blob: 118e18fb99b67b18f1b0fc5986e9bc2c4174489a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error};
use fuchsia_inspect::Node as InspectNode;
use fuchsia_inspect_contrib::auto_persist;
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::{Future, StreamExt};
use std::boxed::Box;
use tracing::error;
use wlan_common::bss::BssDescription;
use {
fidl_fuchsia_diagnostics_persist, fidl_fuchsia_metrics,
fidl_fuchsia_wlan_ieee80211 as fidl_ieee80211, fuchsia_component,
wlan_legacy_metrics_registry as metrics,
mod processors;
pub(crate) mod util;
pub use crate::processors::connect_disconnect::DisconnectInfo;
pub use util::sender::TelemetrySender;
mod testing;
// Service name to persist Inspect data across boots
const PERSISTENCE_SERVICE_PATH: &str = "/svc/fuchsia.diagnostics.persist.DataPersistence-wlan";
pub enum TelemetryEvent {
/// Report a connection result.
ConnectResult { result: fidl_ieee80211::StatusCode, bss: Box<BssDescription> },
/// Report a disconnection.
Disconnect { info: DisconnectInfo },
/// Attempts to connect to the Cobalt service.
pub async fn setup_cobalt_proxy(
) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_metrics::MetricEventLoggerProxy, anyhow::Error> {
let cobalt_1dot1_svc = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_protocol::<
.context("failed to connect to metrics service")?;
let (cobalt_1dot1_proxy, cobalt_1dot1_server) =
.context("failed to create MetricEventLoggerMarker endponts")?;
let project_spec = fidl_fuchsia_metrics::ProjectSpec {
customer_id: Some(metrics::CUSTOMER_ID),
project_id: Some(metrics::PROJECT_ID),
match cobalt_1dot1_svc.create_metric_event_logger(&project_spec, cobalt_1dot1_server).await {
Ok(_) => Ok(cobalt_1dot1_proxy),
Err(err) => Err(format_err!("failed to create metrics event logger: {:?}", err)),
/// Attempts to create a disconnected FIDL channel with types matching the Cobalt service. This
/// allows for a fallback with a uniform code path in case of a failure to connect to Cobalt.
pub fn setup_disconnected_cobalt_proxy(
) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_metrics::MetricEventLoggerProxy, anyhow::Error> {
// Create a disconnected proxy
.context("failed to create MetricEventLoggerMarker endpoints")
.map(|(proxy, _)| proxy)
pub fn setup_persistence_req_sender(
) -> Result<(auto_persist::PersistenceReqSender, impl Future<Output = ()>), anyhow::Error> {
.map(|persistence_proxy| auto_persist::create_persistence_req_sender(persistence_proxy))
/// Creates a disconnected channel with the same types as the persistence service. This allows for
/// a fallback with a uniform code path in case of a failure to connect to the persistence service.
pub fn setup_disconnected_persistence_req_sender() -> auto_persist::PersistenceReqSender {
let (sender, _receiver) = mpsc::channel::<String>(1);
// Note: because we drop the receiver here, be careful about log spam when sending
// tags through the `sender` below. This is automatically handled by `auto_persist::AutoPersist`
// because it only logs the first time sending fails, so just use that wrapper type instead of
// writing directly to this channel.
pub fn serve_telemetry(
cobalt_1dot1_proxy: fidl_fuchsia_metrics::MetricEventLoggerProxy,
inspect_node: InspectNode,
persistence_req_sender: auto_persist::PersistenceReqSender,
) -> (TelemetrySender, impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>>) {
let (sender, mut receiver) =
let sender = TelemetrySender::new(sender);
// Create and initialize modules
let connect_disconnect = processors::connect_disconnect::ConnectDisconnectLogger::new(
let fut = async move {
loop {
let Some(event) = else {
error!("Telemetry event stream unexpectedly terminated.");
return Err(format_err!("Telemetry event stream unexpectedly terminated."));
use TelemetryEvent::*;
match event {
ConnectResult { result, bss } => {
connect_disconnect.log_connect_attempt(result, &bss).await;
Disconnect { info } => {
(sender, fut)
mod tests {}