blob: 9a183ce4a3ee9d478a664ae12d79170b09b1bd01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/register_id.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/serialization.h"
namespace debug_ipc {
enum AutomationOperandKind : uint32_t {
// This type is just used as a default value. It outputs zero when evaluated.
kZero = 0,
// A kRegister takes a register index (in index_), and outputs the 64 bit value stored in that
// register.
kRegister = 1,
// A kConstant takes a uint32_t constant value (in value_), and outputs that value extended to a
// uint64_t.
kConstant = 2,
// A kStackSlot takes an offset into the stack (in index_), and returns the 64 bit value at that
// stack location.
kStackSlot = 3,
// A kRegisterTimesConstant takes a register index (in index_) and a constant value (in value_),
// and outputs the value of that register multiplied by the value.
kRegisterTimesConstant = 4,
// a kIndirectUInt32 takes a register index (in index_) and a constant offset (in value_), and
// outputs the 32 bit value at *(register + offset)
kIndirectUInt32 = 5,
// a kIndirectUInt64 takes a register index (in index_) and a constant offset (in value_), and
// outputs the 64 bit value at *(register + offset)
kIndirectUInt64 = 6,
// a kIndirectUInt32Loop is a special operand that is only valid for kLoopLoadMemory instructions.
// It takes a constant offset (in value_), and outputs the 32 bit value at
// *(address + cur_struct + offset)
kIndirectUInt32Loop = 7,
// a kIndirectUInt64Loop is a special operand that is only valid for kLoopLoadMemory instructions.
// It takes a constant offset (in value_), and outputs the 64 bit value at
// *(address + cur_struct + offset)
kIndirectUInt64Loop = 8,
// A kStoredValue takes a slot in the list of stored values (in index_), and outputs the 64 bit
// value stored in that slot.
kStoredValue = 9,
struct AutomationOperand {
void InitRegister(debug::RegisterID index) {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kRegister;
index_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(index);
void InitConstant(uint32_t value) {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kConstant;
value_ = value;
void InitStackSlot(uint32_t slot_offset) {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kStackSlot;
index_ = slot_offset;
void InitRegisterTimesConstant(debug::RegisterID index, uint32_t value) {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kRegisterTimesConstant;
index_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(index);
value_ = value;
void InitIndirectUInt32(debug::RegisterID index, uint32_t value) {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kIndirectUInt32;
index_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(index);
value_ = value;
void InitIndirectUInt64(debug::RegisterID index, uint32_t value) {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kIndirectUInt64;
index_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(index);
value_ = value;
void InitIndirectUInt32Loop(uint32_t value) {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kIndirectUInt32Loop;
value_ = value;
void InitIndirectUInt64Loop(uint32_t value) {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kIndirectUInt64Loop;
value_ = value;
void InitStoredValue(uint32_t slot_offset) {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kStoredValue;
index_ = slot_offset;
void InitRaw(AutomationOperandKind kind, uint32_t index, uint32_t value) {
kind_ = kind;
index_ = index;
value_ = value;
// If the operand is a kRegister, this changes it to a kRegisterTimesConstant with value as the
// constant. Otherwise, the register becomes kZero.
void MultiplyValue(uint32_t value) {
if (kind_ == AutomationOperandKind::kRegister) {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kRegisterTimesConstant;
value_ = value;
} else {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kZero;
index_ = 0;
value_ = 0;
// If the operand is a kRegister, this changes it to a kIndirectUInt32 with value as the offset.
// Otherwise, the register becomes kZero.
void IndirectValue32(uint32_t value) {
if (kind_ == AutomationOperandKind::kRegister) {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kIndirectUInt32;
value_ = value;
} else {
kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kZero;
index_ = 0;
value_ = 0;
debug::RegisterID register_index() const { return static_cast<debug::RegisterID>(index_); }
uint32_t slot_offset() const { return index_; }
uint32_t index() const { return index_; }
uint32_t value() const { return value_; }
uint32_t offset() const { return value_; }
AutomationOperandKind kind() const { return kind_; }
std::string ToString();
void Serialize(Serializer& ser, uint32_t ver) { ser | kind_ | index_ | value_; }
AutomationOperandKind kind_ = AutomationOperandKind::kZero;
uint32_t index_ = 0;
uint32_t value_ = 0;
enum AutomationConditionKind : uint32_t {
// This type is just used as a default value. It always returns false.
kFalse = 0,
// A kEquals condition takes an operand and a uint64 constant.
// It is true when operand == constant.
kEquals = 1,
// A kNotEquals condition takes an operand and a uint64 constant.
// It is true when operand != constant.
kNotEquals = 2,
// A kMaskAndEquals condition takes an operand, a uint64 mask, and a uint64 constant.
// It is true when (operand & mask) == constant.
kMaskAndEquals = 3,
// A kMaskAndNotEquals condition takes an operand, a uint64 mask, and a uint64 constant.
