blob: 37fe0ec30677b1458fed63f8c045c540cf41ee8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/debugged_process.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/exception.h>
#include <utility>
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/align.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/breakpoint.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/debug_agent.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/debugged_thread.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/elf_utils.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/exception_handle.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/hardware_breakpoint.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/process_breakpoint.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/software_breakpoint.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/thread_handle.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/time.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/watchpoint.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/ipc/message_reader.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/ipc/message_writer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/ipc/protocol.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/logging/logging.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/platform_message_loop.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/zx_status.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
#if defined(__linux__)
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/linux_utils.h"
namespace debug_agent {
namespace {
std::vector<char> ReadSocketInput(BufferedStdioHandle* buffer) {
constexpr size_t kReadSize = 1024; // Read in 1K chunks.
std::vector<char> data;
auto& stream = buffer->stream();
while (true) {
char buf[kReadSize];
size_t read_amount = stream.Read(buf, kReadSize);
data.insert(data.end(), buf, buf + read_amount);
if (read_amount < kReadSize)
return data;
// Meant to be used in debug logging.
std::string LogPreamble(const DebuggedProcess* process) {
return fxl::StringPrintf("[P: %lu (%s)] ", process->koid(),
void LogRegisterBreakpoint(debug::FileLineFunction location, DebuggedProcess* process,
Breakpoint* bp, uint64_t address) {
if (!debug::IsDebugLoggingActive())
std::stringstream ss;
ss << LogPreamble(process) << "Setting breakpoint " << bp->settings().id << " ("
<< bp->settings().name << ") on 0x" << std::hex << address;
if (bp->settings().one_shot)
ss << " (one shot)";
DEBUG_LOG_WITH_LOCATION(Process, location) << ss.str();
} // namespace
// DebuggedProcessCreateInfo -----------------------------------------------------------------------
DebuggedProcessCreateInfo::DebuggedProcessCreateInfo(std::unique_ptr<ProcessHandle> handle)
: handle(std::move(handle)) {}
// DebuggedProcess ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DebuggedProcess::DebuggedProcess(DebugAgent* debug_agent) : debug_agent_(debug_agent) {}
DebuggedProcess::~DebuggedProcess() {
if (process_handle_) {
void DebuggedProcess::DetachFromProcess() {
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this) << "DetachFromProcess";
// 1. Remove installed software breakpoints. We need to tell each thread that this will happen.
for (auto& [address, breakpoint] : software_breakpoints_) {
for (auto& [thread_koid, thread] : threads_) {
// Clear the resources.
// 2. Resume threads. Technically a 0'ed request would work, but being explicit is future-proof.
debug_ipc::ResumeRequest resume_request = {}; = debug_ipc::ResumeRequest::How::kResolveAndContinue;
resume_request.ids.push_back({.process = koid(), .thread = 0});
// 3. Unbind from notifications (this will detach from the process).
debug::Status DebuggedProcess::Init(DebuggedProcessCreateInfo create_info) {
// Watch for process events.
if (debug::Status status = create_info.handle->Attach(this); status.has_error())
return status;
process_handle_ = std::move(create_info.handle);
from_limbo_ = create_info.from_limbo;
is_weakly_attached_ = create_info.weak;
if (create_info.stdio.out.is_valid())
if (create_info.stdio.err.is_valid())
// Update module list.
#if defined(__linux__)
dl_debug_addr_ = linux::GetLdSoDebugAddress(koid());
if (dl_debug_addr_) {
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << "Got debug address = " << std::hex << dl_debug_addr_;
if (uint64_t bp_addr = linux::GetLdSoBreakpointAddress(koid())) {
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << "Got breakpoint address = " << std::hex << bp_addr;
loader_breakpoint_ = std::make_unique<Breakpoint>(debug_agent_, true);
if (auto err = loader_breakpoint_->SetSettings("Internal shared library load breakpoint",
koid(), bp_addr);
err.has_error()) {
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this)
<< "Could not set shared library load breakpoint: " << err.message();
// Continue even in the error case: we can continue with most things working even if the
// loader breakpoint fails for some reason.
