blob: e5adbcf442f826afaa01992a99bbb659615d1ef4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !build_with_native_toolchain
package component
import (
stdio "io"
func respond(ctx fidl.Context, flags io.OpenFlags, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest, err error, node Node) error {
if err != nil {
defer func() {
_ = req.Close()
if flags&io.OpenFlagsDescribe != 0 {
proxy := io.NodeEventProxy{Channel: req.Channel}
switch err := err.(type) {
case nil:
info, err := node.DescribeDeprecated(ctx)
if err != nil {
return proxy.OnOpen(int32(zx.ErrOk), &info)
case *zx.Error:
return proxy.OnOpen(int32(err.Status), nil)
return nil
func logError(err error) {
type Node interface {
getIO() (io.NodeWithCtx, func() error, error)
addConnection(ctx fidl.Context, flags io.OpenFlags, mode io.ModeType, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error
DescribeDeprecated(fidl.Context) (io.NodeInfoDeprecated, error)
func noop() error {
return nil
type Service struct {
// AddFn is called serially with an incoming request. It must not block, and
// is expected to handle incoming calls on the request.
AddFn func(context.Context, zx.Channel) error
var _ Node = (*Service)(nil)
var _ io.NodeWithCtx = (*Service)(nil)
func (s *Service) getIO() (io.NodeWithCtx, func() error, error) {
return s, noop, nil
func (s *Service) addConnection(ctx fidl.Context, flags io.OpenFlags, mode io.ModeType, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
// TODO( this does not implement the node protocol correctly,
// but matches the behaviour of SDK VFS.
if flags&io.OpenFlagsNodeReference != 0 {
stub := io.NodeWithCtxStub{Impl: s}
go Serve(context.Background(), &stub, req.Channel, ServeOptions{
OnError: logError,
return respond(ctx, flags, req, nil, s)
return respond(ctx, flags, req, s.AddFn(context.Background(), req.Channel), s)
func (s *Service) Clone(ctx fidl.Context, flags io.OpenFlags, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
return s.addConnection(ctx, flags, 0, req)
func (s *Service) Reopen(ctx fidl.Context, rights io.RightsRequest, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
// TODO( implement.
_ = req.Close()
return nil
func (*Service) Close(fidl.Context) (unknown.CloseableCloseResult, error) {
return unknown.CloseableCloseResultWithResponse(unknown.CloseableCloseResponse{}), nil
func (*Service) DescribeDeprecated(fidl.Context) (io.NodeInfoDeprecated, error) {
var nodeInfo io.NodeInfoDeprecated
return nodeInfo, nil
func (*Service) GetConnectionInfo(fidl.Context) (io.ConnectionInfo, error) {
var connectionInfo io.ConnectionInfo
// TODO( Populate the rights requested by the client at connection.
// This might require separating Service from the VFS implementation so that the latter can
// hold these rights.
return connectionInfo, nil
func (*Service) Sync(fidl.Context) (io.Node2SyncResult, error) {
return io.Node2SyncResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*Service) GetAttr(fidl.Context) (int32, io.NodeAttributes, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrOk), io.NodeAttributes{
Mode: uint32(io.ModeTypeService),
Id: io.InoUnknown,
LinkCount: 1,
}, nil
func (*Service) SetAttr(fidl.Context, io.NodeAttributeFlags, io.NodeAttributes) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (*Service) GetAttributes(fidl.Context, io.NodeAttributesQuery) (io.Node2GetAttributesResult, error) {
// TODO( implement.
return io.Node2GetAttributesResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*Service) UpdateAttributes(fidl.Context, io.MutableNodeAttributes) (io.Node2UpdateAttributesResult, error) {
// TODO( implement.