// It is true when (operand & mask) != constant.
kMaskAndNotEquals = 4,
struct AutomationCondition {
void InitEquals(AutomationOperand operand, uint64_t constant) {
kind_ = AutomationConditionKind::kEquals;
operand_ = operand;
constant_ = constant;
void InitNotEquals(AutomationOperand operand, uint64_t constant) {
kind_ = AutomationConditionKind::kNotEquals;
operand_ = operand;
constant_ = constant;
void InitMaskAndEquals(AutomationOperand operand, uint64_t constant, uint64_t mask) {
kind_ = AutomationConditionKind::kMaskAndEquals;
operand_ = operand;
constant_ = constant;
mask_ = mask;
void InitMaskAndNotEquals(AutomationOperand operand, uint64_t constant, uint64_t mask) {
kind_ = AutomationConditionKind::kMaskAndNotEquals;
operand_ = operand;
constant_ = constant;
mask_ = mask;
void InitRaw(AutomationConditionKind kind, AutomationOperand operand, uint64_t constant,
uint64_t mask) {
kind_ = kind;
operand_ = operand;
constant_ = constant;
mask_ = mask;
std::string ToString();
AutomationOperand operand() const { return operand_; }
uint64_t constant() const { return constant_; }
uint64_t mask() const { return mask_; }
AutomationConditionKind kind() const { return kind_; }
void Serialize(Serializer& ser, uint32_t ver) { ser | kind_ | operand_ | constant_ | mask_; }
AutomationConditionKind kind_ = AutomationConditionKind::kFalse;
AutomationOperand operand_;
uint64_t constant_ = 0;
uint64_t mask_ = 0;
enum AutomationInstructionKind : uint32_t {
// This type is just used as a default value. Has no effect if sent.
kNop = 0,
// A kLoadMemory instruction takes two Operands:
// address (in address_) is the address of some memory.
// length (in length_) is the number of bytes to load from that memory.
// It preloads length bytes from the memory at address.
// It also takes a vector of conditions and only executes if it has no false conditions.
kLoadMemory = 1,
// A kLoopLoadMemory instruction takes four Operands and a uint32_t:
// address (in address_) is the address of an array of structs.
// length (in length_) is the number of structs in the array.
// struct_pointer_offset (in extra_1_) is the offset in the struct to the pointer to load from.
// struct_length_offset (in extra_2_) is the offset to the length of the memory to load.
// item_size (in value_) is the uint32_t size of the structs in the array in bytes.
// First it preloads the array of structs (loading length * item_size bytes from address_).
// Next it iterates through each of the structs, preloading the number of bytes specified at
// address[index] + struct_size_offset from the address at address[index] +
// struct_pointer_offset
// It also takes a vector of conditions and only executes if it has no false conditions.
kLoopLoadMemory = 2,
// A kComputeAndStore instruction takes one Operand and a uint32_t:
// value (in extra_1_) is the operand to be stored.
// slot_index (in value_) is the slot index to store the result at.
// It stores the value of the operand in that slot to be used by later operands. Nothing is
// preloaded from this command.
// It also takes a vector of conditions and only executes if it has no false conditions.
kComputeAndStore = 3,
// A kClearStoredValues instruction takes no Operands.
// It clears all values stored by kComputeAndStore commands.
// It also takes a vector of conditions and only executes if it has no false conditions.
kClearStoredValues = 4,
// An instruction for automatically handling a breakpoint
struct AutomationInstruction {
void InitLoadMemory(AutomationOperand address, AutomationOperand length,
std::vector<AutomationCondition> conditions) {
kind_ = AutomationInstructionKind::kLoadMemory;
address_ = address;
length_ = length;
conditions_ = std::move(conditions);
void InitLoopLoadMemory(AutomationOperand address, AutomationOperand length,
AutomationOperand struct_pointer_offset,
AutomationOperand struct_length_offset, uint32_t item_size,
std::vector<AutomationCondition> conditions) {
kind_ = AutomationInstructionKind::kLoopLoadMemory;
address_ = address;
length_ = length;
extra_1_ = struct_pointer_offset;
extra_2_ = struct_length_offset;
value_ = item_size;
conditions_ = std::move(conditions);
void InitComputeAndStore(AutomationOperand value, uint32_t slot_index,
std::vector<AutomationCondition> conditions) {
kind_ = AutomationInstructionKind::kComputeAndStore;
extra_1_ = value;
value_ = slot_index;
conditions_ = std::move(conditions);
void InitClearStoredValues(std::vector<AutomationCondition> conditions) {
kind_ = AutomationInstructionKind::kClearStoredValues;
conditions_ = std::move(conditions);
void InitRaw(AutomationInstructionKind kind, AutomationOperand address, AutomationOperand length,
AutomationOperand extra_1, AutomationOperand extra_2, uint32_t value,
std::vector<AutomationCondition> conditions) {
kind_ = kind;
address_ = address;
length_ = length;
extra_1_ = extra_1;
extra_2_ = extra_2;
value_ = value;
conditions_ = std::move(conditions);
AutomationOperand address() const { return address_; }
AutomationOperand length() const { return length_; }
AutomationOperand struct_pointer_offset() const { return extra_1_; }
AutomationOperand store_value() const { return extra_1_; }
AutomationOperand extra_1() const { return extra_1_; }
AutomationOperand struct_length_offset() const { return extra_2_; }
AutomationOperand extra_2() const { return extra_2_; }
uint32_t item_size() const { return value_; }
uint32_t slot_index() const { return value_; }
uint32_t value() const { return value_; }
std::vector<AutomationCondition> conditions() const { return conditions_; }
AutomationInstructionKind kind() const { return kind_; }
std::string ToString();
void Serialize(Serializer& ser, uint32_t ver) {
ser | kind_ | address_ | length_ | extra_1_ | extra_2_ | value_ | conditions_;
AutomationInstructionKind kind_ = AutomationInstructionKind::kNop;
AutomationOperand address_;
AutomationOperand length_;
AutomationOperand extra_1_;
AutomationOperand extra_2_;
uint32_t value_ = 0;
std::vector<AutomationCondition> conditions_;
} // namespace debug_ipc