blob: 30625c096053fd75d6ee3ba6d2da3ba73e6878c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use assembly_config_capabilities::CapabilityNamedMap;
use assembly_config_schema::assembly_config::CompiledPackageDefinition;
use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::collections::btree_map::Entry;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use tempfile::TempDir;
use assembly_config_schema::platform_config::icu_config::{ICUMap, Revision, ICU_CONFIG_INFO};
use assembly_config_schema::{BoardInformation, BuildType, ICUConfig};
use assembly_named_file_map::NamedFileMap;
use assembly_util::{
BootfsDestination, CompiledPackageDestination, FileEntry, NamedMap, PackageSetDestination,
/// The platform's base service level.
/// This is the basis for the contract with the product as to what the minimal
/// set of services that are available in the platform will be. Features can
/// be enabled on top of this most-basic level, but some features will require
/// a higher basic level of support.
/// These were initially based on the product definitions that are used to
/// provide the basis for all other products:
/// bringup.gni (Bootstrap)
/// +--> minimal.gni (Standard)
/// +--> core.gni
/// +--> (everything else)
/// The `Utility` level is between `Bootstrap` and `Standard`, adding the `/core`
/// realm and those children of `/core` needed by all systems that include
/// `/core`.
/// The standard, default, level is `Standard`, and is the level that should be
/// used by products' main system. As it's the default, it should not be named
/// directly in the platform configuration of products.
/// Note: This version of the enum does not contain the
/// `assembly_config_schema::FeatureSetLevel::Empty` option, as that is instead
/// represented as `Option::None`, with the other values as an
/// `Option::Some(value)`.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum FeatureSupportLevel {
/// This is a small build of fuchsia which is not meant to support
/// self-updates, but rather be updated externally. It is meant for truly
/// memory constrained environments. It includes a minimal subset of
/// bootstrap and doesn't bring in any of core.
/// Bootable, but serial-only. This is only the `/bootstrap` realm. No
/// netstack, no storage drivers, etc. This is a smallest bootable system
/// created by assembly, and is primarily used for board-level bringup.
/// This is the smallest configuration that includes the `/core` realm, and
/// is best suited for utility-type systems such as recovery. The "main"
/// system for a product should not use this, and instead use the default.
/// This is the smallest "full Fuchsia" configuration. This has a netstack,
/// can update itself, and has all the subsystems that are required to
/// ship a production-level product.
/// This is the default level unless otherwise specified.
impl FeatureSupportLevel {
/// Convert a deserialized assembly_config_schema:: FeatureSetLevel into an
/// `Option<FeatureSetLevel>`, where the `Empty` case becomes `None`.
pub fn from_deserialized(
value: &assembly_config_schema::platform_config::FeatureSupportLevel,
) -> Option<Self> {
match value {
assembly_config_schema::FeatureSupportLevel::Empty => None,
assembly_config_schema::FeatureSupportLevel::Embeddable => {
assembly_config_schema::FeatureSupportLevel::Bootstrap => {
assembly_config_schema::FeatureSupportLevel::Utility => {
assembly_config_schema::FeatureSupportLevel::Standard => {
/// A trait for subsystems to implement to provide the configuration for their
/// subsystem's components.
pub(crate) trait DefineSubsystemConfiguration<T> {
/// Given the feature_set_level and build_type, along with the configuration
/// schema for the subsystem, add its configuration to the builder.
fn define_configuration(
context: &ConfigurationContext<'_>,
subsystem_config: &T,
builder: &mut dyn ConfigurationBuilder,
) -> anyhow::Result<()>;
/// This provides the context that's passed to each subsystem's configuration
/// module. These are the fields from the
/// `assembly_config_schema::platform_config::PlatformConfig` struct that are
/// available to all subsystems to use to derive their configuration from.
pub(crate) struct ConfigurationContext<'a> {
pub feature_set_level: &'a FeatureSupportLevel,
pub build_type: &'a BuildType,
pub board_info: &'a BoardInformation,
pub ramdisk_image: bool,
pub gendir: Utf8PathBuf,
pub resource_dir: Utf8PathBuf,
/// A struct for collecting multiple kinds of platform configuration.