} else {
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this)
<< "Could not set shared library load breakpoint address.";
} else {
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this) << "Can't get debug address.";
// Linux doesn't give thread notifications for the initial thread, so grab it now.
return debug::Status();
void DebuggedProcess::OnResume(const debug_ipc::ResumeRequest& request) {
if (request.ids.empty()) {
// Empty thread ID list means resume all threads.
suspend_new_threads_ = false;
for (auto& [thread_koid, thread] : threads_)
} else {
for (const debug_ipc::ProcessThreadId& id : request.ids) {
if (id.process != koid()) {
// The request may contain resume requests for more than one process.
suspend_new_threads_ = false;
if (!id.thread) {
// A 0 thread koid will resume all threads of the given process.
for (auto& [thread_koid, thread] : threads_) {
} else if (DebuggedThread* thread = GetThread(id.thread)) {
// Might be not found if there is a race between the thread exiting and the client sending
// the request.
void DebuggedProcess::OnReadMemory(const debug_ipc::ReadMemoryRequest& request,
debug_ipc::ReadMemoryReply* reply) {
reply->blocks = process_handle_->ReadMemoryBlocks(request.address, request.size);
// Remove any breakpoint instructions we've inserted.
// If there are a lot of ProcessBreakpoints this will get slow. If we find we have 100's of
// breakpoints an auxiliary data structure could be added to find overlapping breakpoints faster.
for (const auto& [addr, bp] : software_breakpoints_) {
// Generally there will be only one block. If we start reading many megabytes that cross
// mapped memory boundaries, a top-level range check would be a good idea to avoid unnecessary
// iteration.
for (auto& block : reply->blocks) {
void DebuggedProcess::OnKill(const debug_ipc::KillRequest& request, debug_ipc::KillReply* reply) {
// Stop observing before killing the process to avoid getting exceptions after we stopped
// listening to them.
// Since we're being killed, we treat this process as not having any more
// threads. This makes cleanup code more straightforward, as there are no
// threads to resume/handle.
reply->status = process_handle_->Kill();
void DebuggedProcess::OnSaveMinidump(const debug_ipc::SaveMinidumpRequest& request,
debug_ipc::SaveMinidumpReply* reply) {
reply->status = process_handle_->SaveMinidump(GetThreads(), &reply->core_data);
DebuggedThread* DebuggedProcess::GetThread(zx_koid_t thread_koid) const {
auto found_thread = threads_.find(thread_koid);
if (found_thread == threads_.end())
return nullptr;
return found_thread->second.get();
std::vector<DebuggedThread*> DebuggedProcess::GetThreads() const {
std::vector<DebuggedThread*> threads;
for (auto& kv : threads_)
return threads;
void DebuggedProcess::PopulateCurrentThreads() {
for (auto& thread : process_handle_->GetChildThreads()) {
// We should never populate the same thread twice.
zx_koid_t thread_koid = thread->GetKoid();
if (threads_.find(thread_koid) != threads_.end())
auto new_thread = std::make_unique<DebuggedThread>(debug_agent_, this, std::move(thread));
DebuggedThread* new_thread_ptr = new_thread.get(); // Save for notification.
threads_.emplace(thread_koid, std::move(new_thread));
// Notify the client.
std::vector<debug_ipc::ThreadRecord> DebuggedProcess::GetThreadRecords() const {
std::vector<debug_ipc::ThreadRecord> result;
for (const auto& pair : threads_)
return result;
bool DebuggedProcess::HandleLoaderBreakpoint(uint64_t address) {
// The loader breakpoint is a hardcodeed breakpoint with a known address.
if (address != process_handle().GetLoaderBreakpointAddress())
return false;
if (module_list_.Update(process_handle())) {
if (!is_weakly_attached_) {
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << "Got loader breakpoint with new module, suspending and sending list.";
} else {
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << "Got loader breakpoint but no module list change, continuing.";
return true;
void DebuggedProcess::SuspendAndSendModules() {
// Suspend all threads while the module list is being sent. The client will resume the threads
// once it's loaded symbols and processed breakpoints (this may take a while and we'd like to
// get any breakpoints as early as possible).
