blob: 5ee4e6ef4743123b659ff876ba3bbbcc4af9dede [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! A FileRelativePathBuf is a path which is stored in a file as being relative
//! to the file it's stored in.
//! When a file contains paths to other files, those paths either need to be
//! absolute, or need to relative to some base. Consider the following tree of
//! directories and files:
//! ```
//! <root>/
//! +-- resources/
//! +-- foo/
//! | +-- file_1.json
//! +-- bar/
//! | +-- file_2.json
//! | +-- file_3.json
//! +-- manifest.json
//! ```
//! The file `manifest.json` contains the paths to each of the json files.
//! If those paths are relative to itself (ie, file-relative), then they would
//! be:
//! - foo/file_1.json
//! - bar/file_2.json
//! - bar/file_3.json
//! However, for a program running in the root folder, the path to the
//! `manifest.json` file is `resources/manifest.json`, and the paths to the json
//! files it lists, when "resolved" against the path to the `manifest.json` file
//! are:
//! - resources/foo/file_1.json
//! - resources/bar/file_2.json
//! - resources/bar/file_3.json
//! This crate is meant to simplify the parsing and use of these files by
//! performing most of the path resolution and relativization.
//! This crate offers two pieces that work in concert, an enum for the paths in
//! the file (to track their file-relative or resolved state), and a trait which
//! can be easily implemented by structs that contain these paths to handle the
//! conversion of the structure from one form to another.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
use pathdiff::diff_utf8_paths;
use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// A Utf8PathBuf which can be either file-relative, or has been resolved with
/// the path to the containing file.
/// The 'serde::Deserialize' implementation results in these path being in the
/// file-relative state.
/// The FileRelativePathBuf has 'From' implementations that create it in the
/// "resolved" state when converting from path formats that are used by an
/// application (str, String, Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf, etc.)
/// ```
/// use assembly_file_relative_path::FileRelativePathBuf;
/// let path: FileRelativePathBuf = "some/path/to/file_1.json".into();
/// assert_eq!(
/// path,
/// FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("some/path/to/file_1.json".into())
/// );
/// let relative = path.make_relative_to_dir("some/path")?;
/// assert_eq!(
/// relative,
/// FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("to/file_1.json".into())
/// );
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(from = "FileRelativePathBufSerializationHelper")]
#[serde(into = "FileRelativePathBufSerializationHelper")]
pub enum FileRelativePathBuf {
/// The path is file-relative.
/// For structs that are stored in files that contain to other paths, which
/// are relative to the containing file, this is the serialized form of this
/// type.
/// When first deserialized file a file (or otherwise using
/// 'serde::Deserialize`, this is the state that the FileRelativePathBuf
/// will be in.
/// From this state, it can can be resolved against the path to the
/// containing file to make it usable by the application.
#[schemars(schema_with = "path_schema")]
/// The path has been 'resolved'. This is the state it's in when created directly
/// using From/Into. This state can be made relative from a path to a file
/// that will contain this path as a file-relative path.
#[schemars(schema_with = "path_schema")]
fn path_schema(gen: &mut schemars::gen::SchemaGenerator) -> schemars::schema::Schema {
let mut schema: schemars::schema::SchemaObject = <String>::json_schema(gen).into();
schema.format = Some("Utf8PathBuf".to_owned());
impl FileRelativePathBuf {
/// Convert the file-relative path into a resolved path that combines the
/// 'path_to_dir' and the file-relative path together.
/// NOTE: This version takes a path to a _directory_, while the
/// `resolve_path_from_file()` fn takes a path to a _file_.
/// ```
/// let path = FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("foo/file_1.json".into());
/// let resolved_path = path.resolve_from_dir("resources".into());
/// assert_eq!(
/// resolved_path,
/// Some(FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("resources/foo/file_1.json"))
/// );
pub fn resolve_from_dir(self, path_to_dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self> {
match self {
FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative(file_relative) => {
passthrough @ FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved(..) => Ok(passthrough),
/// Take a resolved path, and make it relative to a file.
