blob: a9eadc6524b8e1743640cc21f71fe03f63b799e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
pub mod args;
pub mod checks;
pub mod utils;
use anyhow::Result;
use args::StaticChecksCommand;
use cm_rust::ComponentDecl;
use fuchsia_archive::Utf8Reader;
use std::io::{Cursor, Write};
/// Entry-point for the command `ffx driver static-checks`.
pub async fn static_checks(cmd: StaticChecksCommand, writer: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<()> {
let cursor = Cursor::new(std::fs::read(&cmd.driver)?);
let mut far_reader = Utf8Reader::new(cursor)?;
let driver_components = utils::find_driver_components(&mut far_reader)?;
"Found {} in {}",
utils::pluralize(driver_components.len() as u64, "driver component"),
let mut results = Vec::<(String, bool)>::new();
for (driver_component, cm_path) in driver_components {
writeln!(writer, "\n\nRunning static checks against '{}'", cm_path)?;
let mut static_checker = StaticChecker::new(&mut far_reader, driver_component);
static_checker.run_check(writer, "Bind rules are valid", checks::check_bind_rules)?;
"Device categories are valid",
// Additional checks should be added here.
if static_checker.checks_failed > 0 {
results.push((cm_path, false));
} else {
results.push((cm_path, true));
let mut total = 0;
let mut total_failed = 0;
write!(writer, "\n")?;
for (cm_path, passed) in results {
total += 1;
if passed {
writeln!(writer, "{}: {}", cm_path, utils::green("PASSED"))?;
} else {
total_failed += 1;
writeln!(writer, "{}: {}", cm_path, utils::red("FAILED"))?;
let mut failure_string = utils::pluralize(total_failed, "failure");
if total_failed > 0 {
failure_string = utils::red(&failure_string);
} else {
failure_string = utils::green(&failure_string);
"\nChecked {} with {}.",
utils::cyan(&utils::pluralize(total, "driver")),
struct StaticChecker<'a> {
far_reader: &'a mut utils::FarReader,
component: ComponentDecl,
checks_passed: u64,
checks_failed: u64,
impl<'a> StaticChecker<'a> {
fn new(far_reader: &'a mut utils::FarReader, component: ComponentDecl) -> Self {
Self { far_reader, component, checks_passed: 0, checks_failed: 0 }
fn run_check(
&mut self,
writer: &mut dyn Write,
name: &str,
f: checks::CheckFunction,
) -> Result<()> {
writeln!(writer, "[RUNNING]\t{}", name)?;
let result = f(self.far_reader, &self.component)?;
match result {
Ok(_) => {
writeln!(writer, "[PASSED]\t{}", name)?;
self.checks_passed += 1;
Err(checks::StaticCheckFail { reason }) => {
writeln!(writer, "{} {}", utils::red("Error:"), reason)?;
writeln!(writer, "[FAILED]\t{}", name)?;
self.checks_failed += 1;