blob: cca0c505c0cb4b801498989d6f6abbe4ec3c4fd2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("forensics") {
testonly = true
deps = [
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# Allows userdebug configs to be used on eng builds. Note, this build target
# cannot be used on non-eng builds because multiple targets will provide the
# config data file and cause the build will fail.
# TODO(312749175): Remove this target once configs can be overridden on eng
# builds.
group("userdebug_configs_for_eng") {
deps = [ ":feedback_userdebug_config_for_eng" ]
# Allows user configs to be used on eng builds. Note, this build target cannot
# be used on non-eng builds because multiple targets will provide the onfig data
#file and cause the build will fail.
# TODO(312749175): Remove this target once configs can be overridden on eng
# builds.
group("user_configs_for_eng") {
deps = [ ":feedback_user_config_for_eng" ]
fuchsia_package("pkg") {
package_name = "forensics"
deps = [
fuchsia_component_manifest("exceptions_manifest") {
component_name = "exceptions"
manifest = "exceptions/meta/exceptions.cml"
fuchsia_component("exceptions") {
cm_label = ":exceptions_manifest"
deps = [
fuchsia_component("feedback") {
manifest = "feedback/meta/feedback.cml"
deps = [
executable("unified_binary") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
renamed_binary("exceptions_exe") {
dest = "bin/exceptions"
source = "$root_out_dir/unified_binary"
source_deps = [ ":unified_binary" ]
renamed_binary("exception_handler_exe") {
dest = "bin/exception_handler"
source = "$root_out_dir/unified_binary"
source_deps = [ ":unified_binary" ]
renamed_binary("feedback_exe") {
dest = "bin/feedback"
source = "$root_out_dir/unified_binary"
source_deps = [ ":unified_binary" ]
renamed_binary("system_log_recorder_exe") {
dest = "bin/system_log_recorder"
source = "$root_out_dir/unified_binary"
source_deps = [ ":unified_binary" ]
resource("feedback_default_product_config") {
sources = [ "feedback/configs/product/default.json" ]
outputs = [ "data/product/default_config.json" ]
config_data_for_assembly("feedback_large_disk_product_config") {
for_pkg = "forensics"
sources = [ "feedback/configs/product/large_disk.json" ]
outputs = [ "product/override_config.json" ]
config_data_for_assembly("feedback_low_memory_product_config") {
for_pkg = "forensics"
sources = [ "feedback/configs/product/low_memory.json" ]
outputs = [ "product/override_config.json" ]
resource("feedback_default_build_type_config") {
sources = [ "feedback/configs/build_type/default.json" ]
outputs = [ "data/build_type/default_config.json" ]
config_data_for_assembly("feedback_user_config") {
for_pkg = "forensics"
sources = [ "feedback/configs/build_type/user.json" ]
outputs = [ "build_type/override_config.json" ]
config_data_for_assembly("feedback_userdebug_config") {
for_pkg = "forensics"
sources = [ "feedback/configs/build_type/userdebug.json" ]
outputs = [ "build_type/override_config.json" ]
resource("feedback_default_snapshot_config") {
sources = [ "feedback/configs/snapshot/default.json" ]
outputs = [ "data/snapshot/default_config.json" ]
config_data_for_assembly("feedback_remote_device_id_provider_for_assembly") {
for_pkg = "forensics"
sources = [ "feedback/configs/remote_device_id_provider" ]
outputs = [ "feedback/remote_device_id_provider" ]
config_data("exceptions_enable_jitd_on_startup") {
for_pkg = "forensics"
sources = [ "exceptions/configs/jitd_on_startup.json" ]
outputs = [ "exceptions/enable_jitd_on_startup.json" ]
# TODO(312749175): Remove this target once configs can be overridden on eng
# builds.
config_data("feedback_user_config_for_eng") {
for_pkg = "forensics"
sources = [ "feedback/configs/build_type/user.json" ]
outputs = [ "build_type/override_config.json" ]
# TODO(312749175): Remove this target once configs can be overridden on eng
# builds.
config_data("feedback_userdebug_config_for_eng") {
for_pkg = "forensics"
sources = [ "feedback/configs/build_type/userdebug.json" ]
outputs = [ "build_type/override_config.json" ]
fuchsia_structured_config_cpp_elf_lib("exceptions_config") {
cm_label = ":exceptions_manifest"