/// ```
/// let resolved_path = FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("resources/bar/file_2.json".into());
/// let file_relative = resolved_path.make_relative_to_file("resources/manifest.json".into());
/// assert_eq!(
/// file_relative,
/// Some(FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("bar/file_2.json"))
/// );
/// ```
pub fn make_relative_to_file(self, path_to_file: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self> {
match self {
resolved @ Self::Resolved(..) => {
let dir = get_file_parent_dir(path_to_file.as_ref())?;
passthrough @ Self::FileRelative(..) => Ok(passthrough),
/// Take a resolved path, and make it relative to a directory.
/// ```
/// let resolved_path = FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("resources/bar/file_2.json".into());
/// let file_relative = resolved_path.make_relative_to_dir("resources");
/// assert_eq!(
/// file_relative,
/// Some(FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("bar/file_2.json"))
/// );
/// ```
pub fn make_relative_to_dir(self, dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self> {
match self {
Self::Resolved(resolved) => {
let file_relative = diff_utf8_paths(&resolved, &dir).ok_or_else(|| {
"Unable to make a path to '{}' that's relative to '{}'.",
passthrough @ Self::FileRelative { .. } => Ok(passthrough),
/// Use this FileRelativePathBuf as a simple Utf8PathBuf
pub fn as_utf8_pathbuf(&self) -> &Utf8PathBuf {
match self {
FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative(path_in_file) => path_in_file,
FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved(resolved_path) => resolved_path,
/// Convert this FileRelativePathBuf to a simple Utf8PathBuf
pub fn to_utf8_pathbuf(self) -> Utf8PathBuf {
match self {
FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative(path_in_file) => path_in_file,
FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved(resolved_path) => resolved_path,
/// This trait can be implemented by structs to allow them to easily resolve or
/// make file-relative all of their FileRelativePathBuf fields.
/// The implementation of this trait is straightforward, and can be moved to a
/// derive macro in the future.
/// ```
/// struct Foo {
/// some_relative_path: FileRelativePathBuf,
/// some_flag: bool,
/// child: Bar, // also impl's SupportsFileRelativePaths
/// }
/// struct Bar {
/// some_other_path: FileRelativePathBuf
/// }
/// impl SupportsFileRelativePaths for Foo {
/// fn resolve_paths_from_dir(self, path_to_dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self> {
/// let path_to_file = path_to_file.as_ref();
/// Ok( Self {
/// some_relative_path: self.some_relative_path.resolve_path_from_dir(&path_to_dir)?,
/// child: self.child.resolve_paths_from_dir(&path_to_dir)?,
/// ..self
/// })
/// }
/// }
/// let foo = Foo{ ... }
/// let resolved = foo.resolve_paths_from_file("path/to/file.txt")?;
/// ```
pub trait SupportsFileRelativePaths {
/// After deserializing a file containing file-relative paths, this function
/// is used to convert all the FileRelativePathBufs into their resolved form.
/// This is used after deserializing the struct from a file, with the path
/// to that file.
/// ```
/// struct Foo {
/// some_path: FileRelativePathBuf,
/// }
/// // trait impl omitted for brevity.
/// let foo = Foo {
/// some_path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("some/file.json".into())
/// };
/// let foo_resolved = foo.resolve_paths_from_file("path/to/containing_file.json")?;
/// assert_eq(
/// foo_resolved.some_path,
/// FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("path/to/some/file.json".into())
/// );
/// ```
fn resolve_paths_from_file(self, path_to_containing_file: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self>
Self: Sized,
let dir = get_file_parent_dir(path_to_containing_file.as_ref())?;
/// Convert all the FileRelativePathBufs in this struct (recursively) into
/// the Resolved state, using the path to the directory of the file that
/// contains file-relative paths.
/// This is the function that needs to be implemented by structs.
/// ```
/// struct Foo {
/// some_path: FileRelativePathBuf,
/// }
/// // trait impl omitted for brevity.
