blob: e6f824186acd76400c17a0b5f5ca11f089ec1f7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.fastboot/cpp/wire.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/usb/function/cpp/banjo.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/ddk/driver.h>
#include <lib/fzl/owned-vmo-mapper.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/inspect.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/empty-protocol.h>
#include <usb/request-cpp.h>
#include <usb/usb-request.h>
namespace usb_fastboot_function {
// The higher the value of `kBulkReqSize`, the higher the speed. But if set too high, the driver
// will start crashing more often due to memory error. Set to 4k for now which is stable and gives
// decent speed.
constexpr uint32_t kBulkReqSize = 4 * 1024;
constexpr uint16_t kBulkMaxPacketSize = 512;
class UsbFastbootFunction;
using DeviceType = ddk::Device<UsbFastbootFunction, ddk::Initializable,
class UsbFastbootFunction : public DeviceType,
public ddk::EmptyProtocol<ZX_PROTOCOL_FASTBOOT>,
public ddk::UsbFunctionInterfaceProtocol<UsbFastbootFunction> {
explicit UsbFastbootFunction(zx_device_t* parent) : DeviceType(parent), function_(parent) {}
virtual ~UsbFastbootFunction() = default;
static zx_status_t Bind(void* ctx, zx_device_t* dev);
zx_status_t Bind();
void DdkInit(ddk::InitTxn txn);
void DdkRelease();
// For inspect test.
zx::vmo inspect_vmo() { return inspect_.DuplicateVmo(); }
// UsbFunctionInterface methods.
size_t UsbFunctionInterfaceGetDescriptorsSize();
void UsbFunctionInterfaceGetDescriptors(uint8_t* out_descriptors_buffer, size_t descriptors_size,
size_t* out_descriptors_actual);
zx_status_t UsbFunctionInterfaceControl(const usb_setup_t* setup, const uint8_t* write_buffer,
size_t write_size, uint8_t* out_read_buffer,
size_t read_size, size_t* out_read_actual);
zx_status_t UsbFunctionInterfaceSetConfigured(bool configured, usb_speed_t speed);
zx_status_t UsbFunctionInterfaceSetInterface(uint8_t interface, uint8_t alt_setting);
void Send(::fuchsia_hardware_fastboot::wire::FastbootImplSendRequest* request,
SendCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void Receive(::fuchsia_hardware_fastboot::wire::FastbootImplReceiveRequest* request,
ReceiveCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
uint8_t bulk_out_addr() const { return descriptors_.bulk_out_ep.b_endpoint_address; }
uint8_t bulk_in_addr() const { return descriptors_.bulk_in_ep.b_endpoint_address; }
zx_status_t ConfigureEndpoints(bool enable);
std::atomic<bool> configured_ = false;
inspect::Inspector inspect_;
inspect::BoolProperty is_bound = inspect_.GetRoot().CreateBool("is_bound", false);
ddk::UsbFunctionProtocolClient function_;
size_t parent_request_size_ = 0;
// Size of a usb request taking into account parent request size + alignment + internal
// bookkeeping. This is calculated by Usb::Request<>::RequestSize() method.
size_t usb_request_size_ = 0;
std::mutex send_lock_;
size_t total_to_send_ __TA_GUARDED(send_lock_) = 0;
size_t sent_size_ __TA_GUARDED(send_lock_) = 0;
fzl::OwnedVmoMapper send_vmo_ __TA_GUARDED(send_lock_);
std::optional<SendCompleter::Async> send_completer_ __TA_GUARDED(send_lock_);
usb::RequestPool<> bulk_in_reqs_ __TA_GUARDED(send_lock_){};
std::mutex receive_lock_;
fzl::OwnedVmoMapper receive_vmo_ __TA_GUARDED(receive_lock_);
size_t received_size_ __TA_GUARDED(receive_lock_) = 0;
size_t requested_size_ __TA_GUARDED(receive_lock_) = 0;
std::optional<ReceiveCompleter::Async> receive_completer_ __TA_GUARDED(receive_lock_);
usb::RequestPool<> bulk_out_reqs_ __TA_GUARDED(receive_lock_){};
// USB request completion callback methods.
