blob: 168af191d4b6fae31c9eb4d6465caeac3b8a16c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <hwreg/bitfields.h>
namespace amlogic_display {
// The AO (Always On) power domain is described in the A311D datasheet Section
// 8.2.1 "Top Level Power Domains", which gives an overview of all power
// domains. The EE (Everything Else) abbreviation is decoded in the
// AO_RTI_PWR_CNTL_REG0 register documentation, in the A311D datasheet Section
// 8.2.5 "Power/Isolation/Memory Power Down Register Summary".
// The S912 datasheet Section 17 "Power Domain" presents similar information in
// more depth. The S912 also has AO / EE / CPU power domains, and the main
// difference from our supported chips is the lack of an A72 CPU complex. In
// particular, it's helpful to compare the following figures:
// * S912: Figure III.17.1 "Power Domain" vs A311D: Figure 8-2 "Power Domain"
// * S912: Table III.17.1 "Power on Sequence of Different Power Domains" vs
// A311D: Table 8-2 with the same title
// The S905Y4 datasheet Section 7.2.1 "Power Domain" > "Overview" lists commonly
// used field suffixes and value encodings in power-related registers. These
// support our interpretations of the field names in the register-level
// documentation.
// The A311D datasheet Section 8.2.5 "Power/Isolation/Memory Power Down Register
// Summary" states that the registers are based at 0xff80'0000. Section 8.1
// "System" > "Memory Map" lists this address under the RTI entry.
// All datasheets include a VPU power sequence, in addition to register-level
// documentation. The VPU power sequences reference the register bit fields that
// make up the sequence, using register names and/or MMIO addresses. In some
// cases, the sequences also document the fields' encodings and the order in
// which fields should be set.
// The VPU power sequence is documented in the following places.
// * A311D datasheet Section 8.2.3 "EE Top Level Power Modes", Table 8-6 "Power
// Sequence of VPU", page 88
// * S905D3 datasheet Section "EE Top Level Power Modes" > "VPU",
// Table 6-3 "Power & Global Clock Control Summary", page 75
// * S905D2 datasheet Section 6.2.3 "EE Top Level Power Modes", Table 6-4
// "Power Sequence of EE Domain", page 84
// This register is shared between multiple hardware modules, driven by
// different drivers. It must be updated via read-modify-write operations
// TODO( Concurrent access from different drivers is still
// racy.
// A311D datasheet Section 8.2.5 "Power/Isolation/Memory Power Down Register
// Summary" page 91; VPU power sequence
// S905D3 datasheet Section 6.2.4 "Power Domain" > "Register Description"
// pages 80-81; VPU power sequence
// S905D2 datasheet Section 6.2.5 "Power/Isolation/Memory Power Down Register
// Summary" page 86
class AlwaysOnGeneralPowerSleep : public hwreg::RegisterBase<AlwaysOnGeneralPowerSleep, uint32_t> {
// Register space: RTI
static hwreg::RegisterAddr<AlwaysOnGeneralPowerSleep> Get() { return {0x3a * sizeof(uint32_t)}; }
// S905D3 only. The bits are documented as "unused" on A311D and S905D2.
DEF_BIT(19, ge2d_powered_off_s905d3);
DEF_BIT(18, pci_comb_powered_off_s905d3);
DEF_BIT(17, usb_comb_powered_off_s905d3);
DEF_BIT(16, nna_comb_powered_off_s905d3);
// VPU must be fully powered on before disabling isolation.
// This bit is documented as "unused" in the register-level documentation in
// the A311D and S905D3 datasheets. However, it is documented indirectly in
// the A311D datasheet's VPU power sequence.
// This bit is documented as "VPU D1 powered off" in the S905D2 datasheet's
// register-level reference, and is not included in the VPU power sequence.
// The S905D3 datasheet has the same functionality in the
// `AlwaysOnGeneralPowerIsolation` register.
DEF_BIT(9, vpu_hdmi_isolation_enabled_s905d2_a311d);
// Documented directly in the S905D3 datasheet. Documented indirectly in the
// A311D datasheet's VPU power sequence.
// This bit is documented as "VPU powered off" in the S905D2 datasheet's
// register-level reference, and is not included in the VPU power sequence.
DEF_BIT(8, vpu_hdmi_powered_off);
// Bits 0-7 are different between S905D3 and A311D. This driver does not use
// the bits, so we omit them, instead of creating two register definitions.
// AO_RTI_GEN_PWR_ISO0 with S905D3 fields
// This register is shared between multiple hardware modules, driven by
// different drivers. It must be updated via read-modify-write operations
// TODO( Concurrent access from different drivers is still
// racy.
