blob: 5f7c7ad5bba14dc4cd4e28ba0a4516aa737c114f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/bit.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include "abi-span.h"
#include "layout.h"
namespace elfldltl {
// This handles the DT_GNU_HASH format, which is the de facto standard format.
// This interface matches CompatHash (compat-hash.h).
// See SymbolInfo (symbol.h) for details.
inline constexpr uint32_t GnuHashString(std::string_view name) {
uint_fast32_t hash = 5381;
for (char c : name) {
hash *= 33;
hash += cpp20::bit_cast<unsigned char>(c);
return static_cast<uint32_t>(hash);
constexpr uint32_t kGnuNoHash = uint32_t{};
// The DT_GNU_HASH format provides a Bloom filter and a hash table. The data
// is always aligned to address size but starts with a header of four uint32_t
// words regardless of address size:
// * nbucket: number of hash buckets
// * bias: chain table index bias
// * nfilter: power-of-two number of Bloom filter array elements
// * shift: Bloom filter shift count
// After the header is an array of address-size words that forms the Bloom
// filter. The string hash value divided by address-size in bits (i.e. 32 or
// 64), modulo the size of the array (which is required to be a power of two)
// is used as the index into this array, yielding an address-sized bitmask.
// Two bit indices are derived from the string hash value: the hash value
// modulo address-size in bits; and the hash value right-shifted by the shift
// count, modulo address-size in bits. The bits at both indices are set in
// the bitmask to indicate that this hash value may be present in the table;
// if either bit is clear, no string with this hash value is present.
// Then comes the array of uint32_t hash buckets, indexed by the string hash
// value modulo the number of buckets. Zero indicates an empty hash bucket,
// and other values are symbol table indices. This points to the first symbol
// in that hash bucket. Additional symbols in the same bucket are consecutive
// in the symbol table.
// The remainder of the data forms an uint32_t array called the "chain table",
// indexed by the index into the symbol table minus the chain table index bias.
// The chain table element corresponding to a symbol table element holds the
// high 31 bits of that symbol's name string's hash value. The low bit is zero
// if the subsequent element resides in the same hash bucket and one if not.
// So the lookup procedure is as follows:
// * Compute the string hash value.
// * Compute the index to the Bloom filter element.
// * Check the filter element. If it says the hash value is definitely
// not present in the table, the lookup has failed.
// * Find the first candidate symbol table index in the hash bucket.
// If this is zero, the lookup has failed.
// * Find the corresponding chain table element (symtab index - bias).
// * Compare the high 31 bits of the hash value to table element's high bits.
// If those match, then compare the name strings. (The element's index
// into the chain table + bias gives the symtab index.) If the name
// strings match, the lookup has succeeded, yielding the symtab index.
// * If the low bit of the table element is zero, advance to the next
// table element and repeat the last step. If this reaches the end
// of the table, the table's format is invalid (there must be an entry
// with the low bit set to terminate each hash bucket's run).
// * Otherwise (i.e. the low bit is one), the lookup has failed.
template <class Elf, class AbiTraits = elfldltl::LocalAbiTraits>
class GnuHash {
using Addr = typename Elf::Addr;
using Word = typename Elf::Word;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
class iterator;
class BucketIterator;
constexpr explicit GnuHash(cpp20::span<const Addr> table) : GnuHash(table, *GetSizes(table)) {}
static constexpr bool Valid(cpp20::span<const Addr> table) { return GetSizes(table).has_value(); }
constexpr uint32_t symtab_size() const {
// First run through the buckets to find the largest symbol table index.
uint32_t max_symndx = 0;
if constexpr (sizeof(Addr) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
auto buckets = tables_.subspan(filter_index_mask_ + 1, bucket_count_);
for (uint32_t symndx : buckets) {
max_symndx = std::max(symndx, max_symndx);
} else {
size_t word_count = bucket_count_ / kBucketsPerAddr;
auto words = tables_.subspan(filter_index_mask_ + 1, word_count);
for (uint64_t word : words) {
uint32_t first = static_cast<uint32_t>(word >> Shift(0));
uint32_t second = static_cast<uint32_t>(word >> Shift(1));
max_symndx = std::max(std::max(first, second), max_symndx);
if (bucket_count_ & 1) {
// The last bucket shares a word with the start of the chain table.
uint64_t word = tables_[filter_index_mask_ + 1 + word_count];
uint32_t symndx = static_cast<uint32_t>(word >> Shift(0));
max_symndx = std::max(symndx, max_symndx);
if (max_symndx == 0) {
return 0;
// Now start at that place in the chain table and count how many remain.