return io.Node2UpdateAttributesResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*Service) ListExtendedAttributes(_ fidl.Context, request io.ExtendedAttributeIteratorWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
_ = request.Close()
return nil
func (*Service) GetExtendedAttribute(fidl.Context, []uint8) (io.Node2GetExtendedAttributeResult, error) {
return io.Node2GetExtendedAttributeResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*Service) SetExtendedAttribute(fidl.Context, []uint8, io.ExtendedAttributeValue, io.SetExtendedAttributeMode) (io.Node2SetExtendedAttributeResult, error) {
return io.Node2SetExtendedAttributeResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*Service) RemoveExtendedAttribute(fidl.Context, []uint8) (io.Node2RemoveExtendedAttributeResult, error) {
return io.Node2RemoveExtendedAttributeResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*Service) GetFlags(fidl.Context) (int32, io.OpenFlags, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), 0, nil
func (*Service) SetFlags(fidl.Context, io.OpenFlags) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (*Service) QueryFilesystem(fidl.Context) (int32, *io.FilesystemInfo, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil, nil
func (*Service) Query(fidl.Context) ([]uint8, error) {
return []byte(io.NodeProtocolName_), nil
type Directory interface {
Get(string) (Node, bool)
ForEach(func(string, Node) error) error
var _ Directory = mapDirectory(nil)
type mapDirectory map[string]Node
func (md mapDirectory) Get(name string) (Node, bool) {
node, ok := md[name]
return node, ok
func (md mapDirectory) ForEach(fn func(string, Node) error) error {
for name, node := range md {
if err := fn(name, node); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var _ Directory = (*pprofDirectory)(nil)
type pprofDirectory struct{}
func (*pprofDirectory) Get(name string) (Node, bool) {
if p := pprof.Lookup(name); p != nil {
return &FileWrapper{
File: &pprofFile{
p: p,
}, true
return nil, false
func (*pprofDirectory) ForEach(fn func(string, Node) error) error {
for _, p := range pprof.Profiles() {
if err := fn(p.Name(), &FileWrapper{
File: &pprofFile{
p: p,
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type DirectoryWrapper struct {
Directory Directory
var _ Node = (*DirectoryWrapper)(nil)
func (dir *DirectoryWrapper) GetDirectory() io.DirectoryWithCtx {
return &directoryState{DirectoryWrapper: dir}
func (dir *DirectoryWrapper) getIO() (io.NodeWithCtx, func() error, error) {
return dir.GetDirectory(), noop, nil
func (dir *DirectoryWrapper) addConnection(ctx fidl.Context, flags io.OpenFlags, mode io.ModeType, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
ioDir := dir.GetDirectory()
stub := io.DirectoryWithCtxStub{Impl: ioDir}
go Serve(context.Background(), &stub, req.Channel, ServeOptions{
OnError: logError,
return respond(ctx, flags, req, nil, dir)
var _ io.DirectoryWithCtx = (*directoryState)(nil)
type directoryState struct {
reading bool
dirents bytes.Buffer
func (dirState *directoryState) Clone(ctx fidl.Context, flags io.OpenFlags, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
return dirState.addConnection(ctx, flags, 0, req)
func (dirState *directoryState) Reopen(ctx fidl.Context, rights io.RightsRequest, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
// TODO( implement.
_ = req.Close()
return nil
func (*directoryState) Close(fidl.Context) (unknown.CloseableCloseResult, error) {
return unknown.CloseableCloseResultWithResponse(unknown.CloseableCloseResponse{}), nil
func (*DirectoryWrapper) DescribeDeprecated(fidl.Context) (io.NodeInfoDeprecated, error) {
var nodeInfo io.NodeInfoDeprecated
return nodeInfo, nil
func (*directoryState) GetConnectionInfo(fidl.Context) (io.ConnectionInfo, error) {
var connectionInfo io.ConnectionInfo
// TODO( Populate the rights requested by the client at connection.
rights := io.RStarDir
return connectionInfo, nil
func (*directoryState) Sync(fidl.Context) (io.Node2SyncResult, error) {
return io.Node2SyncResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*directoryState) GetAttr(fidl.Context) (int32, io.NodeAttributes, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrOk), io.NodeAttributes{
Mode: uint32(io.ModeTypeDirectory) | uint32(fdio.VtypeIRUSR),
Id: io.InoUnknown,
LinkCount: 1,
}, nil
func (*directoryState) SetAttr(fidl.Context, io.NodeAttributeFlags, io.NodeAttributes) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (*directoryState) GetAttributes(fidl.Context, io.NodeAttributesQuery) (io.Node2GetAttributesResult, error) {
// TODO( implement.
return io.Node2GetAttributesResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*directoryState) UpdateAttributes(fidl.Context, io.MutableNodeAttributes) (io.Node2UpdateAttributesResult, error) {
// TODO( implement.
return io.Node2UpdateAttributesResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*directoryState) ListExtendedAttributes(_ fidl.Context, request io.ExtendedAttributeIteratorWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
_ = request.Close()
return nil
func (*directoryState) GetExtendedAttribute(fidl.Context, []uint8) (io.Node2GetExtendedAttributeResult, error) {
return io.Node2GetExtendedAttributeResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*directoryState) SetExtendedAttribute(fidl.Context, []uint8, io.ExtendedAttributeValue, io.SetExtendedAttributeMode) (io.Node2SetExtendedAttributeResult, error) {
return io.Node2SetExtendedAttributeResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*directoryState) RemoveExtendedAttribute(fidl.Context, []uint8) (io.Node2RemoveExtendedAttributeResult, error) {
return io.Node2RemoveExtendedAttributeResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
const dot = "."
