blob: fd6e43a00e9e3a624614e1bbca8d06b0cc39c4e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "deps.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "common/vk/assert.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "queue_pool.h"
#include "ring.h"
// Utility struct and functions for accumulating a wait set from a bag of
// delayed semaphore indices.
struct spinel_deps_waitset_gather
} delayed;
// clang-format off
// Stack allocated store of waiting semaphores totals:
// * Every in-flight delayed semaphore | 128
// * In-flight immediate semaphores | 33
// * Internal transfer waiting timelines | 1
// * Imported waiting timelines | 1
struct spinel_deps_waitset
uint32_t count;
VkPipelineStageFlags stages [SPN_DEPS_WAITSET_SIZE];
VkSemaphore semaphores[SPN_DEPS_WAITSET_SIZE];
uint64_t values [SPN_DEPS_WAITSET_SIZE];
// Stack allocated store of signalling semaphores totals:
// * Delayed signal semaphores
// * One just-acquired immediate semaphore
// * Internal transfer signalling timelines
// * Imported signalling timelines
1 + \
struct spinel_deps_signalset
uint32_t count;
VkSemaphore semaphores[SPN_DEPS_SIGNALSET_SIZE];
uint64_t values [SPN_DEPS_SIGNALSET_SIZE];
// clang-format on
// Deps instance
struct spinel_deps
// A new path or raster builder dispatch immediately acquires a "delayed"
// timeline.
struct spinel_next next;
VkSemaphore * semaphores;
uint64_t * values;
struct spinel_deps_action * submissions;
spinel_deps_delayed_semaphore_t * handle_map;
} delayed;
// Immediately acquire a timeline and command buffer and submit to the
// VkDevice.
uint32_t size; // pool.size - number of cbs per pool
uint32_t count; // pool.count - number of pools
VkCommandPool * extent; // extent[pool.count] - extent of pools
} pool;
struct spinel_ring ring;
VkPipelineStageFlags * stages;
VkSemaphore * semaphores;
uint64_t * values;
VkCommandBuffer * cbs;
struct spinel_deps_action * completions;
} immediate;
// Completed submission actions are only executed:
// * After an immediate timeline has been acquired.
// * Or when waiting for submitted dispatches to complete.
struct spinel_ring ring;
struct spinel_deps_action * extent;
} completion;
struct spinel_deps *
spinel_deps_create(struct spinel_deps_create_info const * info, struct spinel_device_vk const * vk)
assert(info->semaphores.delayed.size <= SPN_DEPS_DELAYED_SEMAPHORE_MAX);
struct spinel_deps * deps = MALLOC_MACRO(sizeof(*deps));
// Delayed timelines and submission actions.
size_t const handle_map_size = info->handle_count * sizeof(*deps->delayed.handle_map);
spinel_next_init(&deps->, info->semaphores.delayed.size);
// clang-format off
deps->delayed.semaphores = MALLOC_MACRO(info->semaphores.delayed.size * sizeof(*deps->delayed.semaphores));
deps->delayed.values = CALLOC_MACRO(info->semaphores.delayed.size, sizeof(*deps->delayed.values));
deps->delayed.submissions = CALLOC_MACRO(info->semaphores.delayed.size, sizeof(*deps->delayed.submissions));
deps->delayed.handle_map = MALLOC_MACRO(handle_map_size);
// clang-format on
// invalidate handle map
memset(deps->delayed.handle_map, 0xFF, handle_map_size);
// Immediate command pools, command buffers, timelines and completion actions.