/// Subsystem configuration structs use this builder to add their configuration
/// to the assembly.
/// Usage:
/// ```
/// use crate::subsystems::prelude::*;
/// let icu_cfg = Default::default();
/// let builder = ConfigurationBuilder::new(&icu_cfg);
/// builder.platform_bundle("wlan")?;
/// // to set a single field on a single component in a package:
/// builder.package("wlancfg").component("wlancfg").field("my_key", "some_value");
/// // to set a single field on multiple components in the same package:
/// let mut swd_package = builder.package("swd");
/// swd_package.component("meta/").field("some_key", "some_value");
/// swd_package.component("meta/").field("some_key", "some_value");
/// // to set multiple fieds on the same component:
/// swd_package.component("meta/")
/// .field("a", "value1")
/// .field("b", "value2");
/// ```
pub(crate) trait ConfigurationBuilder {
/// Add a platform assembly input bundle that should be included in the
/// assembled platform.
fn platform_bundle(&mut self, name: &str);
/// Add an ICU-flavored platform assembly input bundle that should
/// be included in the assembled platform, with a specified ICU configuration.
/// If `icu_config` is `None`, an unflavored version of the bundle is used,
/// as if [platform_bundle] was called.
fn icu_platform_bundle(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<()>;
/// Add configuration for items in bootfs.
fn bootfs(&mut self) -> &mut dyn BootfsConfigBuilder;
/// Add configuration for a named package in one of the package sets.
fn package(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut dyn PackageConfigBuilder;
/// Create a new domain config package.
fn add_domain_config(&mut self, name: PackageSetDestination) -> &mut dyn DomainConfigBuilder;
/// Add a core shard.
fn core_shard(&mut self, path: &Utf8PathBuf);
/// Sets a configuration capability.
fn set_config_capability(
&mut self,
name: &str,
config: assembly_config_capabilities::Config,
) -> Result<()>;
/// Add a kernel command line arg that should be included in the
/// assembled platform.
fn kernel_arg(&mut self, arg: String);
/// Packages compiled by subsystems to include in the assembled product.
/// Example: the trusted apps package which is configured by the product
/// configuration.
fn compiled_package(
&mut self,
destination: CompiledPackageDestination,
definition: CompiledPackageDefinition,
) -> Result<&mut CompiledPackageDefinition>;
/// The interface for specifying the configuration to provide for bootfs.
pub(crate) trait BootfsConfigBuilder {
/// Add a file to bootfs.
fn file(
&mut self,
file_entry: FileEntry<BootfsDestination>,
) -> Result<&mut dyn BootfsConfigBuilder>;
/// The interface for specifying the configuration to provide for a package.
pub(crate) trait PackageConfigBuilder {
/// Add configuration to the builder for a component within a package.
fn component(&mut self, pkg_path: &str) -> Result<&mut dyn ComponentConfigBuilder>;
/// Add a config data file to the package in the builder.
fn config_data(
&mut self,
file_entry: FileEntry<String>,
) -> Result<&mut dyn PackageConfigBuilder>;
/// The interface for building a domain config.
pub(crate) trait DomainConfigBuilder {
/// Add a directory to the domain config which can hold config resources.
fn directory(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut dyn DomainConfigDirectoryBuilder;
/// Avoid exposing the directory via capability routing.
fn skip_expose(&mut self) -> &mut dyn DomainConfigBuilder;
/// The interface for specifying the config files to add to a domain config package directory.
pub(crate) trait DomainConfigDirectoryBuilder {
/// Add a file to the directory.
fn entry(
&mut self,
file_entry: FileEntry<String>,
) -> Result<&mut dyn DomainConfigDirectoryBuilder>;
/// Add a file to the directory using the contents provided.
fn entry_from_contents(
&mut self,
destination: &str,
contents: &str,
) -> Result<&mut dyn DomainConfigDirectoryBuilder>;
/// The interface for specifying the configuration to provide for a component.
pub(crate) trait ComponentConfigBuilder {
/// Add a value for a Structured Configuration field for a given component.