// This register also exists on S905D2 and A311D, but its bits have entirely
// different semantics there. This driver does not use the S905D2 and A311D
// bits, so we only have the S905D3 definition.
// A311D datasheet Section 8.2.5 "Power/Isolation/Memory Power Down Register
// Summary" page 91
// S905D3 datasheet Section 6.2.4 "Power Domain" > "Register Description",
// Table 6-18 page 81; VPU power sequence
// S905D2 datasheet Section 6.2.5 "Power/Isolation/Memory Power Down Register
// Summary" page 86
class AlwaysOnGeneralPowerIsolationS905D3
: public hwreg::RegisterBase<AlwaysOnGeneralPowerIsolationS905D3, uint32_t> {
// Register space: RTI
static hwreg::RegisterAddr<AlwaysOnGeneralPowerIsolationS905D3> Get() {
return {0x3b * sizeof(uint32_t)};
// The bit-level encoding is documented in the S905D3 datasheet.
// S905D3 only. The bits are documented as "unused" on A311D and S905D2.
DEF_BIT(19, ge2d_isolation_enabled);
DEF_BIT(18, pci_comb_isolation_enabled);
DEF_BIT(17, usb_comb_isolation_enabled);
DEF_BIT(16, nna_comb_isolation_enabled);
// VPU must be fully powered on before disabling isolation.
// This bit is not documented in the S905D2 register-level documentation. The
// A311D register-level documentation assigns different functionality to this
// bit (video decoder 2 input isolation).
// The VPU power sequence in the S905D3 datasheet uses the wrong register
// (AO_RTI_GEN_PWR_SLEEP0) instead of this register. This error is repeated in
// Sections -, which have the same mismatch against the
// register-level documentation.
DEF_BIT(8, vpu_hdmi_output_isolation_enabled);
// This register is read-only.
// A311D datasheet Section 8.2.5 "Power/Isolation/Memory Power Down Register
// Summary" page 92; VPU power sequence
// S905D3 datasheet Section 6.2.4 "Power Domain" > "Register Description"
// Table 6-19 pages 81-82; VPU power sequence
// S905D2 datasheet Section 6.2.5 "Power/Isolation/Memory Power Down Register
// Summary" pages 86-87
class AlwaysOnGeneralPowerStatus
: public hwreg::RegisterBase<AlwaysOnGeneralPowerStatus, uint32_t> {
// Register space: RTI
static hwreg::RegisterAddr<AlwaysOnGeneralPowerSleep> Get() { return {0x3c * sizeof(uint32_t)}; }
// The bit-level encoding is documented in the S905D3 datasheet, Section
// "EE Top Level Power Modes" > "VPU".
// S905D3 only. The bits are documented as "reserved" on A311D and S905D2.
DEF_BIT(19, ge2d_powered_off_s905d3);
DEF_BIT(18, pci_comb_powered_off_s905d3);
DEF_BIT(17, usb_comb_powered_off_s905d3);
DEF_BIT(16, nna_comb_powered_off_s905d3);
// A311D and S905D2. This bit is documented as "reserved" on S905D3.
DEF_BIT(9, vpu_memory_powered_off_s905d2_a311d);
// Covers both VPU and HDMI on S905D3.
DEF_BIT(8, hdmi_powered_off);
// Bits 0-7 are different between S905D3 and A311D / S905D2. This driver does
// not use the bits, so we omit them, instead of creating two register
// definitions.
// The A311D datasheet Section 8.7.5 "Clock" > "Register Description" states
// that the registers are based at 0xff63'c000, in the HIU region. This matches
// Table 8-1 "A311D Memory Map" in Section 8.1 "System" > "Memory Map".
// A311D datasheet Section 8.7.5 "Clock" > "Register Description", register
// HHI_VPU_MEM_PD_REG0, field "Deinterlacer - di_post", page 144
// S905D2 datasheet Section 6.6.6 "Clock" > "Register Description", register
// HHI_VPU_MEM_PD_REG0, field "Deinterlacer - di_post" page 130
// S905Y4 datasheet Section 7.2.1 "Overview", list item "MEMPD", page 52
enum class MemoryPowerDomainMode {
kPoweredOff = 0b11,
kPoweredOn = 0b00,
// A311D datasheet Section 8.7.5 "Clock" > "Register Description" page 144;
// VPU power sequence
// S905D3 datasheet Section 6.2.4 "Power Domain" > "Register Description"
// page 77; VPU power sequence
// S905D2 datasheet Section 6.6.6 "Clock" > "Register Description" page 130;
// VPU power sequence, "HDMI Memory PD" entry
class MemoryPower0 : public hwreg::RegisterBase<MemoryPower0, uint32_t> {
// Register space: HIU
static hwreg::RegisterAddr<MemoryPower0> Get() { return {0x40 * sizeof(uint32_t)}; }
// The S905D3 datasheet documents the GE2D power sequence, which includes
// flipping bits 25-18. The other datasheets mention the GE2D unit, but don't
// document any power sequence for it.
