blob: c1b98e463dfca569eefbe3f87b331756e82836f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! A utility crate for validating the behavior of LogSink & Log implementations.
use fidl_fuchsia_logger::{
LogFilterOptions, LogListenerSafeMarker, LogListenerSafeRequest, LogListenerSafeRequestStream,
LogMessage, LogProxy,
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use futures::channel::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender};
use futures::sink::SinkExt;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
/// Test that all of the expected message arrive over `proxy`, with no unexpected ones appearing.
/// Returns once all expected messages have been observed.
/// # Panics
/// Panics when validation fails due to an unexpected message or due to connection failures.
pub async fn validate_log_stream(
expected: impl IntoIterator<Item = LogMessage>,
proxy: LogProxy,
filter_options: Option<LogFilterOptions>,
) {
ValidatingListener::new(expected).run(proxy, filter_options, false).await;
/// Test that all of the expected message arrive over `proxy` after requesting a log dump, with no
/// unexpected records appearing. Returns once all expected messages have been observed.
/// # Panics
/// Panics when validation fails due to an unexpected message, missing messages when the sink says
/// it is done dumping, or due to connection failures.
pub async fn validate_log_dump(
expected: impl IntoIterator<Item = LogMessage>,
proxy: LogProxy,
filter_options: Option<LogFilterOptions>,
) {
ValidatingListener::new(expected).run(proxy, filter_options, true).await;
enum Outcome {
/// Listens to all log messages sent during test, and verifies that they match what's expected.
struct ValidatingListener {
expected: Vec<LogMessage>,
outcomes: Option<Receiver<Outcome>>,
send_outcomes: Sender<Outcome>,
impl ValidatingListener {
fn new(expected: impl IntoIterator<Item = LogMessage>) -> Self {
let (send_outcomes, outcomes) = channel(3);
Self { expected: expected.into_iter().collect(), send_outcomes, outcomes: Some(outcomes) }
/// Drive a LogListenerSafe request stream. Signals for channel close and test completion are
/// send on the futures-aware channels with which ValidatingListener is constructed.
async fn run(
mut self,
proxy: LogProxy,
filter_options: Option<LogFilterOptions>,
dump_logs: bool,
) {
let (client_end, stream) =
let filter_options = filter_options.as_ref();
if dump_logs {
proxy.dump_logs_safe(client_end, filter_options).expect("failed to register listener");
} else {
proxy.listen_safe(client_end, filter_options).expect("failed to register listener");
let mut sink_says_done = false;
let mut all_expected = false;
let mut outcomes = self.outcomes.take().unwrap();
'observe_outcomes: while let Some(outcome) = {
match outcome {
Outcome::AllExpectedReceived => all_expected = true,
Outcome::LogSentDone => sink_says_done = true,
Outcome::UnexpectedMessage(msg) => panic!("unexpected log message {:?}", msg),
if all_expected && (!dump_logs || sink_says_done) {
// only stop looking at outcomes if we have all the messages we expect AND
// if we either don't care about log dumps terminating because we didn't ask for one
// or it has terminated as we expect
break 'observe_outcomes;
if dump_logs {
assert!(sink_says_done, "must have received all expected messages");
} else {
// FIXME(41966): this should be tested for both streaming and dumping modes
assert!(all_expected, "must have received all expected messages");
async fn handle_stream(mut self, mut stream: LogListenerSafeRequestStream) {
while let Some(Ok(req)) = {
async fn handle_request(&mut self, req: LogListenerSafeRequest) {
match req {
LogListenerSafeRequest::Log { log, responder } => {
LogListenerSafeRequest::LogMany { log, responder } => {
for msg in log {
LogListenerSafeRequest::Done { .. } => {
async fn log(&mut self, received: LogMessage) {
if let Some((i, _)) = self.expected.iter().enumerate().find(|(_, expected)| {
expected.msg == received.msg
&& expected.tags == received.tags
&& expected.severity == received.severity
}) {
if self.expected.is_empty() {
} else {