func (dirState *directoryState) Open(ctx fidl.Context, flags io.OpenFlags, mode io.ModeType, path string, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
if path == dot {
return dirState.addConnection(ctx, flags, mode, req)
const slash = "/"
if strings.HasSuffix(path, slash) {
path = path[:len(path)-len(slash)]
if i := strings.Index(path, slash); i != -1 {
if node, ok := dirState.Directory.Get(path[:i]); ok {
proxy, cleanup, err := node.getIO()
if err != nil {
return err
defer cleanup()
if dir, ok := proxy.(io.DirectoryWithCtx); ok {
return dir.Open(ctx, flags, mode, path[i+len(slash):], req)
return respond(ctx, flags, req, &zx.Error{Status: zx.ErrNotDir}, node)
} else if node, ok := dirState.Directory.Get(path); ok {
return node.addConnection(ctx, flags, mode, req)
return respond(ctx, flags, req, &zx.Error{Status: zx.ErrNotFound}, dirState)
func (dirState *directoryState) Open2(ctx fidl.Context, path string, protocols io.ConnectionProtocols, channel zx.Channel) error {
// TODO( implement.
_ = channel.Close()
return nil
func (*directoryState) Unlink(fidl.Context, string, io.UnlinkOptions) (io.Directory2UnlinkResult, error) {
return io.Directory2UnlinkResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*directoryState) CreateSymlink(fidl.Context, string, []uint8, io.SymlinkWithCtxInterfaceRequest) (io.Directory2CreateSymlinkResult, error) {
return io.Directory2CreateSymlinkResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (dirState *directoryState) ReadDirents(ctx fidl.Context, maxOut uint64) (int32, []uint8, error) {
if !dirState.reading {
writeFn := func(name string, node Node) error {
ioNode, cleanup, err := node.getIO()
if err != nil {
return err
defer cleanup()
status, attr, err := ioNode.GetAttr(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if status := zx.Status(status); status != zx.ErrOk {
return fmt.Errorf("io.Node.GetAttr returned non-ok zx.Status %s", status)
dirent := syscall.Dirent{
Ino: attr.Id,
Size: uint8(len(name)),
Type: uint8(func() io.DirentType {
switch modeType := attr.Mode & io.ModeTypeMask; modeType {
case io.ModeTypeDirectory:
return io.DirentTypeDirectory
case io.ModeTypeFile:
return io.DirentTypeFile
case io.ModeTypeService:
return io.DirentTypeService
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown mode type: %b", modeType))
if err := binary.Write(&dirState.dirents, binary.LittleEndian, dirent); err != nil {
return err
dirState.dirents.Truncate(dirState.dirents.Len() - int(unsafe.Sizeof(syscall.Dirent{}.Name)))
if _, err := dirState.dirents.WriteString(name); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err := writeFn(dot, dirState); err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
if err := dirState.Directory.ForEach(writeFn); err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
dirState.reading = true
} else if dirState.dirents.Len() == 0 {
status, err := dirState.Rewind(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
if status := zx.Status(status); status != zx.ErrOk {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("dirState.Rewind(_) = %s", status)
return int32(zx.ErrOk), dirState.dirents.Next(int(maxOut)), nil
func (dirState *directoryState) Rewind(fidl.Context) (int32, error) {
dirState.reading = false
return int32(zx.ErrOk), nil
func (*directoryState) GetToken(fidl.Context) (int32, zx.Handle, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), zx.HandleInvalid, nil
func (*directoryState) Rename(fidl.Context, string, zx.Event, string) (io.Directory2RenameResult, error) {
return io.Directory2RenameResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*directoryState) Link(fidl.Context, string, zx.Handle, string) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (*directoryState) Watch(_ fidl.Context, _ io.WatchMask, _ uint32, watcher io.DirectoryWatcherWithCtxInterfaceRequest) (int32, error) {
if err := watcher.Close(); err != nil {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (*directoryState) GetFlags(fidl.Context) (int32, io.OpenFlags, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), 0, nil
func (*directoryState) SetFlags(fidl.Context, io.OpenFlags) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (dirState *directoryState) AdvisoryLock(fidl.Context, io.AdvisoryLockRequest) (io.AdvisoryLockingAdvisoryLockResult, error) {
return io.AdvisoryLockingAdvisoryLockResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*directoryState) QueryFilesystem(fidl.Context) (int32, *io.FilesystemInfo, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil, nil
func (*directoryState) Query(fidl.Context) ([]uint8, error) {
return []byte(io.DirectoryProtocolName_), nil
type File interface {
// If error is non-nil, GetReader returns a component.Reader for the file
// contents, and the length of the file contents.
