blob: 01c4740407d7f9d4a7836ad8d02de7b6740d988a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include <lib/zx/timer.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
namespace async_watchdog {
class WatchdogImpl;
// A Watchdog class which monitors the aliveness of an async loop.
// Watchdog starts a new thread and lets the async loop run on that thread.
// Every |timeout_ms| milliseconds, the Watchdog class will post an "update"
// task on the async loop associated with |dispatcher|, and a "check" task
// on the watchdog thread async loop.
// If the "update" task is not executed, the whole process will crash and
// the stack trace will be printed to klog.
class Watchdog {
// Watchdog constructor.
// Params:
// - |thread_name|: Name for thread that's being checked.
// - |warning_interval_ms|: Period of watchdog checks.
// - |timeout_ms|: maximum timeout allowed for a thread to be
// unresponsive.
// - |dispatcher|: the async dispatcher the user wants Watchdog to monitor.
Watchdog(std::string thread_name, uint64_t warning_interval_ms, uint64_t timeout_ms,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
async::Loop loop_;
std::unique_ptr<WatchdogImpl> watchdog_impl_;
class WatchdogImpl {
// Params:
// - |thread_name|: Name for thread that's being checked.
// - |warning_interval_ms|: Period of consecutive watchdog timer tasks.
// If watched thread is unresponsive for this time, watchdog will
// print out current stack trace.
// - |timeout_ms|: If watched thread is unresponsive for longer
// than |timeout_ms|, the process will crash.
// - |watchdog_dispatcher|: async dispatcher of watchdog thread's async loop.
// - |watched_thread_dispatcher|: async dispatcher of the watched thread's
// async loop.
// - |run_update_fn|: A closure which updates the watchdog state, which is
// executed by *watchdog thread* every |timeout_ms| ms.
// - |check_update_fn|: A function which should check if the watchdog state
// is updated.
// Returns false if |run_update_fn| was not called during the
// past |timeout_ms| ms; Otherwise returns true.
WatchdogImpl(std::string thread_name, uint64_t warning_interval_ms, uint64_t timeout_ms,
async_dispatcher_t* watchdog_dispatcher,
async_dispatcher_t* watched_thread_dispatcher, fit::closure run_update_fn,
fit::function<bool(void)> check_update_fn);
// Initialize the Watchdog, post PostUpdateTask() onto watched thread's
// async loop, and post HandleTimer() task onto watchdog thread's async
// loop.
void Initialize();
// Finalize the Watchdog, cancel all pending tasks.
void Finalize();
// Post the update task to watchdog's async loop.
// This function runs on watched thread's async loop.
void PostUpdateTask();
// Run update_() to update the watchdog status.
// This function runs on watchdog's async loop.
void RunUpdate();
// Run check_update_() to check if the watched process is active; and then
// post a new pair of PostUpdateTask() and HandleTimer() tasks to
// corresponding dispatchers.
// This function runs on watchdog's async loop.
void HandleTimer();
// Helper method used by Initialize() and HandleTimer().
// Posts tasks to watched and watchdog threads.
void PostTasks();
const std::string thread_name_;
zx::time last_update_timestamp_ = zx::time(0);
// Time between two consecutive check_update_() calls.
zx::duration warning_interval_ = zx::duration(0);
// Max allowed time for the watched thread to block watchdog
// tasks.
zx::duration timeout_ = zx::duration(0);
// Number of times the watchdog polls the watched thread between two
// consecutive timer handler functions.
// We set this value to 3, i.e. there will be (timeout_ / 4) ms between
// two consecutive updates, or update and check.
// This avoids frequent polling and it ensures it would be no more
// than |timeout_| ms before we detect an unresponsive thread.
constexpr static size_t kPollingNum = 3;
bool initialized_ = false;
bool finalized_ = false;
std::mutex mutex_;
async_dispatcher_t* watchdog_dispatcher_;
async_dispatcher_t* watched_thread_dispatcher_;
fit::closure run_update_fn_;
fit::function<bool(void)> check_update_fn_;
using PostUpdateTaskClosureMethod =
async::TaskClosureMethod<WatchdogImpl, &WatchdogImpl::PostUpdateTask>;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PostUpdateTaskClosureMethod>> post_update_tasks_;
async::TaskClosureMethod<WatchdogImpl, &WatchdogImpl::RunUpdate> run_update_task_{this};
async::TaskClosureMethod<WatchdogImpl, &WatchdogImpl::HandleTimer> handle_timer_task_{this};
} // namespace async_watchdog