void TxComplete(usb_request_t* req);
void RxComplete(usb_request_t* req);
// Completion callbacks.
const usb_request_complete_callback_t rx_complete_ = {
.callback =
[](void* ctx, usb_request_t* req) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ctx != nullptr);
.ctx = this,
const usb_request_complete_callback_t tx_complete_ = {
.callback =
[](void* ctx, usb_request_t* req) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ctx != nullptr);
.ctx = this,
void CleanUpRx(zx_status_t status, usb::Request<> req) __TA_REQUIRES(receive_lock_);
void CleanUpTx(zx_status_t status, usb::Request<> req) __TA_REQUIRES(send_lock_);
zx_status_t PrepareSendRequest(usb::Request<>& req) __TA_REQUIRES(send_lock_);
// USB Fastboot interface descriptor.
struct {
usb_interface_descriptor_t fastboot_intf;
usb_endpoint_descriptor_t bulk_out_ep;
usb_endpoint_descriptor_t bulk_in_ep;
// Fastboot tool checks only up to `bNumInterfaces` of interfaces in each USB device's
// descriptor to see if it supports fastboot. One issue is that `alternate` interfaces don't
// count in `bNumInterfaces`. But it will still be listed in device descriptors. That is, when
// device has `alternate` interfaces, total number of interfaces in device descriptor is
// greater than `bNumInterfaces`. Fastboot tool doesn't know to skip them and therefore might
// miss some of the interfaces.
// This is the case when fastboot is used with CDC Ethernet, which has an `alternate` interface
// causing the fastboot tool to miss the fastboot interface. Therefore, we add a placeholder
// interface as a workaround to increase `bNumInterfaces` by 1 so that it can cover right
// at `fastboot_intf`.
// This should be changed if/when the fastboot CLI logic (ffx and upstream fastboot tool) knows
// how to handle interface alt-configs.
usb_interface_descriptor_t placehodler_intf;
} descriptors_ = {
.fastboot_intf =
.b_length = sizeof(usb_interface_descriptor_t),
.b_descriptor_type = USB_DT_INTERFACE,
.b_interface_number = 0, // set later
.b_alternate_setting = 0,
.b_num_endpoints = 2,
.b_interface_class = USB_CLASS_VENDOR,
.b_interface_sub_class = USB_SUBCLASS_FASTBOOT,
.b_interface_protocol = USB_PROTOCOL_FASTBOOT,
.i_interface = 0,
.bulk_out_ep =
.b_length = sizeof(usb_endpoint_descriptor_t),
.b_descriptor_type = USB_DT_ENDPOINT,
.b_endpoint_address = 0, // set later during AllocEp
.bm_attributes = USB_ENDPOINT_BULK,
.w_max_packet_size = htole16(kBulkMaxPacketSize),
.b_interval = 0,
.bulk_in_ep =
.b_length = sizeof(usb_endpoint_descriptor_t),
.b_descriptor_type = USB_DT_ENDPOINT,
.b_endpoint_address = 0, // set later during AllocEp
.bm_attributes = USB_ENDPOINT_BULK,
.w_max_packet_size = htole16(kBulkMaxPacketSize),
.b_interval = 0,
.placehodler_intf =
.b_length = sizeof(usb_interface_descriptor_t),
.b_descriptor_type = USB_DT_INTERFACE,
.b_interface_number = 0,
.b_alternate_setting = 0,
.b_num_endpoints = 0,
.b_interface_class = USB_CLASS_VENDOR,
.b_interface_sub_class = 0,
.b_interface_protocol = 0,
.i_interface = 0,
} // namespace usb_fastboot_function