blob: 8bcb3784ba026a63ed354bc237e16f6724c3984f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::Result;
use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
use fuchsia_merkle::Hash;
use fuchsia_pkg::{PackageBuilder, PackageManifest, RelativeTo, SubpackageInfo};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
/// A builder that constructs base packages.
pub struct SubpackageBlobsPackageBuilder {
/// Maps the blob destination -> source. The destination is the blob's hash.
contents: BTreeMap<Utf8PathBuf, Utf8PathBuf>,
/// Tracks if we've processed a subpackage.
seen: BTreeSet<Hash>,
impl SubpackageBlobsPackageBuilder {
/// Add all the blobs from `package` into the subpackage blobs package being built.
pub fn add_subpackages_from_package(&mut self, package: PackageManifest) -> Result<()> {
let (_, subpackages) = package.into_blobs_and_subpackages();
for subpackage in subpackages {
/// Recursively adds all the blobs from each subpackage to `contents`.
fn add_files_from_subpackage(&mut self, subpackage: SubpackageInfo) -> Result<()> {
// Exit early if we've already processed this subpackage. We will wait
// until the very end of the function before we mark it as seen in case
// we encounter any errors along the way.
if self.seen.contains(&subpackage.merkle) {
return Ok(());
let (blobs, child_subpackages) =
for blob in blobs {
.insert(Utf8PathBuf::from(blob.merkle.to_string()), blob.source_path.into());
for child_subpackage in child_subpackages {
/// Build the base package and write the bytes to `out`.
/// Intermediate files will be written to the directory specified by
/// `gendir`.
pub fn build(
outdir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
gendir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
name: impl AsRef<str>,
out: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
) -> Result<SubpackageBlobsPackageBuildResults> {
let outdir = outdir.as_ref();
let gendir = gendir.as_ref();
let out = out.as_ref();
// Write all generated files in a subdir with the name of the package.
let gendir = gendir.join("subpackage_blobs");
let Self { contents, seen: _ } = self;
// It's not totally clear what the ABI revision means for the
// subpackage_blobs package. It isn't checked anywhere. Since it's only
// used as a vessel to transfer blobs, it's not clear who _would_ check
// it.
// Set it to `INVALID` and decide on a more appropriate ABI revision
// if/when we decide to check it.
// TODO( Clarify what this means.
let mut builder =
PackageBuilder::new("subpackage_blobs", version_history::AbiRevision::INVALID);
// However, they can have different published names. And the name here
// is the name to publish it under (and to include in the generated
// package manifest).
for (destination, source) in &contents {
builder.add_file_as_blob(destination, source)?;
let manifest_path = outdir.join("package_manifest.json");
let manifest =, out.as_std_path())?;
Ok(SubpackageBlobsPackageBuildResults { contents, manifest, manifest_path })
/// The results of building the `subpackage_blobs` package.
/// These are based on the information that the builder is configured with, and
/// then augmented with the operations that the `SubpackageBlobsPackageBuilder::build()`
/// fn performs, including an extra additions or removals.
/// This provides an audit trail of "what was created".
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct SubpackageBlobsPackageBuildResults {
/// Maps the blob destination -> source. The destination is the blob's hash.
pub contents: BTreeMap<Utf8PathBuf, Utf8PathBuf>,
pub manifest: PackageManifest,
pub manifest_path: Utf8PathBuf,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use fuchsia_archive::Utf8Reader;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use std::fs::File;
use tempfile::TempDir;
fn create_package(
root: &Utf8Path,
name: &str,
subpackages: &[(&PackageManifest, &Utf8Path)],
) -> (PackageManifest, Utf8PathBuf) {
let dir = root.join(name);
// Hardcode the ABI so it doesn't change when the ABI revision is bumped.
let mut builder = PackageBuilder::new(name, 0x57904F5A17FA3B22.into());
let blob_name = format!("{}-blob", name);
builder.add_contents_as_blob(&blob_name, &blob_name, &dir).unwrap();
let meta_name = format!("meta/{}-meta", name);
builder.add_contents_to_far(&meta_name, &meta_name, &dir).unwrap();
for (subpackage_manifest, subpackage_path) in subpackages {
let manifest =, dir.join("meta.far")).unwrap();
let manifest_path = dir.join("package_manifest.json");
serde_json::to_writer(File::create(&manifest_path).unwrap(), &manifest).unwrap();
(manifest, manifest_path)
fn build_empty() {
let builder = SubpackageBlobsPackageBuilder::default();
let outdir_tmp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let outdir = Utf8Path::from_path(outdir_tmp.path()).unwrap();
let gendir_tmp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let gendir = Utf8Path::from_path(gendir_tmp.path()).unwrap();
let far_path = outdir.join("subpackage_blobs.far");
let build_results =, &gendir, "subpackage_blobs", &far_path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(build_results.contents, BTreeMap::new());
fn build_with_subpackages() {
let tmp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let root = Utf8Path::from_path(tmp.path()).unwrap();
// Create a few nested subpackages DAG to make sure we include all the
// dependencies:
// A B C
// \ / \ /
// D E G
// \ / |
// F H I
let mut builder = SubpackageBlobsPackageBuilder::default();
let (a_manifest, a_manifest_path) = create_package(&root, "a", &[]);
let (b_manifest, b_manifest_path) = create_package(&root, "b", &[]);
let (c_manifest, c_manifest_path) = create_package(&root, "c", &[]);
let (d_manifest, d_manifest_path) = create_package(
&[(&a_manifest, &a_manifest_path), (&b_manifest, &b_manifest_path)],
let (e_manifest, e_manifest_path) = create_package(
&[(&b_manifest, &b_manifest_path), (&c_manifest, &c_manifest_path)],
let (f_manifest, _f_manifest_path) = create_package(
&[(&d_manifest, &d_manifest_path), (&e_manifest, &e_manifest_path)],
let (g_manifest, g_manifest_path) = create_package(&root, "g", &[]);
let (h_manifest, _h_manifest_path) =
create_package(&root, "h", &[(&g_manifest, &g_manifest_path)]);
let (i_manifest, _i_manifest_path) = create_package(&root, "i", &[]);
// Build the subpackage blobs package.
let subpackage_blobs_dir = root.join("subpackage_blobs");
let gendir_tmp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let gendir = Utf8Path::from_path(gendir_tmp.path()).unwrap();
let far_path = root.join("subpackage_blobs.far");
let build_results =, &gendir, "subpackage_blobs", &far_path).unwrap();
// Collect all the expected paths from the subpackages. This should not
// include `f`, `h`, or `i`.
let expected_merkles = a_manifest
.map(|blob| (blob.merkle.to_string().into(), blob.source_path.clone().into()))
.collect::<BTreeMap<_, _>>();
// Validate that the contents are what we expected.
assert_eq!(expected_merkles, build_results.contents);
// Read the output and ensure it contains the right files (and their
// hashes).
let mut far_reader = Utf8Reader::new(File::open(&far_path).unwrap()).unwrap();
let package = far_reader.read_file("meta/package").unwrap();
assert_eq!(br#"{"name":"subpackage_blobs","version":"0"}"#, &*package);
let contents = far_reader.read_file("meta/contents").unwrap();
let contents = std::str::from_utf8(&contents).unwrap();
let mut expected_contents = String::new();
for merkle in expected_merkles.keys() {
expected_contents.push_str(&format!("{}={}\n", merkle, merkle));
assert_eq!(contents, expected_contents);