uint32_t const immediate_size = info->semaphores.immediate.pool.size * //
assert(immediate_size <= SPN_DEPS_IMMEDIATE_SEMAPHORE_MAX);
// clang-format off
deps->immediate.pool.size = info->semaphores.immediate.pool.size;
deps->immediate.pool.count = info->semaphores.immediate.pool.count;
deps->immediate.pool.extent = MALLOC_MACRO(info->semaphores.immediate.pool.count * sizeof(*deps->immediate.pool.extent));
spinel_ring_init(&deps->immediate.ring, immediate_size);
deps->immediate.stages = MALLOC_MACRO(immediate_size * sizeof(*deps->immediate.stages));
deps->immediate.semaphores = MALLOC_MACRO(immediate_size * sizeof(*deps->immediate.semaphores));
deps->immediate.values = CALLOC_MACRO(immediate_size, sizeof(*deps->immediate.values)); // zeroed
deps-> = MALLOC_MACRO(immediate_size * sizeof(*deps->;
deps->immediate.completions = MALLOC_MACRO(immediate_size * sizeof(*deps->immediate.completions));
// clang-format on
// Completion ring
spinel_ring_init(&deps->completion.ring, immediate_size);
deps->completion.extent = MALLOC_MACRO(immediate_size * sizeof(*deps->completion.extent));
// Create Vulkan objects: command pools, command buffers, timelines.
VkCommandPoolCreateInfo const cpci = {
.pNext = NULL,
.flags = 0,
.queueFamilyIndex = vk->q.compute.create_info.family_index
VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo cbai = {
.pNext = NULL,
.commandBufferCount = info->semaphores.immediate.pool.size,
.commandPool = VK_NULL_HANDLE // updated on each iteration
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < deps->immediate.pool.count; ii++)
vk(CreateCommandPool(vk->d, &cpci, vk->ac, deps->immediate.pool.extent + ii));
// Allocate command buffers
uint32_t const cmds_base = info->semaphores.immediate.pool.size * ii;
cbai.commandPool = deps->immediate.pool.extent[ii];
vk(AllocateCommandBuffers(vk->d, &cbai, deps-> + cmds_base));
// Create timeline semaphores
VkSemaphoreTypeCreateInfo const stci = {
.pNext = NULL,
.initialValue = 0UL
VkSemaphoreCreateInfo const sci = {
.pNext = &stci,
.flags = 0
// Create immediate timeline semaphores initialized to 0
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < immediate_size; ii++)
vk(CreateSemaphore(vk->d, &sci, vk->ac, deps->immediate.semaphores + ii));
// Create delayed timeline semaphores initialized to 0
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < info->semaphores.delayed.size; ii++)
vk(CreateSemaphore(vk->d, &sci, vk->ac, deps->delayed.semaphores + ii));
return deps;
spinel_deps_dispose(struct spinel_deps * deps, struct spinel_device_vk const * vk)
// Destroy semaphores
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < deps->immediate.ring.size; ii++)
vkDestroySemaphore(vk->d, deps->immediate.semaphores[ii], vk->ac);
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < deps->; ii++)
vkDestroySemaphore(vk->d, deps->delayed.semaphores[ii], vk->ac);
// Free command buffers
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < deps->immediate.pool.count; ii++)
uint32_t const pool_base = ii * deps->immediate.pool.size;
deps-> + pool_base);
// Destroy command pools
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < deps->immediate.pool.count; ii++)
vkDestroyCommandPool(vk->d, deps->immediate.pool.extent[ii], vk->ac);
// Arrays
// Attach a semaphore to a handle
spinel_deps_delayed_attach(struct spinel_deps * deps,
spinel_handle_t handle,
spinel_deps_delayed_semaphore_t semaphore)
deps->delayed.handle_map[handle] = semaphore;
// Detach a semaphore from an extent of handles
spinel_deps_delayed_detach(struct spinel_deps * deps,
spinel_handle_t const * handles,
uint32_t count)
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
spinel_handle_t const handle = handles[ii];
deps->delayed.handle_map[handle] = SPN_DEPS_DELAYED_SEMAPHORE_INVALID;
// Detach a semaphore from a ring of handles
spinel_deps_delayed_detach_ring(struct spinel_deps * deps,
spinel_handle_t const * handles,
uint32_t size,
uint32_t head,
uint32_t span)
uint32_t const head_max = head + span;
uint32_t const head_clamp = MIN_MACRO(uint32_t, head_max, size);
uint32_t const count_lo = head_clamp - head;
spinel_deps_delayed_detach(deps, handles + head, count_lo);
if (span > count_lo)
uint32_t const count_hi = span - count_lo;
spinel_deps_delayed_detach(deps, handles, count_hi);
// Actions only need two args.