// Notify the client of any libraries.
debug_ipc::NotifyModules notify;
notify.process_koid = koid();
notify.modules = module_list_.modules();
notify.timestamp = GetNowTimestamp();
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this) << "Sending " << notify.modules.size() << " modules.";
SoftwareBreakpoint* DebuggedProcess::FindSoftwareBreakpoint(uint64_t address) const {
auto it = software_breakpoints_.find(address);
if (it == software_breakpoints_.end())
return nullptr;
return it->second.get();
HardwareBreakpoint* DebuggedProcess::FindHardwareBreakpoint(uint64_t address) const {
auto it = hardware_breakpoints_.find(address);
if (it == hardware_breakpoints_.end())
return nullptr;
return it->second.get();
Watchpoint* DebuggedProcess::FindWatchpoint(const debug::AddressRange& range) const {
auto it = watchpoints_.lower_bound(range);
if (it == watchpoints_.end())
return nullptr;
for (; it != watchpoints_.end(); it++) {
if (it->first.Contains(range))
return it->second.get();
return nullptr;
debug::Status DebuggedProcess::RegisterBreakpoint(Breakpoint* bp, uint64_t address) {
LogRegisterBreakpoint(FROM_HERE, this, bp, address);
switch (bp->settings().type) {
case debug_ipc::BreakpointType::kSoftware:
return RegisterSoftwareBreakpoint(bp, address);
case debug_ipc::BreakpointType::kHardware:
return RegisterHardwareBreakpoint(bp, address);
case debug_ipc::BreakpointType::kReadWrite:
case debug_ipc::BreakpointType::kWrite:
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Watchpoints are registered through RegisterWatchpoint.";
// TODO(donosoc): Reactivate once the transition is complete.
return debug::Status("Watchpoints are registered through RegisterWatchpoint.");
case debug_ipc::BreakpointType::kLast:
return debug::Status("Invalid breakpoint type.");
void DebuggedProcess::UnregisterBreakpoint(Breakpoint* bp, uint64_t address) {
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this) << "Unregistering breakpoint " << bp->settings().id
<< " (" << bp->settings().name << ").";
switch (bp->settings().type) {
case debug_ipc::BreakpointType::kSoftware:
return UnregisterSoftwareBreakpoint(bp, address);
case debug_ipc::BreakpointType::kHardware:
return UnregisterHardwareBreakpoint(bp, address);
case debug_ipc::BreakpointType::kReadWrite:
case debug_ipc::BreakpointType::kWrite:
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Watchpoints are unregistered through UnregisterWatchpoint.";
case debug_ipc::BreakpointType::kLast:
debug::Status DebuggedProcess::RegisterWatchpoint(Breakpoint* bp,
const debug::AddressRange& range) {
<< "Breakpoint type must be kWatchpoint, got: "
<< debug_ipc::BreakpointTypeToString(bp->settings().type);
// NOTE: Even though the watchpoint system can handle un-aligned ranges, there is no way for
// an exception to determine which byte access actually triggered the exception. This means
// that watchpoint installed and nominal ranges should be the same.
// We make that check here and fail early if the range is not correctly aligned.
auto aligned_range = AlignRange(range);
if (!aligned_range.has_value() || aligned_range.value() != range)
return debug::Status("Watchpoint range must be aligned.");
auto it = watchpoints_.find(range);
if (it == watchpoints_.end()) {
auto watchpoint = std::make_unique<Watchpoint>(bp->settings().type, bp, this, range);
if (auto status = watchpoint->Init(); status.has_error())
return status;
watchpoints_[range] = std::move(watchpoint);
return debug::Status();
} else {
return it->second->RegisterBreakpoint(bp);
void DebuggedProcess::UnregisterWatchpoint(Breakpoint* bp, const debug::AddressRange& range) {
<< "Breakpoint type must be kWatchpoint, got: "
<< debug_ipc::BreakpointTypeToString(bp->settings().type);
auto it = watchpoints_.find(range);
if (it == watchpoints_.end())
Watchpoint* watchpoint = it->second.get();
bool still_used = watchpoint->UnregisterBreakpoint(bp);
if (!still_used) {
for (auto& [thread_koid, thread] : threads_) {
void DebuggedProcess::EnqueueStepOver(ProcessBreakpoint* process_breakpoint,
DebuggedThread* thread) {
// Passing the thread will delete any previous queuing of the same thread. Otherwise the thread
// will be recusrsively waiting for itself and can never make progress.