GetReader() (Reader, uint64, error)
var _ File = (*pprofFile)(nil)
type pprofFile struct {
p *pprof.Profile
func (p *pprofFile) GetReader() (Reader, uint64, error) {
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := p.p.WriteTo(&b, 0); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return NoVMO(NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(b.Bytes()))), uint64(b.Len()), nil
var _ File = (*stackTraceFile)(nil)
// stackTraceFile provides a File implementation to expose goroutine
// stacks.
type stackTraceFile struct{}
func (f *stackTraceFile) GetReader() (Reader, uint64, error) {
buf := make([]byte, 4096)
for {
n := runtime.Stack(buf, true)
if n < len(buf) {
return NoVMO(NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(buf[:n]))), uint64(n), nil
buf = make([]byte, 2*len(buf))
var _ Node = (*FileWrapper)(nil)
type FileWrapper struct {
File File
func (file *FileWrapper) getFileState() (*fileState, error) {
reader, size, err := file.File.GetReader()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &fileState{
FileWrapper: file,
reader: reader,
size: size,
}, nil
func (file *FileWrapper) GetFile() (io.FileWithCtx, error) {
return file.getFileState()
func (file *FileWrapper) getIO() (io.NodeWithCtx, func() error, error) {
state, err := file.getFileState()
if err != nil {
return nil, noop, err
return state, state.reader.Close, nil
func (file *FileWrapper) addConnection(ctx fidl.Context, flags io.OpenFlags, mode io.ModeType, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
ioFile, err := file.getFileState()
if err != nil {
return err
stub := io.FileWithCtxStub{Impl: ioFile}
go func() {
defer ioFile.reader.Close()
Serve(context.Background(), &stub, req.Channel, ServeOptions{
OnError: logError,
return respond(ctx, flags, req, nil, ioFile)
var _ io.FileWithCtx = (*fileState)(nil)
type ReaderWithoutCloser interface {
type ReaderWithoutGetVMO interface {
type Reader interface {
// GetVMO returns a pointer to the Reader's handle to its backing VMO, if the
// Reader is backed by a VMO.
GetVMO() *zx.VMO
type nopCloser struct {
func (nopCloser) Close() error { return nil }
// NopCloser implements Closer for Readers that don't need closing. We can't just use io.NopCloser()
// because it doesn't compose with stdio.ReaderAt.
func NopCloser(r ReaderWithoutCloser) ReaderWithoutGetVMO {
return nopCloser{ReaderWithoutCloser: r}
type noVMO struct {
func (*noVMO) GetVMO() *zx.VMO {
return nil
// NoVMO implements GetVMO for Readers that don't have a backing VMO.
func NoVMO(r ReaderWithoutGetVMO) Reader {
return &noVMO{ReaderWithoutGetVMO: r}
type fileState struct {
reader Reader
size uint64
func (fState *fileState) Clone(ctx fidl.Context, flags io.OpenFlags, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
return fState.addConnection(ctx, flags, 0, req)
func (fState *fileState) Reopen(ctx fidl.Context, rights io.RightsRequest, req io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
// TODO( implement.
_ = req.Close()
return nil
func (fState *fileState) Close(fidl.Context) (unknown.CloseableCloseResult, error) {
return unknown.CloseableCloseResultWithResponse(unknown.CloseableCloseResponse{}), fState.reader.Close()
func (*FileWrapper) DescribeDeprecated(fidl.Context) (io.NodeInfoDeprecated, error) {
var nodeInfo io.NodeInfoDeprecated
return nodeInfo, nil
func (fState *fileState) Describe(fidl.Context) (io.FileInfo, error) {
var fileInfo io.FileInfo
return fileInfo, nil
func (*fileState) LinkInto(fidl.Context, zx.Event, string) (io.LinkableLinkIntoResult, error) {
return io.LinkableLinkIntoResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (fState *fileState) GetConnectionInfo(fidl.Context) (io.ConnectionInfo, error) {
var connectionInfo io.ConnectionInfo
// TODO( Populate the rights requested by the client at connection.
rights := io.RStarDir
return connectionInfo, nil
func (*fileState) Sync(fidl.Context) (io.Node2SyncResult, error) {
return io.Node2SyncResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (fState *fileState) GetAttr(fidl.Context) (int32, io.NodeAttributes, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrOk), io.NodeAttributes{
Mode: uint32(io.ModeTypeFile) | uint32(fdio.VtypeIRUSR),
Id: io.InoUnknown,
ContentSize: fState.size,
LinkCount: 1,
}, nil
func (*fileState) SetAttr(fidl.Context, io.NodeAttributeFlags, io.NodeAttributes) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (*fileState) GetAttributes(fidl.Context, io.NodeAttributesQuery) (io.Node2GetAttributesResult, error) {
// TODO( implement.