// Note that we clear the action to keep delayed semaphore actions from being
// reexecuted.
static void
spinel_deps_action_invoke(struct spinel_deps_action * action)
if (action->pfn != NULL)
spinel_deps_pfn_t pfn = action->pfn;
action->pfn = NULL;
pfn(action->data0, action->data1);
// Flush a delayed semaphore
spinel_deps_delayed_flush(struct spinel_deps * deps, spinel_deps_delayed_semaphore_t delayed)
spinel_deps_action_invoke(deps->delayed.submissions + delayed);
static void
spinel_deps_waitset_gather_set(struct spinel_deps_waitset_gather * gather,
spinel_deps_delayed_semaphore_t const delayed)
uint32_t const delayed_base = (delayed >> 5);
uint32_t const delayed_bit = (1u << (delayed & 0x1F));
gather->delayed.bitmap[delayed_base] |= delayed_bit;
// Gather the delayed semaphores of a linear span of handles
static void
spinel_deps_waitset_gather_init(struct spinel_deps const * deps,
spinel_handle_t const * handles,
uint32_t const count,
struct spinel_deps_waitset_gather * gather)
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
spinel_handle_t const handle = handles[ii];
spinel_deps_delayed_semaphore_t const delayed = deps->delayed.handle_map[handle];
spinel_deps_waitset_gather_set(gather, delayed);
// 1. Gather delayed semaphores
// 2. For all delayed semaphores:
// 1. Invoke .submission action
// 2. Save semaphore handle and signalling value
static void
spinel_deps_waitset_init(struct spinel_deps const * deps,
struct spinel_deps_waitset * waitset,
struct spinel_deps_immediate_submit_info const * info)
uint32_t wait_count = 0;
// First append info->wait.immediate[] array because we know the latest signal
// value is valid.
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < info->wait.immediate.count; ii++)
spinel_deps_immediate_semaphore_t immediate = info->wait.immediate.semaphores[ii];
waitset->stages[wait_count] = deps->immediate.stages[immediate];
waitset->semaphores[wait_count] = deps->immediate.semaphores[immediate];
waitset->values[wait_count] = deps->immediate.values[immediate];
wait_count += 1;
// Which delayed semaphores need to be waited upon?
bool const is_wait_delayed_handles = (info->wait.delayed.handles.span > 0);
if (is_wait_delayed_handles)
// Gather bitmap of delayed semaphores
struct spinel_deps_waitset_gather gather = { 0 };
// Gather the delayed semaphores of a ring of handles
// clang-format off
uint32_t const head_max = info->wait.delayed.handles.head + info->wait.delayed.handles.span;
uint32_t const head_clamp = MIN_MACRO(uint32_t, head_max, info->wait.delayed.handles.size);
uint32_t count_lo = head_clamp - info->wait.delayed.handles.head;
// clang-format on
spinel_handle_t const * handle_head = info->wait.delayed.handles.extent + //
spinel_deps_waitset_gather_init(deps, handle_head, count_lo, &gather);
if (info->wait.delayed.handles.span > count_lo)
uint32_t count_hi = info->wait.delayed.handles.span - count_lo;
// Dispatch each delayed semaphore and save the semaphore and its
// signalling value
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < SPN_DEPS_WAITSET_DELAYED_BITMAP_DWORDS; ii++)
uint32_t dword = gather.delayed.bitmap[ii];
if (dword == 0)
uint32_t const delayed_base = ii * 32;
// The dword is non-zero so __builtin_ffs() returns [1,32].