fn field_value(
&mut self,
key: &str,
value: serde_json::Value,
) -> Result<&mut dyn ComponentConfigBuilder>;
/// An extension trait that allows the field value to be passed without calling
/// `.into()` at the call-site.
pub(crate) trait ComponentConfigBuilderExt {
/// Add a value for a Structured Configuration field for a given component.
fn field(
&mut self,
key: &str,
value: impl Into<serde_json::Value>,
) -> Result<&mut dyn ComponentConfigBuilder>;
impl ComponentConfigBuilderExt for &mut dyn ComponentConfigBuilder {
fn field(
&mut self,
key: &str,
value: impl Into<serde_json::Value>,
) -> Result<&mut dyn ComponentConfigBuilder> {
ComponentConfigBuilder::field_value(*self, key, value.into())
/// The in-progress builder, which hides its state.
pub(crate) struct ConfigurationBuilderImpl {
/// The Assembly Input Bundles to add.
bundles: BTreeSet<String>,
/// BootFS configuration.
bootfs: BootfsConfig,
/// Per-package configuration.
package_configs: PackageConfigs,
/// The domain config packages to add.
domain_configs: DomainConfigs,
/// The desired ICU configuration, used to configure subsystems that are
/// ICU-flavor aware.
/// If not set, use the unflavored version of the component.
icu_config: ICUConfig,
/// The core shards to add.
core_shards: Vec<Utf8PathBuf>,
/// The configuration capabilities to add.
configuration_capabilities: CapabilityNamedMap,
/// The Kernel Commandline Arguments to add.
kernel_args: BTreeSet<String>,
/// Packages compiled by assembly subsystems to include in the assembled product.
compiled_packages: BTreeMap<CompiledPackageDestination, CompiledPackageDefinition>,
impl Default for ConfigurationBuilderImpl {
/// Bypasses the need to define an [ICUConfig] in tests.
fn default() -> Self {
impl ConfigurationBuilderImpl {
/// Create a new builder. `icu_config` is a configuration for the
/// ICU library.
pub fn new(icu_config: ICUConfig) -> Self {
Self {
bundles: BTreeSet::default(),
bootfs: BootfsConfig::default(),
package_configs: PackageConfigs::new("package configs"),
domain_configs: DomainConfigs::new("domain configs"),
core_shards: Vec::new(),
configuration_capabilities: CapabilityNamedMap::new("config capabilties"),
kernel_args: BTreeSet::default(),
compiled_packages: BTreeMap::default(),
/// Convert the builder into the completed configuration that can be used
/// to create the configured platform itself.
pub fn build(self) -> CompletedConfiguration {
let Self {
icu_config: _,
} = self;
CompletedConfiguration {
/// The struct containing the resultant configuration to apply to the platform.
pub struct CompletedConfiguration {
/// The list of the Platform Assembly Input Bundles to add.
/// This is a list of Platform AIBs by name (not path).
pub bundles: BTreeSet<String>,
/// Configuration for items in bootfs.
pub bootfs: BootfsConfig,
/// Per-package configuration for named packages in the package sets
/// Which set doesn't matter, as a package can only be in one package set in
/// the assembled image.
pub package_configs: PackageConfigs,
/// The list of domain configs to add.
pub domain_configs: DomainConfigs,
// The list of core shards to add.
pub core_shards: Vec<Utf8PathBuf>,
// The configuration capabilities to add.
pub configuration_capabilities: CapabilityNamedMap,
/// The Kernel Commandline Arguments to add.
pub kernel_args: BTreeSet<String>,
pub compiled_packages: BTreeMap<CompiledPackageDestination, CompiledPackageDefinition>,
/// A map from package names to the configuration to apply to them.
pub type PackageConfigs = NamedMap<String, PackageConfiguration>;
/// A map from component manifest path with a namespace to the values for the component.
pub type ComponentConfigs = NamedMap<String, ComponentConfiguration>;
/// A map from package name to domain config.
pub type DomainConfigs = NamedMap<PackageSetDestination, DomainConfig>;
/// All of the configuration that applies to a single package.
