blob: f3a9db0891a3592c49e60e6c2f68a547fba39286 [file] [log] [blame]
// Errors that pertain to the font server.
// File issues at:
act: {
unfulfilled_request: {
type: "Warning",
trigger: "SyslogHas('Unfulfilled\ request.*TypefaceRequest')",
print: "A requested font could not be found",
file_bug: "I18N>Fonts",
test: {
test_unfulfilled_request_yes: {
yes: [
syslog: "[00027.554290][39107][39109][fonts] WARNING: Unfulfilled request TypefaceRequest { query: TypefaceQuery { family: FamilyName { name: \"Roboto Mono\" }, style: Style2 { slant: Upright, weight: 400, width: Normal } }, flags: ExactFamily | ExactStyle }",
test_unfulfilled_request_no: {
no: [
syslog: "[00027.554290][39107][39109][fonts] WARNING: Unfulfilled request: Make me a sandwich.",