blob: 03691ad1ef94673f65d27e90ae705606daa7890f [file] [log] [blame]
select: {
missing: "INSPECT:invalid-moniker:path-not:found",
eval: {
// We need to generate "Problem::SyntaxError" and "Problem::Missing" for some of the tests
syntax_error: "variable_will_not_be_found",
// Vectors are equal if their members are equal. Heterogenous types are OK.
basics_ok1: "[1, 2, 'c'] == [1, 2, 'c']",
// Unequal vectors are in fact evaluated unequal.
basics_ok2: "[1, 2, 'c'] != [1, 2, 'd']",
basics_ok3: "Missing(missing)",
// "Missing" doesn't compare equal, it throws an error"
basics_ok4: "Problem(missing == missing)",
// A vector containing Missing is Missing (returned when a selector can't match its moniker)
basics_ok5: "Missing( [missing] )",
basics_ok6: "Problem(syntax_error)",
basics_ok: "And(basics_ok1, basics_ok2, basics_ok3, basics_ok4, basics_ok5, basics_ok6)",
double: "Fn([a], a * 2)",
map_ok1: "Map(double, [1, 2, 3]) == [2, 4, 6]",
zip2: "Fn([a, b], [a, b])",
map_ok2: "Map(zip2, [1, 2], [3, 4]) == [[1, 3], [2, 4]]",
map_ok3: "Map(zip2, [1, 2], 3) == [[1, 3], [2, 3]]",
map_ok4: "Map(zip2, [1, 2], [3]) == [[1, 3]]",
map_ok5: "Map(zip2, 1, 3) == []",
map_ok: "And(map_ok1, map_ok2, map_ok3, map_ok4, map_ok5)",
fold_ok1: "Fold(Fn([a, b], a), [4, 8]) == 4",
fold_ok2: "Fold(Fn([a, b], a + b), [1, 2, 3], 9) == 15",
fold_ok: "And(fold_ok1, fold_ok2)",
count_ok1: "Count([1, 'b', 2 == 2]) == 3",
count_ok2: "Count([]) == 0",
count_ok3: "Problem(Count(5))",
count_ok4: "Problem(Count([1, 'b', 2 == 2, missing]))",
count_ok: "And(count_ok1, count_ok2, count_ok3, count_ok4)",
even: "Fn([a], a // 2 * 2 == a)",
filter_ok1: "Filter(even, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) == [2, 4]",
// To count a vector containing Missing, map it through Missing() first because Count won't count vectors containing Missing.
count_with_missing: "Fn([v], Count(Map(Fn([a], Missing(a)), v)))",
with_missing_element: "Filter(even, [1, 2, missing, 4, 5])",
filter_ok2: "Apply(count_with_missing, [with_missing_element]) == 3",
only_missing_element: "Filter(Fn([a], Missing(a)), with_missing_element)",
filter_ok3: "Apply(count_with_missing, [only_missing_element]) == 1",
filter_ok4: "Missing(Count(with_missing_element))",
filter_ok: "And(filter_ok1, filter_ok2, filter_ok3, filter_ok4)",
act: {
all_ok: {
type: "Warning",
trigger: "And(basics_ok, map_ok, fold_ok, count_ok, filter_ok)",
print: "Everything worked as expected.",
// The gauges really help in debugging this file.
basics: {
type: "Gauge",
value: "[basics_ok, basics_ok1, basics_ok2, basics_ok3, basics_ok4, basics_ok5, basics_ok6]",
map: {
type: "Gauge",
value: "[map_ok, map_ok1, map_ok2, map_ok3, map_ok4, map_ok5]",
fold: {
type: "Gauge",
value: "[fold_ok, fold_ok1, fold_ok2]",
count: {
type: "Gauge",
value: "[count_ok, count_ok1, count_ok2, count_ok3, count_ok4]",
filter: {
type: "Gauge",
value: "[filter_ok, filter_ok1, filter_ok2, filter_ok3, filter_ok4]",