blob: 4af37711edb7bac23b7010423e1d40128639c801 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/lib/async-watchdog/watchdog.h"
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include "src/lib/testing/loop_fixture/test_loop_fixture.h"
namespace async_watchdog {
using WatchdogUnittest = gtest::TestLoopFixture;
class TestWatchdog {
TestWatchdog(uint64_t warning_interval_ms, uint64_t timeout_ms,
async::LoopInterface* watchdog_loop, async::LoopInterface* watched_thread_loop,
fit::closure run_update, fit::function<bool(void)> check_update)
: watchdog_loop_(watchdog_loop), watched_thread_loop_(watched_thread_loop) {
watchdog_impl_ = std::make_unique<WatchdogImpl>(
"TestWatchdog thread", warning_interval_ms, timeout_ms, watchdog_loop_->dispatcher(),
watched_thread_loop_->dispatcher(), std::move(run_update), std::move(check_update));
~TestWatchdog() { watchdog_impl_->Finalize(); }
async::LoopInterface* watchdog_loop_;
async::LoopInterface* watched_thread_loop_;
std::unique_ptr<WatchdogImpl> watchdog_impl_;
// This tests whether the watchdog can run for every
// |kWatchdogTimeoutMs| ms.
TEST_F(WatchdogUnittest, Basic) {
const uint64_t kWatchdogTimeoutMs = 12ul;
std::shared_ptr<int> counter_update = std::make_shared<int>(0);
std::shared_ptr<int> counter_check = std::make_shared<int>(0);
auto watchdog_loop = test_loop().StartNewLoop();
auto watched_thread_loop = test_loop().StartNewLoop();
TestWatchdog watchdog(
kWatchdogTimeoutMs, kWatchdogTimeoutMs, watchdog_loop.get(), watched_thread_loop.get(),
[counter_update]() { (*counter_update)++; },
[counter_check]() {
return true;
EXPECT_EQ(*counter_update, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(*counter_check, 0);
// Update at 3s, 6s, 9s, 15s, 18s, 21s.
EXPECT_EQ(*counter_update, 6);
// Check at 12s, 24s.
EXPECT_EQ(*counter_check, 2);
// This tests whether the watchdog can detect the failure and end the
// process if Scenic timeouts (here we do not run the test main loop
// to simulate the situation where Scenic is not responsive).
TEST_F(WatchdogUnittest, TimeoutTest) {
const uint64_t kWatchdogTimeoutMs = 5ul;
auto unexecuted_loop = async::TestLoop();
auto watchdog_loop = test_loop().StartNewLoop();
auto watched_thread_loop = unexecuted_loop.StartNewLoop();
std::shared_ptr<bool> triggered = std::make_shared<bool>(false);
TestWatchdog watchdog(
kWatchdogTimeoutMs, kWatchdogTimeoutMs, watchdog_loop.get(), watched_thread_loop.get(),
[triggered]() { *triggered = true; }, [triggered]() { return *triggered; });
// This checks whether it works correctly if we use different values for
// |warning_interval| and |timeout| in WatchdogImpl.
TEST_F(WatchdogUnittest, DISABLED_MultipleTimeoutsAllowed) {
const uint64_t kWatchdogWarningInterval = 5ul;
const uint64_t kWatchdogTimeoutMs = 15ul;
std::shared_ptr<int> counter_check = std::make_shared<int>(0);
auto watchdog_loop = test_loop().StartNewLoop();
auto watched_thread_loop = test_loop().StartNewLoop();
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Scenic errors are expected in this test case.";
TestWatchdog watchdog(
kWatchdogWarningInterval, kWatchdogTimeoutMs, watchdog_loop.get(), watched_thread_loop.get(),
[]() {},
[counter_check]() {
return false;
EXPECT_EQ(*counter_check, 0);
// Check at 5s, 10s and the watchdog should not crash.
EXPECT_EQ(*counter_check, 2);
} // namespace async_watchdog