blob: ca1e518f4002bf713031cc328780e86900cc60ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use assembly_structured_config::{validate_component, Repackager, ValidationError};
use assembly_validate_product::{validate_package, PackageValidationError};
use camino::Utf8Path;
use fuchsia_archive::Utf8Reader;
use fuchsia_pkg::{BlobInfo, PackageManifest};
use maplit::btreemap;
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::path::Path;
use tempfile::TempDir;
const PASS_WITH_CONFIG: &str = "meta/";
const PASS_WITHOUT_CONFIG: &str = "meta/";
const FAIL_MISSING_CONFIG: &str = "meta/";
fn test_package_manifest() -> (PackageManifest, TempDir) {
// unpack the archive and create a manifest
let archive_path = env!("TEST_PACKAGE_FAR");
let blob_tmp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let blob_outdir = Utf8Path::from_path(blob_tmp.path()).unwrap();
let manifest_tmp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let manifest_outdir = Utf8Path::from_path(manifest_tmp.path()).unwrap();
let manifest = PackageManifest::from_archive(
(manifest, blob_tmp)
fn test_meta_far() -> (Utf8Reader<Cursor<Vec<u8>>>, TempDir) {
let (package_manifest, unpacked) = test_package_manifest();
let meta_far_source =
package_manifest.blobs().iter().find(|b| b.path == "meta/").unwrap().source_path.clone();
let reader = Utf8Reader::new(Cursor::new(std::fs::read(meta_far_source).unwrap())).unwrap();
(reader, unpacked)
/// Makes sure that we can "turn a package valid" if it's been produced by the build without value
/// files.
fn adding_config_makes_invalid_package_valid() {
let (original_manifest, _unpacked_original) = test_package_manifest();
// ensure that product validation will fail without us doing anything
match validate_package(&original_manifest) {
Err(PackageValidationError::InvalidComponents(..)) => (),
other => panic!("expected validation to fail with invalid components, got {:#?}", other),
// provide config values for the previously-invalid component
let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let tempdir = Utf8Path::from_path(temp.path()).unwrap();
let mut repackager = Repackager::new(original_manifest.clone(), tempdir).unwrap();
.set_component_config(FAIL_MISSING_CONFIG, btreemap! { "foo".to_string() => true.into() })
let new_manifest_path =;
// ensure that the modified package is valid
let new_manifest = PackageManifest::try_load_from(new_manifest_path).unwrap();
validate_package(&new_manifest).expect("package must be valid after adding config");
/// Makes sure that the product assembly tooling never silently squashes an existing value file.
fn cant_add_config_on_top_of_existing_values() {
let (original_manifest, _unpacked_original) = test_package_manifest();
let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let tempdir = Utf8Path::from_path(temp.path()).unwrap();
let mut repackager = Repackager::new(original_manifest.clone(), tempdir).unwrap();
.set_component_config(PASS_WITH_CONFIG, btreemap! { "foo".to_string() => true.into() })
/// Checks against unintended side effects from repackaging.
fn repackaging_with_no_config_produces_identical_manifest() {
let (original_manifest, _unpacked_original) = test_package_manifest();
let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let tempdir = Utf8Path::from_path(temp.path()).unwrap();
let repackager = Repackager::new(original_manifest.clone(), tempdir).unwrap();
let new_manifest_path =;
let new_manifest = PackageManifest::try_load_from(new_manifest_path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(,, "repackaging must re-use pkg name");
"repackaging without config must not change # of blobs"
// repackaging might change order of blobs in the manifests, sort for consistency
let mut original_blobs: Vec<_> = original_manifest.blobs().iter().collect();
let mut new_blobs: Vec<_> = new_manifest.blobs().iter().collect();
original_blobs.sort_by_key(|b| &b.path);
new_blobs.sort_by_key(|b| &b.path);
// test blobs for equality
// (ignoring source paths because we wrote the new blob contents into a temporary directory)
for (original_blob, new_blob) in original_blobs.iter().zip(new_blobs.iter()) {
let BlobInfo {
source_path: _,
path: original_path,
merkle: original_merkle,
size: original_size,
} = original_blob;
let BlobInfo { source_path: _, path: new_path, merkle: new_merkle, size: new_size } =
assert_eq!(original_path, new_path, "no-op repackaging should not change blob paths");
assert_eq!(original_merkle, new_merkle, "no-op repackaging should not change blob merkles");
assert_eq!(original_size, new_size, "no-op repackaging should not change blob sizes");
fn config_resolves() {
let (mut meta_far, _unpacked_package) = test_meta_far();
validate_component(PASS_WITH_CONFIG, &mut meta_far).unwrap();
fn no_config_passes() {
let (mut meta_far, _unpacked_package) = test_meta_far();
validate_component(PASS_WITHOUT_CONFIG, &mut meta_far).unwrap();
fn config_requires_values() {
let (mut meta_far, _unpacked_package) = test_meta_far();
match validate_component(FAIL_MISSING_CONFIG, &mut meta_far).unwrap_err() {
ValidationError::ConfigValuesMissing { .. } => (),
other => panic!("expected missing values, got {}", other),