blob: 27e3dc3e9b4c849c9d011cb0d07314d628b133c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/elf_utils.h"
// clang-format off
// link.h contains ELF.h, which causes llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h fail to compile.
#include "src/lib/elflib/elflib.h"
// clang-format on
#include <link.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/process_handle.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/ipc/records.h"
namespace debug_agent {
namespace {
// Reads a null-terminated string from the given address of the given process.
debug::Status ReadNullTerminatedString(const ProcessHandle& process, zx_vaddr_t vaddr,
std::string* dest) {
// Max size of string we'll load as a sanity check.
constexpr size_t kMaxString = 32768;
constexpr size_t kBlockSize = 256;
char block[kBlockSize];
while (dest->size() < kMaxString) {
size_t num_read = 0;
if (auto status = process.ReadMemory(vaddr, block, kBlockSize, &num_read); status.has_error())
return status;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_read; i++) {
if (block[i] == 0)
return debug::Status();
if (num_read < kBlockSize)
return debug::Status(); // Partial read: hit the mapped memory boundary.
vaddr += kBlockSize;
return debug::Status();
// Returns the fetch function for use by ElfLib for the given process. The ProcessHandle must
// outlive the returned value.
std::function<bool(uint64_t, std::vector<uint8_t>*)> GetElfLibReader(const ProcessHandle& process,
uint64_t load_address) {
return [&process, load_address](uint64_t offset, std::vector<uint8_t>* buf) {
size_t num_read = 0;
if (process.ReadMemory(load_address + offset, buf->data(), buf->size(), &num_read).has_error())
return false;
return num_read == buf->size();
} // namespace
debug::Status WalkElfModules(const ProcessHandle& process, uint64_t dl_debug_addr,
std::function<bool(uint64_t base_addr, uint64_t lmap)> cb) {
size_t num_read = 0;
uint64_t lmap = 0;
if (auto status = process.ReadMemory(dl_debug_addr + offsetof(r_debug, r_map), &lmap,
sizeof(lmap), &num_read);
return status;
size_t module_count = 0;
// Walk the linked list.
constexpr size_t kMaxObjects = 512; // Sanity threshold.
while (lmap != 0) {
if (module_count++ >= kMaxObjects)
return debug::Status("Too many modules, memory likely corrupted.");
uint64_t base;
if (process.ReadMemory(lmap + offsetof(link_map, l_addr), &base, sizeof(base), &num_read)
uint64_t next;
if (process.ReadMemory(lmap + offsetof(link_map, l_next), &next, sizeof(next), &num_read)
if (!cb(base, lmap))
lmap = next;
return debug::Status();
std::vector<debug_ipc::Module> GetElfModulesForProcess(const ProcessHandle& process,
uint64_t dl_debug_addr) {
std::vector<debug_ipc::Module> modules;
// Method 1: Use the dl_debug_addr, which should be the address of a |r_debug| struct.
if (dl_debug_addr) {
WalkElfModules(process, dl_debug_addr, [&](uint64_t base, uint64_t lmap) {
debug_ipc::Module module;
module.base = base;
module.debug_address = lmap;
uint64_t str_addr;
size_t num_read;
if (process
.ReadMemory(lmap + offsetof(link_map, l_name), &str_addr, sizeof(str_addr), &num_read)
return false;
if (ReadNullTerminatedString(process, str_addr, &
return false;
if (auto elf = elflib::ElfLib::Create(GetElfLibReader(process, module.base), module.base))
module.build_id = elf->GetGNUBuildID();
return true;
// Method 2: Read the memory map and probe the ELF magic. This is secondary because it cannot
// obtain the debug_address, which is used for resolving TLS location.
std::vector<debug_ipc::AddressRegion> address_regions = process.GetAddressSpace(0);
auto get_elf_info = [&](uint64_t base) -> std::optional<internal::ElfSegInfo> {
auto elf = elflib::ElfLib::Create(GetElfLibReader(process, base), base);
if (!elf) {
return std::nullopt;
return internal::ElfSegInfo{.segment_headers = elf->GetSegmentHeaders(),
.so_name = elf->GetSoname(),
.build_id = elf->GetGNUBuildID()};
internal::MergeMmapedModules(modules, address_regions, std::move(get_elf_info));
return modules;
namespace internal {
// With `-fuse-ld=lld -z noseparate-code`, multiple ELF segments could live on the same page and
// get mapped multiple times with different flags. For example,
// Program Headers:
// Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align
// LOAD 0x000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000858 0x000858 R 0x1000
// LOAD 0x000860 0x0000000000001860 0x0000000000001860 0x000250 0x000250 R E 0x1000
// LOAD 0x000ab0 0x0000000000002ab0 0x0000000000002ab0 0x000220 0x000220 RW 0x1000
// LOAD 0x000cd0 0x0000000000003cd0 0x0000000000003cd0 0x000008 0x000008 RW 0x1000
// [zxdb] aspace
// Start End Prot Size Koid Offset Cmt.Pgs Name
// 0x15fb9584000 0x15fb9585000 r-- 4K 479448 0x0 0 ...
// 0x15fb9585000 0x15fb9586000 r-x 4K 479449 0x0 0 ...
// 0x15fb9586000 0x15fb9587000 r-- 4K 479450 0x0 0 ...
// 0x15fb9587000 0x15fb9588000 rw- 4K 479451 0x0 0 ...
// and the debugger will see four ELF headers from 0x15fb9584000 to 0x15fb9587000. The third has
// the same read-only protection at runtime because it contains read-only relocations.
// To solve this, we use a variable to track the end of the last module, and skip regions that
// overlap with the last module.
void MergeMmapedModules(std::vector<debug_ipc::Module>& modules,
const std::vector<debug_ipc::AddressRegion>& mmaps,
std::function<std::optional<ElfSegInfo>(uint64_t)> get_elf_info_for_base) {
std::set<uint64_t> visited_modules;
uint64_t end_of_last_module = 0;
// Account for the existing modules in the visit map.
for (const auto& mod : modules) {
for (const auto& region : mmaps) {
if (region.base < end_of_last_module) {
// With `-fuse-ld=ld -z noseparate-code`, ELF headers live together with the text section.
if (region.write) {
std::optional<ElfSegInfo> opt_info = get_elf_info_for_base(region.base);
if (!opt_info) {
for (auto& phdr : opt_info->segment_headers) {
if (phdr.p_type == PT_LOAD) {
end_of_last_module = region.base + phdr.p_vaddr + phdr.p_memsz;
// Don't re-insert something that already exists. This normally happens when the library was
// already found with "method 1" above. This must be AFTER the end_of_last_module is updated,
// otherwise, anything inserted from "method 1" won't be counted as covering its address range
// and the next item could be a duplicate.
if (!visited_modules.insert(region.base).second) {
std::string name =;
if (auto soname = opt_info->so_name) {
name = *soname;
.name = std::move(name), .base = region.base, .build_id = std::move(opt_info->build_id)});
} // namespace internal
} // namespace debug_agent