/// This holds:
/// - config_data entries for the package
/// - for each component:
/// - Structured Config
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct PackageConfiguration {
/// A map from manifest paths within the package namespace to the values for the component.
pub components: ComponentConfigs,
/// A map of config data entries, keyed by the destination path.
pub config_data: NamedFileMap<String>,
/// The package name.
pub name: String,
impl PackageConfiguration {
/// Construt a new PackageConfiguration.
pub fn new(name: impl AsRef<str>) -> Self {
PackageConfiguration {
components: ComponentConfigs::new("component configs"),
config_data: NamedFileMap::new("config data"),
name: name.as_ref().into(),
/// All of the configuration for a single component.
/// This holds:
/// - Structured Config values for this component.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct ComponentConfiguration {
/// Structured Config key-value pairs.
pub fields: NamedMap<String, serde_json::Value>,
/// The component's manifest path in its package or in bootfs
manifest_path: String,
impl Default for ComponentConfiguration {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { fields: NamedMap::new("structured config fields"), manifest_path: String::default() }
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct DomainConfig {
pub directories: NamedMap<String, DomainConfigDirectory>,
pub name: PackageSetDestination,
pub expose_directories: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub enum FileOrContents {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct DomainConfigDirectory {
pub entries: NamedMap<String, FileOrContents>,
trait ICUMapExt<'a> {
/// Resolves a [Revision] into a computed revision, and a commit ID. If both
/// can not be computed, an error is returned.
fn resolve_revision(&'a self, requested_revision: &'a Revision) -> Result<(&Revision, &str)>;
impl<'a> ICUMapExt<'a> for ICUMap {
fn resolve_revision(&'a self, requested_revision: &'a Revision) -> Result<(&Revision, &str)> {
let (computed_revision, computed_commit_id) = match requested_revision {
Revision::Default | Revision::Latest => (
Revision::CommitId(ref commit_id) => {
(self.revision_for_commit_id(commit_id), Some(commit_id.as_ref()))
match (computed_revision, computed_commit_id) {
(None, _) => Err(anyhow!("revision not found for: {:?}", requested_revision)),
(_, None) => Err(anyhow!("commit ID not found for: {:?}", requested_revision)),
(Some(revision), Some(commit_id)) => Ok((revision, commit_id)),
impl ConfigurationBuilder for ConfigurationBuilderImpl {
fn platform_bundle(&mut self, name: &str) {
fn bootfs(&mut self) -> &mut dyn BootfsConfigBuilder {
&mut self.bootfs
fn package(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut dyn PackageConfigBuilder {
self.package_configs.entry(name.to_string()).or_insert_with_key(|name| {
PackageConfiguration {
components: ComponentConfigs::new("component configs"),
config_data: NamedFileMap::new("config data"),
name: name.to_owned(),
fn add_domain_config(&mut self, name: PackageSetDestination) -> &mut dyn DomainConfigBuilder {
self.domain_configs.entry(name.clone()).or_insert_with_key(|name| DomainConfig {
directories: NamedMap::new("directories"),
name: name.clone(),
expose_directories: true,
fn icu_platform_bundle(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<()> {
let icu_config = &self.icu_config;
let bundle_name = {
let (revision, commit_id) = ICU_CONFIG_INFO
.with_context(|| format!("while resolving revision: {}", &icu_config.revision))?;
format!("{}.icu_{}_{}", name, &revision, commit_id)
fn core_shard(&mut self, path: &Utf8PathBuf) {
fn set_config_capability(
&mut self,
name: &str,
config: assembly_config_capabilities::Config,
) -> Result<()> {
self.configuration_capabilities.try_insert_unique(name.to_string(), config)
fn kernel_arg(&mut self, arg: String) {
fn compiled_package(
&mut self,
destination: CompiledPackageDestination,
definition: CompiledPackageDefinition,
) -> Result<&mut CompiledPackageDefinition> {
match self.compiled_packages.entry(destination) {
Entry::Occupied(entry) => Err(anyhow!("duplicate package destination: {:?}", entry)),
Entry::Vacant(entry) => Ok(entry.insert(definition)),
impl DomainConfigBuilder for DomainConfig {
fn directory(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut dyn DomainConfigDirectoryBuilder {
.or_insert_with(|| DomainConfigDirectory { entries: NamedMap::new("domain configs") })
fn skip_expose(&mut self) -> &mut dyn DomainConfigBuilder {
self.expose_directories = false;
impl DomainConfigDirectoryBuilder for DomainConfigDirectory {