// Only on A311D and T931. The bits are reserved on other SoCs.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 21, 20, axi_sram_memory_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 19, 18, apical_gdc_memory_power);
// Only on S905D3. The bits are reserved on other SoCs.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 17, 16, ddr_memory_power);
// All the datasheets document HDMI memory power as a single 8-bit field.
// However, AMLogic-supplied bringup code flips each bit separately, and
// pauses 5us between flips.
DEF_BIT(15, hdmi_memory7_powered_off);
DEF_BIT(14, hdmi_memory6_powered_off);
DEF_BIT(13, hdmi_memory5_powered_off);
DEF_BIT(12, hdmi_memory4_powered_off);
DEF_BIT(11, hdmi_memory3_powered_off);
DEF_BIT(10, hdmi_memory2_powered_off);
DEF_BIT(9, hdmi_memory1_powered_off);
DEF_BIT(8, hdmi_memory0_powered_off);
// Only on S905D2. The bits are reserved on other SOCs.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 7, 6, audio_memory2_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 5, 4, audio_memory1_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 3, 2, ethernet_memory_power);
// A311D datasheet Section 8.7.5 "Clock" > "Register Description" page 144;
// VPU power sequence
// S905D3 datasheet Section 6.2.4 "Power Domain" > "Register Description"
// page 78; VPU power sequence
// S905D2 datasheet Section 6.6.6 "Clock" > "Register Description" page 130;
// VPU power sequence, "VPU Memory PD" entry
class VpuMemoryPower0 : public hwreg::RegisterBase<VpuMemoryPower0, uint32_t> {
// Register space: HIU
static hwreg::RegisterAddr<VpuMemoryPower0> Get() { return {0x41 * sizeof(uint32_t)}; }
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 31, 30, sharpener_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 29, 28, deinterlacer_post_power);
// On S905D3, paired with `deinterlacer_pre2_power` in `VpuMemoryPower2`.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 27, 26, deinterlacer_pre_power);
// The S905D2 datasheet leaves these bits undocumented. However, the VPU power
// sequence references the entire register without a "Bits[]" subset,
// which seems to imply that we flip all the register's bits.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 25, 24, deinterlacer_scaler_memory_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 23, 22, afbc_decoder1_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 21, 20, srscl_super_scaler_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 19, 18, vdin1_memory_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 17, 16, vdin0_memory_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 15, 14, osd_scaler_memory_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 13, 12, scaler_memory_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 11, 10, vpp_output_fifo_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 9, 8, color_management_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 7, 6, vd2_memory_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 5, 4, vd1_memory_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 3, 2, osd2_memory_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 1, 0, osd1_memory_power);
// A311D datasheet Section 8.7.5 "Clock" > "Register Description" page 145; VPU
// power sequence
// S905D3 datasheet Section 6.2.4 "Power Domain" > "Register Description"
// page 78; VPU power sequence
// S905D2 datasheet Section 6.6.6 "Clock" > "Register Description"
// pages 130-131; VPU power sequence, "VPU Memory PD" entry
class VpuMemoryPower1 : public hwreg::RegisterBase<VpuMemoryPower1, uint32_t> {
// Register space: HIU
static hwreg::RegisterAddr<VpuMemoryPower1> Get() { return {0x42 * sizeof(uint32_t)}; }
// On A311D and S905D2, xvycc LUT and ATV demodulator.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 31, 30, vd2_osd_scaler_power);
// On A311D and S905D2, also CVD2 TV decoder.
// The datasheets use the "ldim_stts" abbreviation for this field name. The
// expansion is in the S905Y4 datasheet register-level documentation for
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 29, 28, local_dimming_statistics_power);
// The A311D and S905D2 datasheets leaves these bits undocumented. However,
// the VPU power sequences in both datasheets involve flipping all the
// register's bits.
// The datasheets use the "lc_stts" abbreviation for this field name. The
// expansion is in the S905Y4 datasheet register-level documentation for
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 27, 26, local_contrast_enhancement_statistics_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 25, 24, enci_cvbs_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 23, 22, encl_panel_top_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 21, 20, encp_hdmi_power);
// On A311D and S905D2, OSD AFBC decoder.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 19, 18, vd2_scaler_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 17, 16, afbc_decoder0_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 15, 14, vpu_arbiter_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 13, 12, dolby1b_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 11, 10, dolby1a_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 9, 8, dolby0_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 7, 6, dolby_core3_power);
// The datasheets use the "vks" and "vkstone" abbreviations. The "ks"
// expansion to keystone is documented in all datasheets, in the
// register-level documentation for VKS_PRELPF_YCOEF0.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 5, 4, vertical_keystone_correction_power);
// On S905D3, paired with `viu2_power` in `VpuMemoryPower2`.
