blob: 08e456a76ef83517bdea53e8a28cd5636dbb01d9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# All components derived from the fonts provider, but possibly with a
# different configuration.
declare_args() {
# By default, log verbose font messages in tests.
integration_tests_verbose_logging = true
group("integration") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":font_provider_integration_tests" ]
# Integration tests without a `main()` function.
rustc_test("font_provider_integration_tests_bin") {
name = "font_provider_integration_tests"
edition = "2021"
deps = [
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [
# Generate arg-specialized manifests for font_provider_integration_test
cmc_merge("fonts_with_aliases_fonts_cml") {
sources = [
output_name = "fonts_with_aliases_fonts.cml"
cmc_merge("fonts_with_small_fonts_cml") {
sources = [
output_name = "fonts_with_small_fonts.cml"
cmc_merge("fonts_with_medium_fonts_cml") {
sources = [
output_name = "fonts_with_medium_fonts.cml"
cmc_merge("fonts_with_large_fonts_cml") {
sources = [
output_name = "fonts_with_large_fonts.cml"
# Integration test font collections
resource("testdata") {
sources = [ "aliases.font_manifest.json" ]
outputs = [ "data/testdata/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# Create identical structured configs for all the
# components.
foreach(comp, ALL_COMPONENTS) {
fuchsia_component_manifest("${comp}_manifest") {
component_name = comp
manifest = "${target_out_dir}/${comp}.cml"
deps = [ ":${comp}_cml" ]
fuchsia_component(comp) {
testonly = true
cm_label = ":${comp}_manifest"
deps = [
# deps will need fixups for different components.
if (comp == "fonts_with_aliases_fonts") {
# No change.
} else if (comp == "fonts_with_large_fonts") {
deps += [ "//src/fonts/collections:test-fonts-large-collection" ]
deps -= [ ":testdata" ]
} else if (comp == "fonts_with_medium_fonts") {
deps += [ "//src/fonts/collections:test-fonts-medium-collection" ]
deps -= [ ":testdata" ]
} else if (comp == "fonts_with_small_fonts") {
deps += [ "//src/fonts/collections:test-fonts-small-collection" ]
deps -= [ ":testdata" ]
} else {
assert(false, "component $comp does not have defined deps")
# Generate a manifest that provides the config for these components.
fuchsia_structured_config_values2("test_config_values") {
testonly = true
# One of the test cms was picked, they all use the same values.
cm_label = ":fonts_with_aliases_fonts_manifest"
output_component_name = "test_config_values"
values = {
verbose_logging = integration_tests_verbose_logging
font_manifest = ""
# Main integration test driver and capability providers
fuchsia_component("font_provider_integration_tests_driver") {
testonly = true
component_name = "test_driver"
manifest = "meta/font_provider_integration_tests_driver.cml"
deps = [ ":font_provider_integration_tests_bin" ]
fuchsia_component("mock_font_resolver_cm") {
testonly = true
component_name = "mock_font_resolver"
manifest =
deps = [ "//src/fonts/testing/mock_font_resolver:mock_font_resolver_bin" ]
fuchsia_component("font_provider_integration_tests_cmp") {
testonly = true
component_name = "font_provider_integration_tests"
manifest = "meta/font_provider_integration_tests.cml"
# Integration test package
fuchsia_test_package("font_provider_integration_tests") {
test_components = [ ":font_provider_integration_tests_cmp" ]
deps = [
foreach(comp, ALL_COMPONENTS) {
deps += [ ":${comp}" ]
test_specs = {
environments = basic_envs
# This package depends on things that define config_data entries, but they are
# not used by this package. The font collections should be able to disable
# the definition of config_data() entries as well as the resource() entries.
metadata = {
config_package_barrier = []