fn entry(
&mut self,
file_entry: FileEntry<String>,
) -> Result<&mut dyn DomainConfigDirectoryBuilder> {
.try_insert_unique(file_entry.destination.clone(), FileOrContents::File(file_entry))
.context("A config destination can only be set once for a domain config")?;
fn entry_from_contents(
&mut self,
destination: &str,
contents: &str,
) -> Result<&mut dyn DomainConfigDirectoryBuilder> {
.context("A config destination can only be set once for a domain config")?;
impl PackageConfigBuilder for PackageConfiguration {
fn component(&mut self, pkg_path: &str) -> Result<&mut dyn ComponentConfigBuilder> {
match self.components.entry(pkg_path.to_owned()) {
entry @ Entry::Vacant(_) => {
Ok(entry.or_insert_with_key(|path_in_package| ComponentConfiguration {
fields: NamedMap::new("structured config fields"),
manifest_path: path_in_package.to_owned(),
Entry::Occupied(_) => {
Err(anyhow!("Each component's configuration can only be set once"))
.with_context(|| format!("Setting configuration for component: {pkg_path}"))
.with_context(|| anyhow!("Setting configuration for package: {}",
fn config_data(
&mut self,
file_entry: FileEntry<String>,
) -> Result<&mut dyn PackageConfigBuilder> {
.context("A config data destination can only be set once for a package")?;
impl ComponentConfigBuilder for ComponentConfiguration {
/// Add a value for a Structured Configuration field for a given component.
fn field_value(
&mut self,
key: &str,
value: serde_json::Value,
) -> Result<&mut dyn ComponentConfigBuilder> {
.try_insert_unique(key.to_owned(), value)
.context("Each Structured Config field can only be set once for a component")?;
/// Configuration of components in bootfs.
/// This is separate from PackageConfig because it may have to place bare files
/// in bootfs.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct BootfsConfig {
/// A map from bootfs destination to bootfs file entry.
pub files: NamedFileMap<BootfsDestination>,
impl Default for BootfsConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { files: NamedFileMap::new("bootfs files") }
impl BootfsConfigBuilder for BootfsConfig {
/// Add a file to bootfs.
fn file(
&mut self,
file_entry: FileEntry<BootfsDestination>,
) -> Result<&mut dyn BootfsConfigBuilder> {
pub(crate) trait BoardInformationExt {
/// Returns whether or not this board provides the named feature.
fn provides_feature(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>) -> bool;
impl BoardInformationExt for BoardInformation {
/// Returns whether or not this board provides the named feature.
fn provides_feature(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>) -> bool {
// .contains(&str) doesn't work for Vec<String>, so it's neccessary
// to use .iter().any(...) instead.
let name = name.as_ref();
self.provided_features.iter().any(|f| f == name)
impl BoardInformationExt for Option<&BoardInformation> {
fn provides_feature(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>) -> bool {
match self {
Some(board_info) => board_info.provides_feature(name),
_ => false,
/// DefaultByBuildType trait is implemented on each enum value to instantiate an
/// unconfigured update checker. Specifically, an Eng build-type will result in an
/// unconfigured system-update-checker and the User or UserDebug build-types will
/// result in an unconfigured omaha-client
/// ```
/// impl DefaultByBuildType for PolicyLabels {
/// fn default_by_build_type(build_type: &BuildType) -> Self {
/// match build_type {
/// BuildType::Eng => PolicyLabels::Unrestricted,
/// BuildType::UserDebug => PolicyLabels::LocalDynamicConfig,
/// BuildType::User => PolicyLabels::BaseComponentsOnly,
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// let policy = PolicyLabels::default_by_build_type(&BuildType::Eng);
/// assert_eq!(policy, PolicyLabels::Unrestricted);
/// ```
pub(crate) trait DefaultByBuildType {
fn default_by_build_type(build_type: &BuildType) -> Self;
/// A trait which declares that a type T implements a fn which returns an instance of type T by
/// default (with respect to the build_type) or because the T struct has already been instantiated
pub(crate) trait OptionDefaultByBuildTypeExt<T: DefaultByBuildType> {
fn value_or_default_from_build_type(self, build_type: &BuildType) -> T;
/// Returns an unwrapped instance of T if T is provided, else defers to T::default_by_build_type
/// Used in situations where the configuration value's default is dependent on the build_type,
/// and may not be provided by the product owner. Therefore, None ends up being converted to
/// a default which depends on the provided BuildType.