// TODO(allanmac): Support _MSC_VER compiler.
uint32_t const lsb_plus_1 = __builtin_ffs(dword);
dword ^= (1u << (lsb_plus_1 - 1));
uint32_t const delayed = delayed_base + lsb_plus_1 - 1;
spinel_deps_action_invoke(deps->delayed.submissions + delayed);
waitset->stages[wait_count] = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT;
waitset->semaphores[wait_count] = deps->delayed.semaphores[delayed];
waitset->values[wait_count] = deps->delayed.values[delayed];
wait_count += 1;
} while (dword != 0);
waitset->count = wait_count;
static void
spinel_deps_waitset_append_transfer(struct spinel_deps const * deps,
struct spinel_deps_waitset * waitset,
struct spinel_deps_immediate_submit_info const * info)
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < info->wait.transfer.count; ii++)
waitset->stages[waitset->count] = info->wait.transfer.stages[ii];
waitset->semaphores[waitset->count] = info->wait.transfer.semaphores[ii];
waitset->values[waitset->count] = info->wait.transfer.values[ii];
waitset->count += 1;
static void
spinel_deps_waitset_append_import(struct spinel_deps const * deps,
struct spinel_deps_waitset * waitset,
struct spinel_deps_immediate_submit_info const * info)
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < info->wait.import.count; ii++)
waitset->stages[waitset->count] = info->wait.import.stages[ii];
waitset->semaphores[waitset->count] = info->wait.import.semaphores[ii];
waitset->values[waitset->count] = info->wait.import.values[ii];
waitset->count += 1;
// Drain all completion actions
static bool
spinel_deps_completion_drain_all(struct spinel_deps * deps)
if (spinel_ring_is_full(&deps->completion.ring))
return false;
uint32_t const tail = deps->completion.ring.tail;
spinel_ring_release_n(&deps->completion.ring, 1);
spinel_deps_action_invoke(deps->completion.extent + tail);
} while (!spinel_ring_is_full(&deps->completion.ring));
return true;
// Drains the submission at deps->immediate.tail.
// NOTE: Assumes there are submissions.
// FIXME(allanmac): Refactor to support VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST
static bool
spinel_deps_immediate_drain_tail(struct spinel_deps * deps,
struct spinel_device_vk const * vk,
uint64_t timeout)
// Wait for this timeline to complete...
// NOTE(allanmac): This assumes the wait never times out. If the device is
// lost then we fail. The proper way to handle this is to replace all context
// pfns with device lost operations.
uint32_t const immediate = deps->immediate.ring.tail;
VkSemaphoreWaitInfo const swi = {
.pNext = NULL,
.flags = 0, // flag doesn't matter when there is 1 semaphore
.semaphoreCount = 1,
.pSemaphores = deps->immediate.semaphores + immediate,
.pValues = deps->immediate.values + immediate,
// Wait for semaphore to complete...
if (vkWaitSemaphores(vk->d, &swi, timeout) != VK_SUCCESS)
return false;
// Copy the immediate's completion action to the completions ring.
uint32_t const completions_idx = spinel_ring_acquire_1(&deps->completion.ring);
deps->completion.extent[completions_idx] = deps->immediate.completions[immediate];
// Release the semaphore.
spinel_ring_release_n(&deps->immediate.ring, 1);
return true;
// Acquire an immediate semaphore and its associated resources.
static uint32_t
spinel_deps_immediate_acquire(struct spinel_deps * deps, struct spinel_device_vk const * vk)
// Opportunistically drain all completed submissions and append their
// completion actions to the completion ring.
// clang-format off
while (!spinel_ring_is_full(&deps->immediate.ring) && spinel_deps_immediate_drain_tail(deps, vk, 0UL))
// clang-format on
// If head is the first entry of a pool and there are active submissions in
// the same pool then drain the tail entries until the pool has no active
// submissions.
while (true)
div_t const pool_quot_rem = div(deps->immediate.ring.head, deps->immediate.pool.size);
if (pool_quot_rem.rem == 0)
bool const is_active = (deps->immediate.ring.rem < deps->immediate.pool.size);
if (is_active)
// This command pool is active so block and drain the oldest
// submitted command buffer.
