it's implicitly applied
// to the value slot.
return apply_with_addend;
auto get_addend = [&]() -> fit::result<bool, Addend> {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Reloc, Rel>) {
// The addend must be read out of the memory being relocated.
auto read = memory.template ReadArray<Addend>(value_reloc.offset, 1);
if (!read) {
return fit::error{false};
return fit::ok(read->front());
} else {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Reloc, Rela>);
std::ignore = &memory;
return fit::ok(value_reloc.addend);
auto resolve_desc = [&]() -> fit::result<bool, TlsDescGot> {
if constexpr (kAddend) {
// Definition::tls_get_desc(Addend) is available, so use it.
auto addend = get_addend();
return addend.is_error() ? addend.take_error() : get_desc(*addend);
} else {
// Just use Definition::tls_get_desc() without giving it the addend.
// The addend will be implicitly applied to the value slot.
return get_desc();
fit::result<bool, TlsDescGot> desc = resolve_desc();
return desc.is_error() ? desc.error_value()
: (apply_no_addend(reloc, desc->function) &&
apply_value(value_reloc, desc->value));
return defn.undefined_weak() ? apply(weak_desc) : apply(defn_desc);
// Apply a single relocation record by dispatching on its type.
auto relocate = [&](const auto& reloc) -> bool {
const uint32_t type = reloc.type();
switch (static_cast<Type>(type)) {
case Type::kNone:
return diagnostics.FormatWarning("R_*_NONE relocation record encountered"sv);
case Type::kRelative:
return diagnostics.FormatWarning("R_*_RELATIVE relocation record not sorted properly"sv) &&
apply_with_addend(reloc, bias);
case Type::kAbsolute:
return relocate_symbolic(reloc, nontls(apply_with_addend));
case Type::kPlt:
return relocate_symbolic(reloc, nontls(apply_no_addend));
case Type::kTlsModule:
return relocate_symbolic(reloc, tls_module, RelocateTls::kDynamic);
case Type::kTlsAbsolute:
return relocate_symbolic(reloc, tls_absolute, RelocateTls::kStatic);
case Type::kTlsRelative:
return relocate_symbolic(reloc, tls_relative, RelocateTls::kDynamic);
// These two are not in the enum because they don't exist on every machine.
// So they are defined as std::optional<uint32_t> and may be std::nullopt,
// which will make these tautological comparisons that get eliminated.
if (type == Traits::kGot) {
return relocate_symbolic(reloc, nontls(apply_no_addend));
if (type == Traits::kTlsDesc) {
return relocate_symbolic(reloc, tls_desc, RelocateTls::kDesc);
return diagnostics.FormatError("unrecognized relocation type"sv, type);
return reloc_info.VisitSymbolic(relocate);
} // namespace elfldltl