/// let foo = Foo {
/// some_path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("some/file.json".into())
/// };
/// let foo_resolved = foo.resolve_paths_from_dir("path/to".into())?;
/// assert_eq(
/// foo_resolved.some_path,
/// FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("path/to/some/file.json".into())
/// );
/// ```
fn resolve_paths_from_dir(self, dir_path: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self>
Self: Sized;
/// Convert all the FileRelativePathBufs in this struct (recursively) into
/// the FileRelative state, using the path to the file that will contain the
/// file-relative paths.
/// This is used before serializing the struct to a file, with the path to
/// that file.
/// ```
/// struct Foo {
/// some_path: FileRelativePathBuf,
/// }
/// // trait impl omitted for brevity.
/// let foo = Foo {
/// some_path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("some/file.json".into())
/// };
/// let foo_relative = foo.make_paths_relative_to_file("path/to/containing_file.json".into())?;
/// assert_eq(
/// foo_relative.some_path,
/// FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("some/file.json".into())
/// );
/// ```
fn make_paths_relative_to_file(
path_to_containing_file: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
) -> Result<Self>
Self: Sized,
let dir = get_file_parent_dir(path_to_containing_file.as_ref())?;
/// Convert all the FileRelativePathBufs in this struct (recursively) into
/// the FileRelative state, using the path to the directory of the file that
/// will contain the file-relative paths.
/// This is the function that needs to be implemented by structs.
/// ```
/// struct Foo {
/// some_path: FileRelativePathBuf,
/// }
/// // trait impl omitted for brevity.
/// let foo = Foo {
/// some_path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("some/file.json".into())
/// };
/// let foo_relative = foo.make_paths_relative_to_file("path/to".into())?;
/// assert_eq(
/// foo_relative.some_path,
/// FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("some/file.json".into())
/// );
/// ```
fn make_paths_relative_to_dir(
path_to_containing_dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
) -> Result<Self>
Self: Sized;
/// A helper function to get the parent of a Utf8Path, or return an error
/// that the given path doesn't have a parent.
fn get_file_parent_dir(file_path: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Utf8PathBuf> {
file_path.as_ref().parent().map(Into::into).ok_or_else(|| {
anyhow!("The given file path does not have a parent: {}", file_path.as_ref())
// Implement SupportsFileRelativePaths for FileRelativePathBuf so there is
// has an implementation that satisfies Option<T: SupportsFileRelativePaths> for
// Option<FileRelativePathBuf>
impl SupportsFileRelativePaths for FileRelativePathBuf {
fn resolve_paths_from_dir(self, dir_path: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self>
Self: Sized,
fn make_paths_relative_to_dir(
path_to_containing_dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
) -> Result<Self>
Self: Sized,
// Serialization / Deserialization implementations for FileRelativePathBuf
/// This struct is used by serde to perform the Serialization and Deserialization
/// of the FileRelativePathBuf.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct FileRelativePathBufSerializationHelper(Utf8PathBuf);
impl From<FileRelativePathBufSerializationHelper> for FileRelativePathBuf {
fn from(value: FileRelativePathBufSerializationHelper) -> Self {
impl Into<FileRelativePathBufSerializationHelper> for FileRelativePathBuf {
fn into(self) -> FileRelativePathBufSerializationHelper {
// Conversion implementations for FileRelativePathBuf
// The FileRelativePathBuf can be converted into a standard Utf8PathBuf in either
// form.
impl From<FileRelativePathBuf> for Utf8PathBuf {
fn from(value: FileRelativePathBuf) -> Self {
impl AsRef<Utf8Path> for FileRelativePathBuf {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Utf8Path {
impl AsRef<std::path::Path> for FileRelativePathBuf {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &std::path::Path {
// Creating a FileRelativePathBuf from a Utf8PathBuf or a string of some kind
// will always create it in the resolved state (since this is likely the format
// that those paths will be in).
