blob: 48cb7cf4ef1e48f8e7f14298a67499f3785b8f9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fake-resource/resource.h>
#include <lib/inspect/testing/cpp/zxtest/inspect.h>
#include <lib/pci/pciroot.h>
#include <lib/pci/root_host.h>
#include <lib/zx/resource.h>
#include <zircon/limits.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/object.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "src/devices/testing/mock-ddk/mock-device.h"
class TestPciroot final : public PcirootBase, public inspect::InspectTestHelper {
TestPciroot(PciRootHost* root_host, zx_device_t* parent, const char* name)
: PcirootBase(root_host, parent, name) {}
~TestPciroot() final = default;
class PcirootTests : public zxtest::Test {
PcirootTests() {
PciRootHost& root_host() { return *root_host_; }
void SetUp() final {
root_host_ =
std::make_unique<PciRootHost>(fake_root_resource_.borrow(), fake_root_resource_.borrow(),
fake_root_resource_.borrow(), PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO);
zx::resource fake_root_resource_;
std::unique_ptr<PciRootHost> root_host_;
// Tables copied from QEMU x64 and represent [base, base + size).
// clang-format off
using PciRegion = std::pair<uint64_t, size_t>;
constexpr PciRegion kTestAllocatedIo[] {
{0xc080, 0xc0a0},
{0xc0a0, 0xc0c0},
{0xc000, 0xc040},
{0xc0c0, 0xc0e0},
{0x700, 0x740},
constexpr PciRegion kTestAllocatedMmio[] = {
{0xfebfc000, 0xfec00000},
{0xfebe0000, 0xfebe1000},
{0xfebc0000, 0xfebe0000},
{0xfebe1000, 0xfebe2000},
constexpr PciRegion kTestBoardIo[] = {
{0, 0x60},
{0x61, 0x64},
{0x65, 0x70},
{0x78, 0x378},
{0x380, 0x3f8},
{0x400, 0x510},
{0x51c, 0x620},
{0x630, 0xcc0},
{0xce4, 0xcf8},
{0xd00, 0x10000},
constexpr PciRegion kTestBoardMmio[] = {
{0x80000000, 0xb0000000},
{0xc0000000, 0xfec00000},
constexpr PciRegion kTestBoardMmio64[] = {
{0x280000000, 0xa80000000},
// clang-format on
TEST_F(PcirootTests, Inspect) {
// Set up the board regions as necessary so they're available before the
// Pciroot initialization path that records board values.
for (auto& region : kTestBoardIo) {
ASSERT_OK(root_host().Io().AddRegion({region.first, region.second - region.first}));
for (auto& region : kTestBoardMmio) {
ASSERT_OK(root_host().Mmio32().AddRegion({region.first, region.second - region.first}));
for (auto& region : kTestBoardMmio64) {
ASSERT_OK(root_host().Mmio64().AddRegion({region.first, region.second - region.first}));
auto parent = MockDevice::FakeRootParent();
TestPciroot pciroot(&root_host(), parent.get(), "TestPciroot");
// Pull out the expected allocations.
zx::resource resource{};
zx::eventpair ep{};
zx_paddr_t out_base;
std::vector<std::pair<zx::resource, zx::eventpair>> bookkeeping;
for (auto& region : kTestAllocatedIo) {
ASSERT_OK(pciroot.PcirootGetAddressSpace(region.first, region.second - region.first,
PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO, false, &out_base, &resource,
bookkeeping.emplace_back(std::move(resource), std::move(ep));
for (auto& region : kTestAllocatedMmio) {
ASSERT_OK(pciroot.PcirootGetAddressSpace(region.first, region.second - region.first,
PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEMORY, true, &out_base, &resource,
bookkeeping.emplace_back(std::move(resource), std::move(ep));
// Ensure that the number of properties of each type match up after making the
// protocol calls rather than the raw strings themselves.
ASSERT_EQ(std::size(kTestAllocatedIo), pciroot.hierarchy()
ASSERT_EQ(std::size(kTestAllocatedMmio), pciroot.hierarchy()
// In inspect we have one mmio region, rather than two in the Pciroot regions.
std::size(kTestBoardMmio) + std::size(kTestBoardMmio64),