blob: 9d1d652359f698bc083ecaab2ad6a101f77235c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/component/incoming/cpp/constants.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/client.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
namespace display {
// fdf::Namespace subset that eases migration from DFv1 to DFv2.
// TODO( This class should be only used when the
// display drivers are being migrated to DFv2. Drivers should replace
// `display::Namespace` with `fdf::Namespace` when the migration is done.
class Namespace {
Namespace() = default;
virtual ~Namespace() = default;
Namespace(const Namespace&) = delete;
Namespace(Namespace&&) = delete;
Namespace& operator=(const Namespace&) = delete;
Namespace& operator=(Namespace&&) = delete;
// Equivalent to `fdf::Namespace::Connect(instance)`.
// `ServiceMember` protocol must use channel transport.
template <typename ServiceMember>
zx::result<fidl::ClientEnd<typename ServiceMember::ProtocolType>> Connect(
std::string_view instance = component::kDefaultInstance) const;
// Equivalent to `fdf::Namespace::Connect(server_end, instance)`.
// `ServiceMember` protocol must use channel transport.
template <typename ServiceMember>
zx::result<> Connect(fidl::ServerEnd<typename ServiceMember::ProtocolType> server_end,
std::string_view instance = component::kDefaultInstance) const;
// Connects `server_end` to the FIDL `service_member` protocol in the
// `instance` of the `service`.
// `server_end` must be valid.
virtual zx::result<> ConnectServerEndToFidlProtocol(zx::channel server_end,
std::string_view service,
std::string_view service_member,
std::string_view instance) const = 0;
// Connects to the FIDL `service_member` protocol in the `instance` of the
// `service`, and returns the client end channel of the protocol on success.
zx::result<zx::channel> ConnectToFidlProtocol(std::string_view service,
std::string_view service_member,
std::string_view instance) const;
template <typename ServiceMember>
zx::result<fidl::ClientEnd<typename ServiceMember::ProtocolType>> Namespace::Connect(
std::string_view instance) const {
"ServiceMember type must be the Protocol inside of a Service.");
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename ServiceMember::ProtocolType::Transport,
"NamespaceAdapter only supports FIDL services using channel transport.");
zx::result<zx::channel> client_channel_result =
ConnectToFidlProtocol(ServiceMember::ServiceName, ServiceMember::Name, instance);
if (client_channel_result.is_error()) {
return client_channel_result.take_error();
return zx::ok(fidl::ClientEnd<typename ServiceMember::ProtocolType>(
template <typename ServiceMember>
zx::result<> Namespace::Connect(fidl::ServerEnd<typename ServiceMember::ProtocolType> server_end,
std::string_view instance) const {
"ServiceMember type must be the Protocol inside of a Service.");
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename ServiceMember::ProtocolType::Transport,
"NamespaceAdapter only supports FIDL services using channel transport.");
return ConnectServerEndToFidlProtocol(server_end.TakeChannel(), ServiceMember::ServiceName,
ServiceMember::Name, instance);
} // namespace display