blob: 63c5f8ee3eb7de63fa87ee60af90e5b7e710dfc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <optional>
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/message_loop.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/status.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace debug_agent {
class LinuxBinaryLauncher;
class LinuxExceptionHandle;
class LinuxSuspendHandle;
class LinuxTaskObserver;
class ProcessHandleObserver;
// Represents a thread/process on Linux for which ptrace is involed.
// Threads and processes aren't really different on Linux. Threads are special-cases of processes
// that share address space, and the main thread is indistinguishable from the process.
// To implement our process/thread split, the process and thread handles must share the underlying
// handle. In addition, exceptions and suspend tokens need to refer to the pthread information in
// a way that's independent of the ThreadHandle or ProcessHandle.
// This reference-counted object can be referenced by all the necessary places and collects the
// state.
class LinuxTask final : public fxl::RefCountedThreadSafe<LinuxTask> {
int pid() const { return pid_; }
// Registers/unregisters this task with ptrace for getting exceptions. Attach() and Detach() can
// be called multiple times without side effects.
bool is_attached() const { return is_attached_; }
debug::Status Attach();
void Detach();
// Sets the observer. Callers will also want to call Attach first to get events.
// Null means no observer.
// There can be multiple LinuxTask objects for a process since the debug agent expects that
// Thread/ProcessHandles are like Zircon "handles." There should only be one task with an observer
// set on it, or there will be failures. Normally this will correspond to a DebuggedProcess
// so maintaining a unique observer across all LinuxTasks with a given PID is trivial.
void SetObserver(LinuxTaskObserver* observer);
void set_single_step(bool ss) { single_step_ = ss; }
bool is_suspended() const { return suspend_count_ > 0; }
int exit_code() const { return exit_code_; }
// Encapsulates everything from an event delivery. We sometimes need to re-post these so anything
// that must be handled as part of the event (like the PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG) must be encapsulated
// here.
// Some code might be simpler if we broke out some of the fields of the event status into
// separate fields.
struct SignalRecord {
int pid = 0;
int status = 0;
// PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG if it applies to this event.
std::optional<unsigned long> event_msg;
// Populate for stop events. But this can still be missing when the process is killed.
std::optional<siginfo_t> siginfo;
friend LinuxBinaryLauncher;
friend LinuxExceptionHandle;
friend LinuxSuspendHandle;
// Depending on how a task is created, it might already be attached via ptrace. If so, set
// is_attached to prevent re-attempting to attach.
explicit LinuxTask(uint64_t pid, bool is_attached = false);
void OnPidReady(int pid, int status);
void DispatchEvent(const SignalRecord& record);
void OnExec(const SignalRecord& record);
void OnClone(const SignalRecord& record);
void OnFork(const SignalRecord& record);
void OnVFork(const SignalRecord& reocr);
void OnExit(const SignalRecord& record);
void OnSignaled(const SignalRecord& record);
void OnStopped(const SignalRecord& record);
void OnContinued();
// Constucts a SignalRecord with the given information and any relevant side-channel information
// from ptrace. This should only be called when handling a ptrace event.
SignalRecord MakeSignalRecord(int pid, int status);
// For LinuxSuspendHandle. See suspend_count_.
void IncrementSuspendCount();
void DecrementSuspendCount();
int pid_ = 0;
bool is_attached_ = false;
// Handle for watching the process exceptions.
debug::MessageLoop::WatchHandle process_watch_handle_;
LinuxTaskObserver* observer_ = nullptr;
// This task maintains the reference count of the number of live LinuxSuspendHandles. When this
// count is positive, the task is suspended, when 0 it is allowed to run. Modify only via
// Increment/DecrementSuspendCount().
int suspend_count_ = 0;
bool single_step_ = false;
bool exiting_ = false;
int exit_code_ = -1;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<LinuxTask> weak_factory_;
} // namespace debug_agent