if constexpr (sizeof(Addr) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
auto chain = tables_.subspan(filter_index_mask_ + 1 + bucket_count_);
if (max_symndx > chain_index_bias_ || // Check for bogus index.
max_symndx - chain_index_bias_ >= chain.size()) [[unlikely]] {
return 0;
for (uint32_t hash : chain.subspan(max_symndx - chain_index_bias_)) {
if (hash & 1) {
return max_symndx;
} else {
if (max_symndx > chain_index_bias_) [[unlikely]] {
return 0;
auto words = tables_.subspan(filter_index_mask_ + 1);
uint32_t offset = BucketChainStart(max_symndx);
if ((offset >> 1) >= words.size()) [[unlikely]] {
return 0;
if (offset & 1) {
// The first element of interest shares a word with the previous one.
if (words[offset >> 1] & kSecondEnd) {
return max_symndx;
// Check the remaining words two at a time for the end marker.
offset >>= 1;
if (offset >= words.size()) [[unlikely]] {
return 0;
for (uint64_t word : words.subspan(offset)) {
if (word & kFirstEnd) {
return max_symndx;
if (word & kSecondEnd) {
return max_symndx;
return 0; // Table didn't end with an end marker.
constexpr uint32_t Bucket(uint32_t hash) const {
size_type filter = tables_[(hash / kAddrBits) & filter_index_mask_];
uint32_t bit1 = hash % kAddrBits;
uint32_t bit2 = (hash >> filter_hash_shift_) % kAddrBits;
if ((filter >> bit1) & (filter >> bit2) & 1) {
uint32_t bucket = hash % bucket_count_;
if constexpr (sizeof(Addr) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
return tables_[filter_index_mask_ + 1 + bucket];
} else {
uint64_t word = tables_[filter_index_mask_ + 1 + (bucket >> 1)];
return static_cast<uint32_t>(word >> Shift(bucket));
return 0;
constexpr iterator begin() const;
constexpr iterator end() const;
// This is roughly the size of the hash table, though not exactly equivalent to
// std::distance(begin(), end()).
constexpr size_t size() const {
return tables_.size() * kBucketsPerAddr - AbsoluteBucketChainStart(chain_index_bias_);
// The DT_GNU_HASH data is always a whole number of Addr-aligned units, and
// so comes in as span<const Addr>. The actual encoding uses Addr-sized
// elements for the Bloom filter array but Word-sized (i.e. always 32-bit)
// elements for the symtab index tables and the header fields.
// The data begins with this four-word header (all 32-bit fields):
// * nbucket
// * bias
// * nfilter
// * shift
// Next follows the Bloom filter array: Addr filter[nfilter].
// Then comes the array of hash buckets: Word[nbucket].
// Finally the rest of the words are the "chain" array: Word[].
struct Sizes {
uint32_t nbucket; // Number of buckets.
uint32_t bias; // Lowest symtab index representable in the table.
uint32_t nfilter; // Number of filter words.
uint32_t shift; // Bit-shift on hash values for the Bloom filter.
static constexpr uint32_t kAddrPerSizes = sizeof(Sizes) / sizeof(Addr);
static constexpr uint32_t kWordPerSizes = sizeof(Sizes) / sizeof(Word);
static constexpr uint32_t kBucketsPerAddr = sizeof(Addr) / sizeof(Word);
static constexpr uint32_t kAddrBits = sizeof(Addr) * 8;
static constexpr bool kLittle = std::is_same_v<Word, typename Elf32<ElfData::k2Lsb>::Word>;
// End marker bit in the first or second uint32_t within the word.
static constexpr uint64_t kFirstEnd = uint64_t{1} << (kLittle ? 0 : 32);
static constexpr uint64_t kSecondEnd = uint64_t{1} << (kLittle ? 32 : 0);
// Right-shift applied to a table Addr for the Word at the given index.