(void)spinel_deps_immediate_drain_tail(deps, vk, UINT64_MAX);
// ... and try again!
// This command pool isn't active so reset and proceed.
vk(ResetCommandPool(vk->d, deps->immediate.pool.extent[pool_quot_rem.quot], 0));
// Return the head entry.
return spinel_ring_acquire_1(&deps->immediate.ring);
// Acquire a "delayed" semaphore
spinel_deps_delayed_acquire(struct spinel_deps * deps,
struct spinel_device_vk const * vk,
struct spinel_deps_acquire_delayed_info const * info)
// Wrap to zero?
uint32_t const delayed = spinel_next_acquire_1(&deps->;
// Invoke uninvoked submission actions.
// This implicitly:
// 1. Invokes and clears the action.
// 2. Submits along with a paired immediate semaphore.
// 3. Increments the delayed semaphore's timeline signal value.
spinel_deps_action_invoke(deps->delayed.submissions + delayed);
// There is a bug with Mesa 21.x when ANV_QUEUE_THREAD_DISABLE is defined.
// See:
// FIXME(allanmac): This workaround exacts some performance. Remove it as soon
// as it's feasible.
if (vk->workarounds.mesa_21_anv)
VkSemaphoreWaitInfo const swi = {
.pNext = NULL,
.flags = 0, // flag doesn't matter when there is 1 semaphore
.semaphoreCount = 1,
.pSemaphores = deps->delayed.semaphores + delayed,
.pValues = deps->delayed.values + delayed,
// Wait for semaphore to complete...
if (vkWaitSemaphores(vk->d, &swi, UINT64_MAX) != VK_SUCCESS)
// Save the new submission action
deps->delayed.submissions[delayed] = info->submission;
// Return the delayed semaphore
return (spinel_deps_delayed_semaphore_t)delayed;
// Note that this is the only place delayed semaphores are incremented.
static void
spinel_deps_signalset_init_delayed(struct spinel_deps const * deps,
struct spinel_deps_signalset * signalset,
struct spinel_deps_immediate_submit_info const * info)
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < info->signal.delayed.count; ii++)
spinel_deps_delayed_semaphore_t const delayed = info->signal.delayed.semaphores[ii];
signalset->semaphores[ii] = deps->delayed.semaphores[delayed];
signalset->values[ii] = ++deps->delayed.values[delayed];
signalset->count = info->signal.delayed.count;
static void
spinel_deps_signalset_append_immediate(struct spinel_deps const * deps,
struct spinel_deps_signalset * signalset,
struct spinel_deps_immediate_submit_info const * info,
uint32_t immediate)
signalset->semaphores[signalset->count] = deps->immediate.semaphores[immediate];
signalset->values[signalset->count] = ++deps->immediate.values[immediate];
signalset->count += 1;
deps->immediate.completions[immediate] = info->completion;
static void
spinel_deps_signalset_append_transfer(struct spinel_deps const * deps,
struct spinel_deps_signalset * signalset,
struct spinel_deps_immediate_submit_info const * info)
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < info->signal.transfer.count; ii++)
signalset->semaphores[signalset->count] = info->signal.transfer.semaphores[ii];
signalset->values[signalset->count] = info->signal.transfer.values[ii];
signalset->count += 1;
static void
spinel_deps_signalset_append_import(struct spinel_deps const * deps,
struct spinel_deps_signalset * signalset,
struct spinel_deps_immediate_submit_info const * info)
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < info->signal.import.count; ii++)
signalset->semaphores[signalset->count] = info->signal.import.semaphores[ii];
signalset->values[signalset->count] = info->signal.import.values[ii];
signalset->count += 1;
// Acquire an "immediate" semaphore
// Immediate semaphores (info.immediates) have already been submitted.