StepOverTicket ticket = {};
ticket.process_breakpoint = process_breakpoint->GetWeakPtr();
ticket.thread = thread->GetWeakPtr();
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this) << "[PB: 0x" << std::hex << process_breakpoint->address()
<< "] Enqueing thread " << std::dec << thread->koid()
<< " for step over. Queue size: " << step_over_queue_.size();
// If the queue already had an element, we wait until that element is done.
if (step_over_queue_.size() > 1u)
// This is the first ticket in the queue. We start executing it immediatelly.
void DebuggedProcess::OnBreakpointFinishedSteppingOver() {
// We always tell the current breakpoint to finish the stepping over after starting the new one.
// This will free the other suspended threads, letting the new stepping over thread continue.
// We need to do this *after* starting the following breakpoint, because otherwise we introduce
// a window where threads are unsuspeded between breakpoints.
auto prev_ticket = step_over_queue_.front();
auto post_execute_breakpoint = fit::defer([prev_ticket = std::move(prev_ticket)]() {
if (!prev_ticket.is_valid())
// Pop the previous ticket (the post-complete action is already set with the deferred action).
// If there are still elements in the queue, we execute the next one (the queue is pruned so we
// know the next one is valid).
if (!step_over_queue_.empty()) {
auto& ticket = step_over_queue_.front();
void DebuggedProcess::OnProcessTerminated() {
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this) << "Terminating.";
debug_ipc::NotifyProcessExiting notify;
notify.process_koid = koid();
notify.return_code = process_handle_->GetReturnCode();
notify.timestamp = GetNowTimestamp();
void DebuggedProcess::OnThreadStarting(std::unique_ptr<ExceptionHandle> exception) {
auto thread_handle = exception->GetThreadHandle();
zx_koid_t thread_id = thread_handle->GetKoid();
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this) << "Thread starting with koid " << thread_id;
if (threads_.find(thread_id) != threads_.end()) {
// This is possible when `DebugAgent::AttachToExistingProcess` in the following order:
// - We create an exception channel.
// - A thread starts and the notification is delivered to the exception channel,
// but we haven't got a chance to look into it.
// - We PopulateCurrentThreads().
// - We process the pending notifications and OnThreadStarting() the same thread
// populated just now.
auto new_thread = std::make_unique<DebuggedThread>(debug_agent_, this, std::move(thread_handle));
if (suspend_new_threads_) {
// Notify the client.
threads_.emplace(thread_id, std::move(new_thread));
void DebuggedProcess::OnThreadExiting(std::unique_ptr<ExceptionHandle> exception) {
auto excepting_thread_handle = exception->GetThreadHandle();
zx_koid_t thread_id = excepting_thread_handle->GetKoid();
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this) << " Thread exiting with koid " << thread_id;
// Clean up our DebuggedThread object.
auto found_thread = threads_.find(thread_id);
if (found_thread == threads_.end()) {
// The thread will currently be in a "Dying" state. For it to complete its
// lifecycle it must be resumed.
// Notify the client. Can't call GetThreadRecord since the thread doesn't exist any more.
debug_ipc::NotifyThreadExiting notify; = {.process = koid(), .thread = thread_id};
notify.record.state = debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::State::kDead;
notify.timestamp = GetNowTimestamp();
void DebuggedProcess::OnException(std::unique_ptr<ExceptionHandle> exception) {
auto excepting_thread_handle = exception->GetThreadHandle();
zx_koid_t thread_id = excepting_thread_handle->GetKoid();
DebuggedThread* thread = GetThread(thread_id);
if (!thread) {
LOGS(Error) << "Exception on thread " << thread_id << " which we don't know about.";
void DebuggedProcess::OnProcessStarting(std::unique_ptr<ProcessHandle> new_process_handle) {
// This is called only on Linux when we observe a fork. Fuchsia new processes are detected by
// the job.