static constexpr uint32_t Shift(uint32_t idx) {
if constexpr (sizeof(Addr) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
return 0;
return 32 * (kLittle ? (idx & 1) : (~idx & 1));
constexpr GnuHash(cpp20::span<const Addr> table, const Sizes& sizes)
: tables_(table.subspan(kAddrPerSizes)),
filter_index_mask_(sizes.nfilter - 1),
filter_hash_shift_(sizes.shift) {}
static constexpr std::optional<Sizes> GetSizes(cpp20::span<const Addr> table) {
if (table.size() >= kAddrPerSizes) [[likely]] {
Sizes sizes;
if constexpr (sizeof(Addr) == sizeof(Word)) {
sizes = {
.nbucket = table[0],
.bias = table[1],
.nfilter = table[2],
.shift = table[3],
} else {
uint64_t first = table[0];
uint64_t second = table[1];
sizes = {
.nbucket = static_cast<uint32_t>(first >> Shift(0)),
.bias = static_cast<uint32_t>(first >> Shift(1)),
.nfilter = static_cast<uint32_t>(second >> Shift(0)),
.shift = static_cast<uint32_t>(second >> Shift(1)),
const size_t total_addrs = table.size() - kAddrPerSizes;
// There must be one slot for each bucket, followed by at least one more
// slot for the chain table. This minimum number of slots can be rounded
// up to the number of slots per Addr, since there is always a whole
// number of Addr words in the overall table.
const uint32_t bucket_slots = (sizes.nbucket + 1 + kBucketsPerAddr - 1) / kBucketsPerAddr;
const uint32_t max_buckets = bucket_slots * kBucketsPerAddr;
if (sizes.nbucket > 0 && // Cannot be empty.
sizes.nbucket <= max_buckets && // Check for overflow.
sizes.shift < 32 && // Must be plausible.
cpp20::has_single_bit(sizes.nfilter) && // Must be power of two.
total_addrs >= sizes.nfilter && // Space for the filters.
// There must be space for the buckets and the chain table. We can't
// really tell how much space is needed for the chain table without
// examining all the buckets, so those indices can't be presumed
// valid later.
total_addrs - sizes.nfilter >= bucket_slots) [[likely]] {
return sizes;
return std::nullopt;
// Return Word index for the start of the bucket's chain table, relative to
// the start of the bucket table.
constexpr uint32_t BucketChainStart(uint32_t symndx) const {
return symndx - chain_index_bias_ + bucket_count_;
// Return Word index into tables_ for the start of the bucket's chain table.
constexpr uint32_t AbsoluteBucketChainStart(uint32_t symndx) const {
return ((filter_index_mask_ + 1) * kBucketsPerAddr) + BucketChainStart(symndx);
AbiSpan<const Addr, cpp20::dynamic_extent, Elf, AbiTraits> tables_;
Word bucket_count_ = 0;
Word chain_index_bias_ = 0;
Word filter_index_mask_ = 0;
Word filter_hash_shift_ = 0;
// <lib/ld/remote-abi-transcriber.h> introspection API. These aliases must
// be public, but can't be defined lexically before the private: section that
// declares the members; so this special public: section is at the end.
using AbiLocal = GnuHash<Elf, LocalAbiTraits>;
template <template <class...> class Template>
using AbiBases = Template<>;
template <template <auto...> class Template>
using AbiMembers =
Template<&GnuHash::tables_, &GnuHash::bucket_count_, &GnuHash::chain_index_bias_,
&GnuHash::filter_index_mask_, &GnuHash::filter_hash_shift_>;
template <class Elf, class AbiTraits>
class GnuHash<Elf, AbiTraits>::BucketIterator {
constexpr BucketIterator() = default;
constexpr BucketIterator(const BucketIterator&) = default;
constexpr BucketIterator& operator=(const BucketIterator&) = default;
// This creates a begin() iterator for the bucket and hash value.
constexpr explicit BucketIterator(const GnuHash& table, uint32_t bucket, uint32_t hash)
: table_(&table),
// Store with the low bit set for quick comparisons to the chain table.
hash_(hash | 1) {
// Check for a bogus index coming from the bucket table.
const uint32_t idx = i_ / kBucketsPerAddr; // Word index -> tables_ index.
if (bucket < table_->chain_index_bias_ || idx >= table_->tables_.size()) [[unlikely]] {
} else {
// We're now pointing to the start of the bucket.
// Advance to the first symbol matching the hash value.
