blob: b578c039679435b8c5e4a51f194fa48727c7b922 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{ensure, Context as AnyhowContext, Error};
use argh::FromArgs;
use carnelian::color::Color;
use carnelian::render::{Composition, Context, CopyRegion, Image, PreClear, PreCopy, RenderExt};
use carnelian::{
App, AppAssistant, AppAssistantPtr, IntSize, ViewAssistant, ViewAssistantContext,
ViewAssistantPtr, ViewKey,
use euclid::default::{Point2D, Rect};
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_zircon::{AsHandleRef, Duration, Event, Signals};
use std::fs::File;
use std::process;
const WHITE_COLOR: Color = Color { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 255 };
/// Display Png.
#[derive(Debug, FromArgs)]
#[argh(name = "display_png")]
struct Args {
/// PNG file to load
file: Option<String>,
/// background color (default is white)
#[argh(option, from_str_fn(parse_color))]
background: Option<Color>,
/// an optional x,y position for the image (default is center)
#[argh(option, from_str_fn(parse_point))]
position: Option<Point2D<f32>>,
/// seconds of delay before application exits (default is 1 second)
#[argh(option, default = "1")]
timeout: i64,
fn parse_color(value: &str) -> Result<Color, String> {
Color::from_hash_code(value).map_err(|err| err.to_string())
fn parse_point(value: &str) -> Result<Point2D<f32>, String> {
let mut coords = vec![];
for value in value.split(",") {
coords.push(value.parse::<f32>().map_err(|err| err.to_string())?);
if coords.len() == 2 {
Ok(Point2D::new(coords[0], coords[1]))
} else {
Err("bad position".to_string())
struct PngSourceInfo {
png_reader: Option<png::Reader<File>>,
png_size: IntSize,
struct DisplayPngAppAssistant {
png_source: Option<PngSourceInfo>,
background: Option<Color>,
position: Option<Point2D<f32>>,
impl DisplayPngAppAssistant {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { png_source: None, background: None, position: None }
impl AppAssistant for DisplayPngAppAssistant {
fn setup(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let args: Args = argh::from_env();
self.background = args.background;
self.position = args.position;
if let Some(filename) = args.file {
let file = File::open(format!("{}", filename))
.context(format!("failed to open file {}", filename))?;
let decoder = png::Decoder::new(file);
let (info, png_reader) =
decoder.read_info().context(format!("failed to open image file {}", filename))?;
info.width > 0 && info.height > 0,
"Invalid image size for png file {}x{}",
let color_type = info.color_type;
color_type == png::ColorType::RGBA || color_type == png::ColorType::RGB,
"unsupported color type {:#?}. Only RGB and RGBA are supported.",
self.png_source = Some(PngSourceInfo {
png_reader: Some(png_reader),
png_size: IntSize::new(info.width as i32, info.height as i32),
fn create_view_assistant(&mut self, _: ViewKey) -> Result<ViewAssistantPtr, Error> {
let png_source = self.png_source.take();
struct DisplayPngViewAssistant {
png_source: Option<PngSourceInfo>,
background: Color,
png: Option<Image>,
composition: Composition,
position: Option<Point2D<f32>>,
impl DisplayPngViewAssistant {
pub fn new(
png_source: Option<PngSourceInfo>,
background: Color,
position: Option<Point2D<f32>>,
) -> Self {
let background = Color { r: background.r, g: background.g, b: background.b, a: 255 };
let composition = Composition::new(background);
Self { png_source, background, png: None, composition, position }
impl ViewAssistant for DisplayPngViewAssistant {
fn setup(&mut self, _context: &ViewAssistantContext) -> Result<(), Error> {
let args: Args = argh::from_env();
let timer = fasync::Timer::new(fasync::Time::after(Duration::from_seconds(args.timeout)));
fasync::Task::local(async move {
fn render(
&mut self,
render_context: &mut Context,
ready_event: Event,
context: &ViewAssistantContext,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let pre_copy = if let Some(png_source) = self.png_source.as_mut() {
let png_size = png_source.png_size;
// Create image from PNG.
let png_image = self.png.take().unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mut png_reader = png_source.png_reader.take().expect("png_reader");
.new_image_from_png(&mut png_reader)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("failed to decode file: {:?}", e))
// Center image if position has not been specified.
let position = self.position.take().unwrap_or_else(|| {
let x = (context.size.width - png_size.width as f32) / 2.0;
let y = (context.size.height - png_size.height as f32) / 2.0;
Point2D::new(x, y)
// Determine visible rect.
let dst_rect = Rect::new(position.to_i32(), png_size.to_i32());
let output_rect = Rect::new(Point2D::zero(), context.size.to_i32());
// Clear |image| to background color and copy |png_image| to |image|.
let ext = RenderExt {
pre_clear: Some(PreClear { color: self.background }),
pre_copy: dst_rect.intersection(&output_rect).map(|visible_rect| PreCopy {
image: png_image,
copy_region: CopyRegion {
src_offset: (visible_rect.origin - dst_rect.origin).to_point().to_u32(),
dst_offset: visible_rect.origin.to_u32(),
extent: visible_rect.size.to_u32(),
let image = render_context.get_current_image(context);
render_context.render(&mut self.composition, Some(Rect::zero()), image, &ext);
dst_rect.intersection(&output_rect).map(|visible_rect| PreCopy {
image: png_image,
copy_region: CopyRegion {
src_offset: (visible_rect.origin - dst_rect.origin).to_point().to_u32(),
dst_offset: visible_rect.origin.to_u32(),
extent: visible_rect.size.to_u32(),
} else {
// Clear |image| to background color and copy |png_image| to |image|.
let ext = RenderExt {
pre_clear: Some(PreClear { color: self.background }),
pre_copy: pre_copy,
let image = render_context.get_current_image(context);
render_context.render(&mut self.composition, Some(Rect::zero()), image, &ext);
ready_event.as_handle_ref().signal(Signals::NONE, Signals::EVENT_SIGNALED)?;
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
App::run(Box::new(|_| {
let f = async move {
let assistant = Box::new(DisplayPngAppAssistant::new());
Ok::<AppAssistantPtr, Error>(assistant)