#if defined(__linux__)
// The new process will be a copy of the current one, including all software breakpoints
// installed in this one. In response to this notification, we will either resume and detach from
// the forked process (in which case we better not leave those software breakpoint instructions
// in), or we will continue with debugging it and breakpoint system will reinstall the breakpoints
// (in which case it will get incorrect "old data" under the breakpoint unless we put the data
// back now).
// Either way, undo all software breakpoints in the new process that referred to our current one.
for (const auto& [addr, sw_bp] : software_breakpoints_) {
void DebuggedProcess::OnAddressSpace(const debug_ipc::AddressSpaceRequest& request,
debug_ipc::AddressSpaceReply* reply) {
reply->map = process_handle_->GetAddressSpace(request.address);
void DebuggedProcess::OnModules(debug_ipc::ModulesReply* reply) {
// When the client explicitly requests modules, we are no longer weakly attached.
is_weakly_attached_ = false;
// Since the client requested the modules explicitly, force update our cache in case something
// changed unexpectedly.
reply->modules = module_list_.modules();
void DebuggedProcess::OnWriteMemory(const debug_ipc::WriteMemoryRequest& request,
debug_ipc::WriteMemoryReply* reply) {
size_t actual = 0;
// TODO(brettw) replace reply with a serialized Status.
if (debug::Status status = process_handle_->WriteMemory(request.address,,, &actual);
status.has_error()) {
reply->status = status;
} else if (actual != {
// Convert partial writes to errors.
reply->status = debug::Status("Partial write of " + std::to_string(actual) +
" bytes instead of " + std::to_string(;
} else {
reply->status = debug::Status();
void DebuggedProcess::OnLoadInfoHandleTable(const debug_ipc::LoadInfoHandleTableRequest& request,
debug_ipc::LoadInfoHandleTableReply* reply) {
auto result = process_handle_->GetHandles();
if (result.is_error()) {
// TODO(brettw) replace reply with a serialized status.
reply->status = result.error_value();
} else {
reply->status = debug::Status();
reply->handles = std::move(std::move(result).value());
void DebuggedProcess::InjectThreadForTest(std::unique_ptr<DebuggedThread> thread) {
zx_koid_t koid = thread->koid();
threads_[koid] = std::move(thread);
std::vector<debug_ipc::ProcessThreadId> DebuggedProcess::ClientSuspendAllThreads(
zx_koid_t except_thread) {
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this) << "DebuggedProcess::ClientSuspendAllThreads";
// Also suspend new threads.
suspend_new_threads_ = true;
std::vector<debug_ipc::ProcessThreadId> suspended_thread_ids;
// Issue the suspension order for all the threads.
for (auto& [thread_koid, thread] : threads_) {
// Do an asynchronous suspend. We'll wait for the suspension at the bottom. If there is more
// than one thread this allows waiting for each to complete in parallel instead of series.
// Here we explitly check for something already suspended, even if re-suspending it is a no-op,
// because we don't want to report its state as changed.
if (thread_koid != except_thread && !thread->is_client_suspended()) {
suspended_thread_ids.push_back({.process = koid(), .thread = thread_koid});
// Wait on the notification for each thread.
auto deadline = DebuggedThread::DefaultSuspendDeadline();
for (const debug_ipc::ProcessThreadId& id : suspended_thread_ids) {
if (DebuggedThread* thread = GetThread(id.thread))
return suspended_thread_ids;
void DebuggedProcess::SetStdout(OwnedStdioHandle handle) {
stdout_ = std::make_unique<BufferedStdioHandle>(std::move(handle));
// We bind |this| into the callbacks. This is OK because the DebuggedProcess
// owns both sockets, meaning that it's assured to outlive the sockets.
stdout_->set_data_available_callback([this]() { OnStdout(false); });
stdout_->set_error_callback([this]() { OnStdout(true); });
if (!stdout_->Start()) {
LOGS(Warn) << "Could not listen on stdout for process " << process_handle_->GetName();
void DebuggedProcess::SetStderr(OwnedStdioHandle handle) {
stderr_ = std::make_unique<BufferedStdioHandle>(std::move(handle));
stderr_->set_data_available_callback([this]() { OnStderr(false); });
stderr_->set_error_callback([this]() { OnStderr(true); });
if (!stderr_->Start()) {
LOGS(Warn) << "Could not listen on stderr for process " << process_handle_->GetName();
void DebuggedProcess::OnStdout(bool close) {
if (close) {
// Note: in the "close" case, the stdout_ object will already be internally reset.
