blob: 98df96520f2aa3b48e83dd709992009d205e8544 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/component/incoming/cpp/protocol.h>
#include "thermal-cli.h"
constexpr char kUsageMessage[] = R"""(Usage: thermal-cli <device> <command>
temp - Read the device's thermal sensor in degrees C
fan [value] - Get or set the fan speed
freq <big/little> [value] - Get or set the cluster frequency in Hz
name - Print the name of the sensor
thermal-cli /dev/class/thermal/000 freq big 1000000000
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc < 3) {
printf("%s", kUsageMessage);
return 0;
zx::result device = component::Connect<fuchsia_hardware_thermal::Device>(argv[1]);
if (device.is_error()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open thermal device: %s\n", device.status_string());
return 1;
ThermalCli thermal_cli(std::move(device.value()));
zx_status_t status;
if (strcmp(argv[2], "temp") == 0) {
status = thermal_cli.PrintTemperature();
} else if (strcmp(argv[2], "fan") == 0) {
const char* value = argc >= 4 ? argv[3] : nullptr;
status = thermal_cli.FanLevelCommand(value);
} else if (strcmp(argv[2], "freq") == 0 && argc >= 4) {
fuchsia_hardware_thermal::wire::PowerDomain cluster =
if (strcmp(argv[3], "little") == 0) {
cluster = fuchsia_hardware_thermal::wire::PowerDomain::kLittleClusterPowerDomain;
const char* value = argc >= 5 ? argv[4] : nullptr;
status = thermal_cli.FrequencyCommand(cluster, value);
} else if (strcmp(argv[2], "name") == 0) {
const zx::result name = thermal_cli.GetSensorName();
status = name.status_value();
if (name.is_ok()) {
printf("Name: %s\n", name->c_str());
} else {
printf("%s", kUsageMessage);
return 1;
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return 1;
return 0;