blob: f7ec701d08977d046b39d8d82224ee47852d8094 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Enable this to include fuchsia tracing capability
magma_enable_tracing = true
# The path to OpenVX headers
magma_openvx_include = ""
# The path to an OpenVX implementation
magma_openvx_package = ""
# Target environments with an Intel GPU.
magma_intel_gpu_envs = [
# Target environments with an ARM Mali GPU.
magma_arm_gpu_envs = [
# General hardware environments for magma tests to target.
magma_hardware_envs = magma_intel_gpu_envs + magma_arm_gpu_envs
# Magma hardware environments that also support libvulkan
magma_libvulkan_hardware_envs = magma_hardware_envs
magma_libvulkan_arm_hardware_envs = magma_arm_gpu_envs
magma_libvulkan_intel_hardware_envs = magma_intel_gpu_envs
template("magma_vulkan_icd") {
assert(defined(invoker.output_name), "output_name must be provided")
if (is_fuchsia) {
"imported_symbols_allowlist must be provided")
} else {
testonly = true
has_allowlist = defined(invoker.imported_symbols_allowlist)
shared_library_target_name = "${target_name}__shlib"
shared_library(shared_library_target_name) {
if (defined(invoker.configs)) {
configs += invoker.configs
if (!is_debug) {
if (is_fuchsia) {
# This linker script has Fuchsia specific symbols
version_script = "//src/graphics/lib/magma/scripts/libvulkan.version"
} else {
version_script = ""
if (version_script != "") {
if (!defined(invoker.inputs)) {
inputs = []
inputs += [ version_script ]
if (!defined(invoker.ldflags)) {
ldflags = []
ldflags += [ "-Wl,--version-script=" +
rebase_path(version_script, root_build_dir) ]
# Do not build ICDs with instrumented build variants, otherwise
# they will become very slow and many parts of the graphics
# stack will timeout, resulting in failed and flaky tests!!
exclude_toolchain_tags = [ "instrumented" ]
if (has_allowlist) {
lib_name = "lib${invoker.output_name}.so"
extract_imported_symbols_target_name =
verify_imported_symbols_target_name =
generated_imported_symbols_file =
extract_imported_symbols(extract_imported_symbols_target_name) {
# IMPORTANT: Always use the shared library built in the "base" toolchain
# to extract imported symbols. Because when the build is configured to
# enable an instrumented build variant (e.g. `asan`), then the compiler
# will generate extra symbols in the library that will fail the
# verify action below.
library_target = ":${shared_library_target_name}($shlib_toolchain_no_default_variant_redirect)"
symbols = generated_imported_symbols_file
verify_imported_symbols(verify_imported_symbols_target_name) {
current = generated_imported_symbols_file
allowlist = invoker.imported_symbols_allowlist
library_name = lib_name
deps = [ ":$extract_imported_symbols_target_name" ]
group(target_name) {
public_deps = [ ":${shared_library_target_name}" ]
if (has_allowlist) {
public_deps += [ ":$verify_imported_symbols_target_name" ]
metadata = {
# Ensure that the runtime dependencies of the version of
# the library used for verification are not picked up
# into final containers (mainifest or bootfs images).
distribution_entries_barrier = [ ":${shared_library_target_name}" ]
zbi_input_barrier = distribution_entries_barrier
runtime_deps_manifest_barrier = distribution_entries_barrier
# Generate an ICD manifest and config packages for a set of ICDs.
# Parameters
# icds (required)
# [list of scopes] List of ICDs to generate config files for.
# Entries in scope:
# lib (required)
# [string] Filename of ICD shared library.
# manifest (optional)
# [string] Path to output manifest to.
# manifest_name (optional)
# [string] Name of manifest file. One of |manifest| or |manifest_name| must be specified.
# resource_target_name (optional):
# [label] Name of a "resource" target to output that includes the manifest files.
# resource_path (optional):
# [label] Directory where the "resource" target should output the manifest file to.
template("icd_config_data") {
manifest_files = []
manifest_targets = []
foreach(entry, invoker.icds) {
if (defined(entry.manifest)) {
manifest_file = entry.manifest
} else {
manifest_file = "$target_gen_dir/vulkan/icd.d/${entry.manifest_name}"
manifest_target = "${target_name}_${entry.lib}_gen"
action(manifest_target) {
script = "//src/graphics/lib/magma/scripts/"
args = [
rebase_path("${manifest_file}", root_build_dir),
outputs = [ manifest_file ]
manifest_files += [ manifest_file ]
manifest_targets += [ ":${manifest_target}" ]
resource_path = "data/icd.d"
if (defined(invoker.resource_path)) {
resource_path = invoker.resource_path
resource(target_name) {
sources = manifest_files
outputs = [ "${resource_path}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
deps = [ ":${manifest_target}" ]