blob: a839b32c15fed81bc3eff14a4928615f533f9483 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/mmio/mmio-buffer.h>
#include <lib/zx/bti.h>
#include <lib/zx/interrupt.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <cstdint>
// The *ResourceIndex scoped enums define the interface between the board driver
// and the display driver.
namespace amlogic_display {
struct BoardInfo {
// Values are defined in <lib/ddk/platform-defs.h>.
uint32_t board_vendor_id;
// Values are defined in <lib/ddk/platform-defs.h>.
uint32_t board_product_id;
// Typesafe wrapper for [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/Device.GetBoardInfo`].
// `platform_device` must be valid.
// If the result is successful, the fields in BoardInfo are guaranteed to be
// valid.
zx::result<BoardInfo> GetBoardInfo(
fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_platform_device::Device> platform_device);
// The resource ordering in the board driver's `display_mmios` table.
enum class MmioResourceIndex : uint8_t {
kVpu = 0, // VPU (Video Processing Unit)
kDsiTop = 1, // TOP_MIPI_DSI (DSI "top" host controller integration)
kDsiPhy = 2, // DSI_PHY
kDsiHostController = 3, // DesignWare Cores MIPI DSI Host Controller IP block
kHhi = 4, // HIU (Host Interface Unit) / HHI
kAonRti = 5, // RTI / AO_RTI / AOBUS_RTI
kEeReset = 6, // RESET
kGpioMux = 7, // PERIPHS_REGS (GPIO Multiplexing)
kHdmiTxController = 8, // HDMITX (HDMI Transmitter Controller IP)
kHdmiTxTop = 9, // HDMITX (HDMI Transmitter Top-Level)
// Typesafe wrapper for [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/Device.GetMmioById`].
// `platform_device` must be valid.
// If the result is successful, the MmioBuffer is guaranteed to be valid.
zx::result<fdf::MmioBuffer> MapMmio(
MmioResourceIndex mmio_index,
fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_platform_device::Device> platform_device);
// The resource ordering in the board driver's `display_irqs` table.
enum class InterruptResourceIndex : uint8_t {
kViu1Vsync = 0, // VSync started on VIU1.
kRdmaDone = 1, // RDMA transfer done.
kVid1Write = 2, // Display capture done on VID1.
// Typesafe wrapper for [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/Device.GetInterruptById`].
// `platform_device` must be valid.
// If the result is successful, the zx::interrupt is guaranteed to be valid.
zx::result<zx::interrupt> GetInterrupt(
InterruptResourceIndex interrupt_index,
fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_platform_device::Device> platform_device);
// The resource ordering in the board driver's `display_btis` table.
enum class BtiResourceIndex : uint8_t {
kDma = 0, // BTI used for CANVAS / DMA transfers.
// Typesafe wrapper for [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/Device.GetBtiById`].
// `platform_device` must be valid.
// If the result is successful, the zx::bti is guaranteed to be valid.
zx::result<zx::bti> GetBti(
BtiResourceIndex bti_index,
fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_platform_device::Device> platform_device);
// The resource ordering in the board driver's `kDisplaySmcs` table.
enum class SecureMonitorCallResourceIndex : uint8_t {
kSiliconProvider = 0, // SMC used to initialize HDCP.
// Typesafe wrapper for [`fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/Device.GetSmcById`].
// `platform_device` must be valid.
// If the result is successful, the zx::resource is guaranteed to be valid and
// represent a Secure Monitor Call.
zx::result<zx::resource> GetSecureMonitorCall(
SecureMonitorCallResourceIndex secure_monitor_call_index,
fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_platform_device::Device> platform_device);
} // namespace amlogic_display