/// Usage:
/// ```
/// let config = SwdConfig {
/// policy: None,
/// ...
/// };
/// let policy = config.policy.value_or_default_from_build_type(&BuildType::Eng);
/// assert_eq!(policy, PolicyLabels::Unrestricted);
/// ```
impl<T: DefaultByBuildType> OptionDefaultByBuildTypeExt<T> for Option<T> {
fn value_or_default_from_build_type(self, build_type: &BuildType) -> T {
self.unwrap_or_else(|| T::default_by_build_type(build_type))
// An extension trait to get revision information out of an [ICUMap].
trait ICUMapGetExt {
/// Gets the commit ID corresponding to the given `revision`.
fn commit_id_for_revision(&self, revision: &Revision) -> Option<&str>;
/// Maps back from `commit_id` to a `Revision` if possible.
fn revision_for_commit_id(&self, commit_id: &str) -> Option<&Revision>;
impl ICUMapGetExt for ICUMap {
fn commit_id_for_revision(&self, revision: &Revision) -> Option<&str> {
self.0.get(revision).map(|k| k.as_str())
fn revision_for_commit_id(&self, commit_id: &str) -> Option<&Revision> {
// Slow but easy inverse mapping, since the map is small.
self.0.iter().filter(|(_, v)| &v[..] == commit_id).map(|(k, _)| k).next()
impl ConfigurationContext<'_> {
/// Return a new gendir that is nested under the top-level gendir
/// Subsystems can use this to generate files before adding them to the
/// builder.
pub fn get_gendir(&self) -> Result<Utf8PathBuf> {
let gendir =
TempDir::new_in(&self.gendir).map_err(|e| anyhow!("preparing new gendir: {}", e))?;
let gendir = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(gendir.into_path())
.map_err(|_e| anyhow!("converting to utf8 path"))?;
/// Retrieve the full path to a platform resource identified by a path into
/// the resource directory.
pub fn get_resource(&self, path: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Utf8PathBuf {
impl ConfigurationContext<'_> {
/// Use e.g. in tests that initialize only relevant fields.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// use crate::subsystems::prelude::*;
/// let context = ConfigurationContext {
/// feature_set_level: &FeatureSupportLevel::Standard,
/// build_type: &BuildType::Eng,
/// ..Default::default()
/// };
/// ```
pub(crate) fn default_for_tests() -> Self {
Self {
feature_set_level: &FeatureSupportLevel::Standard,
build_type: &BuildType::User,
board_info: &tests::BOARD_INFORMATION_FOR_TESTS,
ramdisk_image: false,
gendir: Utf8PathBuf::new(),
resource_dir: Utf8PathBuf::new(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use assembly_images_config::BoardFilesystemConfig;
use assembly_named_file_map::SourceMerklePair;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::io::Write;
use utf8_path::path_relative_from_current_dir;
lazy_static! {
pub(crate) static ref BOARD_INFORMATION_FOR_TESTS: BoardInformation = BoardInformation {
name: "Test Board".into(),
provided_features: vec![],
input_bundles: vec![],
filesystems: BoardFilesystemConfig::default(),
fn test_config_builder() {
let mut builder = ConfigurationBuilderImpl::default();
let temp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let write_temp_file = |name: &str, contents: &str| -> Utf8PathBuf {
let p = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(temp_dir.path().join(name)).unwrap();
let mut f = std::fs::File::create(&p).unwrap();
write!(&mut f, "{}", contents).unwrap();
let one = write_temp_file("config_data1", "one");
let two = write_temp_file("config_data2", "two");
let relative_one = path_relative_from_current_dir(&one).unwrap();
let relative_two = path_relative_from_current_dir(&two).unwrap();
// using an inner
let make_config = |builder: &mut dyn ConfigurationBuilder| -> Result<()> {
.field("key_a1", "value_a1")?;
.field("key_a2", "value_a2")?;
.field("key_b1", "value_b1")?
