blob: 487a01932b136a9537c143b4c5e261fce652515d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::subsystems::prelude::*;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use assembly_config_schema::platform_config::timekeeper_config::TimekeeperConfig;
pub(crate) struct TimekeeperSubsystem;
impl DefineSubsystemConfiguration<TimekeeperConfig> for TimekeeperSubsystem {
fn define_configuration(
context: &ConfigurationContext<'_>,
config: &TimekeeperConfig,
builder: &mut dyn ConfigurationBuilder,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut config_builder = builder
.context("while finding the timekeeper component")?;
// This is an experimental feature that we want to deploy with care.
// We originally wanted to deploy on eng builds as well, but it proved
// to be confusing for debugging.
// See: b/308199171
let utc_start_at_startup =
// Soft crypto boards don't yet have crypto support, so we exit timekeeper
// early instead of having it crash repeatedly.
// See: b/299320231
let early_exit = context.board_info.provides_feature("fuchsia::soft_crypto");
// Some e2e tests need to change Timekeeper behavior at runtime. This setting
// allows Timekeeper to serve an endpoint for such runtime behavior changes.
// Only eng builds are allowed to have this feature.
let serve_test_protocols = config.serve_test_protocols;
// See:
if serve_test_protocols && *context.build_type != BuildType::Eng {
return Err(anyhow!(
"`serve_test_protocols==true` is only allowed in `eng` builds, see RFC 0115"
// Refer to //src/sys/time/timekeeper/config.shard.cml
// for details.
.field("disable_delays", false)?
.field("oscillator_error_std_dev_ppm", 15)?
.field("max_frequency_error_ppm", 30)?
.field("monitor_time_source_url", "")?
.field("initial_frequency_ppm", 1_000_000)?
.field("primary_uses_pull", true)?
.field("monitor_uses_pull", false)?
.field("first_sampling_delay_sec", config.first_sampling_delay_sec)?
.field("utc_start_at_startup", utc_start_at_startup)?
.field("early_exit", early_exit)?
// TODO: b/295537795 - provide this setting somehow.
.field("power_topology_integration_enabled", false)?
.field("serve_test_protocols", serve_test_protocols)?;
let mut time_source_config_builder = builder
.context("while finding the time source component")?;
// Refer to //src/sys/time/httpsdate_time_source/meta/service.cml
// for details.
.field("https_timeout_sec", 10)?
.field("standard_deviation_bound_percentage", 30)?
.field("first_rtt_time_factor", 5)?
.field("use_pull_api", true)?
.field("max_attempts_urgency_low", 3)?
.field("num_polls_urgency_low", 7)?
.field("max_attempts_urgency_medium", 3)?
.field("num_polls_urgency_medium", 5)?
.field("max_attempts_urgency_high", 3)?
.field("num_polls_urgency_high", 3)?
.field("time_source_endpoint_url", &*config.time_source_endpoint_url)?;