blob: 8d2a24265e8140866a339b14c1e75518a9dbb9bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/hardware/dsiimpl/c/banjo.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/api-types-cpp/display-timing.h"
namespace amlogic_display {
// To simplify compatibility checks, DsiOpcode and PowerOpcode should match the
// AMLogic MIPI-DSI tuning guide.
// DSI packet DI (Data Identifier) values that convey special operations.
// The values here share a namespace with valid DSI DIs, described by Section
// 8.5.1 "Data Identifier Byte" and Section 8.7 "Processor to Peripheral
// Direction (Processor-Sourced) Packet Data Types" of the DSI spec.
enum DsiOpcode : uint8_t {
// Drive a GPIO pin.
// <op> <size=2|3> <gpio_id=0> <value> [delay_ms]
// gpio_id 0 is connected to the RESX (LCD RESET) pin. All other IDs are
// invalid.
// DSI packet types ending in 0b0000 are reserved, so this opcode will not
// overlap any valid DSI packet DI (Data Identifier) value.
kDsiOpGpio = 0xf0,
// Attempt to read `count` values from the MIPI-DSI register at `address`.
// <op> <size=2> <address> <count=1|2|3|4>
// This opcode overlaps the DSI packet DI (Data Identifier) value for "Packed
// Pixel Stream, 20-bit YCbCr, 4:2:2 Format" data type, Virtual Channel 3.
// TODO( Support reading larger-sized registers.
kDsiOpReadReg = 0xfc,
// Odd extended delay command to take several delays and gather them into
// one big sleep. Behaves as an exit if byte 1 is 0xff or 0x0.
// <op> <size> <sleep_ms_1> <sleep_ms_2> ... <sleep_ms_N>
// This opcode overlaps the DSI packet DI (Data Identifier) value for "Packed
// Pixel Stream, 12-bit YCbCr, 4:2:0 Format" data type, Virtual Channel 3.
kDsiOpDelay = 0xfd,
// Simple sleep for N millis, or exit if N=0xff || N=0x0.
// <op> <sleep_ms>
// DSI packet types ending in 0b1111 are reserved, so this opcode will not
// overlap any valid DSI packet DI (Data Identifier) value.
kDsiOpSleep = 0xff,
// Everything else is potentially a DSI command.
// The DSI operations are encoded as a sequence of variable-length operations.
// The first byte in each operation is a `DsiOpcode` value, followed by the
// opcode's arguments.
using DsiOperationSequence = cpp20::span<const uint8_t>;
enum PowerOpcode : uint8_t {
// Drive a GPIO pin.
kPowerOpGpio = 0,
// Turn the device on/off.
kPowerOpSignal = 2,
// Wait for a GPIO input to reach a value.
kPowerOpAwaitGpio = 4,
kPowerOpExit = 0xff,
struct PowerOp {
enum PowerOpcode op;
uint8_t index;
uint8_t value;
uint8_t sleep_ms;
struct PanelConfig {
// Used for logging / debugging / inspection.
// Must be non-null.
const char* name;
// A sequence of DSI operations used in the panel power on sequence.
const DsiOperationSequence dsi_on;
// A sequence of DSI operations used in the panel power off sequence.
const DsiOperationSequence dsi_off;
// Power operation sequence to power on the panel.
const cpp20::span<const PowerOp> power_on;
// Power operation sequence to power off the panel.
const cpp20::span<const PowerOp> power_off;
// The number of D-PHY data lanes used by the display's DSI connection.
// Must be >= 1 and <= 4.
// Chosen to satisfy the following constraints:
// * display engine: maximum supported data lanes in the D-PHY transmitter
// PHY Protocol Interface (PPI).
// * SoC or board: maximum supported data lanes in the D-PHY transmitter
// * board: number of data lanes in the connection (traces and cables)
// * DDIC: maximum supported data lanes in the D-PHY receiver
int dphy_data_lane_count;
// Must be non-negative.
// Chosen to meet the maximum frequency constraints for all the components
// along the DSI connection, which include the display engine, the D-PHY
// transmitter in the host SoC or board, the DSI connection cables and
// traces, and the D-PHY receiver in the DDIC.
// The MIPI D-PHY clock frequency does not trivially translate into bitrates
// for the data lanes. Use `maximum_per_data_lane_bits_per_second()` to get
// the corresponding maximum data lane bitrate.
int64_t maximum_dphy_clock_lane_frequency_hz;
// Timing known to satisfy all the constraints for the panel and DDIC.
// All the timing fields must be valid.
// TODO( The current implementation of the
// amlogic-display driver requires that the timing must have progressive
// fields.
// The MIPI-DSI standard requires that the timing must have no repeated
// pixels.
display::DisplayTiming display_timing;
constexpr int64_t maximum_per_data_lane_bit_per_second() const {
// The MIPI D-PHY Clock lane uses a DDR (Double Data Rate) clock signal.
// Thus, the per lane data rate is 2 times of the clock signal frequency.
return maximum_dphy_clock_lane_frequency_hz * 2;
// If the `panel_type` is supported, returns the panel configuration.
// Otherwise returns nullptr.
const PanelConfig* GetPanelConfig(uint32_t panel_type);
display_setting_t ToDisplaySetting(const PanelConfig& panel_config);
} // namespace amlogic_display