.field("key_b2", "value_b2")?;
.config_data(FileEntry { destination: "config/one".into(), source: one.clone() })?;
.config_data(FileEntry { destination: "config/two".into(), source: two.clone() })?;
.config_data(FileEntry { destination: "config/one".into(), source: one.clone() })?;
assert!(make_config(&mut builder).is_ok());
let config =;
assert_eq!(config.package_configs.len(), 2);
&PackageConfiguration {
name: "package_a".into(),
components: NamedMap {
name: "component configs".into(),
entries: [
ComponentConfiguration {
manifest_path: "meta/component_a1".into(),
fields: NamedMap {
name: "structured config fields".into(),
entries: [("key_a1".into(), "value_a1".into())].into()
ComponentConfiguration {
manifest_path: "meta/component_a2".into(),
fields: NamedMap {
name: "structured config fields".into(),
entries: [("key_a2".into(), "value_a2".into())].into(),
config_data: NamedFileMap {
map: NamedMap {
name: "config data".into(),
entries: [
SourceMerklePair { merkle: None, source: relative_one.clone() }
SourceMerklePair { merkle: None, source: relative_two.clone() }
&PackageConfiguration {
name: "package_b".into(),
components: NamedMap {
name: "component configs".into(),
entries: [(
ComponentConfiguration {
manifest_path: "meta/component_b".into(),
fields: NamedMap {
name: "structured config fields".into(),
entries: [
("key_b1".into(), "value_b1".into()),
("key_b2".into(), "value_b2".into())
config_data: NamedFileMap {
map: NamedMap {
name: "config data".into(),
entries: [(
SourceMerklePair { merkle: None, source: relative_one.clone() }
fn test_multiple_adds_fail() {
let temp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let mut builder = ConfigurationBuilderImpl::default();
let mut component = builder.package("foo").component("baz").unwrap();
assert!(component.field("key", "value").is_ok());
assert!(component.field("key", "diff_value").is_err());
assert!(component.field("key2", "value2").is_ok());
assert!(component.field("key2", "value2").is_err());
let write_temp_file = |name: &str, contents: &str| -> Utf8PathBuf {
let p = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(temp_dir.path().join(name)).unwrap();
let mut f = std::fs::File::create(&p).unwrap();
write!(&mut f, "{}", contents).unwrap();
let baz = write_temp_file("baz", "baz");
let cat = write_temp_file("cat", "cat");
let diz = write_temp_file("diz", "diz");
.config_data(FileEntry { destination: "bar".into(), source: baz })
.config_data(FileEntry { destination: "cat".into(), source: cat.clone() })
.config_data(FileEntry { destination: "cat".into(), source: diz })
fn test_error_messages_for_multiple_adds() {
// This test validates that the error messages produced by the builder,
// when their context() entries are flattened, produces sensical-looking
// errors.
fn format_result<T>(result: Result<T>) -> String {
if let Err(e) = result {
"{} Failed{}",
.map(|(i, e)| format!("\n {: >3}. {}", i + 1, e))
} else {
"Not An error".into()
let mut builder = ConfigurationBuilderImpl::default();
let result = builder.package("foo").component("bar").context("Configuring Subsystem");
r"Configuring Subsystem Failed
1. Setting configuration for package: foo
2. Setting configuration for component: bar
3. Each component's configuration can only be set once"
let mut component = builder.package("other").component("bar").unwrap();
component.field("key", "value").unwrap();
let result = component.field("key", "value2").context("Configuring Subsystem");
r#"Configuring Subsystem Failed
1. Each Structured Config field can only be set once for a component
2. duplicate entry in structured config fields:
key: 'key'
existing value: String("value")
new value: String("value2")"#
fn test_provides_feature() {
let board_info = BoardInformation {
name: "sample".to_owned(),
provided_features: vec!["feature_a".into(), "feature_b".into()],
fn check_icu_map() {