impl From<Utf8PathBuf> for FileRelativePathBuf {
fn from(value: Utf8PathBuf) -> Self {
impl From<String> for FileRelativePathBuf {
fn from(string: String) -> FileRelativePathBuf {
impl std::str::FromStr for FileRelativePathBuf {
type Err = std::convert::Infallible;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
impl<T: ?Sized + AsRef<str>> From<&T> for FileRelativePathBuf {
fn from(s: &T) -> FileRelativePathBuf {
impl std::fmt::Display for FileRelativePathBuf {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
// Trait implementations for various containers of FileRelativePathBuf
impl<T: SupportsFileRelativePaths> SupportsFileRelativePaths for Vec<T> {
fn resolve_paths_from_dir(self, dir_path: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self> {
self.into_iter().map(|p| p.resolve_paths_from_dir(&dir_path)).collect()
fn make_paths_relative_to_dir(
path_to_containing_dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
) -> Result<Self> {
self.into_iter().map(|p| p.make_paths_relative_to_dir(&path_to_containing_dir)).collect()
impl<T: SupportsFileRelativePaths> SupportsFileRelativePaths for Option<T> {
fn resolve_paths_from_dir(self, dir_path: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self> {|s| s.resolve_paths_from_dir(dir_path)).transpose()
fn make_paths_relative_to_dir(
path_to_containing_dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
) -> Result<Self> {|s| s.make_paths_relative_to_dir(path_to_containing_dir)).transpose()
mod test {
use super::*;
use std::str::FromStr;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct SimpleStruct {
flag: bool,
path: FileRelativePathBuf,
impl SupportsFileRelativePaths for SimpleStruct {
fn resolve_paths_from_dir(self, path_to_dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self { path: self.path.resolve_from_dir(path_to_dir)?, ..self })
fn make_paths_relative_to_dir(
path_to_containing_dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self { path: self.path.make_relative_to_dir(path_to_containing_dir)?, ..self })
fn test_standard_usage_simple_struct() {
let json = serde_json::json!({
"flag": true,
"path": "foo/file_1.json"
// The parsed file uses "file-relative" paths
let parsed: SimpleStruct = serde_json::from_value(json).unwrap();
&SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("foo/file_1.json".into())
// After resolving, they will be "resolved" paths
let resolved = parsed.resolve_paths_from_file("resources/manifest.json").unwrap();
SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("resources/foo/file_1.json".into())
// When created from paths/strings, they will start as "resolved"
let created = SimpleStruct { flag: false, path: "resources/foo/file_1.json".into() };
&SimpleStruct {
flag: false,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("resources/foo/file_1.json".into())
// And then can be made relative
let relative = created.make_paths_relative_to_file("resources/manifest.json").unwrap();
SimpleStruct {
flag: false,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("foo/file_1.json".into())
// The re-serialized value should be the same as it originally was.
let serialized = serde_json::to_value(relative).unwrap();
"flag": false,
"path": "foo/file_1.json"
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct ParentStruct {
name: String,
some_path: FileRelativePathBuf,
child: SimpleStruct,
impl SupportsFileRelativePaths for ParentStruct {
fn resolve_paths_from_dir(self, path_to_dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
// Convert the path in this struct
some_path: self.some_path.resolve_from_dir(&path_to_dir)?,
// Convert the fields that implement this trait
child: self.child.resolve_paths_from_dir(&path_to_dir)?,
// and forward the rest of the fields
fn make_paths_relative_to_dir(self, path_to_dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
// Convert the path in this struct
some_path: self.some_path.make_relative_to_dir(&path_to_dir)?,
// Convert the fields that implement this trait
child: self.child.make_paths_relative_to_dir(&path_to_dir)?,
// and forward the rest of the fields
fn test_standard_usage_nested_struct() {
let json = serde_json::json!({
"name": "A name",
"some_path": "bar/file_2.json",
"child": {
"flag": true,
"path": "foo/file_1.json"
// The parsed file uses "file-relative" paths
let parsed: ParentStruct = serde_json::from_value(json).unwrap();
&ParentStruct {
name: "A name".into(),
some_path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("bar/file_2.json".into()),
child: SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("foo/file_1.json".into())
// And then can be resolved:
let resolved = parsed.resolve_paths_from_file("resources/manifest.json").unwrap();
ParentStruct {
name: "A name".into(),
