blob: a6113f8e8398ac97ce3853840bf3b9c500a4c918 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::font_service::inspect::zero_pad;
use crate::font_service::AssetId;
use char_set::CharSet;
use fidl_fuchsia_fonts::{FamilyName, GenericFontFamily, Slant, Style2, TypefaceRequest, Width};
use fidl_fuchsia_fonts_experimental::TypefaceInfo;
use fidl_fuchsia_intl::LocaleId;
use fuchsia_inspect as finspect;
use heck::KebabCase;
use itertools::Itertools;
use manifest::v2;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use thiserror::Error;
/// Asset ID and font index.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct TypefaceId {
/// In-memory ID of the font asset.
pub asset_id: AssetId,
/// Index of the typeface within the asset.
pub index: u32,
/// In-memory representation of a single typeface's metadata, slightly denormalized.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Typeface {
/// Which asset to find the typeface in
pub asset_id: AssetId,
/// Index of the typeface within the asset (for multi-typeface font formats, such as TTC)
pub font_index: u32,
/// Style property: slant
pub slant: Slant,
/// Style property: weight
pub weight: u16,
/// Style property: width
pub width: Width,
/// List of BCP-47 language IDs explicitly supported by the typeface
pub languages: BTreeSet<String>,
/// Collection of code points contained by the typeface
pub char_set: CharSet,
/// A generic font family to which the typeface's family belongs.
pub generic_family: Option<GenericFontFamily>,
impl Typeface {
/// Create a new `Typeface`, copying all fields except `asset_id` and `generic_family` from
/// `manifest_typeface`.
pub fn new(
asset_id: AssetId,
manifest_typeface: v2::Typeface,
generic_family: Option<GenericFontFamily>,
) -> Result<Typeface, TypefaceError> {
if manifest_typeface.code_points.is_empty() {
return Err(TypefaceError::NoCodePoints);
Ok(Typeface {
font_index: manifest_typeface.index,
languages: manifest_typeface.languages.into_iter().collect(),
char_set: manifest_typeface.code_points,
/// Returns value in the range `[0, 2 * request_languages.len()]`. The language code is used for
/// exact matches; the rest is for partial matches.
/// TODO(kpozin): Use a standard locale matching algorithm.
fn get_lang_match_score(&self, request_languages: &[LocaleId]) -> usize {
let mut best_partial_match_pos = None;
for i in 0..request_languages.len() {
let lang = &request_languages[i].id;
// Iterate over all languages in the typeface that start with `lang`.
for typeface_lang in
self.languages.range::<String, std::ops::RangeFrom<&String>>(lang..)
if !typeface_lang.starts_with(lang.as_str()) {
if typeface_lang.len() == lang.len() {
// Exact match.
return i;
// Partial match is valid only when it's followed by '-' character.
if (typeface_lang.as_bytes()[lang.len()] == '-' as u8)
& best_partial_match_pos.is_none()
best_partial_match_pos = Some(i);
best_partial_match_pos.unwrap_or(request_languages.len()) + request_languages.len()
/// Possible errors related to `Typeface`.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum TypefaceError {
#[error("Can't create Typeface with empty CharSet")]
pub struct TypefaceAndLangScore<'a> {
pub typeface: &'a Typeface,
pub lang_score: usize,
impl<'a> TypefaceAndLangScore<'a> {
pub fn new(typeface: &'a Typeface, request: &TypefaceRequest) -> TypefaceAndLangScore<'a> {
let request_languages: Vec<LocaleId> =
match request.query.as_ref().and_then(|query| query.languages.as_ref()) {
Some(languages) => languages.iter().map(LocaleId::clone).collect(),
_ => vec![],
let lang_score = typeface.get_lang_match_score(&request_languages);
TypefaceAndLangScore { typeface, lang_score }
pub struct TypefaceInfoAndCharSet {
pub asset_id: AssetId,
pub font_index: u32,
pub family: FamilyName,
pub style: Style2,
pub languages: Vec<LocaleId>,
pub generic_family: Option<GenericFontFamily>,
pub char_set: CharSet,
impl TypefaceInfoAndCharSet {
pub fn from_typeface(typeface: &Typeface, canonical_family: String) -> TypefaceInfoAndCharSet {
TypefaceInfoAndCharSet {
asset_id: typeface.asset_id,
font_index: typeface.font_index,
family: FamilyName { name: canonical_family },
style: Style2 {
slant: Some(typeface.slant),
weight: Some(typeface.weight),
width: Some(typeface.width),
// Convert BTreeSet<String> to Vec<LocaleId>
languages: typeface
.map(|lang| LocaleId { id: lang.clone() })
generic_family: typeface.generic_family,
char_set: typeface.char_set.clone(),
impl From<TypefaceInfoAndCharSet> for TypefaceInfo {
fn from(info: TypefaceInfoAndCharSet) -> TypefaceInfo {
TypefaceInfo {
asset_id: Some(info.asset_id.into()),
font_index: Some(info.font_index),
family: Some(,
style: Some(,
languages: Some(info.languages),
generic_family: info.generic_family,
/// Inspect data for a `Typeface`.
pub struct TypefaceInspectData {
/// The main `Node` for the typeface.
node: finspect::Node,
/// Numeric asset ID.