// The S905D2 datasheet leaves these bits undocumented.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 3, 2, viu2_output_fifo_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 1, 0, viu2_osd1_power);
// Does not exist on A311D. The MMIO address is assigned to a different
// register (HHI_NANOQ_MEM_PD_REG0).
// S905D3 datasheet Section 6.2.4 "Power Domain" > "Register Description"
// page 79; VPU power sequence
class VpuMemoryPower3 : public hwreg::RegisterBase<VpuMemoryPower3, uint32_t> {
// Register space: HIU
static hwreg::RegisterAddr<VpuMemoryPower3> Get() { return {0x43 * sizeof(uint32_t)}; }
// All bits are marked reserved and default to 1. However, the S905D3 VPU
// power sequence includes setting all bits to 0 (for power on) or 1 (for
// power off). AMLogic-supplied bringup code flips each group of 2 bits at a
// time, and pauses 5us between flips.
// Does not exist on A311D. The MMIO address is assigned to a different
// register (HHI_NANOQ_MEM_PD_REG1).
// S905D3 datasheet Section 6.2.4 "Power Domain" > "Register Description"
// page 79; VPU power sequence
class VpuMemoryPower4 : public hwreg::RegisterBase<VpuMemoryPower4, uint32_t> {
// Register space: HIU
static hwreg::RegisterAddr<VpuMemoryPower4> Get() { return {0x44 * sizeof(uint32_t)}; }
// Bits 31-6 are marked reserved. However, the S905D3 VPU power sequence
// includes setting all the register's bits to 0 (for power on) or 1 (for
// power off). AMLogic-supplied bringup code flips each group of 2 bits at a
// time, and pauses 5us between flips.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 5, 4, mali_afbc_encoder_power);
// The datasheet documents bits 3-0 as one field. However, AMLogic-supplied
// bringup code flips each 2-bit group separately, and pauses 5us between
// flips.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 3, 2, axi_arbiter2_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 1, 0, axi_arbiter1_power);
// A311D datasheet Section 8.7.5 "Clock" > "Register Description" pages 146-147;
// VPU power sequence
// S905D3 datasheet Section 6.2.4 "Power Domain" > "Register Description"
// page 79; VPU power sequence
// S905D2 datasheet Section 6.6.6 "Clock" > "Register Description" page 132
class VpuMemoryPower2 : public hwreg::RegisterBase<VpuMemoryPower2, uint32_t> {
// Register space: HIU
static hwreg::RegisterAddr<VpuMemoryPower2> Get() { return {0x4d * sizeof(uint32_t)}; }
// Not documented in any of the datasheets. These bits are documented and
// flipped in AMLogic-supplied bringup code.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 31, 30, rdma_power);
// Bits 29-26 are documented as "unused" on A311D and S905D2, and "reserved"
// on S905D3. The VPU power sequences in the A311D and S905D3 datasheets flip
// all the bits in this register. The VPU power sequence in the S905D2
// datasheet does not mention this register.
// Paired with `deinterlacer_pre_power` in `VpuMemoryPower`
// S905D3 only. The bits are documentd as "unused" on A311D and S905D2.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 25, 24, deinterlacer_pre2_power_s905d3);
// Paired with `deinterlacer_pre_power` in `VpuMemoryPower`
// S905D3 only. The bits are documentd as "unused" on A311D and S905D2.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 23, 22, viu2_power_s905d3);
// S905D3 only. The bits are documentd as "unused" on A311D and S905D2.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 21, 20, lut3d_power_s905d3);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 19, 18, ds_power_s905d3);
// A311D and S905D3 only. The bits are documented as "unused" on S905D2.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 17, 16, vd2_output_fifo_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 15, 14, prime_dolby_ram_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 13, 12, osd_bld34_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 11, 10, vd1_scaler_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 9, 8, mali_afbc_decoder_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 7, 6, video_input_osd4_power);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 5, 4, video_input_osd3_power);
// A311D only. The bits are documented as "unused" on S905D2 and "reserved" on
// S905D3. The AMLogic-supplied bringup code avoids modifying these bits.
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 3, 2, tcon_power_a311d);
DEF_ENUM_FIELD(MemoryPowerDomainMode, 1, 0, vpp_watermark_power);
} // namespace amlogic_display