some_path: FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("resources/bar/file_2.json".into()),
child: SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("resources/foo/file_1.json".into())
// Create a new one (say after copying):
let created = ParentStruct {
name: "A name".into(),
some_path: "some/new/location/bar/file_2.json".into(),
child: SimpleStruct { flag: true, path: "some/new/location/foo/file_1.json".into() },
// And make relative again:
let relative =
ParentStruct {
name: "A name".into(),
some_path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("bar/file_2.json".into()),
child: SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("foo/file_1.json".into())
// And then serialize:
let serialzed = serde_json::to_value(relative).unwrap();
"name": "A name",
"some_path": "bar/file_2.json",
"child": {
"flag": true,
"path": "foo/file_1.json"
struct StructWithVec {
paths: Vec<FileRelativePathBuf>,
impl SupportsFileRelativePaths for StructWithVec {
fn resolve_paths_from_dir(self, dir_path: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> Result<Self>
Self: Sized,
Ok(Self { paths: self.paths.resolve_paths_from_dir(dir_path)? })
fn make_paths_relative_to_dir(
path_to_containing_dir: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
) -> Result<Self>
Self: Sized,
Ok(Self { paths: self.paths.make_paths_relative_to_dir(path_to_containing_dir)? })
fn test_trait_impl_vec_resolve() {
let json = serde_json::json!({
"paths": [
let parsed: StructWithVec = serde_json::from_value(json).unwrap();
let resolved = parsed.resolve_paths_from_file("some/manifest").unwrap();
fn test_trait_impl_vec_make_relative() {
let created = StructWithVec {
paths: vec!["some/file_1".into(), "some/file_2".into(), "some/file_3".into()],
let relative = created.make_paths_relative_to_file("some/other_manifest").unwrap();
fn test_trait_impl_option_resolve() {
let option = Some(SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("a/file.json".into()),
let resolved = option.resolve_paths_from_file("some/manifest.list").unwrap();
Some(SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("some/a/file.json".into())
fn test_trait_impl_option_make_relative() {
let option = Some(SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("some/a/file.json".into()),
let resolved = option.make_paths_relative_to_file("some/manifest.list").unwrap();
Some(SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("a/file.json".into())
fn test_trait_resolve_usage() {
let parsed = SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("foo/file_1.json".into()),
let resolved = parsed.resolve_paths_from_file("resources/manifest.json").unwrap();
SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("resources/foo/file_1.json".into())
fn test_trait_make_relative_usage() {
let original = SimpleStruct { flag: true, path: "resources/foo/file_1.json".into() };
let relative = original.make_paths_relative_to_file("resources/manifest.json").unwrap();
SimpleStruct {
flag: true,
path: FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("foo/file_1.json".into())
fn test_field_from_str() {
// Validate that when creating from a string, it's always a 'resolved' path.
let created = FileRelativePathBuf::from_str("resources/foo/file_2.json").unwrap();
assert_eq!(created, FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("resources/foo/file_2.json".into()));
fn test_field_from_string() {
let created = FileRelativePathBuf::from(&String::from("resources/foo/file_2.json"));
assert_eq!(created, FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("resources/foo/file_2.json".into()))
fn test_field_resolve_from_dir() {
let parsed = FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("foo/file_2.json".into());
let resolved = parsed.resolve_from_dir("resources").unwrap();
assert_eq!(resolved, FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("resources/foo/file_2.json".into()));
fn test_field_make_relative_to_file() {
let original = FileRelativePathBuf::from("foo/bar/baz.json");
let relative = original.make_relative_to_file("foo/file.json").unwrap();
assert_eq!(relative, FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("bar/baz.json".into()))
fn test_field_make_relative_to_dir() {
let original = FileRelativePathBuf::from("foo/bar/baz.json");
let relative = original.make_relative_to_dir("foo").unwrap();
assert_eq!(relative, FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("bar/baz.json".into()))
fn test_display() {
let original = FileRelativePathBuf::from("foo/bar/baz.json");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", original), "foo/bar/baz.json");
let relative = original.make_relative_to_dir("foo").unwrap();
assert_eq!(format!("{}", relative), "bar/baz.json");