// But delayed semaphores associated with handles (info.handles) may not have
// been submitted.
struct spinel_deps * deps,
struct spinel_device_vk * vk,
struct spinel_deps_immediate_submit_info const * info,
spinel_deps_immediate_semaphore_t * p_immediate)
assert(info->wait.immediate.count <= SPN_DEPS_IMMEDIATE_SUBMIT_SIZE_WAIT_IMMEDIATE);
assert(info->signal.delayed.count <= SPN_DEPS_IMMEDIATE_SUBMIT_SIZE_SIGNAL_DELAYED);
// Gather immediate semaphores as well as delayed semaphores associated with a
// ring span of handles. Ensure all are submitted before continuing.
struct spinel_deps_waitset waitset; // Do not zero-initialize
spinel_deps_waitset_init(deps, &waitset, info);
// Append transfer and import wait timelines
spinel_deps_waitset_append_transfer(deps, &waitset, info);
spinel_deps_waitset_append_import(deps, &waitset, info);
// Gather delayed signalling semaphores and their incremented values.
struct spinel_deps_signalset signalset; // Do not zero-initialize
spinel_deps_signalset_init_delayed(deps, &signalset, info);
// Acquire immediate semaphore
uint32_t const immediate = spinel_deps_immediate_acquire(deps, vk);
if (p_immediate != NULL)
*p_immediate = (spinel_deps_immediate_semaphore_t)immediate;
// Append signalling acquired immediate semaphore, its new value, and
// completion action.
spinel_deps_signalset_append_immediate(deps, &signalset, info, immediate);
// Append transfer and import signal timelines
spinel_deps_signalset_append_transfer(deps, &signalset, info);
spinel_deps_signalset_append_import(deps, &signalset, info);
// Record commands
VkCommandBuffer cb = deps->[immediate];
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo const cbbi = {
.pNext = NULL,
.flags = 0,
.pInheritanceInfo = NULL
vk(BeginCommandBuffer(cb, &cbbi));
if (info->record.pfn != NULL)
deps->immediate.stages[immediate] = info->record.pfn(cb, //
info->record.data0, //
info->record.data1); //
deps->immediate.stages[immediate] = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT;
// Submit the command buffer with its associated wait and signal timelines.
VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo const tssi = {
.pNext = NULL,
.waitSemaphoreValueCount = waitset.count,
.pWaitSemaphoreValues = waitset.values,
.signalSemaphoreValueCount = signalset.count,
.pSignalSemaphoreValues = signalset.values,
VkSubmitInfo const submit_info = {
.pNext = &tssi,
.waitSemaphoreCount = waitset.count,
.pWaitSemaphores = waitset.semaphores,
.pWaitDstStageMask = waitset.stages,
.commandBufferCount = 1,
.pCommandBuffers = &cb,
.signalSemaphoreCount = signalset.count,
.pSignalSemaphores = signalset.semaphores,
VkQueue q = spinel_queue_pool_get_next(&vk->q.compute);
vk(QueueSubmit(q, 1, &submit_info, VK_NULL_HANDLE));
// Drain enqueue completion actions.
// Ignore return value.
spinel_deps_immediate_get_stage(struct spinel_deps * deps,
spinel_deps_immediate_semaphore_t immediate)
return deps->immediate.stages[immediate];
// Blocks until:
// * At least one completion action is executed
// * Or a submission is completed and its action is executed.
// Returns true if either case is true.
// FIXME(allanmac): Refactor to support VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST
struct spinel_deps * deps,
struct spinel_device_vk const * vk)
bool const is_complete = spinel_deps_completion_drain_all(deps) ||
(!spinel_ring_is_full(&deps->immediate.ring) &&
spinel_deps_immediate_drain_tail(deps, vk, UINT64_MAX) &&
return is_complete;
// Blocks until all submissions and actions are drained.
// FIXME(allanmac): Refactor to support VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST
struct spinel_deps * deps,
struct spinel_device_vk const * vk)
while ((!spinel_ring_is_full(&deps->immediate.ring) &&
spinel_deps_immediate_drain_tail(deps, vk, UINT64_MAX) &&