blob: d44e2cf94de7e4a8d208de5ed2ae3bb2b1b47730 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/api-types-cpp/alpha-mode.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/api-types-cpp/frame.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/api-types-cpp/transform.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/testing/software-compositor/pixel.h"
namespace software_compositor {
struct Offset2D {
int x;
int y;
inline bool operator==(const Offset2D& lhs, const Offset2D& rhs) {
return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y;
inline bool operator!=(const Offset2D& lhs, const Offset2D& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
struct ImageProperties {
int width;
int height;
int stride_bytes;
PixelFormat pixel_format;
struct OutputImage {
inline PixelData At(const Offset2D& offset) const;
inline void SetPixelData(const Offset2D& offset, const PixelData& color) const;
cpp20::span<uint8_t> buffer;
ImageProperties properties;
struct InputImage {
inline PixelData At(const Offset2D& offset) const;
cpp20::span<const uint8_t> buffer;
ImageProperties properties;
// A compositor using software rendering to fill solid colors and draw images
// onto an output image (canvas).
class SoftwareCompositor {
// Properties of composition of a layer onto the canvas.
struct CompositionProperties {
// The source frame. Only the `source_image` part of the input image will be
// clipped and used.
// Equivalent to
// - the `src_frame` field in FIDL [`fuchsia.hardware.display/Coordinator/
// SetLayerPrimaryPosition`] method, and
// - the `src_frame` field in banjo [`fuchsia.hardware.display.controller/
// PrimaryLayer`] struct.
::display::Frame source_frame;
// The destination (canvas) frame. The clipped input image will be scaled
// and painted onto the `canvas_frame` part of the canvas. `canvas_frame`
// will be cropped to the extent of the canvas.
// Equivalent to
// - the `dst_frame` field in FIDL [`fuchsia.hardware.display/Coordinator/
// SetLayerPrimaryPosition`] method, and
// - the `dst_frame` field in banjo [`fuchsia.hardware.display.controller/
// PrimaryLayer`] struct.
::display::Frame canvas_frame;
// Indicates how image will be transformed (rotated / flipped).
// Equivalent to
// - the `transform` field in FIDL [`fuchsia.hardware.display/
// Coordinator/SetLayerPrimaryPosition`] method, and
// - the `transform_mode` field in banjo [`fuchsia.hardware.display.
// controller/PrimaryLayer`] struct.
::display::Transform transform;
// Indicates whether alpha blending will be performed and the type of alpha
// blending.
// Equivalent to
// - the `mode` field in FIDL [`fuchsia.hardware.display/Coordinator/
// SetLayerPrimaryAlpha`] method, and
// - the `alpha_mode` field in banjo [`fuchsia.hardware.display.controller/
// PrimaryLayer`] struct.
::display::AlphaMode alpha_mode;
// Represents an Image layer to be composited on the canvas.
struct ImageLayerForComposition {
InputImage image;
CompositionProperties properties;
// The buffer backing `canvas` must outlive the newly created instance.
explicit SoftwareCompositor(const OutputImage& canvas);
// Clears the canvas by filling a solid `color` of format `pixel_format` on
// the whole canvas.
// This produces the same result as Vulkan command `vkCmdClearColorImage`.
void ClearCanvas(const PixelData& color, PixelFormat pixel_format) const;
// Composites all the layers in `image_layers` onto the the canvas using
// composition properties specified in each image layer.
// Canvas pixels not covered by any image layer in `image_layers` will not
// be modified.
// Image layers are sorted by z-index in ascending order, i.e. image layer
// in the front of the `image_layers` list will be composited first and on the
// bottom, the layer in the end will be composited the last and on the top.
// For each ImageLayerForComposition, its `composition_properties` must
// fulfill the following constraints:
// - `alpha_mode` must be kDisable.
// - `transform` must be kIdentity.
// - the source frame `source_frame` must start at (0, 0) and have the same
// size as `input_image`.
// - the destination frame `canvas_frame` must fall completely within the
// canvas and have the same size as `input_image`.
// TODO( Supports more composition properties.
// TODO( Instead of providing a separate ClearCanvas()
// command, we should integrate background filling into
// CompositeImageLayers().
void CompositeImageLayers(cpp20::span<const ImageLayerForComposition> image_layers) const;
// Composites the `input_image` onto the top of the canvas using given
// `composition_properties`.
// For composition without alpha composition nor transformation, this produces
// the same result as the Vulkan command `vkCmdBlitImage`.
// Currently only the following `composition_properties` is supported:
// - `alpha_mode` must be kDisable.
// - `transform` must be kIdentity.
// - the source frame `source_frame` must start at (0, 0) and have the same
// size as `input_image`.
// - the destination frame `canvas_frame` must fall completely within the
// canvas and have the same size as `input_image`.
// TODO( Supports more composition properties.
void CompositeImage(const InputImage& input_image,
const CompositionProperties& composition_properties) const;
const OutputImage canvas_;
} // namespace software_compositor