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this) << "stdout closed.";
auto data = ReadSocketInput(stdout_.get());
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this)
<< "Got stdout: " << std::string(, data.size());
SendIO(debug_ipc::NotifyIO::Type::kStdout, std::move(data));
void DebuggedProcess::OnStderr(bool close) {
if (close) {
// Note: in the "close" case, the stderr_ object will already be internally reset.
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this) << "stderr closed.";
auto data = ReadSocketInput(stderr_.get());
DEBUG_LOG(Process) << LogPreamble(this)
<< "Got stderr: " << std::string(, data.size());
SendIO(debug_ipc::NotifyIO::Type::kStderr, std::move(data));
void DebuggedProcess::SendIO(debug_ipc::NotifyIO::Type type, const std::vector<char>& data) {
// We send the IO message in chunks.
auto it = data.begin();
size_t size = data.size();
while (size > 0) {
size_t chunk_size = size;
if (chunk_size >= debug_ipc::NotifyIO::kMaxDataSize)
chunk_size = debug_ipc::NotifyIO::kMaxDataSize;
auto end = it + chunk_size;
std::string msg(it, end);
it = end;
size -= chunk_size;
debug_ipc::NotifyIO notify;
notify.process_koid = koid();
notify.type = type;
// We tell whether this is a piece of a bigger message.
notify.more_data_available = size > 0; = std::move(msg);
notify.timestamp = GetNowTimestamp();
void DebuggedProcess::PruneStepOverQueue(DebuggedThread* optional_thread) {
std::deque<StepOverTicket> good_tickets;
for (auto& ticket : step_over_queue_) {
if (!ticket.is_valid())
if (optional_thread && ticket.thread && ticket.thread.get() == optional_thread)
continue; // Delete everything from this thread.
step_over_queue_ = std::move(good_tickets);
debug::Status DebuggedProcess::RegisterSoftwareBreakpoint(Breakpoint* bp, uint64_t address) {
auto found = software_breakpoints_.find(address);
if (found == software_breakpoints_.end()) {
auto breakpoint = std::make_unique<SoftwareBreakpoint>(bp, this, address);
if (auto status = breakpoint->Init(); status.has_error())
return status;
software_breakpoints_[address] = std::move(breakpoint);
return debug::Status();
} else {
return found->second->RegisterBreakpoint(bp);
void DebuggedProcess::UnregisterSoftwareBreakpoint(Breakpoint* bp, uint64_t address) {
auto found = software_breakpoints_.find(address);
if (found == software_breakpoints_.end()) {
bool still_used = found->second->UnregisterBreakpoint(bp);
if (!still_used) {
for (auto& pair : threads_)
debug::Status DebuggedProcess::RegisterHardwareBreakpoint(Breakpoint* bp, uint64_t address) {
auto found = hardware_breakpoints_.find(address);
if (found == hardware_breakpoints_.end()) {
auto breakpoint = std::make_unique<HardwareBreakpoint>(bp, this, address);
if (auto status = breakpoint->Init(); status.has_error())
return status;
hardware_breakpoints_[address] = std::move(breakpoint);
return debug::Status();
} else {
return found->second->RegisterBreakpoint(bp);
void DebuggedProcess::UnregisterHardwareBreakpoint(Breakpoint* bp, uint64_t address) {
auto found = hardware_breakpoints_.find(address);
if (found == hardware_breakpoints_.end()) {
bool still_used = found->second->UnregisterBreakpoint(bp);
if (!still_used) {
for (auto& pair : threads_)
} // namespace debug_agent