// TODO(
asset_id: finspect::UintProperty,
/// Path or URL to the asset.
// TODO(
asset_location: Option<finspect::StringProperty>,
/// Index of the typeface within the font asset.
// TODO(
font_index: finspect::UintProperty,
/// Style properties of the typeface.
// TODO(
style: finspect::Node,
/// Languages supported by the asset, as a sequence of BCP-47 language tags joined on ", ".
// TODO(
languages: finspect::StringProperty,
/// Number of code points covered by the typeface.
// TODO(
code_point_count: finspect::UintProperty,
/// Name of the font family. This should only be filled in in contexts where the typefaces are
/// not already grouped by family (e.g. fallback chain).
family_name: Option<finspect::StringProperty>,
impl TypefaceInspectData {
/// Creates a new `TypefaceInspectData`, which contains a `Node` with details.
/// * `parent_node`: The node that will contain this node.
/// * `node_name`: Arbitrary display name for this node that depends on the context in which the
/// node is displayed.
/// * `typeface`: The typeface for which Inspect data should be generated.
/// * `asset_location_lookup`: A closure for retrieving an asset's path or URL by asset ID.
pub fn new(
parent_node: &finspect::Node,
node_name: &str,
typeface: &Typeface,
asset_location_lookup: &impl Fn(AssetId) -> Option<String>,
) -> Self {
let node = parent_node.create_child(node_name);
let asset_id = node.create_uint("asset_id", typeface.asset_id.0.into());
let asset_location = (*asset_location_lookup)(typeface.asset_id)
.map(|location| node.create_string("asset_location", &location));
let font_index = node.create_uint("font_index", typeface.font_index.into());
let style = {
let style = node.create_child("style");
style.record_string("slant", format!("{:?}", typeface.slant).to_kebab_case());
style.record_uint("weight", typeface.weight.into());
style.record_string("width", format!("{:?}", typeface.width).to_kebab_case());
let languages = node.create_string("languages", typeface.languages.iter().join(", "));
let code_point_count = node.create_uint("code_point_count", typeface.char_set.len() as u64);
let family_name = None;
TypefaceInspectData {
/// Creates a new `TypefaceInspectData`, which contains a `Node` with details. The node's name
/// is a padded numeric string (because Inspect doesn't support node arrays).
/// * `parent_node`: The node that will contain this node.
/// * `node_index`: The index of the typeface node within the list in which it's being shown.
/// * `node_count`: The total number of sibling typeface nodes.
/// * `typeface`: The typeface for which Inspect data should be generated.
/// * `asset_location_lookup`: A closure for retrieving an asset's path or URL by asset ID.
pub fn with_numbered_node_name(
parent_node: &finspect::Node,
node_index: usize,
node_count: usize,
typeface: &Typeface,
asset_location_lookup: &impl Fn(AssetId) -> Option<String>,
) -> Self {
Self::new(parent_node, &zero_pad(node_index, node_count), typeface, asset_location_lookup)
/// Allows specifying a font family name, for use in Inspect contexts where it isn't obvious.
pub fn with_family_name(mut self, family_name: &str) -> Self {
let family_name = Some((&self.node).create_string("family_name", family_name));
self.family_name = family_name;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use char_collection::char_collect;
use diagnostics_assertions::assert_data_tree;
use fidl_fuchsia_fonts::WEIGHT_NORMAL;
use maplit::btreeset;
fn test_typeface_new_empty_char_set_is_error() {
let manifest_typeface = v2::Typeface {
index: 0,
style: v2::Style { slant: Slant::Upright, weight: WEIGHT_NORMAL, width: Width::Normal },
languages: vec![],
code_points: CharSet::new(vec![]),
postscript_name: None,
full_name: None,
assert!(Typeface::new(AssetId(0), manifest_typeface, None).is_err())
fn test_typeface_inspect_data() {
let inspector = finspect::Inspector::default();
let typeface = Typeface {
asset_id: AssetId(5),
font_index: 2,
slant: Slant::Upright,
weight: 300,
width: Width::UltraCondensed,
languages: btreeset!("es-ES".to_string(), "en-US".to_string()),
char_set: char_collect!(0x0..=0xFF).into(),
generic_family: Some(GenericFontFamily::Fantasy),
let inspect_data = TypefaceInspectData::with_numbered_node_name(
&|asset_id| {
if asset_id == AssetId(5) {
} else {
assert_data_tree!(inspector, root: {
"017": {
asset_id: 5u64,
asset_location: "/path/to/asset-5.ttf",
font_index: 2u64,
style: {
slant: "upright",
weight: 300u64,
width: "ultra-condensed",
languages: "en-US, es-ES",
code_point_count: 256u64,
let _inspect_data = inspect_data.with_family_name("Alpha");
assert_data_tree!(inspector, root: {
"017": contains {
asset_id: 5u64,
family_name: "Alpha",