// This creates an end() iterator.
constexpr explicit BucketIterator(const GnuHash& table)
: table_(&table), i_(static_cast<uint32_t>(table.tables_.size() * kBucketsPerAddr)) {}
constexpr bool operator==(const BucketIterator& other) const { return i_ == other.i_; }
constexpr bool operator!=(const BucketIterator& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
constexpr BucketIterator& operator++() { // prefix
// The current chain word was the previous match for hash_.
size_type current = table_->tables_[i_ / kBucketsPerAddr];
// Check the current entry for the end marker.
if ((current >> Shift(i_)) & 1) {
} else {
// Look at the rest of the bucket.
return *this;
constexpr BucketIterator& operator++(int) { // postfix
auto old = *this;
return old;
constexpr uint32_t operator*() const { return i_ - table_->AbsoluteBucketChainStart(0); }
constexpr void GoToEnd() { i_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(table_->tables_.size() * kBucketsPerAddr); }
constexpr void AdvanceToNextHashMatch(size_type current) {
if constexpr (sizeof(Addr) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
for (uint32_t chain : table_->tables_.subspan(i_)) {
if ((chain | 1) == hash_) {
// Found a matching entry.
if (chain & 1) {
// Hit the end marker with no matches.
// Advance to the next entry.
} else {
if (i_ & 1) {
// Check the second half of the current word.
uint32_t chain = static_cast<uint32_t>(current >> Shift(1));
if ((chain | 1) == hash_) {
// Found a matching entry.
if (chain & 1) {
// Hit the end marker with no matches.
// Advance to the next (aligned) entry.
// Now check two words at a time.
for (uint64_t word : table_->tables_.subspan(i_ >> 1)) {
uint32_t chain = static_cast<uint32_t>(word >> Shift(0));
if ((chain | 1) == hash_) {
// Found a matching entry.
if (chain & 1) {
// Hit the end marker with no matches.
// Advance to the second entry of the pair.
chain = static_cast<uint32_t>(word >> Shift(1));
if ((chain | 1) == hash_) {
// Found a matching entry.
if (chain & 1) {
// Hit the end marker with no matches.
// Advance to the next pair of entries.
const GnuHash* table_ = nullptr;
uint32_t i_ = -1;
uint32_t hash_ = 0;
// Iterate over the hash buckets to yield a BucketIerator for each bucket.
// Together this allows for exhaustive iteration over the whole table.
// Here each "bucket" is not actually a hash bucket in the DT_GNU_HASH
// primary hash table used for lookup, but is instead a run within a bucket
// of entries with the same full hash value (ignoring the low bit), since
// that's what a BucketIterator covers. So this is useful for exhaustive
// iteration over the hash table, and for detecting actual hash collisions,
// but is not useful for counting bucket depth and the like.
template <class Elf, class AbiTraits>
class GnuHash<Elf, AbiTraits>::iterator {
constexpr iterator() = default;
constexpr iterator(const iterator&) = default;
constexpr iterator& operator=(const iterator&) = default;
constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& other) const { return i_ == other.i_; }
constexpr bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
constexpr iterator& operator++() { // prefix
const uint32_t hash = CurrentHash();
if constexpr (sizeof(Addr) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
// Advance past each word that matches the current hash value.
do {
} while (i_ < table_->tables_.size() && table_->tables_[i_] == hash);
} else {
// If the current entry is in the second half of its word-pair, skip
// it first. Then check two words at a time. If the current entry
// is in the first half, then it's harmless to check it again.
if (i_ & 1) {
const uint64_t hash_twice = (static_cast<uint64_t>(hash) << 32) | hash;
for (uint64_t word : table_->tables_.subspan(i_ >> 1)) {
word |= (uint64_t{1} << 32) | 1;
if (word != hash_twice) {
if (static_cast<uint32_t>(word >> Shift(0)) == hash) {
// The first word matched though the second didn't. Skip just one.
// Both words matched. Advance to the next pair of entries.
i_ += 2;
return *this;
constexpr iterator operator++(int) { // postfix
iterator old = *this;
return old;
constexpr BucketIterator operator*() const {
return BucketIterator(*table_, CurrentBucket(), CurrentHash());
friend GnuHash;
constexpr uint32_t CurrentBucket() const { return i_ - table_->AbsoluteBucketChainStart(0); }
constexpr uint32_t CurrentHash() const {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(table_->tables_[i_ / kBucketsPerAddr] >> Shift(i_)) | 1;
const GnuHash* table_ = nullptr;
uint32_t i_ = -1;
template <class Elf, class AbiTraits>
constexpr auto GnuHash<Elf, AbiTraits>::begin() const -> iterator {
iterator it;
it.table_ = this;
it.i_ = AbsoluteBucketChainStart(chain_index_bias_);
return it;
template <class Elf, class AbiTraits>
constexpr auto GnuHash<Elf, AbiTraits>::end() const -> iterator {
iterator it;
it.table_ = this;
it.i_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(tables_.size() * kBucketsPerAddr);
return it;
} // namespace elfldltl