return io.Node2GetAttributesResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*fileState) UpdateAttributes(fidl.Context, io.MutableNodeAttributes) (io.Node2UpdateAttributesResult, error) {
// TODO( implement.
return io.Node2UpdateAttributesResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*fileState) ListExtendedAttributes(_ fidl.Context, request io.ExtendedAttributeIteratorWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
_ = request.Close()
return nil
func (*fileState) GetExtendedAttribute(fidl.Context, []uint8) (io.Node2GetExtendedAttributeResult, error) {
return io.Node2GetExtendedAttributeResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*fileState) SetExtendedAttribute(fidl.Context, []uint8, io.ExtendedAttributeValue, io.SetExtendedAttributeMode) (io.Node2SetExtendedAttributeResult, error) {
return io.Node2SetExtendedAttributeResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*fileState) RemoveExtendedAttribute(fidl.Context, []uint8) (io.Node2RemoveExtendedAttributeResult, error) {
return io.Node2RemoveExtendedAttributeResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*fileState) Allocate(fidl.Context, uint64, uint64, io.AllocateMode) (io.FileAllocateResult, error) {
return io.FileAllocateResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*fileState) EnableVerity(fidl.Context, io.VerificationOptions) (io.FileEnableVerityResult, error) {
return io.FileEnableVerityResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (fState *fileState) Read(_ fidl.Context, count uint64) (io.ReadableReadResult, error) {
if l := fState.size; l < count {
count = l
b := make([]byte, count)
n, err := fState.reader.Read(b)
if err != nil && err != stdio.EOF {
return io.ReadableReadResult{}, err
b = b[:n]
return io.ReadableReadResultWithResponse(io.ReadableReadResponse{
Data: b,
}), nil
func (fState *fileState) ReadAt(_ fidl.Context, count uint64, offset uint64) (io.FileReadAtResult, error) {
if l := fState.size - offset; l < count {
count = l
b := make([]byte, count)
n, err := fState.reader.ReadAt(b, int64(offset))
if err != nil && err != stdio.EOF {
return io.FileReadAtResult{}, err
b = b[:n]
return io.FileReadAtResultWithResponse(io.FileReadAtResponse{
Data: b,
}), nil
func (*fileState) Write(fidl.Context, []uint8) (io.WritableWriteResult, error) {
return io.WritableWriteResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*fileState) WriteAt(fidl.Context, []uint8, uint64) (io.FileWriteAtResult, error) {
return io.FileWriteAtResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (fState *fileState) Seek(_ fidl.Context, origin io.SeekOrigin, offset int64) (io.FileSeekResult, error) {
n, err := fState.reader.Seek(offset, int(origin))
return io.FileSeekResultWithResponse(
OffsetFromStart: uint64(n),
}), err
func (*fileState) Resize(fidl.Context, uint64) (io.FileResizeResult, error) {
return io.FileResizeResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil
func (*fileState) GetFlags(fidl.Context) (int32, io.OpenFlags, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), 0, nil
func (*fileState) SetFlags(fidl.Context, io.OpenFlags) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (*fileState) QueryFilesystem(fidl.Context) (int32, *io.FilesystemInfo, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil, nil
func (*fileState) Query(fidl.Context) ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(io.FileProtocolName_), nil
func (fState *fileState) AdvisoryLock(fidl.Context, io.AdvisoryLockRequest) (io.AdvisoryLockingAdvisoryLockResult, error) {
return io.AdvisoryLockingAdvisoryLockResult{}, &zx.Error{Status: zx.ErrNotSupported, Text: fmt.Sprintf("%T", fState)}
func (fState *fileState) GetBackingMemory(fidl.Context, io.VmoFlags) (io.FileGetBackingMemoryResult, error) {
if vmo := fState.reader.GetVMO(); vmo != nil {
// TODO( The rights on this VMO should be capped at the connection's.
h, err := vmo.Handle().Duplicate(zx.RightSameRights)
switch err := err.(type) {
case nil:
return io.FileGetBackingMemoryResultWithResponse(io.FileGetBackingMemoryResponse{
Vmo: zx.VMO(h),
}), nil
case *zx.Error:
return io.FileGetBackingMemoryResultWithErr(int32(err.Status)), nil
return io.FileGetBackingMemoryResult{}, err
return io.FileGetBackingMemoryResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotSupported)), nil