blob: 7bd2c9f1ccd2c6e9467ba4e2b304e94e2a8c67b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! # Health-checking inspect node.
//! Health installs a health checking inspect node. This node reports the current program's health
//! status in the form of an enumeration string and, in case of an unhealthy status, a free-form
//! message.
//! Possible statuses are as follows:
//! - `OK`, the Node is HEALTHY
//! - `STARTING_UP`, the node is not yet HEALTHY
//! - `UNHEALTHY`, the node is NOT HEALTHY (the program is required to provide a status message).
//! - any other value, the node is NOT HEALTHY.
//! # Usage
//! To use the health checker one must first obtain a `fuchsia_inspect::Node` to add the health
//! information into. Once that is available, use `fuchsia_inspect::health::Node::new(...)` to
//! add a standardized health checker.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use fuchsia_inspect as inspect;
//! use fuchsia_inspect::health;
//! let inspector = /* the inspector of your choice */
//! let mut root = inspector.root(); // Or perhaps a different Inspect Node of your choice.
//! let mut health = health::Node::new(root);
//! health.set_ok();
//! // ...
//! health.set_unhealthy("I am not feeling well."); // Report an error
//! // ...
//! health.set_ok(); // The component is healthy again.
//! ```
use super::{InspectType, Property, StringProperty};
use injectable_time::TimeSource;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "fuchsia"))]
use injectable_time::UtcTime as TimeType;
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
use injectable_time::MonotonicTime as TimeType;
/// A trait of a standardized health checker.
/// Contains the methods to set standardized health status. All standardized health status reporters
/// must implement this trait.
pub trait Reporter {
/// Sets the health status to `STARTING_UP`.
fn set_starting_up(&mut self);
/// Sets the health status to `OK`.
fn set_ok(&mut self);
/// Sets the health status to `UNHEALTHY`. A `message` that explains why the node is healthy
/// MUST be given.
fn set_unhealthy(&mut self, message: &str);
// The metric node name, as exposed by the health checker.
const FUCHSIA_INSPECT_HEALTH: &str = "fuchsia.inspect.Health";
const STATUS_PROPERTY_KEY: &str = "status";
const MESSAGE_PROPERTY_KEY: &str = "message";
/// Predefined statuses, per the Inspect health specification. Note that the specification
/// also allows custom string statuses.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Status {
/// The health checker is available, but has not been initialized with program status yet.
/// The program reports unhealthy status. The program MUST provide a status message if reporting
/// unhealthy.
/// The program reports healthy operation. The definition of healthy is up to the program.
impl ToString for Status {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
String::from(match self {
Status::StartingUp => "STARTING_UP",
Status::Unhealthy => "UNHEALTHY",
Status::Ok => "OK",
/// Contains subsystem health information. A global instance of Health is used implicitly
/// if the user calls the functions `init()`, `ok()` and `unhealthy(...)`.
/// Use as: ```fuchsia_inspect::health::Node``.
pub struct Node {
// The generic inspect node that hosts the health metric.
node: super::Node,
// The health status of the property
status: StringProperty,
// The detailed status message, filled out in case the health status is not OK.
message: Option<StringProperty>,
impl InspectType for Node {}
impl Reporter for Node {
/// Sets the health status to `STARTING_UP`.
fn set_starting_up(&mut self) {
self.set_status_enum(Status::StartingUp, None);
/// Sets the health status to `OK`.
fn set_ok(&mut self) {
self.set_status_enum(Status::Ok, None);
/// Sets the health status to `UNHEALTHY`. A `message` that explains why the node is healthy
/// MUST be given.
fn set_unhealthy(&mut self, message: &str) {
self.set_status_enum(Status::Unhealthy, Some(message));
impl Node {
/// Creates a new health checking node as a child of `parent`. The initial observed state
/// is `STARTING_UP`, and remains so until the programs call one of `set_ok` or `set_unhealthy`.
pub fn new(parent: &super::Node) -> Self {
return Self::new_internal(parent, TimeType::new());
// Creates a health node using a specified timestamp. Useful for tests.
pub fn new_with_timestamp<T: TimeSource>(parent: &super::Node, timestamper: T) -> Self {
Self::new_internal(parent, timestamper)
fn new_internal<T: TimeSource>(parent: &super::Node, timestamper: T) -> Self {
let node = parent.create_child(FUCHSIA_INSPECT_HEALTH);
let status = node.create_string(STATUS_PROPERTY_KEY, Status::StartingUp.to_string());
let message = None;
Node { node, status, message }
// Sets the health status from the supplied `status` and `message`. Panics if setting invalid
// status, e.g. setting `UNHEALTHY` without a message.
fn set_status_enum(&mut self, status: Status, message: Option<&str>) {
assert!(status != Status::Unhealthy || message != None, "UNHEALTHY must have a message.");
self.set_status(&status.to_string(), message);
// Sets an arbitrary status and an arbitrary (optional) message into the health report.
// Prefer setting standard status using one of the predefined API methods. This one will
// allow you to set whatever you want.
fn set_status(&mut self, status: &str, message: Option<&str>) {
match (&self.message, message) {
(_, None) => self.message = None,
(Some(m), Some(n)) => m.set(n),
(None, Some(n)) => {
self.message = Some(self.node.create_string(MESSAGE_PROPERTY_KEY, n))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::Inspector;
use diagnostics_assertions::assert_data_tree;
use injectable_time::FakeTime;
fn health_checker_lifecycle() {
let inspector = Inspector::default();
let root = inspector.root();
// In the beginning, the inspector has no stats.
assert_data_tree!(inspector, root: contains {});
let fake_time = FakeTime::new();
let mut health = Node::new_with_timestamp(root, fake_time);
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "STARTING_UP",
start_timestamp_nanos: 42i64,
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "OK",
start_timestamp_nanos: 42i64,
health.set_unhealthy("Bad state");
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "UNHEALTHY",
message: "Bad state",
start_timestamp_nanos: 42i64,
// Verify that the message changes.
health.set_unhealthy("Another bad state");
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "UNHEALTHY",
message: "Another bad state",
start_timestamp_nanos: 42i64,
// Also verifies that there is no more message.
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "OK",
start_timestamp_nanos: 42i64,
// Revert to STARTING_UP, but only for tests.
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "STARTING_UP",
start_timestamp_nanos: 42i64,
fn health_is_recordable() {
let inspector = Inspector::default();
let root = inspector.root();
let fake_time = FakeTime::new();
let mut health = Node::new_with_timestamp(root, fake_time);
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "OK",
start_timestamp_nanos: 42i64,
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "OK",
start_timestamp_nanos: 42i64,