blob: efdb7730e1222ba3ae299746420acafd8a691ea5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <optional>
namespace driver_runtime {
class Dispatcher;
} // namespace driver_runtime
/// TODO( rename to thread_context.
namespace driver_context {
// Adds |driver| to the thread's current call stack.
void PushDriver(const void* driver, driver_runtime::Dispatcher* dispatcher = nullptr);
// Removes the driver at the top of the thread's current call stack.
// The stack must not be empty.
void PopDriver();
// Returns the driver at the top of the thread's current call stack,
// or null if the stack is empty.
const void* GetCurrentDriver();
// Returns the dispatcher at the top of the thread's current call stack,
// or null if the stack is empty.
driver_runtime::Dispatcher* GetCurrentDispatcher();
// Sets the default dispatcher to return in GetCurrentDispatcher
// when the driver context stack is empty. Only meant for testing.
void SetDefaultTestingDispatcher(driver_runtime::Dispatcher* dispatcher);
// Returns whether |driver| is in the thread's current call stack.
bool IsDriverInCallStack(const void* driver);
// Returns whether the thread's current call stack is empty.
bool IsCallStackEmpty();
// Returns the latest generation id seen by the current thread.
uint32_t GetIrqGenerationId();
// Sets the latest generation id seen by the current thread.
void SetIrqGenerationId(uint32_t id);
// Returns the result of setting the role profile for the current thread.
// May be std::nullopt if no attempt has been made to set the role profile.
std::optional<zx_status_t> GetRoleProfileStatus();
// Sets the result of setting the role profile for the current thread.
void SetRoleProfileStatus(zx_status_t status);
} // namespace driver_context